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| faderillaz

# Statistics
Favourites: 4973; Deviations: 34; Watchers: 675
Watching: 396; Pageviews: 160060; Comments Made: 21525; Friends: 396
# Comments
Comments: 2740
SkullWoggle [2017-12-20 21:44:26 +0000 UTC]
I've been a fan of your art since I was a weeee preteen! IDK what you do nowadays, but I hope you are well, senpai!
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ztenzila [2017-10-28 01:44:00 +0000 UTC]
if you can do it please do contact
if not no worries ?
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Wakko666 [2017-09-14 22:39:18 +0000 UTC]
You're not Miss Nobody, you are Miss Awesome <3
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Martyna-Chan [2017-05-29 15:47:26 +0000 UTC]
Grazie di cuore per il watch
Sei una vera artista!
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Sleepless-Raven67 [2017-03-24 19:30:25 +0000 UTC]
I was on google and ive stumbled upon your old gorillaz fansite and i must say that your animations and artwork look awesome you inspire me and i was looking allover for your da page an ive found itΒ
and the flash puppets you make they look good for its time on macromedia flash and also keep up the great work!Β Β Β
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faderillaz In reply to Sleepless-Raven67 [2017-03-25 20:57:51 +0000 UTC]
thank you very much! Old work but still wortking ^_^_^ It was a good time
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Harley-Quinn-Puddin [2017-03-17 03:43:37 +0000 UTC]
Hi, do you know Nans website with her fan art and animations? I'm trying to find it for a friend and I was wondering if your remember it
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faderillaz In reply to Harley-Quinn-Puddin [2017-03-25 20:58:36 +0000 UTC]
Absolut-lee! hailtheanimation.awardspace.coβ¦
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riminimini [2016-06-07 13:01:05 +0000 UTC]
Grazie mille per il watch! Volevo solo dire che adoro i fanvideo che hai fatto con lora-zombie, soprattutto quello di Latin Simone e niente, sono contenta che tu abbia deciso di seguirmi
grazie ancora!
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faderillaz In reply to riminimini [2016-06-17 20:46:03 +0000 UTC]
grazie millle a te! scusa i tempi di risposta biblici che ho AHAH!
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riminimini In reply to faderillaz [2016-06-18 13:01:45 +0000 UTC]
Ahah nessun problema, un tuo tempo di risposta biblico Γ¨ un mio tempo di risposta quasi normaleΒ Β
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Harley-Quinn-Puddin [2016-04-04 21:34:09 +0000 UTC]
I don't normally say this because I am shy, anyways. Thank you for the watch
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faderillaz In reply to Harley-Quinn-Puddin [2016-04-05 08:35:56 +0000 UTC]
thank to you for this message
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2D-Dipper [2016-03-19 18:41:37 +0000 UTC]
Thank you very much for the watch
I really appreciate it
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Wakko666 [2016-03-07 20:40:24 +0000 UTC]
I will be visiting Italy this year, FINALLY, been planning on it for 3 years and I cannot wait to go = D
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faderillaz In reply to Wakko666 [2016-03-10 10:33:37 +0000 UTC]
I'm very very happy for you!! Hope you will like the places and the food!
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Wakko666 In reply to faderillaz [2016-03-10 13:58:14 +0000 UTC]
I have a very strong feeling I will love it there, food, people, everything XD
I just hope the things I have worked hard for, goals, plans, dreams go even better than I can imagineΒ : 3
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TheMould [2016-03-07 12:07:29 +0000 UTC]
Thanks so much for the watch!
When I was 15 (omg that's already ten years ago ) I was a member of the official Gorillaz forums and that's where I first saw your artwork: the Gorillaz fanfic-comics, your animated music videos, the Italian Gorillaz-fansite... You inspired me to draw my own fanart as well so you've always been my idol ever since haha
So great to see that you are active again on DeviantArt as well
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faderillaz In reply to TheMould [2016-03-10 10:33:13 +0000 UTC]
OMG! It really passed alot of time! ^_^ so glad to find you again..meanwhile I became old AHAH! I con't believe I'm still writing fanfictions
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TheMould In reply to faderillaz [2016-03-11 10:31:44 +0000 UTC]
You're still young at heart
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faderillaz In reply to TheSeventhMoon [2016-03-02 22:53:14 +0000 UTC]
A volte ritornano! *_*
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MoldyFred208 [2016-02-02 18:59:35 +0000 UTC]
i miss theΒ left hand suzuki method not finashed music video
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faderillaz In reply to MoldyFred208 [2016-03-02 17:01:24 +0000 UTC]
it's still in my youtube page look for shangelina channel and you'll find it
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JakeChirak [2015-12-13 00:17:51 +0000 UTC]
Heeey! Fade! What have you been up to? I miss seeing your comics
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faderillaz In reply to JakeChirak [2016-03-02 17:34:16 +0000 UTC]
HELLO there! I'm fine! Sorry if I deleted my comics, I disliked them very much, but I'm renewing the sic sotiries writing as romance on Wattpad if you're interested
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JakeChirak In reply to faderillaz [2016-03-03 00:55:58 +0000 UTC]
Don't worry about it, I understand not wanting to see old art, ahaha!Β
And i'm TOT INTERRESTED, I always loved your stuff!Β
Are you on linkedin? I want to add you!
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faderillaz In reply to JakeChirak [2016-03-03 10:14:41 +0000 UTC]
yes I am on linkedin but I really don't use it oftern LOL
you can find me as federica giulietti
if you want the direct link let me know!
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JakeChirak In reply to faderillaz [2016-03-04 12:53:44 +0000 UTC]
Damn I found you but it doesn't wants me to add you!
Also, it tells me you knowΒ Deborha Daniele? I WORKED WITH HER! In Singapore!
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faderillaz In reply to JakeChirak [2016-03-04 16:10:33 +0000 UTC]
mhh nope I don't know her, and I'm not connected to her on linedin actually!
My profile is here www.linkedin.com/in/federicagiβ¦
Is the initial of your name and surname J D? If so I will add you (I saw someone visited my profile latelly, with these initials)
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JakeChirak In reply to faderillaz [2016-03-06 17:42:37 +0000 UTC]
Lmao, I dunno why linkedin told me so
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faderillaz In reply to JakeChirak [2016-03-10 10:27:57 +0000 UTC]
I'll add yoU! (sorry I'm slow replying cause I'm busy with work LOL)
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DollaWolla [2015-08-16 08:18:21 +0000 UTC]
Sweet! I found you and see you still have a DA profile. In high school, I was a huge Gorillaz fan during their phase 2, and a big fan of your Gorillaz fanart and fanfics!
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faderillaz In reply to DollaWolla [2015-08-18 22:24:07 +0000 UTC]
hi there! thanks alot for the message! i don't go often on DA but I'm glad to read comment so nice, when I land here
What do you do now?
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DollaWolla In reply to faderillaz [2015-08-19 01:25:41 +0000 UTC]
You're welcome!
Well, I do other extended fan art of other fandoms I like too; I'm trying to work on my OCs' character developments, in the hopes that they will be liked, and I have been plotting a bit of a comic series myself.
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faderillaz In reply to DollaWolla [2015-08-25 11:06:54 +0000 UTC]
you will make it
pratice is always the way to success!
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grown-templars [2015-02-05 11:30:31 +0000 UTC]
We, the Grown Templars, are back and we are grown templars now.
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faderillaz In reply to MoldyFred208 [2014-12-27 22:57:32 +0000 UTC]
lol, it seems I resurrected
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austintrench [2014-10-19 08:09:41 +0000 UTC]
Hi fade been ages since we talked how are you?
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Vey-kun [2014-10-05 09:38:30 +0000 UTC]
Hello, excuse me..can I ask you a question?
Umm, do you know where is ? Her page got inactive..
Well, I was wanted to read her flash comic
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