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# Statistics
Favourites: 592; Deviations: 90; Watchers: 30
Watching: 34; Pageviews: 9930; Comments Made: 1757; Friends: 34
# Comments
Comments: 294
hermiko [2013-10-10 14:56:56 +0000 UTC]
Enjoy your day Birthday Girl, hope its filled with HiruMamo Love and friendship.
Atta girl you are a star and you know it.
Love from Budapest
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cherrytiger In reply to alstudioworks [2013-05-09 02:47:58 +0000 UTC]
Hello fellow ES21 fan!! Thank you for the watch!
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alstudioworks In reply to cherrytiger [2013-05-10 16:45:55 +0000 UTC]
You're welcome
By the way, do you know where I can find the Eyeshield21 novels? Scanlations is okay too. I was searching for it, along with the databook.
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cherrytiger In reply to akornzombie [2013-04-24 03:41:57 +0000 UTC]
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akornzombie In reply to cherrytiger [2013-04-26 18:56:41 +0000 UTC]
*Serves up plate of waffles with syrup and cake* HERE YOU GO!
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cherrytiger In reply to akornzombie [2013-05-02 08:33:44 +0000 UTC]
HOORAY!!! *gobbles it down*
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Amarvica [2013-04-06 12:05:15 +0000 UTC]
oh one more thing, I am impressed at how you manage to develop your stories. have you ever write novels before? I think you are very able to do it xD
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cherrytiger In reply to Amarvica [2013-04-18 02:40:30 +0000 UTC]
I am SO sorry for the late reply, as I haven't been checking my DA enough but wow... wow! Thank you so much for your lovely comment!! It's really amazing to know that there are people out there who think highly of my stories and especially my style of writing.
I will continue to do my best in writing, especially for HiruMamo. So thank you once again for the comment, and for reading and enjoying my fics!
As for my original stories, I'm working on them for sure. Thank you for the encouragement!
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Amarvica [2013-04-06 12:03:31 +0000 UTC]
heeelloo there! am dropping by to say thank you for writing those beautiful fics! you know, I hardly read fics but you are definitely one of my favorite writers.
I really love how you develop your stories without making Hiruma or Mamori too out of character xD and as a Hirumamo shipper I'm sooo so happy to read these fics of yours!
thank you, really. I didn't left comment at any of your fics but trust me, I've read many of it and I am glad to say, I am your fan! hehehe xD thank you so much.. and please keep up the good work ^^
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cherrytiger In reply to Null-Entity [2012-11-30 15:51:44 +0000 UTC]
How could I NOT fav that awesomeness? Hahaha! XD You're welcome!
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hermiko [2012-11-26 08:42:57 +0000 UTC]
Hi Cherry Tiger! Looks like I missed your birthday >_< But I have something for you this week if you don't mind a 6-week lateness! I wanted to ask how you put the banners of Honey-Bee89 above the litterature? I tried but couldn't do it.
Have a great week!
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cherrytiger In reply to hermiko [2012-11-27 08:53:57 +0000 UTC]
Hi Hermi-ko! It's fine, it doesn't have to be a birthday gift after all. Besides, you've given me enough by translating my fics! I'm really grateful for that!
How did you post up your fic? Did you use sta.sh or by "Submit art"?
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hermiko In reply to cherrytiger [2012-11-27 11:30:24 +0000 UTC]
Then you are welcome^^ But I have a french HiruMamo I wrote down the other day that I am going to translate in English for you because you are one of my fav writers. Nice cosplay of Mamo by the way
I used the Submit Art thingy.
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cherrytiger In reply to hermiko [2012-11-27 14:39:28 +0000 UTC]
Aww, that's so sweet! I look forward to it then.
Okay, perfect! Go on your fic and on the right side click edit. Once the screen loads, click on the button "Change Preview". Upload your file, let it load, click "Ok" and then you're set! Hope that helps.
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hermiko In reply to cherrytiger [2012-11-27 15:00:50 +0000 UTC]
It's done, thank you very much for your clear explanation^^
Have a good week Cherry Tiger!
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ox-Honey-Bee-xo [2012-10-10 16:51:29 +0000 UTC]
Happy Birthday, Cher-Bear! I was going to draw something for you today, but I feel so freakin' horrible. My head hurts soooo bad. I hate head colds. OTL
I better go lay down now, see if I feel better in a few hours. Hopefully I'll be able to get the Bat Hunt started tonight, too...
Hope you have a Happy Birthday!
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cherrytiger In reply to ox-Honey-Bee-xo [2012-10-11 16:28:50 +0000 UTC]
LOL!! Cher-Bear! I like that! You really shouldn't force yourself when you're feeling unwell, but I must say THANK YOU for the awesome fanart you made. I feel so bad, cause I know you must have suffered quite a bit to get it done. But I'm so grateful, cause your effort is really meaningful to me, and the fanart was fun.
Thank you so much once again, and if you need help with anything, let me know! Looking forward to contribute more to the #HirumaxMamori group!
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ox-Honey-Bee-xo In reply to cherrytiger [2012-10-12 00:45:22 +0000 UTC]
Well, I'm a stubborn person. I know I've probably set back my healing progress a bit, but I don't care! I didn't want to miss your birthday. ;A; I'm glad that you liked the fanart, though, even though it was a bit messy!
No problem! Well, you could probably help me with the Bat Hunt, but... I don't want to take the fun away from you. Did you want to take part in the Bat Hunt this year? It's alright if you want to. I'll probably be alright by the time it ends, anyway, so feel free to join in.
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cherrytiger In reply to ox-Honey-Bee-xo [2012-10-12 15:33:04 +0000 UTC]
Messy? Pfft! I thought it was perfect! But I hope you get more rest because of it!
Actually no! Hahaha! I don't think I'll have the time to do the Bat Hunt, since I'm back to juggling fic writing and work. XD So if you need my help for the Bat Hunt, you can count me in!
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cherrytiger In reply to ginruru [2012-10-11 16:26:32 +0000 UTC]
Uwaaah!! Thank you!! I'm sorry for not replying sooner, I've been so busy! But thank you so much for remembering! I love you too!
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ginruru In reply to cherrytiger [2012-10-12 11:55:06 +0000 UTC]
well , i hope you had a great birthdate , and a;sp will have a great year ahead , neechan . you can email me back anytime you want , i just wish i could give you something for your birthdate , but since i can't , i will settle down on cheering you . i you
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ginruru [2012-07-25 15:02:03 +0000 UTC]
oneechan , i just up my new hirumamo fanfic , you know the one with the strip show ,please help check it out for me , so that i could up it on my ff ~^^
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cherrytiger In reply to YummyGamorah [2012-07-23 06:45:52 +0000 UTC]
You're welcome! Great work on your cosplay!
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FrozenHealer [2012-07-19 09:16:38 +0000 UTC]
HI there, thank you so much for the fav! ^^
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ox-Honey-Bee-xo [2012-07-18 03:28:53 +0000 UTC]
And here's another one: [link] I wonder why Mamori slapped that guy...
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cherrytiger In reply to ox-Honey-Bee-xo [2012-07-18 05:12:26 +0000 UTC]
Yeah!! The pictures lighting is too bright for me to be able to read it well! It's SO frustrating!! I need these books!
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ox-Honey-Bee-xo [2012-07-18 03:26:29 +0000 UTC]
Found the novel you mentioned! It's being sold on e-bay: [link] I want to know why Mamori is acting like that around Hiruma's aunt, too.
I'm thinking about buying it... but I can't read Japanese. XD
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cherrytiger In reply to ox-Honey-Bee-xo [2012-07-18 05:11:49 +0000 UTC]
Thank you so much for this!! So at least there's an Ebay version around I can use as a backup plan. Mostly cause shipping would cost a bit too much for me, so I'm hoping that by going through the Japanese bookstore, Kinokuniya, I can at least get it without having to pay any shipping fee (I hope... cause I think it's okay as long as they have stock in one of their branches, and from what I've seen, nope, they don't have stock in the Malaysian branch. Hopefully they have stock in Singapore or can get it straight from Japan!).
I've also found the novels in Amazon (Japan, of course): [link] and [link]
Which will be my next option if Kinokuniya can't get their hands on the book. At least down here it says that they definitely still have stock on these books, so I know I'll get it. But I'm pretty sure it's going to be expensive as well with the shipping!
Then there's the ebay one which I'll use as a last resort... but I think I'll let the person who posted up the pictures about these novels know about it, cause that person is interested in buying the novels. Hopefully that person can post up scans of the novels if he/she gets it then, so I can translate it further! But if that person doesn't buy and all the other options are a no go, I'll take this. Thanks once again!!
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ox-Honey-Bee-xo In reply to cherrytiger [2012-07-18 22:50:00 +0000 UTC]
Oh my gosh! Amazon Japan - I wish I thought of buying the ES21 artbook from there. I got mine from e-bay a while back. It would have been in perfect condition... but the stupid mailman had jammed my precious book into the mailbox like it was nothing. *Sobs* I didn't open the package right away, as I didn't want to see the damage that was done to it. But I opened it eventually and found that it was still in great condition, surprisingly, but all the pages are slightly curved at the top corner... Unfortunate, but at least there's no creases or anything. That would have killed me.
Well, if they don't buy it, I will! I want all of the Eyeshield 21 books! Heck, more than books - I want everything on Eyeshield 21. XD I've even been looking for key-rings of Hiruma and Mamori - something I want so freakin badly - but I can't find any. I know they existed at some point - I saw pictures! Where are they?
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cherrytiger In reply to ox-Honey-Bee-xo [2012-07-19 15:02:47 +0000 UTC]
Oh my gosh, I can't believe how reckless people can be with the packaging!! I'm glad that the book came out all right. I'm hoping that buying from Amazon Japan would be a good deal for me... I've never really tried ordering ordering from Japanese websites before, so this should be interesting. XD
Hahahaha!! Same here! I'm pretty much buying the mangas in English and Japanese right now... because I enjoy reading the both of them! If you do get your hands on the novel before me, could you possibly scan it so I can read it and do some translations? I seriously need to find out more about this!
And I've never heard of these key-rings before... are they official? Fan made?
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ox-Honey-Bee-xo In reply to cherrytiger [2012-07-20 02:17:57 +0000 UTC]
Haha. That, right there, is dedication! I'd do the same if I could read more than one language. Nothing like being able to read the originals. *Nods* Gah! The one with Hiruma's aunt was sold... darn. I'll try and buy it from somewhere else. And if I do get my hands on a copy, I'll certainly scan the pages and send them your way! No doubts about that.
Well, Hiruma had a key-ring and Mamori had a pin. You can see the pictures of them here: [link]
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cherrytiger In reply to ox-Honey-Bee-xo [2012-07-24 14:43:29 +0000 UTC]
I'm gonna go down to the bookstore on Friday and see if I can order the book from them. Really hoping they don't mind making the order! I really should just be a member of this bookstore already. XD
OH MY GOSH!!! I swear, if I see ANY Eyeshield 21 merchandise, I would buy it in a heartbeat. So far I've bought badges with the Devil Bats logo. I lost the big Devil Bat, really not sure where that is, but the little Devil Bat is still around. They're fanmade, but it still made me ridiculously happy to know they exist! I just wish there were mooooore!!!
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ox-Honey-Bee-xo In reply to cherrytiger [2012-07-31 23:43:10 +0000 UTC]
If you go there often, then you probably should! You coukd get great deals with a membership.
Me, too! The books just aren't enough - I also want posters, plushies and action figures! OTL
If I could make solid things like key-rings, clay-models and the like, I would so make Eyeshield 21 stuff! Well, okay... mainly Hirumamo stuff. Haha. But I would love to create things of them if I had the ability to. If I could make a key-chain like this: [link] for them, I would be so happy! It's not impossible (I think). I mean, if I could learn to create something from clay, then make a molding out of it, I wonder if my eldest brother could use the materials from his workplace to... Gah! Talk about thinking ahead. I'd have to learn how to work with clay first. Still, I'll have to ask him about it... see if it's possible.
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Violeta960 [2012-07-15 16:43:28 +0000 UTC]
Thank you very much for watching me. Even though I do draw more than just fanart....I've lost many friends after I stopped making fanart out of certain series. Hope this doesn't happen too soon.
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cherrytiger In reply to Violeta960 [2012-07-16 02:58:08 +0000 UTC]
Well, that's not fair! It's sad when people only follow you for a specific fandom... and if you don't contribute to that fandom, they stop following you. I've had that happen to me before, but I've decided to accept when that happens. I would rather have people follow me and be happy about it, than for them to be picky and dictate what I should do. You definitely deserve watchers cause you do what you love and you do your best in it!
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Violeta960 In reply to cherrytiger [2012-07-16 03:09:03 +0000 UTC]
Aww thanks a lot! And that's very true.
And, ahem, here's more ES21 fanart [link] [link] [link]
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