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| chloemalloyart

# Statistics
Favourites: 1133; Deviations: 13; Watchers: 246
Watching: 75; Pageviews: 35232; Comments Made: 2417; Friends: 75
# Comments
Comments: 465
DoeNathan [2018-03-08 08:17:28 +0000 UTC]
Hoh HOH! Your works are very interesting!
The collection in your gallery neatly pairs with each other; itβs very soothing to seem them as a whole.
I also respect the amount of effort you put in each piece.
Super amazing, Chloe!
O' v'o )-b
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chloemalloyart In reply to DoeNathan [2018-03-08 08:37:17 +0000 UTC]
That is so sweet of you tyvm
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Droid24747 [2017-04-06 08:22:40 +0000 UTC]
G'day, how are you?
I havent' been on dA in a very long time.
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Harpness [2016-01-14 22:43:17 +0000 UTC]
Idrk what a llama badge is but tyvm for giving me one x3
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chloemalloyart In reply to Anderstattoo [2012-05-30 08:36:48 +0000 UTC]
No problem, have some great tattoos
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Sissy-Baby [2012-03-24 02:07:04 +0000 UTC]
Hi dear!! just wanted to say a little hello! How are you?
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chloemalloyart In reply to Sissy-Baby [2012-05-05 01:54:53 +0000 UTC]
Heya hun how r u going?
Yea I am good, just got the internet running, had a bit of a rocky year. But going great now!!
Chloe xxxx
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Toxic929 [2011-10-09 23:28:14 +0000 UTC]
hey I havent talked to you in forever! I'm glad to see you keeping up with your art! its lookign really good!
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boobadajam88 [2011-05-15 12:06:46 +0000 UTC]
heya chloe it's joe, sophie's boyfriend
it's been a while since i came on here and then i remember sophie asking me to add you
all of my drawings are really old. i really need to do some scanning and updating on here.
anyways your artworks are amazing !!
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keroseneSteve [2011-01-30 00:46:14 +0000 UTC]
you draw so well i dunno WHAT to fan... soo i fan EVERYTHING
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chloemalloyart In reply to keroseneSteve [2011-01-30 08:07:36 +0000 UTC]
thank you so much hun xxxx
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Whack-In-The-Head [2011-01-27 01:20:42 +0000 UTC]
Here due to Aolizz.
Very impressive art you have!
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chloemalloyart In reply to Whack-In-The-Head [2011-01-27 06:31:54 +0000 UTC]
Thank you very much i love the one of yours labeled wants a night alone. Im not good at doing animals lol
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Whack-In-The-Head In reply to chloemalloyart [2011-01-27 13:02:39 +0000 UTC]
Nah, that one was pretty lazy. You'd be way above me if we ordered artistry in caste systems.
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chloemalloyart In reply to Whack-In-The-Head [2011-01-28 10:22:21 +0000 UTC]
Trust me if i hadnt gotten any better than i was in highschool four years ago i would have killed myself lol. Cant wait to see what your artworks looklike then if you spend time on them.
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Whack-In-The-Head In reply to chloemalloyart [2011-01-28 12:24:44 +0000 UTC]
Really? Thank you.
I have a problem with spending time on things.
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chloemalloyart In reply to Whack-In-The-Head [2011-01-28 12:38:25 +0000 UTC]
its okay. i am the same lately, i have about 15 WIP and cbf working on them. lol
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Whack-In-The-Head In reply to chloemalloyart [2011-01-28 20:28:08 +0000 UTC]
If I can't get something done in one sitting, it won't get done.
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chloemalloyart In reply to Whack-In-The-Head [2011-01-29 00:31:51 +0000 UTC]
Yep i think thats how it works for me lol
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tangolium [2011-01-27 01:01:39 +0000 UTC]
Thank you so very much for the membership and the watch.
You have no idea how much your gift means to me <3 I can't find any proper way to express my thanks in words.
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chloemalloyart In reply to tangolium [2011-01-27 06:31:27 +0000 UTC]
Its okay i know how you feel. Someone did the same for me once have fun with it xxx and thankk you for the favorites
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Venaeli [2011-01-02 22:21:45 +0000 UTC]
Ignore the idiot. Acknowledging their responses are not even worth your time.
Congrats on your lovely submission getting a DD!
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zarhx In reply to AssClownFish [2011-01-02 06:37:39 +0000 UTC]
I'll never get one because I don't put my good work on this site (: I've seen far too much favoritism and unfairness by the staff. Far too many shit, thrown together pieces on the front page and in the DDs. Far too many people like this artist, who receive ONE negative comment and insist on harassing me through comments and notes about how bitchy I am.
Did you even see the comment I left on the DD piece? It seriously was not even that bad. She just got butthurt when two or so people agreed, and referred to it as us "going on and on." Yeah, right. She has SO MANY supporters and maybe 2 haters. Is negative feedback really that evil?
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AssClownFish In reply to zarhx [2011-01-02 06:48:20 +0000 UTC]
1. Front Page is based on a popularity system and is controlled by the community response, 2. I have no favor with anyone and I suggested her work. It made it. I've received a DD and I know how many people whine and cry about it from experience. And frankly, if you don't like the DD, suggest one. Or say something that makes you actually useful. It's people like you that think that one ugly comment isn't a big deal that leads to every DD being "unworthy" and bitched about.
You didn't have negative feedback, you had worthless un-constructive feedback set to make the artist feel like her work isn't worth anything.
And I saw how many people it actually was. Perhaps you didn't.
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zarhx In reply to AssClownFish [2011-01-02 06:54:34 +0000 UTC]
I know how the front page works :/
Please, you bitch about so much shit.. Just glancing at your gallery's comments makes me realize that you can't be taken seriously at all.
Most of the replies to my comment were bitching at ME, not her. Only one or two people agreed with me, and my comment simply said bases shouldn't get dds. If she's that butthurt, that's her problem.
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AssClownFish In reply to zarhx [2011-01-02 06:56:54 +0000 UTC]
You obviously missed the several that followed yours. I would know, I was on her deviation when she disabled comments. Don't take me seriously as you won't, but it's people like you making this community shit if you can't shut your metaphorical mouth for five minutes to let someone enjoy something positive. I may be an asshole, but at least I let them have their moment even when I don't like them.
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zarhx In reply to AssClownFish [2011-01-02 07:00:46 +0000 UTC]
The main point I can't seem to get across to you or this artist is that a few negative comments should NEVER be allowed to ruin anything for you. There are always going to be negative comments on shit. ALWAYS. Whether it's me or some other asshole, it's gonna be there.
How the artist deals with it is the important part, not trolling the negative person.
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AssClownFish In reply to zarhx [2011-01-02 07:04:39 +0000 UTC]
The negative comment shouldn't be needed to begin with just because you don't like the subject. You seem to not get the point. I think she's pretty justified when something good ends up with people being nasty about it. Especially since it wasn't her choice.
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kheperbleu In reply to AssClownFish [2011-01-02 08:11:13 +0000 UTC]
who in the bluest of blue hells is ~zarhx ? and why is she bawwing? XD stupid horseaboo
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zarhx In reply to AssClownFish [2011-01-02 07:05:48 +0000 UTC]
I direct you to your very own deviation
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kheperbleu In reply to zarhx [2011-01-02 08:10:21 +0000 UTC]
yea you need to read that stamp a few more times. let it sink in. or have your abusive mum write it in sharpie on a brick and have her smash it into your head. i think youll get it then
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FortheLoveofKei [2011-01-02 05:05:51 +0000 UTC]
I love Sienna!! I might use her soon. :3 Congrats on the DD on her! I'm not surprised that people chose to bash you. They are all lame for that. *nod*
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littleartattacker [2011-01-02 04:21:40 +0000 UTC]
Im super sorry to hear that people have been so rude about your dd. It is very unfortunate that you didnt get to enjoy it like you should.
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danydiniz [2011-01-02 03:05:06 +0000 UTC]
Congratulations for the DD! You really deserved it. It is a beautiful artwork! You are very talented.
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chloemalloyart In reply to danydiniz [2011-01-02 03:08:11 +0000 UTC]
Thank you so much. I really appreciate it considering how many people said bases dont deserve DD's. xxx
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danydiniz In reply to chloemalloyart [2011-01-02 04:06:36 +0000 UTC]
Don't listen to them.
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AssClownFish [2011-01-02 02:52:56 +0000 UTC]
;-; I feel bad for suggesting it because of those assholes, but I think your base is remarkable. You deserved that DD my dear. You did.
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chloemalloyart In reply to AssClownFish [2011-01-02 03:06:19 +0000 UTC]
Thank you. Its okay Im over it lol. I looked at most of those peoples profiles and they dont have any tallent anyway so i am not that fussed lol.
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