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| cocktail-mafia
# Statistics
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# Comments
Comments: 381
GFORCELEVEL1988 [2014-10-11 15:55:53 +0000 UTC]
Hi, Happy Birthday and hope you have a nice day as well
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YumeNoAnima In reply to YumeNoAnima [2014-04-19 20:00:03 +0000 UTC]
And for the llama!
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cocktail-mafia In reply to GIRATlNA [2014-02-14 05:35:10 +0000 UTC]
What a good question.
I'm not alive in the ZEXAL fandom any more specifically and struggling to stay alive in ygo altogether. Not particularly helpful when the format's kind of. bleh. also angelly is going to ruin me i swear why do you do this to a perfectly good deck konami.
The other two might be alive (I don't think so) but wherever they are it's not deviantART. Tumblr, probably, everything's tumblr nowadays.
Hope this helps. Why do you ask?
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GIRATlNA In reply to cocktail-mafia [2014-02-14 05:46:19 +0000 UTC]
Because I too like ZEXAL and the new episodes are wonderful. The problem with Madolche is not so much Angelly, it's Hootcake. But yes, Angelly is horrid and both should get hit. Hopefully the quadanual banlist smacks Fire Fist, Prophecy, and Mermail. Funnily enough PRIO is bringing about new Galaxy stuff and supporting tons of archetypes for no reason but god I love it. It is also the end of the ZEXAL sets so tons of anti XYZ stuff is coming out to hurt them so Pendulum summoning gets special treatment and a nice safe net.
I dislike Tumblr. It's strange and scary and uhm scary again. I tried it out and didn't know what to do ;-; I found you three too late...
Because I like how your profile pictures are the Arclights and I wanted to be friends due to similar interests and the hopes I can duel you three using internet cards or something idk but thank you so much for replying to me.
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cocktail-mafia In reply to GIRATlNA [2014-02-14 12:47:15 +0000 UTC]
no, it's definitely angelly, we were tier 2/3 even with the best pilots at the helm and hootcake, angelly should not be a fairy and/or a level four... there were two things that could break us, either a normal spell (because the searching and recycling is balanced when the main s/t are continuous spells and normal traps don't count because of their extra turn) or a level 4 fairy (because she can go into tiaramisu and facilitates ticket... make that any fairy
Yeah, hmm. Tumblr seems to have gotten so much worse ever since I quit about two years ago. I haven't seen many of the episodes from ZEXAL II to be honest since I had no access to the internet for the first six months and was then too lazy to play catch-up, so I can't speak about that either. sorry :/
haha, if I ever get to updating my deck for the new banlist, it seems like it'd be fun to play you! Could I point you toward some of the groups on dA? i don't know which are anything since i've been away for so long, haha, sorry;;;; but they're probably full of people who still care a lot more about the show than I do. I'm probably going to end up watching Arc-V though, knowing me.
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GIRATlNA In reply to cocktail-mafia [2014-02-14 14:47:42 +0000 UTC]
But but Madolche are able to churn out up to two Tiaramisu a turn with Invokers. Plus Tiaramisu rustles me with returning to deck. Making Gelly a fairy triggers all of the good secondary effects of Madolche stuff ;-; as you can infer, I have intense difficulties against them because no matter how many times I destroy the Macolche monsters they always come back and swarm me. I tried making Vylons once, it just became Kay'est Omega Decree Shock Lock... Right now I use Evilswarm and Constellar but I'm slowly building Battling Boxers and Bujin. After PRIO my boxing guys are going to be amazing and so will Photon/Galaxy finally. Dragon Rulers are stupid and I'm glad that you didn't have to see it (I think).
I like going on Tumblr for ZEXAL gifs... That's just about it.Β
We could duel on YGOPro because it's all automatic. and I'd like to be put into groups but I won't give up on you. You're a pretty cool person and stuff so even if you aren't too into ZEXAL, you're my friend! ^^ I'm going to watch Arc-V because it's an Arclight all about you. Why do you ride a flying hippo?
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YuGiOhZEXAL [2013-12-20 19:20:07 +0000 UTC]
Thank you for joining my Yu-Gi-OH groupe, Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V yu-gi-oharc-v.deviantart.com/
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GFORCELEVEL1988 [2013-10-11 14:34:23 +0000 UTC]
Hi, Happy Birthday and hope you have a nice day as well
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cocktail-mafia In reply to Huhoop [2013-04-24 13:56:18 +0000 UTC]
Ahhhh no probleeeeem <3<3 Your work is so amazing <33333
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Loki-Wings [2013-04-18 12:22:27 +0000 UTC]
Thanks so much for the watch! I appreciate it!
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cocktail-mafia In reply to Loki-Wings [2013-04-25 01:07:34 +0000 UTC]
No problem, your art's lovely dear
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ForeverAloneRageKrew [2013-04-04 11:04:26 +0000 UTC]
well....can I just say how unexpected this is...was reading on some of the past fanfics on FF.Net and re-read Indifference, (I still love it btw)....and i was bored so i was like 'LETS STALK THE AUTHOR' (yeah, creepy...i know, sorry) but...very unexpected to see that you know Hybrid irl :l very unexpected....didn't go to SMASH 2012, but imagine if I had and I could have met you o_o....
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cocktail-mafia In reply to ForeverAloneRageKrew [2013-04-15 07:22:24 +0000 UTC]
asdsfsfjkl;;; Um hi.
we met like a bit before last year or something though so yeah uh hi
/flies out window
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ForeverAloneRageKrew In reply to cocktail-mafia [2013-04-16 02:15:06 +0000 UTC]
hahaha xD who knew everything randomly connects trolololol
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LaytonLegalLuke [2013-03-13 18:10:00 +0000 UTC]
your art is pretty cool too!! also u son of a bitch u cosplayed shark admires u
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cocktail-mafia In reply to LaytonLegalLuke [2013-03-14 08:15:30 +0000 UTC]
/crazy blushu time
shark is the most badass tho, i could never be so proi bet shark knows how to paint too sob precious baby
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LaytonLegalLuke In reply to cocktail-mafia [2013-03-14 13:44:48 +0000 UTC]
sobs with u the most precious but badass but also dorky baby help I'm too in love with this character
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cocktail-mafia In reply to LaytonLegalLuke [2013-03-20 00:56:14 +0000 UTC]
yesss!! shark is so dorky omg now that you mention it but like he's so cute and asdfjvnyuvofdbk
also I stand by the fact that your art is so much better because like wow shark's monsters all that perf amirite (yes)
Ahh;; apparently in the newest manga chapter kaito can't cook--> imagine if shark omg though rio yeah she does stuff too i guess
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LaytonLegalLuke In reply to cocktail-mafia [2013-03-20 05:27:13 +0000 UTC]
"omfg no yuma im too cool to play duel baseball with u *rides off in motor bike* too cool." THE CUTEST DORKYEST BUT AT THE SAME TIME COOLEST ADORABLE-(how oftenly do i fangirl about shark wow i'm a rlly annoying person :V)
Wait I thought the only volumes out are 1 and 2, are there translations of the later chapters online???? /goes searching. also unpopular opinion alert i'm not too into rio i think she shouldn't appear as much as she does okay i'll shut up now
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cocktail-mafia In reply to LaytonLegalLuke [2013-04-15 07:29:02 +0000 UTC]
omfg ikr (WHY WOULDN'T YOU FANGIRL OVER SHARK I MEAN ONLY CUTEST THING EVER YEAH);; Shark has the bestest fashion sense in the whole show, nojoke. aaaah I mean like all that purple omfg
I actually don't know what volumes are out or anything aha I just like... hear things ... (also agreed about rio because shark bby shark and that's ttly a reason k but like even more unpopular opinion alert i don't like misael like i mean i saw his face and i was like 'douuuuuche')
how late do i reply omg sobs so sorry bby have some shark kisses xxoxo
also this is totally unreadable message so uh gomen /flies out window
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bookwormtiff [2012-11-04 09:30:08 +0000 UTC]
I'm still bookwormtiff. XD
How are you doing?
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aceIy [2012-10-11 23:03:06 +0000 UTC]
(I already said this on tumblr, but i'll post it here too) HAPPY BIRTHDAAAYYY~~
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LyokoStar [2012-10-11 21:52:38 +0000 UTC]
happy birthday!
i just wanted to tell you that you are one of my favorite fanfic writers and a very talented artist. never stop being amazing!
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LightEndDragon [2012-10-11 21:08:59 +0000 UTC]
Happy birthday!
Hope you have an amazing day<3~
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GFORCELEVEL1988 [2012-10-11 19:48:32 +0000 UTC]
Hi, Happy Birthday and hope you have a nice day as well
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