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# Comments

Comments: 1057

unholyghost842 [2018-05-08 11:00:31 +0000 UTC]

Happy birthday

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ihsans-Art [2017-05-08 07:13:47 +0000 UTC]

Happy Birthday. Hope you have a happy life.

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Quuaaiils [2016-05-08 19:11:08 +0000 UTC]

Happy birthday, you awesome human being you!

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evinca In reply to Quuaaiils [2016-05-13 19:26:07 +0000 UTC]

Thank you honey! <3

gosh seriously sorry for the delay, I've been quite busy over here, both in the good and the bad way. I'll get back to you soon ~

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Quuaaiils In reply to evinca [2016-05-14 08:20:57 +0000 UTC]

Psh, don't worry about it :'D Just know that if you ever need to talk, I'm just a note away <3

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evinca In reply to Quuaaiils [2016-05-18 16:06:01 +0000 UTC]

Huh, finally got the time to write the reply~ Though at least these next couple of weeks are going to be hectic x_x Somebody save me pls... If it only was school, but nah, everything has to always happen at the same time *sighs*

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Quuaaiils In reply to evinca [2016-05-18 18:42:36 +0000 UTC]

Hey, if you'd rather pause the rp, you know that I'm okay with that :'D Don't push yourself too much, okay? Get some rest and stuff too. Being too busy is never good for anybody :0

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evinca In reply to Quuaaiils [2016-05-20 19:15:58 +0000 UTC]

Nah, writing and RPing are, like, the things that are keeping me sane xD I'll get rest tho! In fact I'm going to another town with my bffs to see some of our friends for the weekend... which is a really bad idea considering how busy I am but hey who cares I'mma relax now and worry later :'D

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Quuaaiils In reply to evinca [2016-05-20 20:32:41 +0000 UTC]

Hahaa, okay then, have fun :'D Let me know later of how the little trip goes!

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evinca In reply to Quuaaiils [2016-05-24 19:12:20 +0000 UTC]

Ah, yeah, I had so much fun! Saw old friends and made a new one, she's so adorable haha, gotta see her again soon <3 Oh, and for the first time in my life I also crossed a river by jumping from rock to rock, new experiences lol xD

Also, the big news -- I got the driving licence yesterday dammit! <3

As for the RP, maaaaybe... Leon is somewhere just outside the school area when Rags leaves, he's looking for Cairo or something (I figured he'd go to different school in this RP so they won't know each other)?

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Quuaaiils In reply to evinca [2016-05-25 02:36:39 +0000 UTC]

Ah, that sounds great! :'D Adorable friend, huh? Haha, wish I got many of those here. Though I think some of my friends are basically too serious about school and stuff to be all that fun or adorable xD And ooh, right, a new experience! That's always a fun way to cross a river of course ;D

Congrats for the driving license!
So nice being an adult, isn't it? ;D

Of course, do whatever you like for the RP :'D Dollie is only at the same school as Rags because that's really how it'd be in the original story too. But I think I agree that it'll be more interesting if Leon's in different school, so he won't know much of the stuff Cairo was doing~

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evinca In reply to Quuaaiils [2016-05-31 17:18:26 +0000 UTC]

Omg, yeah, I've met her like twice now and I'm going to her graduation party this weekend xD Ah but maybe they're fun and adorable once they get the school stuff out of the way? :'D

Thank you! Gosh yeah I felt so adult when I drove to the bank to arrange some stuff now that I'm adult lol. Oh and I also got a summer job! Everything seems to somehow turn out well, after all~

Hmm I think Dollie and Cairo would know each other, at least to an extent? Cairo is such a social butterfly that he knows everybody worth knowing, and they sound like they'd hang in the same groups, you know.

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Quuaaiils In reply to evinca [2016-05-31 18:21:41 +0000 UTC]

Pff, I can only hope my friends would turn into adorable beings once we can ditch all those school stuff and be ourselves xD Omg that's so adult...arranging your own stuff at the bank! My first experience being an adult was flashing my ID to a security guard when I was asked whether I was accompanied by an adult on my first trip abroad ;D Oh, you got a job too! That's awesome~ :'D What's your job about?

Ah, right, they'd probably know one another. Dollie would hang around various groups at school, after all. Of course in class she'd pretend to be studious and stuff (and she'd get in study groups with as many nerd boys as she could gather, if only so she can tell them to do her homework xD) but outside of the class she'd sometimes hang around with bullies and join them bullying others for fun. She'd definitely try not to be caught seen bullying others though ;D She wanted to be seen as a perfect student who'd still be popular enough to hang out with the popular kids xD

Still, I agree with you that they might have met in one of those groups they often hung out with. Just, uh...any idea what group(s) they might share, or how they probably met? :'D

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evinca In reply to Quuaaiils [2016-06-03 20:15:48 +0000 UTC]

Well, who knows, maybe they will :'D Damn, yep, I'm such an adult... Not xD I'll be selling ice cream to tourists, haha, that's my super interesting summer job. Around here about every summer job has something to do with tourism, really, it's the biggest thing in summer.

But I'm on the summer holiday now! <3 today was the last exam.

Hmm well Cairo tends to hang in these badass gangs and with whatever bullies and oh so tough boys 'cause a tough boy is what he wants to be. You know, those troublemakers who skip school, smoke and bully. Those, and then occasionally in those sporty kid groups. So if Dollie has been around, they've probably met each other, but you know those big groups of people, it's possible to be a part of them but there can be people you've barely talked to, so... even if they've been in the same groups and know each other by looks, they might still not really know each other.

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Quuaaiils In reply to evinca [2016-06-04 01:29:59 +0000 UTC]

Aw come on, when someone just turned into an adult, there's no need to fully be an adult yet ;D And you know, your summer job does sound fun~ Oh right, tourism is big this time of the year for us here too, even though we don't exactly have 'summer', so yeah I got it :'D

You got holidays already? :'0 I won't have any holidays until after next week, since my exams would just start then. But eh, not that far ahead, at least!

Skip school, smoke, and bully...that sounds like one of my boys, actually >.> I can imagine Dollie and the girls would probably gossip about all those tough boys sometimes and compared them to the goody-goody boys, giggled among themselves as they argued which would be a better pick for them if they wanted to get a boyfriend xD Yeah, they might not know one another, but when Cairo's going to bully Rags the next time there's also no teacher around so Dollie can happily join too :'D

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evinca In reply to Quuaaiils [2016-06-04 19:27:00 +0000 UTC]

Well that's right. But gosh I feel so independent adult again 'cause I drove me and my friends 150 km to that adorable new friend's graduation party and back! Heck I'm proud of myself, and the car is still in one piece as well~

Aw, poor you D: I feel like I'm the last one to get on vacation and at least all my American friends seem to have vacation already, but gosh, your exams are still coming... poor baby ;-;

hmm I feel like we're looking at RJ's direction... >_> Ahaha I can imagine that xD And the boys are very pleased when they get attention from the girls. Like, tough guys always have chicks and all, so~ Gosh this is so cute to RP Cairo taking his baby steps on his bad boy journey lol. But yeah she joining in the bullying sounds like a good idea!

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Quuaaiils In reply to evinca [2016-06-04 20:32:07 +0000 UTC]

150km is quite a distance! :0 That's actually a cool thing to do when you just got your license a while ago, you know~ :'D Pff, haha, good to know the car and yourself are both still in one piece after that! xD How was the party, by the way?

Heh. I'm used to just be the last one to have holidays, so I guess that's alright D: I kinda enjoy studying anyway, when I'm not swamped in homework and projects, lol Just wish me luck with these damn exams, will you? ;-; I want to get everything over with already.

Yep, if he does go to school, at least >.> By the way, of course the girls know that the boys are just as giddy to get the attention from them, just as they would if they were the ones getting attention from the boys ;D Still, I just want to ruffle Cairo's hair now, even though he's well on his way to be a more badass and dangerous bad boy later on, haha~

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evinca In reply to Quuaaiils [2016-06-05 13:37:27 +0000 UTC]

I know, and it's 300 km when it's back too ;3 It wasn't nearly as awkward there as I thought it could be, since we didn't know anyone and we kind of just drove there and were like "yeah hi so we decided to come over here" xD (and I realized I didn't even know her last name lol, but hey I've seen her only a couple of times) But it was fun, and it was so great to see her <3 Though I'll see her again soon 'cause my parents are going away in a couple of weeks and I'll have my friends coming over to our house, and she's invited too~

oh my well I guess it's good for you if you like studying xD Good luck honey!! I know you'll survive just fine <3

Haha yep I can imagine :'D But you can ruffle Cairo's hair all you want, he likes physical contact like that, and he'll always like it, no matter what badass he pretends to be (; tho later on he'd just try to flirt with you 'cause he'll become such a flirt lol, but in case you can bear with that, be my guest.

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stayedOpossum [2016-05-08 09:38:21 +0000 UTC]

Happy Birthday!

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evinca In reply to stayedOpossum [2016-05-13 19:24:47 +0000 UTC]


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unholyghost842 [2016-05-05 15:12:11 +0000 UTC]

Happy (almost) Birthday~ 

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evinca In reply to unholyghost842 [2016-05-13 19:26:48 +0000 UTC]

And Happy Birthday for you too!

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unholyghost842 In reply to evinca [2016-05-13 20:45:00 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome and Aw thank you!~ 

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evinca In reply to unholyghost842 [2016-05-13 19:24:42 +0000 UTC]

Thank you <3

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Quuaaiils [2015-12-25 19:22:12 +0000 UTC]

Merry Christmas and Happy (early) New Year :'D
I'm so friggin tired I think I want to just...hibernate

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evinca In reply to Quuaaiils [2015-12-26 17:01:12 +0000 UTC]

Thanks, same for you too!
aw are you okay dear o:

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Quuaaiils In reply to evinca [2015-12-26 18:07:35 +0000 UTC]

I had my last exam this semester on the 23th, so ergh...just tired :0 Also, I broke my two front teeth. Hurt as F.

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evinca In reply to Quuaaiils [2015-12-30 16:32:13 +0000 UTC]

Ohh poor you D: Well, at least it's over now! And omg what did you do?? o:

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Quuaaiils In reply to evinca [2015-12-31 11:17:33 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, at least it's over :0 What did I do? Well, it's actually something very reckless and stupid. But I got my lesson from it, so at least there's that. Got my teeth fixed with a temporary crown just this morning.

How's your braces, by the way?

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evinca In reply to Quuaaiils [2016-01-02 22:16:23 +0000 UTC]

Oh my, sounds... nasty D:
Ahh I've got rid of them months ago! Now I got a whole new smile, and I love it, haha ;D

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Quuaaiils In reply to evinca [2016-01-03 06:29:02 +0000 UTC]

Not nastier than when I broke my arm in two places a few months ago or when my kneecap slid off...but yeah, that was nasty too.

Yeah, I remember you talked about it months ago, just never got a chance to follow up ;D Well, great then! On the other hand, my sister just got her braces put on last week. It'll be a while before she gets a new smile, but I'm pretty sure it's all worth it, right? :'D

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evinca In reply to Quuaaiils [2016-01-05 22:02:56 +0000 UTC]

Heck, try to be more careful, seriously o:

Ahh good luck with them to your sister... Nothing fun, you know /: But hey it's totally worth it! I had mine for about a year or so, so it wasn't such a long time for getting a new smile ;D

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Quuaaiils In reply to evinca [2016-01-05 22:16:50 +0000 UTC]

Can't help half of the stuff that happened, but yeah, I'll try to be more careful :'D

I got the feeling that it's nothing fun. She said it's really uncomfortable and stuff. But I told her about you and it makes her happy because she's wondering if it's worth it. And it'll only take about a year, not like a lifetime or anything.

Ooh, by the way, how's Tara and her cuties?

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evinca In reply to Quuaaiils [2016-01-06 12:02:26 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, you'd better try D:

No worries, it's worth it~ And that's right, it's only so short time! Though... don't tell your sister this, but my cousin had to keep them for, like, 11 years, because they made some mistake and her braces just made it worse and they had to fix it up and all... x_x

They're fine! Except for... one of her puppies died a month ago when a car drove over her :c And even worse, because it was exactly the puppy that went into a small children's home, where the kids really wouldn't need stuff like that happening D: I've met a few of those kids, for example there was a girl of my age who had lost her both parents, and she likes dogs so much, and... ughh why this shit always has to happen?? ;-; And a week after that their other dog died almost the same way when someone drove over it on a walk...great...But they've taken a new puppy now so I hope it's gonna be fine o:

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Quuaaiils In reply to evinca [2016-01-06 16:16:59 +0000 UTC]

I will, promise. Now you sound a tiny bit more like Leon xD

Omg 11 years?! :0 I doubt my sister would wanna hear it at all. Her teeth aren't too bad, actually, even the dentist said so. Hopefully she'll be able to get off of it after a year, or less if possible.

Aw...shit, that's too bad :c Poor puppy. And I feel bad for those children who had to be informed that their puppy died that way, on top of all they had gone through before. I hope the new one won't meet the same fate as the other puppies, really...

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evinca In reply to Quuaaiils [2016-01-09 18:13:59 +0000 UTC]

Pffff did I? xD Omg hopefully not, his big mouth just got him in a pretty awkward situation in one rp... >_> But well, yeah, of my babies he has maybe the most in common with me, so why not :'D

Yeaaah... Maybe you shouldn't tell her that. I don't think my cousin's teeth were very bad either, but the dentist made a mistake and put the braces somehow wrong, and they made so much damage that the next years went to fixing that up... or something. Guess if I was terrified to get my braces o_o

Yeah I'm seriously hoping so much that it'll be okay for them from now on D: The parents have considered moving somewhere else because of this, since the house is next to a road and people drive so fast on it, so would be terrible if something happened to some of the kids...

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Quuaaiils In reply to evinca [2016-01-10 22:25:56 +0000 UTC]

No, not the big mouth xD The concern, actually.
Well, hope he gets out of that awkward situation alive :'D

My sister is still complaining that her teeth hurt. Is that common? How long would it continue to hurt when you eat and stuff? I'm hoping that she won't have any problems with her braces :0 Must've been scary to hear what happened to your cousin and then you gotta have braces for yourself, omg.

By the way, I've been watching a couple of horror movies lately. I've never been a fan of horror movies, but somehow I'm just...curious. I just gotta know a few...despite of the fact that this feels kinda like I'm feeding my insomnia, of course. But ugh. I think I'll stop soon. I can't stomach all these scary shit x__x

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evinca In reply to Quuaaiils [2016-01-11 20:19:03 +0000 UTC]

Really? Aww, that's cute thing to say about both of us :'D Pfff don't worry, he got out of the situation, but then he kinda fucked it all up even worse, so... yeah xD

Ah, it's normal that they hurt! Mine hurt like hell for the first week (let's say I didn't eat much that week...), but it got better slowly and eventually the pain disappeared. Though it came back every time they did some changes to the braces (for me it was about once a month) but then it only hurt for maybe a couple of days to eat, then it was fine again.

Ahh horror movies are the best thing! xD I absolutely love them, maybe my favorite kind of a movie <3 And I'm proud of you that you've gotten into them, even if it's just a bit. Though, well... if you feel like they're not good for you, maybe you should be careful o:

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Quuaaiils In reply to evinca [2016-01-11 20:32:24 +0000 UTC]

I'm saying it as it is ;D Aw, Leon darling, when will you stop getting yourself in trouble? xD Not that my babies are experts at not getting in trouble, but, yeah, you know what I mean :'D And yes, the only other character of yours that's more openly concerned about people than Leon is probably Emma and her darling daughter~

Oh, okay, if it's normal then I have nothing to worry about and I'll tell her that. She's the first of us four to get braces, you know, my youngest brother would get his this year too. Just wanna give her some heads up so she'll know what to expect and all that.

Ugh nooo...history and historical movies are my cup of coffee. Not horror D: I mean, I'm not that much of a pansy myself, you know, I've seen my share of beheading, gutting, people being boiled alive inside a metal bull, etc. 'cause it all happened back then too in history. In fact, psych-thriller is fine to me...well, to an extent. But somehow I just can't handle the campy horror stuff like ghosts, monsters, boogeyman under the bed, and whatnot >_< How come you love that genre anyway? :0

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evinca In reply to Quuaaiils [2016-01-14 13:58:14 +0000 UTC]

Oh his troubles will never end, as long as I'm rping him *evil grin* But yeah, you're right~

Yup, you can tell them it's all normal, but... don't tell about that cousin of mine, tho xD

Well historical is fine too, it really depends... Do you know that new movie adaption of the musical Les Miserables? I'm so in love with it, it's one of my favorite movies ever <3 And thrillers are my favorite genre alongside horror!! Mm, I'm not sure why I love horror... I mean, some years ago I didn't and I hadn't watched much any horror films, but... I got curious xD Dunno, really. It's not that I like to wait for the jump scares or anything, no... Maybe because I find ghosts, haunting stories, possessed people etc etc interesting? That's the kinda horror I like, some psycho murderers and stuff aren't very interesting...

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Quuaaiils In reply to evinca [2016-01-14 16:42:51 +0000 UTC]

Ohh, you evil person you.... >:'D

Hey. My sister is having a bit of a problem. One of the tiny square part the dentist put on the braces kept falling off when she ate something, and it's always that particular square. Is that normal too?

Of course I know Les Miserables. I've read the book since I was a kid. The new musical...it's the one with Hugh Jackman, right? Or is there another newer one? Yeah, by the way, it's really well done. I wish more historical plays would be brought to be movies one day, really. Oh, since you like horror stuff so much, did you get any chance to explore the horror side of Japan when you visited there?

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evinca In reply to Quuaaiils [2016-01-15 15:57:02 +0000 UTC]


Uh... Do you mean the squares that keep the wire on it's place? Or, I can't really think of anything else you'd mean, but I don't know how that's even possible o: It isn't normal, no, but I'm not sure if I'm thinking the right thing, since... those squares are glued to the teeth, so even if one falls off... How did you get it back on its place?? I managed to lose one of mine when I bit something hard, and I had to go to the dentist so they glued it back on.

But, uh, no, doesn't sound normal o:

Yeah, exactly that musical! Oh my it's so good<3 But nope, I didn't have a chance... Too bad, since I've seen a few Japanese horror movies, and generally I think they indeed know what they're doing~

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Quuaaiils In reply to evinca [2016-01-15 19:20:22 +0000 UTC]

Yup, those squares. My sister just pushed the thing back in but it never stayed. We ended up taking her to the dentist again just today, though. She did glue the square back on, and apparently there were three squares fallen off from my sister's braces. I just don't know what kind of a hard food she was trying to eat to get three fall at the same time :0 Ugh. At least the problem's fixed.

By the way, you want to hear a surprising news? A bomb (or was it three? I didn't exactly follow the news since I was a bit busy trying to contact my friends to see if they were okay) just exploded smack dab in the middle of my city. My country's capital city. Where, like 10+ million people live. And apparently I was only about seven kilometers from the very place when it happened.

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evinca In reply to Quuaaiils [2016-01-16 22:03:00 +0000 UTC]

I see. Well, that's really skillful from her to get three of them off so soon xD

But oh damn O_O I don't know how I've managed to miss that!! Because my parents knew about it... But oh god I can only try to imagine what it's like, stuff like that is so damn scary x_x It's scary even to me, even though I can be sure that something like that would never happen in my town, maybe not even in Finland at all...but to think that it'd happen so close to where I am... *shudders*

But I heard that many people didn't die, right? Mostly they were those terrorists, weren't they? But... oh man. Still. Terrorism is so horrible x_x Do they know yet which organization it was? Do you have some known terrorist organization of your own over there or something?

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Quuaaiils In reply to evinca [2016-01-16 22:40:47 +0000 UTC]

Well, it's not like my capital city is famous for anything (other than the astonishing number of residents here), so I guess it's easy to miss it. I don't know. But hell yeah it was scary. If I was hanging around Starbucks or was around one of those hotels in Central Jakarta, I probably wouldn't be here to type this reply to you now :c

You know what? My country had been a victim of a few terrorist attacks in the past, and in 2002 those bastards even killed over 200 people in one of our major tourist destinations, hurting hundreds of people, scaring the fuck out of everyone else. So...yeah, I guess we've been more vigilant over the years and somehow managed to drastically minimize the number of victims on recent attacks. We were prepared, I think. Still. Seven died (as of the news so far), two of them were civilians, one was Indonesian and the other was Canadian.

Unfortunately, we got a bunch of extremists here. Some were said to be related to Al-Qaeda and whatnot, even, which is frustratingly scary. There were also separatist movements in the past, though I thought we're supposed to be peaceful now, with everyone striving to put the past behind us. Ugh. I don't know what to think anymore. Some countries offer condolences for us and offer to work together to deal with terrorism, which I believe everyone was glad to hear, but I think those terrorist bastards wouldn't just stop at this. Maybe they'd do something again, since this time they failed to kill hundreds of people...

Still, I don't know what the hell is it with those terrorists. My country isn't even all that rich or powerful or famous or whatever. Why would they do this? What's the point in making us a target for attacks? We had done our very best to overcome all the differences and diversities in this land to create a united country...why on earth would anybody want to destroy what took over 65 years of independence to build?

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evinca In reply to Quuaaiils [2016-02-10 18:58:28 +0000 UTC]

Oh my god! I haven't logged in for a long time, sorry for not replying D:

But heck that's so... terrible >.< Can't really say anything else, since... it's not many other things than terrible, after all.

How are you now, tho? o:

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Quuaaiils In reply to evinca [2016-02-10 20:05:46 +0000 UTC]

That's alright. I take it that you're kinds busy, aren't you?
And yeah, terrible. But everything's quiet now. Will be for a bit at least.

Me? I'm fine. C: Thanks for asking. You?

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evinca In reply to Quuaaiils [2016-02-12 18:00:09 +0000 UTC]

Heck, yeah, I've been busy... For example during this whole week, this is the first day I don't have anything extra x_x Mostly because I'm turning 18 soon and working on getting my driver's licence. So excited! Even though it's not so fun to sit on theory lessons over two hours after school two days a week... That's pretty much how I'm doing at the moment, really :'D

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Quuaaiils In reply to evinca [2016-02-14 10:24:13 +0000 UTC]

Well, getting your driver's license can be a bit difficult, sure. It was for me, and I got to try twice before I got mine. But totally worth it <3 How's your family doing? And Tara? My friend's beagle gave birth to four puppies last week. So cute and small :'D I'd want one, if I can keep one, but it'll only make the puppy sad and alone if I'm not always at home to keep it company. I'm rarely at home these days.

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evinca In reply to Quuaaiils [2016-02-14 18:49:53 +0000 UTC]

Yeah can't wait to get it! Though... I think I'll need to try a couple of times before getting it xD But I can comfort myself with the fact that about 60% won't get it on the first try :'D

Oh, we're doing pretty fine~ Some stuff's happened, but... It's fine by now, I think! Tara's really tired right now, we had her puppy here for the few hours and they played the whole time. Omg beagle puppies <3 ;_; Oh, so you're busy nowadays? Work or studying or something else?

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