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# Comments
Comments: 55
facelesspuppet In reply to Real-Mahan2010 [2007-07-30 16:11:11 +0000 UTC]
try creepy ppl on msn!
ya well that doesnt work for the ppl that know me cuz they know wut i look like lol
ya i hate beer too, but there is SOO MUCH better stuff out there! lol
haha fraternity thats so American!
and you should do something just to fit in thats bad and means your not being true.
im pretty sure the kid wasnt 14 Canada has laws lol
dude i dont think they had me that early.
well when your a kid and see something that looks like coco milk then you think it is ,
and yes i got my tv and its so pretttttyyyyyyyyy!
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Real-Mahan2010 In reply to facelesspuppet [2007-07-31 01:16:10 +0000 UTC]
and that's the reason why I don't do msn. Yes for the local ppl over there, they should know how you look... that's unless you wear a physical mask over you.
... Better stuff? well of course its Canada, the best kept secert in North America
you saying Fraternityh is so American?!?! Now wait a min, when I lived in SK, there was a group of sorority girls in this local mall with their greek letters. There are bound to be some Fraternities and Sororities in Canada, in fact I'm pretty sure. Aboot fitting in... well there were a few expections in my life when I wasn't true to myself. But you see during those times I was dying to have friends, so I bent myself in order to be acceptable to others. Its was pretty stupid, not that I'm regreting and stuff. Well maybe the kid wasn't 14.... but he look totally 14 and I should know since I was 14 b4. coco milk... ..
What did your rents said when they saw you drinking it
enjoy your new TV. now you can see Miami Ink in full colour.
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facelesspuppet In reply to Real-Mahan2010 [2007-03-16 15:40:14 +0000 UTC]
aww our stops at time u just have to unplug it for like 10 sec and plug it back in
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Real-Mahan2010 In reply to facelesspuppet [2007-03-18 05:12:29 +0000 UTC]
haha oh yea I tried that, but I think the chips inside are fired some what and then it stops. The lights just turn off and so does the connection. *looking* well all the lights are up ... so far.
but I just brought another modem for $25 USD I saved around $100.00 on a new one by buying a used one. ... I brought it on e-bay
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facelesspuppet In reply to Real-Mahan2010 [2007-03-18 19:54:12 +0000 UTC]
lol good old ebay ...
i love getting stuff from there..
u can save soooo much money and get stuff that u cant get where u live , like canada sucks for some stuff theres so much i cant get here
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Real-Mahan2010 In reply to facelesspuppet [2007-03-19 05:54:54 +0000 UTC]
canada sucks for some stuff theres so much i cant get here Canada and suck shouldn't belong in a sentence!
what stuff are you planning to buy on e-bay. . ...... .. do you think I can buy a Beer bong with Canadian flags on them
yup yup I got a new modem from e-bay ... I wonder if I buy package beer from Canada to my house
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facelesspuppet In reply to Real-Mahan2010 [2007-03-19 06:07:06 +0000 UTC]
i buy lots of stuff
and yes sucks i cant get some cds here and loves of other stuff like hottopic..
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Real-Mahan2010 In reply to facelesspuppet [2007-03-21 04:35:07 +0000 UTC]
you got hottopic up in Canada?!?!
that's one of my fave stores, along with Best Buy
e-bay rules ...hhmm I gotta buy me a Canadian flag beer bong I saw a Canadian smoking bong once, it was for sale and I thought it was the oddest thing I ever seen.
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facelesspuppet In reply to Real-Mahan2010 [2007-03-21 18:50:29 +0000 UTC]
no, i saidwe dont have a hot topic thats one reason why canada sucks and there are lots of cds and bands that come to canada
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Real-Mahan2010 In reply to facelesspuppet [2007-03-22 21:13:52 +0000 UTC]
I see .. well this is hottopic ~~> [link] and these are some of the sorts that I want to buy soon, its one of my fave metal bands Slayer
---> [link]
well how aboot you and I trade stores.... I would love to have Future Shop and I'll get you Hottopic
well I do remember one thing that *D-13 told me once, back in 2002 Calgary, Slayer and Rush played concerts there back to back. I couldn't believe that... not even NY can ever claim that.
so that's why I'm jealous of Calgary
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facelesspuppet In reply to Real-Mahan2010 [2007-03-23 01:40:55 +0000 UTC]
idont really like slayer they have this one vid and its always playing and gah just cuz of that i dont like them..
and no i want FS .. cuz if i had a hothopic up here i would have any money, and i go to the u.s. one or more times a year and ever time i go to a hottopic ans spend any where from $100 to $200 and more.
and rush is canadian so they have played all over canada and im sure for a band that has been around for 30years they have played all over the would and many time in ny.
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Real-Mahan2010 In reply to facelesspuppet [2007-03-23 02:37:49 +0000 UTC]
yes I know about Rush, they are my fave band too But thing was that Slayer AND Rush played in calgary back to back, my two fave bands playing in one city. That's why I'm upset about it ... and I wasn't even NEAR them
to go see them.
are you saying that hottopic would take your money and you won't have any?!?
If I had a FS here, man ... with the rest of the other stores... they have to lower their prices in order to get my business.
The only computer stores I go is Best Buy and CompUSA.
wow you love to spend eh?! Listen... if old slavery have friends and family again, I'll send you a 20% off card. So you can wear old navy stuff in Canada. But I mean that's up to you
.. if you are too cool for old slavery clothes
oh was this vid you keep playing in your mind?
PS: where in the US do you go? NY state
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facelesspuppet In reply to Real-Mahan2010 [2006-01-14 19:53:52 +0000 UTC]
well we had a lil (LIL) snow last night it wasnt ever 1cm all i need is, before i go.. that it snows like 3 day bofre and that wounld make me happy
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Real-Mahan2010 In reply to facelesspuppet [2006-01-26 04:28:21 +0000 UTC]
sounds to me that you want 75cm of snow!
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facelesspuppet In reply to Real-Mahan2010 [2006-01-26 17:12:20 +0000 UTC]
lol no.. but we do have snow now.. its like -20Ctoday.. but trm or sat it going to be 6C .. i just dont get it
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Real-Mahan2010 In reply to facelesspuppet [2006-01-27 01:08:18 +0000 UTC]
I tell you ... its the global warmer we have here... no thanks to nations that allow CO2 gases to reach the skies. Thanks to bush and his pollutotors for screwing with the green house effect
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facelesspuppet In reply to Real-Mahan2010 [2006-01-27 01:27:58 +0000 UTC]
.. thats why i say green party..
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Real-Mahan2010 In reply to facelesspuppet [2006-01-27 04:42:34 +0000 UTC]
which I agreee ... but we have bush here to stop ... so I don't think the Green Party has the right and immedate remedies to stop bush cheney cold.
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facelesspuppet In reply to Real-Mahan2010 [2006-01-27 05:28:01 +0000 UTC]
well really theres nothin we can do but wait til bush is not perz any more which is in wut a year and a half now
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Real-Mahan2010 In reply to facelesspuppet [2006-01-29 07:37:32 +0000 UTC]
try 2008.
by that time .. he and prick cheney would have destoryed the US ... and with harper around in Canada... bush will try to destory Canada as well.
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facelesspuppet In reply to Real-Mahan2010 [2006-01-29 17:21:14 +0000 UTC]
if harper makes it that long
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Real-Mahan2010 In reply to facelesspuppet [2006-01-30 04:43:11 +0000 UTC]
ooohhhh ahahhahha
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