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# Comments
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ChachaSabrina [2022-01-16 06:23:03 +0000 UTC]
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SPARTAN22294 [2017-10-02 18:03:03 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for the fav on Fallout 4 Peabody family reunited .
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eddyslilsis In reply to SPARTAN22294 [2017-10-02 18:19:43 +0000 UTC]
No problem! I saw my roommate do that quest and I need to do it now for sure as I know Hancock will love it. <3 X3
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leevolt [2017-10-02 16:29:01 +0000 UTC]
Thank you for the favourite on my Johnny H. stamp. Looks like we have another fan of that adorable stabby ghoul here!
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eddyslilsis In reply to leevolt [2017-10-02 18:23:28 +0000 UTC]
Haha yessss! absolutely! I love him so much <3 >w<
I want to draw him but its daunting for me. I dunno if I could do him justice and capture his ghoulish charms X3
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leevolt In reply to eddyslilsis [2017-10-02 18:35:53 +0000 UTC]
You know, I have a pretty big collection of Fallout 4 related faves, and lots of them are extremely simple. Sometimes, expecially with those complex-looking characters, simplicity is best, so I would totally tell you to go ahead and give it a try!
Aaand about the spirit of the character, a meaningful thing I noticed among fanarts is that the characters we all know and love are different for each one of us. Everyone imagines them with slightly different presonalities, facial features and passions. So, in the end, I don't think you could ever misrepresent the character if you feel like you should draw him
Anyway, big hug from another Hancock fan! It's hard not to love that guy.
But alas... damn PS4, why won't you let me smooch the synth as well?
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eddyslilsis In reply to leevolt [2017-10-02 18:40:16 +0000 UTC]
Thats true haha Thanks ^^
I love love love him so so much <3 I just recently maxed out my relationship with him and we are now officially dating <333 It was so cute I squealed so loud X3
Yeah I know right? a lot of people complain about that. Though its not entirely surprising as in Skyrim the most interesting people were not romancable.
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leevolt In reply to eddyslilsis [2017-10-02 19:03:53 +0000 UTC]
Heh, I bet Hancock is the most romanced guy of the whole game. His chats are just so sweet! Despite the fact my main PG is a male blondie named Vault Boy (Mr. Boy for his settlers), I did not wait a second when I had to decide if to romance Hancock or not. Best decision of the playthrough. Oh, and just wait for the after-sex talk. Some of it is just gold.
Nick is adorable, but in the end being best friends is OK. I just would like to have the possibility to hug in-game the characters I love. I mean, there's lover's embrace, but how many BFF hugs I would have given to that damn synth!
Skyrim, skyrim, my god skyrim was frustrating! My little Breton chick had a huge crush on Gwilin. I know people used lots of mods to get Serana as a spouse, but in the end spouses were pretty useless, so I always ended up with a standard character as a spouse and with Mjoll or Serana as a companion. You know, I can't stand companions' deaths.
Still, I would have married every guy and gal of the Thieves' Guild. That was the best crew in my opinon
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eddyslilsis In reply to leevolt [2017-10-02 20:00:43 +0000 UTC]
Yesss I can't wait, I have to put a bed in my house but my roommates wont let me have a turn on the Xbone. T_T I need to do more with my house. I just basically put a shell and a box and thats it XD
I know what you mean haha he is pretty sweet. I just keep getting jarred by his Mercer voice XD
I know what you mean!! I usually have Kharjo with me from the caravans because kitty <3 I had a mod to marry Brynjolf because he is deff my favourite in the whole game X3 I love them, my highest level character ever was my sneak thief. I've gotta remake her at some point. The mod was cool though cause it actually made dialogues and stuff for it and allowed you to take him as a follower and such. It sure beats the hell out of "I've got more important things to do" XD
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leevolt In reply to eddyslilsis [2017-10-02 20:22:01 +0000 UTC]
Eheheh, that was the same for me, at early levels. Basically, all I got in Sanctuary was a metal hideout with a single generator that powered a stroboscopic light into my room. End. I would be a liar if I wouldn't say I took the idea from RomanJones' Fallout comics, but this is exactly how it went.
Actually, I didn't like Sanctuary too much, because the houses made it difficult to fully customize the area, so I moved everyone to the Drive In Starlight and it's become a huge badass settlement. In the main bar building there's even a big red neon sign who has "VALENTINE 'N BOY DETECTIVE AGENCY" on it. And of course there's a little office for Nick, in which I put lots of cooler and stolen cigarettes. Basically it's Synth Heaven.
Bwahahahah I keep forgetting that the English version of the game has Belethor and Mercer's voice actor as Nick! I am a bit more lucky, 'cause the Italian voice actor who dubs Nick also dubbed Brynjolf. And yes, Brynjolf is definitely the bad boy everyone would like to marry.
Still, although I love the Italian dubbing of Hancock, I think its English voice suits him a little better. In English he's a little more mysterious and menacing, while in Italian he sounds like his Mentats/Jet junkie side never wears off. It's hilarious.
Sadly, I can't just change the language of the game. I mean, I could, but the italian voice actor for the Sole Survivor is exactly the voice I'd choose for Vault Boy. See, they did not used a standard male voice, but they called the same voice actor who voiced Emmet Brickowski from The Lego Movie. Yes. Him. Basically, if you play Fallout 4 in Italian, you end up sounding like the cutest vaultie on earth no matter what. When Mr. Boy menaces someone, I would actually go there and pinch his chubby cheek.
Now, I'm not the biggest roleplayer on earth, but that is the Mr. Boy I want. An inexplicably charismatic guy with broad shoulders, german-blond hair (bonus point if you have the Airship Captain's hat for the full-wolfenstein look) and a voice who just came out of the Fancy Lads Apples commercial.
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eddyslilsis In reply to leevolt [2017-10-02 20:58:54 +0000 UTC]
Yeah I need to look at the other areas I can take everyone. Is the neon sign part of a DLC? As I've seen screen shots of them and I have not seen them in my game. If so I will have to get it as I will have signs EVERYWHERE XD
Yeahhhh haha omg I love that even in other languages they reuse actors in Bathesda games XD so cool. Heehee I loves Brynjolf. His English voice is like the only one in the whole game that sounds even slightly Scottish and it just makers me melt every time <3
Hahahaa that sounds funny, but I do like the menacing bad boy sound of his English voice a lot yeah.
Well thats good at least haha I always have some kind of rp storyline going in my head haha for my girl basically after everything went down when she got out of the vault she didn't really know where to turn or what to do so she became increasingly depressed and just kind of drifted around until she came across Goodneighbor. She meets John Hancock and he gives her something to take the edge off. They go off together and end up joining the Railroad and she ends up becoming just as much of a junkie as him as she tries to drown her sorrows in alcohol and drugs. Then after a while of traveling and talking they become more friendly and she finally starts to get over what happened and of course through doing so she bonds with Johnny boy all the more. Funny enough I wear the same hat XD and sunglasses too with the vault suit lol so my roommate said I look like a cop XD
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leevolt In reply to eddyslilsis [2017-10-02 21:36:05 +0000 UTC]
Yes, signs are part of the wasteland workshop DLC, but to be sure you should wait for a super discount on the Season Pass and grab all the DLCs at once. Or you could get Fallout G.O.T.Y. edition, who has all of them. I think the full price of the Season Pass is exaggerate, but since once I found a good deal for 25$ on the Ps store, I had the possibility of purchasing it. you know what? Those DLCs are great. Far Harbor is huge, and the little DLC packs add a lot of more possibilities if you're a crafty settlement builder (approvation nods from Preston).
(after reading the storyline) That means we are both Railroad! *secret hand shaking*
Yep, I got you with the rp-storyline thing. Personally, I didn't build a lot of backstory for Mr. Boy. I mean, he's my first character, so I didn't know how to make him and I made it to look like the Vault-Tec mascotte just for fun. I thought he was a "crash-test-dummy" character, made just for beng replaced by another, deeper and better structured, player character.
Instead, when I got the hang of the game, I really grew fond of Mr. Boy. Now, there's one point of the possible backstories that I really dig, and it's this one: (MINOR SPOILERS) your character could be a synth. It's not a certain thing nor it is confirmed by anyone in the game, and since you can't loot yourself wihle you're dead you can't know it for sure, but there is a not so remote possibility for your PG to be a third-gen synth.
Since Mr. Boy is the awkwardly clean and sweet guy who likes to fuck hug robots and has an instinctive empathy for synths and artificial intelligences in general, I welcomed that Far Harbor possibility with open hands.
So, in the end, he has little to no memories of his pre-war life. He is the warm voiced, sad eyed Drive-In mayor who will never know if his life is actually a lie. Now level 80 (never managed in any RPG run before).
By the way, if I could ask, which is your character's name? I loved the sad story about her and Hancock seeking refuge in alcohol and chems, and it really fits the general assumptions of the Sole Survivor.
You wear the same hat? Personally, I wear it with Old Longfellow's coat. I really dig the military looks of it. The fun thing is that I went roaming with that coat and a worn fedora for the great part of the game, because while I was blowing up the Prydwen I was too busy keeping my ass in one piece to actually notice I could loot my enemies. So I managed to grab Maxon's coat (after Nick nearly killed both of us after throwing a plasma granade into a zeppelin's cockpit *slow claps*) but I totally forgot to loot Kells.
So, Mr. Boy became known as FedoraBoy, until I got my hands on a mod that lets you sew anything. That wasn't even on purpose (I simply wanted Red Rocket suits for my dwellers) but once I saw the possibility of building Kell's hat I was overjoyed.
I bet Mr. Boy was as well. I spent the following hour with hancock, admiring my freshly found Hans Landa apparel. I am no joking here: while we were taking down a bunch of supermutants, they all died except their boss, who ran away with both his arms tore off (I am a fan of explosive rifles). I couldn't keep myself, and since my brother was in there and he knew the reference as well, I shout "Au revoir, Shoshanna!" as the supermutant chief ran for its life.
Aaaah, Fallout. It's truly another little world.
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eddyslilsis In reply to leevolt [2017-10-02 22:09:24 +0000 UTC]
Yeah I want to get all of them if possible. I will have to keep a look out for sales. I want to get into settlement stuff a lot to be honest. I always love customization things in video games and this is the most creative I've been able to get since Minecraft XD I can see it now "John Hancock's Luv Pad <3" Oh it will be the best XD
Oh wow that is really cool actually, and I really love how the Pip Boy looks in that outfit when you get the mission that introduces Nick. It looks so cute on him! I bet it looks so cute on Mr. Boy as well ^^ I love the story you have for him. I love how games like this make us come up with stuff like that.
Her name is Kate, named after me haha ^^ I also love how they have certain voice clips for a pool of names so Codsworth called me Miss Kate X3 I was like My little robofriend <3 Thanks, yeah I immediately was like I feel super sad now....and I love the fact that you actually can get addicted in game too. It's a cool dynamic. I just fell head over heels for Hancock tbh. He seems like the type of person I would confide in and become very close with very quickly, not to mention what the Sole Survivor went through.
Hahahaha I love when companions do silly things that end up just barely working. XD So so sooooo many times in Skyrim did I get caught in a trap or blow up because someone walked into something. -_-
Hahahaha It is so great when stuff like that happens. I've wanted to do comics of it for so long but I am really bad at structuring panels and dialog and such.
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leevolt In reply to eddyslilsis [2017-10-03 14:40:58 +0000 UTC]
Yes, believe me! Those DLCs bring in a totally new level of customization. Lucky you who are playing on Xbox, so you can download some of the truly amazing mods you have there! I recommend using some weather overhaul for better storms and rain and some camping mod, that will totally increase the RP level I mean, who wouldn't camp out in the night with Johnny H.?
At least, those are some of the best mods I have found for Ps4, but you'll surely be able to find better ones. I mean, Xbox!
Kate, huh? Nice to meet you and your wanderer. You already know Mr. Boy, but me, I'm a tiny girl nowhere near blond nor broad-shouldered. Name's Margherita.
However, I liked the drug addiction dynamic as well. Oh, and those drunk chats with NPCs are wonderful! Try skipping some standard dialogue while being drunk.
Hancock is more than adorable. In fact, being totally honest, at first I was kinda disturbed by his "pirate king" behaviour. I was more "Team Nick", aka The Always Good Guys. Eventually, after a little while of adventuring out with Hancock, I started seeing his point, and he's true. Nick patiently keeps being the good guy, and he enjoys helping others, while Hancock got tired of all the Commonwealth shit and decided to take some action in order to punish the wasteland tyrants. They are both brave ans self-sacrificing, in different ways.
However, Hancock is certainly the easy-going type, and I bet he's both a talkative chatterbox and a good, sensitive listener. So I have no doubt you can grow your relationship with him in a little bunch of hours.
For my playthrough, I chose Nick as the "best friend" because both him and Mr. Boy are calm, gentle and introverted. I felt that their destinies were similar to some extent, and I developed my bond with him in a "brotherly" sense of love. You know, Hancock was the opposite. Explosive, adorably violent, loves to see you travelling naked... that was love almost at first sight. Still, I love both of them, and I'd totally go travel with both Nick and Hancock if I had the possibility.
As an example, today I was customizing some weapons in my house (which is a train wagon on a scaffold), and noone was around except me and my companion Hancock. Then, the only one who went seeing what I was creating was good ol' Nick, and he complimented about the weapons. It was heartwarming to see my character working under the loving eyes of his lover and of his best friend.
NPCs doing crazy stuff? Try taking down your first Courser with a Nick Valentine who noticed the fatman under the ladder. Boom baby.
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eddyslilsis In reply to leevolt [2017-10-03 17:25:18 +0000 UTC]
Oh I'll have to check those out, I have a gun mod that adds some realistic dynamics to shooting and some cool guns and a ton of radio stations XD I deff would love to go camping with Johnny H X3 I have noticed that PS4 tends to have the low end of the mods, something about Sony being really weird about what they put on and such.
Nice to meet you ^^ Oh? I didn't know you could have different dialog while drunk. I'm gonna have to try that out! I have to find some more alcohol tho, I drank my last drop in my last play session XD
Yeah, like he won't kill anyone innocent, but he is not afraid to kill to defend the innocent. Which fits perfectly into my character who is in general a good person who tries to do the right thing, but if shes crossed and people she loves are threatened she wont hesitate to end the threat. I really wish you could have multiple companions tho, cause I'd love to have Nick and Codsworth come along on my adventures with Hancock. It would be silly and difficult in tight spaces but still. It would be so fun.
Aww I love that. Everytime Hancock says something cute ans sweet I go all mushy and squeal XD I love when they almost come to life as you're just doing random things and they wander around and talk to you. So cool.
Damn! Nick never struck me as the aggressive type but I guess when it comes to explosions hes your guy XD So my bf irl was playing earlier and he was on top of one of those huge highway bits and he jumped down to a lower level and seconds later we just see Piper fall down in front of him to the ground and we both were just like GOOD JOB PIPER! XD poor girl gets abused by him. He also is a huge dick to Nick for no reason. He like thinks is funny to just always be sarcastic. It upsets me probly more than it should XD though Nick threw it back at him earlier tho and I was super happy XD "If a smart ass mouth was all we needed then we would have found your damn kid already...." XD best line.
Also I have done a little drawing of Kate and Johnny if you want to see. ^^ Fallout pals
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leevolt In reply to eddyslilsis [2017-10-03 22:14:42 +0000 UTC]
Ps4 had a huge delay on mods because of two main factors:
1- you can't import new meshes in Ps4, and that means that one can only use the already existing objects in the game to mod it. So, I will never be able to travel with a Wolfenstein Ubersoldier, even if that would be my secret fetish.
2-Sony restricted mods because there are some sexually explicit mods, and since the Ps4 community should be open for both minors and adults, Sony tried to avoid having sexual Ps4 screenshots all over the internet due to mods. We still have the Busty mod, however it's not of much use for me. I like guys, ya know.
Bwahahahah GOOD JOB PIPER! Damn that girl is dumb. I mean, she shares the same AI of the others, but silly actions look way sillier when performed by her.
I apparently discovered the bomber side of the detective bot. Seriously, when I travel with him, everything goes BOOM.
One of the lines I hear too often is something like "Aargh! If you find pieces of my leg, please collect them!". Ah, Nick, you poor old walking-into-suicidal-supermutants cutie.
Boyfriends have a weird obsession for dicking Valentine, I never understood why. When I gave the controller to my irl bf, he started to caustically comment every single joke Nick made. I was like "OK, didn't you get it? He's an hardboiled detective from the '20s, his jokes HAVE to be shitty, it's the whole point!" but he eventually came to love him. But I admit that being a sarcastic jerk to Valentine is terribly funny. I saw some compilations of sarcastic talks on Youtube, and yea, Valentine totally goes the sarcastic throwback way.
Sole Survivor: "So what? The Great Clockwork Dick is stumped?"
Nick: "It's synth detective, jackass!"
Just love it.
Awwww, so that's Kate with Hancock! Heh, they're so cute! I really want to bring up some silly comics about the adventures of Mr. Boy (I even started a panel) but I don't know when they'll come out, and if they'll ever come out. Anyway, I found some time to fangirl over Nick Valentine , if you wanna see. I'm not sure I'll ever draw Hancock though, because of ghoulish overdetailed skin, you know.
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eddyslilsis In reply to leevolt [2017-10-03 22:35:21 +0000 UTC]
Yeah I had heard about that. Theres not a lot of that with Xbox, though they dont have ALL the PC mods. As someone has to sit there and port them. Sony is overly worried imo. As little kids play Xbox too. Heh I have to admit to liking a bit of wolfenstein myself XD I only just put Hancock back in his own clothes for a while. I had him in a lether outfit for a while but the hat didn't really work for him, he has to keep his pirate hat XD so I put on the hat instead lol I need to find some cool clothes. I'm getting sick of my vault suit lol
hahahaha YES she is super dumb and I don't know why XD He's just switched to Deacon tho and I now think my next character will travel with him....even though you can't romance him. Still.
Hahahahaha I love that. that's such a great line. I really need to travel with him at some point. Or at least bring him to my settlement.
Thats so weird I dunno why they do that lol but that is a great line XD
Hahah yes. I'm gonna do a few more once I figure out what to do. Thank you ^^ Yeah I really want to as well. I just don't have any comic structure skill like at all XD I love your drawing! So good! 8D I know what you mean though. It's really hard to make it look right to be honest. I just kind of picture Freddy Kruger and go with that idea XD
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leevolt In reply to eddyslilsis [2017-10-04 19:52:08 +0000 UTC]
Woah, i've finally been able to answer! Sorry for the delay.
Ummmm, I remember Hancock looked really menacing in the Courser uniform. Still, now he's following me in his tricorn hat and in a... well... Nuka Girl outfit. Don't judge me, heels look great on him! XD
Deacon is some sort of magical creature. Seriously, you have to find some time to talk to him, he is hilarious. Since he's the undercover guy, if you give him multiple outfits, he'll equip a different one almost everyday. Same for hats. This morning I saw him in the regular Drive-In bar along with all my other companions (they love to have their breakfast together, it seems) and he was in a tuxedo with these glorious settler rags on his head.
Nick is bae. He is witty, he is funny, he is hacky and when you'll be off-guard he'll be the worst tearjerker in the whole game.
Yes please! I love seeing other people's Fallout stories. Each one is always peculiar and great in a different way. I don't have any comic structure skill as well, and whenever I try to draw a comic panel, my undecided nature kills it. This is why I want to experiment with Fallout comics! Motivation, come down to me!
Oh, and by the way, thank you very much for the watch, it wasn't expected but it was pleasant anyway. Well, I guess now I'll have to shove some of Mr. Boy's adventures in your inbox then!
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eddyslilsis In reply to leevolt [2017-10-05 21:54:37 +0000 UTC]
Same hahah ^^
Hehehehe no judgment here, I'm gonna try out the greaser outfits next I think, we will be our own little two person gang XD
Thats so cool! I'll have to try that out.
Yis I'm currently doing his detective missions atm because I wanna give him a nice helping hand. Been doing some cool stuff. I ran into Paladin Danse along the way too, had an interesting discussion with him before telling him to sod off because I want nothing to do with the brotherhood XD
Ohhhhh I would love to see Mr. Boy's adventures! I really want to do some, I have some ideas but I need to figure out how to structure them. I just got a brand new pencil so maybe I'll have to work on some stuff X3
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leevolt In reply to eddyslilsis [2017-10-06 12:17:43 +0000 UTC]
Yep, greaser outfit is always cool. If you wanna have a special one, go to the south east of the map, near Peabody House and Poseidon Energy You should see the classic "garage" map sign. And then, once you have discovered the garage, have fun.
Oh, Paladin Danse. That boy is as cute as he is stupid. The mean thing is that he has actually a terribly cool story and some of the most interesting dialogues, but you can't experience them unless you are a BoS member. As a Railroad, I had to witness the fate of Danse disappearing from my map forever.
Instead, a rather funny thing that happened to me is this one:
It's been two months since I blew up the Institute, so I thought that X6-88 had disappeared from my life like Danse.
So, almost a week ago, I was walking with Nick near Libertalia, and I found a tiny boat with little lamps on the shore. In front of a boat, sitting on a chair and admiring the punkish sunset of Libertalia, there was X6-88.
I shouted a huge "O MIO DIO!" at the screen, and I noticed that X6 was not only friendly, but completely unaware of the Institute explosion. He greeted me saying "The mission was a huge success". Typical.
I imagine the poor courser couldn't teleport back to the Institute due to the fact there wasn't an Institute anymore, so he spent like two months in that boat near the location of our last mission, hoping for some Institute technician to come help him getting back home. Still, X6 didn't give a fuck about that, and patiently kept waiting on that chair as it was the most normal thing in the world, like "huh, teleport must be broken. Who cares, I'll wait here for help".
I and Nick adopted him and brought him to the Drive-In.
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eddyslilsis In reply to leevolt [2017-10-06 13:13:26 +0000 UTC]
Oooooh! good to know! I have that place marked already from going to the Peabody house, but I ran the fuck away from it cause I had the kid with me XD but I'll definitely have to go back.
I know what you mean, as my roommate says, he's a jew among nazis, as everyone in our house refers to the brotherhood as the nazis XD Poor Danse....I wish there was a way to rescue him from that life and show him the world of tolerance and love and happinessssss <3 Make him be best friends with my ghouliepoo and show him how awesome Nick is. Basically I saved him from a hoard of feral ghouls and then was like yo, you okay? and he was like thanks for that, you wanna join the brotherhood? and I was like LOL NOOOOPE and ran off XD
Hahaha that's cool, I haven't gotten to the institute yet, but I've watched my roommates go through it. With Kate I want her to have a really hard conflict of feelings where she really wants to be there for Shaun and be a mother to him....even in the state of things but she sees what the institute does and she knows its not something she can truly support. I do like that you can take the little synth Shaun tho. X3
hahaha I can just see him sitting around with Nick at the detective agency being like. The mission was a huge success! and Nick's just like.....we haven't even done anything yet....XD
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leevolt In reply to eddyslilsis [2017-10-06 13:57:09 +0000 UTC]
Danse, Danse... you know what, I still feel bad for him. I mean, I am a total sucker for realistic military/steampunk technology. And you show up with? A zeppelin. I'D FUCKING LIVE MY ENTIRE LIFE INTO A ZEPPELIN, WHERE DO I SIGN TO STAY FOREVER IN THIS OILY STEAM-POWERED MACHINE OF AWESOMENESS? That was me when I saw the Prydwen the first time. And so it was me while meeting the other BoS members. And so was Mr. Boy, because we were both innocent and basically Danse said us: "Come on, join us and let's save the world" and we were both like like "Fuck yeah!"
That was until I heard Maxon's speech, and I discovered that "saving the world" would have meant murdering innocent ghoul families, destroying all synths and probably slaughtering all my friends. Nick was on top, then it would have been Hancock's turn. Then Deacon, Sturges, Curie, even Danse. After I heard the speech, I remember feeling extremely vulnerable, because I realized that the whole zeppelin was about to fight people I loved. I was with Nick as well, so it was actually horrifying to see the whole prydwen crew mistreating him (not that he was helpless, that smart ass synth mouth). It ended this way:
I entered my own BoS power armor,
I left the Prydwen,
I used the pieces of the armor on my armor in the Drive-In and I changed their colour
I sank the remains of the BoS power armor under Sanctuary's lake so they couldn't retrieve it (that was just for the lulz but I actually did it)
I started taking down every Vertibird I saw.
That, until I had the opportunity of fighting the prydwen with the Railroad. You know how it went, plasma granade and everything.
The Institute was much, much harder to fight. The game is well made towards it, because there HAS to be a conflict between what you find right to do (freeing synths, eliminating the synth sostitution menace) and the fact Shaun is what's left of your family. I won't spoil further and I'll let you have your route on that, even if you know how it ends if you're Railroad.
But yes, synth Shaun is adorable! Mine is a little blond guy who once gave me a weapon he built for me! He called it "FuXile LaZeR" because he couldn't write "Fucile laser" (laser rifle) that was so cute!
About Danse and X6, having your settlement of friendship and love is what my Drive-In is all about. Sadly Cait wasn't cooperating (she dislikes when you help people) so I left her in Sanctuary. Aside from her, it's all sugar and nuka-cola between the companions now. As I said before, they even have their breakfast together!
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eddyslilsis In reply to leevolt [2017-10-07 22:20:41 +0000 UTC]
that's such a badass story. The fact that they basically use you to get help on their side is such bullshit it makes them just as big of an enemy to me as the institute. Like, you have a point there, what would they do once they were done? go to you and say "Okay time to turn off ol Nick here!" and "Okay time to execute your obvious boyfriend!" Fuck no man....and then to top it off, they kill the last remaining one that helped them the whole time. Thats so epic the way you dumped the armor! I may have to grab myself a fat boy just to take out the vertibirds I see. Though I haven't made direct enemies with them yet....I just told Danse hell no.
I cant wait to see my little Shaun! He's probly gonna have black hair. That is so cute omg I love how they did that! Yeah I feel like when it gets to that part Kate would be heavily relying on Hancock to reassure her decisions. She would be do freaked out by all the new information that she would question everything she did. This makes me really wanna do the comics now.
That is so cute...Maybe I'll help out Danse just to get him out of there and away from those bastards. Then do as you do and just shoot down vertibirds wherever I see them. XD
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leevolt In reply to eddyslilsis [2017-10-10 14:09:47 +0000 UTC]
Damn you're right. Just by reading "turn off ol Nick" and "execute your boyfriend" I felt my heart sink. Those stylish assholes of the Brotherhood!
Personally, I like to take down Vertibirds with my rifles (I have an explosive one that I really love) but I admit I've never tried to hit them with a fatman. Sounds just too entertaining.
Please do! I love seeing comics from other people's experiences, but probably I've already said that. However, if you wanna see Mr. Boy and his little boy Shaun, here's a quick sketch I made about them :3 Waser Wifle
Surprisingly enough, Mr. Boy looks exactly like my in-game character. Just picture it with Kell's hat and you'll have the overall look of my gentle nazi-looking synth.
Aaah, I wanna do the comics so bad now! I just have to kick my butt and start working!
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eddyslilsis In reply to leevolt [2017-10-10 16:10:09 +0000 UTC]
Yeah seriously.....I'd be like you touch him and I'll burn all of your bases to the ground and piss on the ashes. XD I get very aggressive when my boys are threatened. It's bad enough the Diamond City guards NOT ONLY are assholes to Hancock, but they flirt with me all the time! It seems like every other time I go there now one of them is like "Heeyyyyy beautiful." and I'm like >_> I'm here with my BOYFRIEND thanks....It would have been funny if they gave them extra dialogs for when you have romanced them if you get cat called by the guards. XD I can see each of them having their own thing to say about it XD
Ooooooh Explosive rounds are so much fun. when I went to bring Billy Peabody home I ended up getting caught in the crossfire of a vertibird and some gunners. It was insane I died twice and then suddenly they just weren't there so I went on my merry way.
Ahhhhhh!!!! So cute!!!! I love it so much! Now I wanna do a family portrait of Kate and Shaun and Johnny H. I really want to start, I just need to figure out where to start. I guess at the beginning would be best. Though whether thats pre war, or coming out of the vault, or getting to Goodneighbor I dunno yet. Hehehe Kate just got a hair cut in my game, I like to have her hair grow as time goes by so I spend a few caps every now and then to get her hair longer till I cut it again. Just a little extra roleplay for me, but she and Hancock are both in greaser outfits now, but she still has her sea captain's hat, though I got her new sunglasses XD
Same! Honestly same. I need to get organized in it. I just need to figure out how to start it and I guess just start by doing the drawing and worrying about structure later.
Also I got a mod to romance Deacon because my bf wanted it and I already decided when I finally do make another character she will be with him.
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leevolt In reply to eddyslilsis [2017-10-12 15:01:57 +0000 UTC]
Yeah? Do the guards really flirt? Ahaha, I have to try it! I've built up this second PG of mine, a rough girl named Marshall Lee (yeah, I don't give a crap about names in Bethesda games. My Bosmer archer dovahkiin was named Winston Churchill for no reason) and now I'm trying all the violent/sarcastic options that I never had the heart to use with Vault Boy. Also, this time I'll go full-masochistic mode and I'll join the Brotherhood. Yeah, Marshall is no roleplay account, because I'm always on the Railroad side. So, in the end, I guess I'll just join the Raiders in Nuka World and make the whole commonwealth my bloody arena. And I'll wipe out the Brotherhood with them, of course, because I cannot let the brotherhood live, even if I did their missions.
Still, I consider Mr Boy canon, unlike my other playthroughs. I just perfectly identified with the character, and I love how the game went for him. With Marshall, I'll be with Good Boy Dogmeat most of the time, and my house is the abandoned Red Rocket. And also, I won't quit playing with Mr. Boy of course! It's just that I... ummm... finished all missions. I guess I'll keep exploring the wasteland and something will happen, won't it? Afer all, Bethesda games don't actually end.
Eh, you could paint a different-stage portrait, like Kate all alone in the first hours, then Kate leveled up with Hancock, and finally, when you'll get it, Kate in her whole glory, with Hancock and the little robot child.
Oh, by the way, Deacon is awesome. Even if, after I heard the final part of his story, I thought he wouldn't have been the same character for me. I love when games do that, because now I still support Deacon of course, but knowing what I know makes him something different from the hilariously elusive being of the first affinity stages. So yes, romance him if you want! He is awesome.
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eddyslilsis In reply to leevolt [2017-10-12 21:06:41 +0000 UTC]
Yeah! Its really funny, I stopped in my tracks the first time I heard it I was like excuse me? XD hahahaha thats funny yeah I need to figure out who my next person is gonna be, but I wont make them probly until I'm fully through the main story with Kate.
Yeah I'm sure you'll find something. Just wandering around you find all sorts of hidden little things. There are still a few things that skyrim surprises me with even now.
thats true, I could start that way. I already can picture the first one haha
Yeah I will definitely. So far I love what I've seen and I can't wait to see more of him. Of course I'll be giving him his hair back XD
I am currently gathering the bits to build the teleporter. Before I go in I'll probly do some more side stuff. I'm almost to my little RoboShaun XD
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leevolt In reply to eddyslilsis [2017-10-14 14:50:33 +0000 UTC]
Then go for it dear! The teleporter is easily the most time-consuming part of the main storyline, so after it it will be all downhill.
I just keep thinking back at how idiotic I was when I built the teleporter. Since I had no idea on how the build system worked yet, I built something like 6 teleports because I had the materials to build all of them, thinking that I needed the number of pieces that the workshop menu stated. You know, like when you have to build beds and you can actually build 463 of them because you have tons of cloth? Same. So I spent -I don't know how many- hours building something like 20 generators to give electricity to all those teleporters. At the time I was still in Sanctuary, so the "round" near the workshop was a neverending buzz of generators, teleporters with those blue tesla rays and windmills. If Preston didn't think I was crazy that time, I doubt he ever will.
The worst? When I realized I had only to build one, I had to redo everything.
Good luck with your little Roboshaun! Oh, and give Glory a hug while you still can
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eddyslilsis In reply to leevolt [2017-10-15 13:51:59 +0000 UTC]
Hahahahahaha nice yeah that is really irritating when you realize all you've done is for nothing. I have a little house right now but I'm trying to think of something really cool to build I just am lacking the inspiration atm. Maybe I'll just go through and get the castle in the end. Who knows.
Thanks haha I will for sure. I can't wait till I can go to Nuka World tho, I'm almost to level 30 and I'm so excited. I'm gonna get the Quantum power armor just to have it on display hahaha
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leevolt In reply to eddyslilsis [2017-10-16 08:48:54 +0000 UTC]
I can totally relate. As for now, I still have to fill my train container with posters and stuff, so it will finally feel like home. Remember that some time ago I told you we adopted X6-88? The fun thing is that I built beds for all my settlers and companions in the common bed house or into the barricade vans (which are probably the only structure in the whole game that remains dry when it rains, so it would be super-convenient for them to sleep there) and I built a single sleeping bag for me and hancock into the train container.
Apparently X6-88 decided to sleep in my room, and there's no way, if I change bed or put it somewhere else he'll always come back and sleep in my room. The bastard must feel lonely. So I simply let him the bag and built two more for me and my ghoul, but it's so weird to see X6-88 in my room every morning. The more I see him hanging around in the Drive-In, the more it feels like he's a cute, grumpy and terribly stupid child.
Nuka World is awesome! I love the more southern feel of its environment. Good luck with raiders, though!
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eddyslilsis In reply to leevolt [2017-11-01 23:00:58 +0000 UTC]
I honestly haven't played in a while I've been playing X-Com lately. hahah
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eddyslilsis In reply to leevolt [2017-11-03 20:28:37 +0000 UTC]
I've been like buried in games XD
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eddyslilsis In reply to leevolt [2017-11-06 02:05:31 +0000 UTC]
Hehehehe I just started Star Wars Kotor
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leevolt In reply to eddyslilsis [2017-11-06 09:52:26 +0000 UTC]
Wohoo! I love Star Wars, we are all big Star War nerds in my family. My bro is waiting for the next star wars battefront, it looks like it will be a bomb!
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eddyslilsis In reply to leevolt [2017-11-09 17:46:56 +0000 UTC]
Really? I hope so, I loved the old ones. YESSS!!! Me too! I cant wait for the next movie. I'm counting the days X3 I love it so much. I'm getting to re experience all the hype that was around when I was a kid <3
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Jewel02 [2017-01-17 05:24:52 +0000 UTC]
Hey! Just wanted to say like your artwork and FINALLY someone on here who is ANOTHER General Hospital fan and is not obsessed with Jason and Sam being a couple! Seems a lot of fans on here beside me and you, are only Jason and Sam fans not for other characters on the show. Which makes me sad....
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eddyslilsis In reply to Jewel02 [2017-02-11 20:21:43 +0000 UTC]
Oh my word I never thought I would EVER find another fan who wasn't obsessed with Jason XD This makes me so incredibly happy!!! ^^
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LoveMyMrJ [2016-10-08 13:24:07 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for the watch. It was real sweet of you to give me all those favourites! Hope we can be friends. Bye!
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Butterfly-Bases [2016-02-13 04:59:03 +0000 UTC]
Hi there! Thank you so much for faving my bases! I hope you enjoy using them
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eddyslilsis In reply to Butterfly-Bases [2016-02-21 20:53:59 +0000 UTC]
They're very good! I love them! ^^
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