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| deedragonlvr

deedragonlvr [1755952] [] "Dee"

# Statistics

Favourites: 383; Deviations: 26; Watchers: 6

Watching: 64; Pageviews: 3875; Comments Made: 126; Friends: 64

# Comments

Comments: 36

Mokuyo [2014-03-28 15:13:19 +0000 UTC]

Thx so much for the fav on  


If you are interessted feel free to check out my Facebook page for more cosplay pics and updates!

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AngelstarSketches [2013-06-29 17:16:28 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for the fave 0w0
Glad you liked my cosplay >w<

And also...
hey there Michiru~ >30/<3~

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WeissEpilog [2013-05-28 10:23:25 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for the watch

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Zero-Cosplayer22 [2011-07-19 21:09:28 +0000 UTC]

are you ready for otakon?????

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deedragonlvr In reply to Zero-Cosplayer22 [2011-07-20 03:44:48 +0000 UTC]

Heck YEAH! Uh...my costume is another story. :-P Have you ever tried styling a wig? And in an updo? UGH!!!!!!

Are YOU ready for Otakon? :-D

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Zero-Cosplayer22 In reply to deedragonlvr [2011-07-25 15:58:43 +0000 UTC]

YOU BET IM READY!!!! hahaha i just got all my cosplays together once again i am syaoran li.... just different outfits you know haha

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deedragonlvr In reply to Zero-Cosplayer22 [2011-07-25 16:55:21 +0000 UTC]

Nothing wrong with repeating the same character. If I had better sewing skills I probably would have attempted another Watanuki costume, but Lan Fan is also AWESOME...so...going automail ninja. Have you seen the panel line-up? I'm so glad they have new panels this year!!!

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DjWelch [2010-09-29 07:52:25 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for the watch! I really appreciate it!

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Zero-Cosplayer22 [2010-08-10 05:01:57 +0000 UTC]

I am not dead yet i can dance and i can sing i am not dead yet i can do the highland fling. I am not dead yet.... no need to go to bed, no need to call a doctor cause im not yet dead!

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deedragonlvr In reply to Zero-Cosplayer22 [2010-08-10 12:31:36 +0000 UTC]

He is not yet dead, that's what the geezer said No, he's not yet dead that man is off his head he is not yet dead so put him back in bed keep him off the cart because he's not yet dead!

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Zero-Cosplayer22 In reply to deedragonlvr [2010-08-11 22:55:34 +0000 UTC]

great times had by all at this convention.

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deedragonlvr In reply to Zero-Cosplayer22 [2010-08-12 01:08:09 +0000 UTC]

oh yeah!

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Zero-Cosplayer22 In reply to deedragonlvr [2010-08-12 06:02:51 +0000 UTC]

how are you watanuki?

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deedragonlvr In reply to Zero-Cosplayer22 [2010-08-12 12:26:16 +0000 UTC]

I am great and already planning next years cosplay as RanFan! You?

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Zero-Cosplayer22 In reply to deedragonlvr [2010-08-12 13:11:37 +0000 UTC]

Yeah us to. I know I'm def doing Syaoran again... i like the character and he has so many cosplays so I mean why not. And our watanuki want to do a one piece cosplay so i may join him for that

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deedragonlvr In reply to Zero-Cosplayer22 [2010-08-12 21:34:30 +0000 UTC]

That's neat! Which Syaoran costume are you thinking of doing next? Oh, and I meant to ask you: what material was your costume made of? Cotton? Whatever it was, it flowed really well and I'm looking for a flowy kind of material for next year's cosplay.

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Zero-Cosplayer22 In reply to deedragonlvr [2010-08-13 04:25:07 +0000 UTC]

i will find out for you asap. I think it was cotton . but i am unsure

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deedragonlvr In reply to Zero-Cosplayer22 [2010-08-14 14:57:07 +0000 UTC]

Thank you! I know you are probably busy learning how to be a rat, so no worries if it's not soon soon. I am assuming you are currently at VMI. Have fun!

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Zero-Cosplayer22 In reply to deedragonlvr [2010-08-15 05:28:19 +0000 UTC]

actually about to go... fun fun fun. lol

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deedragonlvr In reply to Zero-Cosplayer22 [2010-08-15 17:02:14 +0000 UTC]

If you ever need estrogen, Sweet Briar College (all women's college that I graduated from) is about 45 minutes away.

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Zero-Cosplayer22 In reply to deedragonlvr [2010-08-20 05:41:05 +0000 UTC]

haha no thanks I got a girlfriend haha I knew a few girls who went there

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deedragonlvr In reply to Zero-Cosplayer22 [2010-08-20 12:59:00 +0000 UTC]

hehe, it was more for getting a break from guys then lookin' for a girl... but that's cool. If Rat year is anything like Plebe year at the Naval Academy, I know you'd probably won't get a lot of free time anyways... :-P

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Zero-Cosplayer22 In reply to deedragonlvr [2010-08-20 14:26:59 +0000 UTC]

exactly haha but yeah i understand looking at girls will be better so il keep that in mind haha

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Killfaeh [2010-06-19 17:51:59 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for the fav' ! ^^

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Kenta-Rin [2009-09-07 02:22:23 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for the fave!

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Autumnfeb [2008-06-29 14:54:43 +0000 UTC]

Hello random deviant! :3
I love your Amethyst Dragon o3o so pretty!
Dragons are amazing, ne?

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Nephtis [2008-05-11 08:41:44 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for the

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morowhitewolf [2006-08-23 04:35:50 +0000 UTC]

Thank you very much for the on Swift-Winged Assault ! You helped make my day.

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SlyJackal [2005-12-29 20:56:28 +0000 UTC]

Howdy! Just droppin' by to say thanks for the fav! Much appreciated! Cool gallery you have as well! Keep up the awesome work! C-ya 'round!

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tayley-chan [2005-11-08 00:16:13 +0000 UTC]

Thanks much for the fav ^_^

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deedragonlvr In reply to tayley-chan [2005-11-18 02:19:30 +0000 UTC]

Your welcome! I love the attitude that he displays. :-D

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Kazeuta [2005-07-12 22:20:14 +0000 UTC]


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deedragonlvr [2005-07-11 19:50:17 +0000 UTC]


Yeah, I'm a newbie, so please be patient as I figure how to upload, etc.


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SigurdHosenfeld In reply to deedragonlvr [2005-11-04 23:20:11 +0000 UTC]

Thank you very much for the on my Vampire Princess artwork , I really appreciate it!

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deedragonlvr In reply to SigurdHosenfeld [2005-11-18 02:20:23 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome! I thought the idea was pretty original ^_^

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SigurdHosenfeld In reply to deedragonlvr [2005-11-20 05:37:33 +0000 UTC]


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