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drakonnelvra [4948254] [] "Nellie Toshirou-Polsteam"

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# Comments

Comments: 1110

Walle13 [2012-03-09 14:21:17 +0000 UTC]

To sam ja. xD

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drakonnelvra In reply to Walle13 [2012-04-11 19:23:54 +0000 UTC]


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Walle13 In reply to drakonnelvra [2012-04-25 16:54:29 +0000 UTC]

Točno to! xD

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NiceButDemonic [2011-12-26 09:24:55 +0000 UTC]

Merry Christmas

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drakonnelvra In reply to NiceButDemonic [2011-12-27 16:39:37 +0000 UTC]

Takođe :*

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NiceButDemonic In reply to drakonnelvra [2011-12-28 08:44:55 +0000 UTC]

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InsideOutNBackwards [2011-03-28 19:41:23 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for the favorites ^___^

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KillMePleaseGod [2011-01-26 21:57:21 +0000 UTC]

Hey, hey! I got your envelope today! when I saw it was from Croatia, I was all "Naaaah. It can't be from her. Her room ate the stuff she was supposed to send." Then I opened it and was all "OHBOYOHJOY! LOOKWHATIGOT!" to everyone in the room (a.k.a. my poor parents). XD

The Kitten comic is bigger than I would've guessed. I need to find a frame for it. 8D And then I need to find some wall space so I can actually hang it up. It's so awesome, though. And you totally got complimented by both my parents. Mum said "Those are really pretty eyes!" and dad said "Your friend did that? This is really good." And they would know, since lots of artists spawn from our family.

Anywho, I'm (hopefully) sending out some silly little Valentine's cards (store bought, with my own personal touch added via a message insert and sticker) next month. Would you like to receive one? Also, don't feel embarrassed about the letter thing. I've never been one to keep actual writing stationary on-hand.

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drakonnelvra In reply to KillMePleaseGod [2011-02-21 17:35:55 +0000 UTC]

Wee! I thought it would get lost in the mail for sure, considering both my bad luck AND my bad handwriting XD Indeed, I thought I'd lost it, but my mother took the rare opportunity when I was sleeping over at my friend's to actually clear up my room a bit. And there it was, its corner peeking at me under a huge-ass pile of paper, like a shining star of my New Year's resolution! (which was, by the way, to make something out of my life and keep some promises I made ages ago) XD

Haha, it was supposed to be smaller, but I got carried away XD I'm honored you want it on your wall, so good luck finding wall space Your parents are nice people. Be sure to tell them that

I'm sorry to reply so goddamn late, but someone's been trolling me here on DA so I wanted to lay low for a while. It was by far too nerve-wracking, and my nerves are streched pretty thin as it is. Anyway, if by any chance you still have any, I would LOVE to receive one. There's never too many things to look forward to, right? XD

Yeah, I figured you wouldn't mind

P.S.: Some of my work is going to a national exhibition organised by all the art schools in the country. I would've liked it more if I had the right to choose what will go, but it still gives me some sense of accomplishment XD Yet again, the resolution X3

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KillMePleaseGod In reply to drakonnelvra [2011-02-22 05:00:14 +0000 UTC]

XD Well, I'm glad that one of us is keeping their New Years resolution(s)! I....actually, I've plum forgotten mine for this year. Which means I'm probably not keeping them. Not that I do even when I remember them. >3>

What I can't fit in my art folder, I put on my wall in frames. I want to be able to both protect and show off art my friends do for me, which displaying does quite well. No worries about paper/drawing material getting eaten by cats or shredded by an unknowing me if it's on the wall or in my book. (Although, one poor doodle taped to my desk has been chewed, but it's only in a plastic page, not a frame...) And I shall tell them for you. <3

No worries about the late reply. I'm used to things, whether real-life or online, keeping people busy. It does the same to me from time to time. I actually ran out of Valentine's cards--and the damn stores sold out way too fast of the make-your-own kind I use. However, since V-day is already over, I think I'd like to make your card a White Day card! You do know that holiday, ja? Anyhow, do I send to the same address as on the envelope (and do I use the name on the envelope, or in the letter)?

To your P.S.: Oh, wow, that's awesome! Is the exhibit going to be set up somewhere you can go visit it? If not, are you going to get someone to take pictures of your exhibit for you? =3

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drakonnelvra In reply to KillMePleaseGod [2011-02-22 22:24:41 +0000 UTC]

Haha, well, you can always make new one(s) and pretend you made them on New Years XD

That is rather clever of you XD I don't have the money OR the patience to frame the stuff on my walls (because it's all random-sized) so it's not really protected, but it works well enough XD On the other hand, my mother doesn't let cats into the house, so... no real danger except for my bro. XD

Ah, damned be them unprepared stores!! They should really stock up beforehand, I mean, it's not some secret holiday only a certain group of people celebrates or something. It's like buying your bus pass during the rushhour, and there's only two people on shift! Anyway, dem cursed bastards

Wahaha, of course I know what White Day is (after all, I'm a total otaku XD),and recieving a card would make me feel kinda special X3 Unfortunately, my country has a law which prohibits you from changing your name to anything non-traditional, so you should use the one on the envelope I'm pretty sure I wrote my address, if it says stuff like "Sv. Mikula 18c 51253 Bribir", you should be fine XD

Well, I'm obliged to attend, so 'll be there alright The museum doesn't have an address though (yea, like wtf?), so the professor is going to make maps for the some of us who get to go there. Getting there'll be a pain since it's on Sunday, and the busses have a different schedule so I'll have to bother my mother. But it's okay since she's interested in it as well XD It's in a week and a half, so I have something to look forward to after yesterday (there's this horrible rapper in my class and we tend to tease him a lot, and his first music video is coming out tomorrow XD)

Oh dear, I've gone and wrote a lot again XD I need to learn to summarize.

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KillMePleaseGod In reply to drakonnelvra [2011-02-23 04:50:24 +0000 UTC]

Why go through all that effort when I'll still not keep them, though? It's so much easier to let them rest in peace.

.....I can't read your last name on it, I just realized, and "Bribir" looks like "Bnbir". I'll just be sure to reference this comment (if I can remember where to find it) when I get to addressing the envelope. So, for future reference, how do I spell your last name? XD

Hm, well, since you get to go yourself, you should see if you can't take some pictures of your art there in the exhibit to upload here and show off. Getting your work exhibited is quite a bragging right, even if you didn't get to pick yourself which pieces are being shown. ^_^

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drakonnelvra In reply to KillMePleaseGod [2011-02-24 22:19:15 +0000 UTC]

Haha, that's true as well XD

Ah, yeah, that's my handwriting alright XD It's Kalafatić. It originates from a part of the process of building a boat XD Random facts FTW

I'll see about that. The thing is, I didn't even take it seriously, I was bored to death while doing it, so I'd like to exhibit something more "me". The works from other schools are far beyond our level, mostly because they got to pick the theme of their work. I wish we had that privilege XD

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KillMePleaseGod In reply to drakonnelvra [2011-02-25 00:38:20 +0000 UTC]

Well, your handwriting is still more legible than my own. Yours would've been perfectly fine, just a few of the letters were a bit closer together than others and it made it hard to distinguish them. XD

Why didn't your school have that privilege? o3o

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drakonnelvra In reply to KillMePleaseGod [2011-02-27 20:37:15 +0000 UTC]

Well, that would mean you're in the 50% of the people who can read my handwriting XD

Cause we have dumbass teachers who want everything to be their way. I'm lucky they didn't throw me out already because of my attitude XD I mean really, whenever you try to do something epic and awesome (like a denture stall) they come along and order you to simplify it. And then it turns out generic and downright boring. *sigh* I dunno what they're thinking. Someone from Zagreb made this amazing painting inspired by the african masks, and all we've got is an ink drawing of a last year's work. -.- It kills my creative spirit.

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KillMePleaseGod In reply to drakonnelvra [2011-02-28 16:52:46 +0000 UTC]

Yay for being one of half! XD

That really sucks. Well, at least you can draw as you please outside of school?

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drakonnelvra In reply to KillMePleaseGod [2011-03-06 19:04:33 +0000 UTC]

You should be proud of yourself.

That's true, that's true XD Tho there's that one tyrant who wants me to draw comics... -.- I had it made, though, since I joined the comic club XD

I just remembered, did you find those long-promised 10 dollars in the envelope? Cause I'm pretty sure I put them there.

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KillMePleaseGod In reply to drakonnelvra [2011-03-06 19:15:10 +0000 UTC]

I am! <3

Ya'll have a comic making club? that's pretty cool. X3

Yes, I did! I've decided I am never going to spend than $10, no matter what, and am keeping it in my wallet as my "lucky $10" so I'll never ever truly be broke. XD

Also, I think your White Day card is going to be late. I only just found some make-it-yourself cards the other day, and haven't had the time to do the card yet. With you being in another country, when I send it, it'll probably take a bit to get there. So I don't think it'll be there by March 14th. D=

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drakonnelvra In reply to KillMePleaseGod [2011-03-07 21:17:34 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, but I don't do much there other than distract people from their work XD And piss our leader off Last time I managed to make 6 people stop working and talk to me instead. At the same time XD

Haha, that's quite a good strategy. I keep 2 euros in my wallet, so I'm never broke either XD Although I can only spend them in one place.

Oh, it's no problem. I'm used to stuff being late and being late with stuff XD I guess it takes about a week for mail to get here.

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KillMePleaseGod In reply to drakonnelvra [2011-03-08 00:33:50 +0000 UTC]

You are so very talented. No wonder your leader gets pissed off. XD

Yeah. It's very hard to resist spending it, though. Especially when I'm not home and starving. My self-restraint isn't terribly good. I've been successful thus far, though. >3>

DAMN. I forgot to do your card again today. Why do I get the feeling it's not going to get done this week? OTL Probably because everything my mum planned to make me do this week keeps changing and rearranging and confusing me. @_@

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drakonnelvra In reply to KillMePleaseGod [2011-03-08 19:44:18 +0000 UTC]

Haha, I bet he finds me obnoxious XD He's been volounteering to do this, and I'm literally wasting his time away XD The poor guy is trying to get us somewhere

Well, if you spend it by accident, I ca always send you some more XD

It's okay, take your time. That way I got something to be happy about in this exam month XD Honestly, what are they thinking, I have to study every single day! Could've been worse, though.

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KillMePleaseGod In reply to drakonnelvra [2011-03-09 03:28:53 +0000 UTC]

Maybe you should let him have one day of success to see how stunned he gets, then act twice as bad the next time. XD

Don't tell me that. It'll kill what little restraint I have. XD

I really need to take the cards out of the drawer and put them somewhere I'll see them. >3> Also, that blows. good luck with all your exams, whenever you take 'em.

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drakonnelvra In reply to KillMePleaseGod [2011-03-28 11:10:36 +0000 UTC]

Sorry to reply so late, my computer died on me AGAIN. Damn piece of junk.

Lol, I'll give that a try. Though he might get a stroke. XD

In that case, *ahem* Yoooooouuuuu will foooooorgeeeeeet IIIIIII saaaaaaaid aaaaaaaaanythiiiiiiiing!

I got the card! Thankies soooo much X3 It's adorable, I love the Papa smurf you put in!
I have to think of something to send you in return. I wonder, would a painted hard-boiled egg survive the trip? XD

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KillMePleaseGod In reply to drakonnelvra [2011-03-28 23:47:55 +0000 UTC]

It sounds like it's suicidal.

I'm sure he won't. Unless he just has a naturally weak heart. XD

....I forgot what you said. Wow, you must be magical. 8D

I'm glad it made it to you in one piece~! I kept wondering about if it reached you or not. Was the penguin all....well, penguin-y? He was giving me some trouble about staying fully visible on the card. His white didn't want to remain. And I sort of doubt an egg would survive the trip. XD

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drakonnelvra In reply to KillMePleaseGod [2011-03-31 21:39:03 +0000 UTC]

It might be >.> Damn bastard...

I should ask before i try anything, eh? XD

Bohahahahahahaha!!! Yeeeees, I AM magical!! I'm a timelord unicorn ...okay, maybe not.

Yes, the penguin was just fine. It's a bit grey-ish, but it's recognizable. I figured that in the middle of wondering whether you could cook an egg in a dryer XD Needless to say, mother forbade me to try it Well, instead of an egg, how about an urban fairytale? I just got the notebook it was in back, so I could make you a copy

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KillMePleaseGod In reply to drakonnelvra [2011-03-31 22:49:32 +0000 UTC]

No, that spoils the surprise! Or do you mean ask if he has a weak heart? If so, I say do it, because then he'll be extra on-edge, expecting the worst, while you're behaving oh-so-perfectly. XD

Aw, why aren't you a timelord unicorn?

Yay for recognizable, if not slightly discoloured penguins! An urban fairytale, you say? o3o

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drakonnelvra In reply to KillMePleaseGod [2011-04-03 21:20:11 +0000 UTC]

I pity the fool XD He should've never trusted me!!

Well, I'm a timelord vampire, is that good enough? And no, I don't sparkle. I drink blood from people's eeeeeyes! XD

Yay indeed! Yes, yes I do say. Would you like a written copy, a web copy, or a nicely-written copy? XD Note that the last option will require a shitload of paper And ink.

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KillMePleaseGod In reply to drakonnelvra [2011-04-03 21:56:00 +0000 UTC]

He will rue it for the rest of his life, surely. XD

It's not good enough! You should be a timelord unicorn vampire! Or timelord vampire unicorn, if that sounds better to you. XD

I vote written copy! Just to be a jerk. *shot*

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drakonnelvra In reply to KillMePleaseGod [2011-04-04 21:23:37 +0000 UTC]

Mwahaha I'm so evil *evil smirk*

But-but unicorns are evil! And have a lazy eye! Which is actually a wooden eye! And a glass leg!Like pirates!

Naaaah, I wanted to do it anyway. It would be evil if you wanted a nicely written copy XD Damn calligraphy! Hard to do, easy to ruin

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KillMePleaseGod In reply to drakonnelvra [2011-04-05 03:16:25 +0000 UTC]

Well, you just said you're evil, so it's natural for you to be a unicorn! All that other stuff is just details.

I'm not enough of a jerk to ask that much. XD

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drakonnelvra In reply to KillMePleaseGod [2011-04-05 14:46:25 +0000 UTC]

Well... it's a different kind of evil. Unicorns are PURE evil. I'm simply diabolical XD

Yeah, I know XD I'll try and send it today. Well, give it to my grandma to send it, actually. By the time I get home, the post office is closed... Damn you, System! The Man tryin' to bring us down

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KillMePleaseGod In reply to drakonnelvra [2011-04-05 23:02:31 +0000 UTC]

I love unicorns, whether they're pure evil or not. <3 XD

No need to rush on my account. I ain't going anywhere anytime soon. XD

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drakonnelvra In reply to KillMePleaseGod [2011-04-22 10:01:55 +0000 UTC]

Everyone loves unicorns on some level XD

Good, cause I was caught up in some homework (which involved welding) so I completely forgot. Plus, school is over and I'm off to Italy for 8 days... and afterwards... Tests, questionings, neglected models... *sigh* I just hope to survive the first week XD

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KillMePleaseGod In reply to drakonnelvra [2011-04-22 15:30:35 +0000 UTC]

I'd like to think so. XD

Have fun in Italy, dear. And good luck with all that comes after it. >3>

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Urthemiel [2011-01-05 03:03:17 +0000 UTC]

awič hvala za fejvič i šta si me se sjetila

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drakonnelvra In reply to Urthemiel [2011-01-05 19:03:07 +0000 UTC]

nije da sam te se sjetila, nego te ne mogu iz glave izbit XD

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Urthemiel In reply to drakonnelvra [2011-01-07 18:34:20 +0000 UTC]

dogadja se cesto, da.

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drakonnelvra In reply to Urthemiel [2011-01-08 01:09:11 +0000 UTC]

Mislim da samo meni XD

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Urthemiel In reply to drakonnelvra [2011-01-08 22:34:21 +0000 UTC]

jok, imam tu gadnu naviku da ljudima po noci ulazim u usi i provaljujem u sistem kuiš

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drakonnelvra In reply to Urthemiel [2011-01-09 00:18:52 +0000 UTC]

uuuu mora da se ful smanjis. Ili trazis ljude s velikim usesima.

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Urthemiel In reply to drakonnelvra [2011-01-09 03:53:49 +0000 UTC]

vidis, ja sam ustvari cijelo vrijeme malena, al se povecam kad moram u skolu, cisto zato da me ne zgaze ko drek

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drakonnelvra In reply to Urthemiel [2011-02-21 17:16:51 +0000 UTC]

ah, shvacam. To nam se svima dogada.

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Urthemiel [2010-11-05 17:38:02 +0000 UTC]

isprintala sam ti contest story

podsjeti me da ti donesem u ponedjeljak

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Urthemiel [2010-10-18 14:22:54 +0000 UTC]

sounds dildos... AGAINS.

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NiceButDemonic [2010-10-14 11:59:32 +0000 UTC]

hun!!!!! ah missed you an huge time!!!!!
pa di si ti ženo već si mi falila al onak, kak škola ljubav?
i hvala ti za fav+ ^^

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drakonnelvra In reply to NiceButDemonic [2010-10-16 10:28:07 +0000 UTC]

hahaha, imala sam posla XD A onda nisam imala internet, pa onda nisam imala ni komp... A skola ide, nije lose, treci raz vec jebote. Vrijeme leti. Ljubav je na nuli kao i obicno XD I nema na cemu XD

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NiceButDemonic In reply to drakonnelvra [2010-10-16 11:44:09 +0000 UTC]

ahahahah XD blago tebi ja mislim da bi poludela bez neta, kompa i itd...
oooo zar već hahaha idem i ja na tečaj slikanja u koprivnici
bome vrijeme leti ko ludo :/ oooo pa kako to... tak cool cura ko ti nema dečka ccc... ^^

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drakonnelvra In reply to NiceButDemonic [2010-10-16 16:02:09 +0000 UTC]

puno sam citala u tom razdoblju XD
Jel ti zabavno tamo?
Meh, nisam ti ja magnet za decke bas XD Htjela bi rade curu al jebiga, ne znam ih puno XD

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NiceButDemonic In reply to drakonnelvra [2010-10-17 09:01:08 +0000 UTC]

hahahhaa kaj stvarno XD nice... da budem iskrena i ja sam pročitala puno knjiga.
ma jok sad nije tak zabavno na početku ko kako će bit na samom kraju tečaja... kužiš krugove crtamo i bla da ruku zvježbamo... da proljeva dobiš XD
ma daj... baš si mačka

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drakonnelvra In reply to NiceButDemonic [2010-10-17 21:10:42 +0000 UTC]

Kupila sam si cjeli true blood komplet pa sam citala pomalo cijelo ljeto XD
Ah da, i ja sam prve dve godine u umjetnickoj crtala samo jebene stolice -.- Krvava griža jebote.
Ma sam kurac XD Da jesam , jebala bi nesto do sad XD

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