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| dodoy

# Statistics
Favourites: 293; Deviations: 48; Watchers: 572
Watching: 178; Pageviews: 61839; Comments Made: 10812; Friends: 178
# Comments
Comments: 818
sweet-escape01 In reply to dodoy [2010-10-22 00:14:40 +0000 UTC]
no problem. got to give credit where its due
keep up the good work!
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alyssagremlin [2010-07-24 04:31:04 +0000 UTC]
hello, i was wondering if it was okay with you, if i put some of your pieces up on my photo scrollbox on my myspace. credit would go to you let me know.
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dodoy In reply to alyssagremlin [2010-10-21 20:03:08 +0000 UTC]
give credit for me
and link
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blackpupilla [2010-01-04 12:37:55 +0000 UTC]
This is my blog's link,you can see your photoes on it,thank you again!Hope you like it.[link]
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blackpupilla [2010-01-01 04:40:55 +0000 UTC]
I want to use 3 your pictures in my blog to show what love is,sure,I will write your name on them ,if you agreeοΌI will be very appreciated!
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dodoy In reply to blackpupilla [2010-01-03 16:44:41 +0000 UTC]
i agree...can u give link your blog?
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blackpupilla In reply to dodoy [2010-01-04 04:07:18 +0000 UTC]
OK ,when it finished I will give you link.
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garbagexxx [2009-11-15 08:18:56 +0000 UTC]
kang sarmoyoks....terima kasih favnya...wkekekkekek
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steepchen [2009-09-02 14:25:58 +0000 UTC]
wow - can't decide which one of your photo's i love the most. amazing gallery!
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steepchen In reply to dodoy [2009-09-04 13:36:32 +0000 UTC]
you're welcome still have to gaze at your gallery ;D
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masterpen2 [2009-08-27 15:46:09 +0000 UTC]
galerrynya oc2 om, hehehe. add watch ya! hohoho. met kenal.
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dodoy In reply to masterpen2 [2009-08-29 18:06:52 +0000 UTC]
salam knal juga...hmmm khuntien artinya anak pontianak juga ya?
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masterpen2 In reply to dodoy [2009-08-30 06:54:21 +0000 UTC]
iya ni, satu daerah mas. hahahaha
cm skrg lg kul di jkt, asli orang ponti jg.
foto konsepnya keren ni, hahaha
skrg kerjanya jd fotografer di ponti ya?
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dodoy In reply to masterpen2 [2009-08-31 16:22:10 +0000 UTC]
lebih tepatnya jadi tukang mhotoin orang di ptk
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masterpen2 In reply to dodoy [2009-09-01 16:28:27 +0000 UTC]
hahaha, keren mas konsepnya. mantap de. tar kl plng blh ni, share2 pengalamannya. hohohoh masi perlu banyak belajar, masi awam soalnya. hehehe
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dude730 [2009-07-30 07:11:29 +0000 UTC]
So i was just wondering if you would like to check out my gallery and give me some pointers, only if you see fit =]
Just an idea. I just want to improve my craft
thanks in advance
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aNdikapatRya [2009-07-19 21:27:21 +0000 UTC]
your my photograph !
let's show your work my friend..
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dodoy In reply to aNdikapatRya [2009-07-31 07:00:36 +0000 UTC]
bile kawen nye nih eh salah maksudnye nikah nye
jgn ndak undang2
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aNdikapatRya In reply to dodoy [2009-07-31 18:11:39 +0000 UTC]
ii kok gitu sih
masih lama la..
baru gag tunangan ..
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rmnSrmn [2009-07-09 07:18:10 +0000 UTC]
gallerynya keren2 bang...watch yak n slm kenal
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frizareihan [2009-06-29 20:09:07 +0000 UTC]
Teman-teman semua ! Kami dari L2 Design Dan teman2 mengadakan seminar workshop dan hunting bareng bersama,sekalian mengantar silahturahmi kepada semua teman-teman......
Dan sekalian juga akan mengadakan fun season bareng.....
Ikutan yuuuukkkkk semua...... yuk yuk......
Finishing sedang kami kerjakan, yang pasti bgt ga ikutan bakal nyesal seumur hidup deh !
Dan kami juga sudah menyiapkan Sertifikat bagi yang mengikutinya..........
Materi-materi di berikan oleh
"Pengantar Beauty Shoot Modeling"
Background : Fashion Potrait beauty For Magazine (can check him gallery)
"Retouching Beauty Dan Digital Imaging"
Background : Digital Artist Film And Movie Cover Projecrt (can check him gallery)
"how to growth photography be business"
Background : Director Unique studios Advertising 3 Book Best Seller ( Rahasia Besar Photoshop, ML (make love with photoshop, Sotoshop ) ( can check him gallery )
Kami juga sudah menyediakan model yang cantikkkkkkkk bgt dehhhh! dan MUA berpengalaman jadi ga bakalan nyesal seandainya mengikuti season fun ini........
Dan juga dapat kan tips-tips singkat dari teman-teman DA yang sudah berpengalaman...
Tempat : Villa Rasamala Sentul Selatan (surga bagi yang pengen narsis dan motret modeling yang berconcept).
Yang mau gabung bisa langsung mengubungi saya : frizareihan ( frizareihan@gmail.com )
Dan nantikan share-share ilmu dari mereka-mereka !
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dodoy In reply to byebyebeautifool [2009-06-29 19:56:53 +0000 UTC]
ahahahahahaha thanksss....
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