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| cheekysaru
# Statistics
Favourites: 1556; Deviations: 57; Watchers: 40
Watching: 79; Pageviews: 10809; Comments Made: 4503; Friends: 79
# Comments
Comments: 860
Aquasakura [2011-11-28 03:01:42 +0000 UTC]
Happy Birthday! I was late in saying this but I made it.
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ChocolatAlchemist [2010-12-06 20:33:52 +0000 UTC]
CHIBI! Got your username from Wilemi. Nice drawings!!
~Ele, who you all know and love. XD
PS I'm stalking your 11-month-boyfriend on Youtube because I don't have a facebook (therefore I fail).
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cheekysaru In reply to ChocolatAlchemist [2010-12-11 21:08:40 +0000 UTC]
Hello :] That is okay, I only come here now and again xD
You are? How? xDDD And it's is 24 months now <3 Well...2 years you could say xD
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ChocolatAlchemist In reply to cheekysaru [2010-12-11 22:07:35 +0000 UTC]
Just glad to hear from you~ oh, congrats on 2 years!!! D
Yes, I sent him a message on Youtube... the only way I can get in contact with Abn-ers or one of the few... XD
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cheekysaru In reply to ChocolatAlchemist [2010-12-11 22:56:44 +0000 UTC]
Yeah :] Thank you, I get to see him next week after 3 weeks apart. His uni is so far away but he's home for christmas :3
Which account? He has two but only uses one. I have two and only use one. Haha, my old one has a load of AMVs on it which I'm not really interested in anymore so I started a new one for my musicness and random videos of my puppy lol
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ChocolatAlchemist In reply to cheekysaru [2010-12-12 00:05:15 +0000 UTC]
ooh, what is it? I'll suscribe to you!
mine's minamorinozuka. <3
Uhhhh.... i dunno, but he replied to me on it... it's the one with "flames" in it. :3 it's the one he left when he left abn....
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Aquasakura [2010-11-22 23:27:13 +0000 UTC]
Happy early birthday Natalie. ^_^ It's been a while since I heard from you.
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cheekysaru In reply to Aquasakura [2010-12-11 21:09:33 +0000 UTC]
Oh thank you <3 :] I know, I only come here now and again~ How have you been?
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Aquasakura In reply to cheekysaru [2010-12-26 23:49:41 +0000 UTC]
You're welcome and sorry I haven't reply to you sooner. I was busy with exams at the time you sent this message.
Anyway, I have been fine. I have a Facebook account now so if you want to look at it I can give you a link.
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cheekysaru In reply to Aquasakura [2011-01-04 23:02:53 +0000 UTC]
That's okay, yeah sure :] It's easier to keep in contact through facebook as I only come on DA once in a blue moon haha
Did you have a nice xmas and new years?
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Aquasakura In reply to cheekysaru [2011-01-05 02:16:39 +0000 UTC]
Alright. ^_^ I already sent you the link to my Facebook page by note. I had both a good Christmas and New Years. I received gifts and spend time with family. What about you?
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cheekysaru In reply to LegionaryMario [2010-06-09 19:06:50 +0000 UTC]
I'm having a drawing block atm ): Too stressed with college work but I finish on June 25th
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cheekysaru In reply to LegionaryMario [2010-07-17 14:37:20 +0000 UTC]
I have been drawing away~ Got one page of the chibi comic done now, working on the next :3
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wakka9876 [2010-02-10 14:57:53 +0000 UTC]
sorry about this, been told to get over 24 watchers for this group, no idea why, anyway, join if you want =]
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wakka9876 [2009-12-26 19:48:12 +0000 UTC]
SARUUUUUUUUUUU....... ................ ........................ Hey
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cheekysaru In reply to samballard99 [2009-12-06 00:13:30 +0000 UTC]
I am alive But not a lot really haha, how are you? Gosh, haven't spoken to you in ageeeesssss!
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samballard99 In reply to cheekysaru [2009-12-06 00:21:34 +0000 UTC]
aha yeah its been a while, i'm gewd.. what have you been up to all this time?
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cheekysaru In reply to samballard99 [2009-12-18 17:48:33 +0000 UTC]
Goodio c: Just college and work really, been to a couple of gigs and played some too. Getting ready for uni now, hoping to get into Bath Spa *fingers crossed* How about you? How is the Urahara hat? xD
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samballard99 In reply to cheekysaru [2009-12-18 19:05:39 +0000 UTC]
played some gigs? wow awesome! i didnt know you were in a band! you sing for them tho, right?
just finished a term at uni and ready to relax for xmas man, i havent touched that hat in ages
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cheekysaru In reply to samballard99 [2009-12-18 22:48:42 +0000 UTC]
Yeah, more college bands and stuff. Yeah I sing in them, doing a Jazz and rock gig in Jan so looking forward to it But this past 2 weeks been performing in a opera and singing in the cathedral. It's all good~
yaaaaay~ What course you doing at uni? You should find the hat and give it the love it has been missing lol Poor lonely hat )':
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samballard99 In reply to cheekysaru [2009-12-19 09:57:24 +0000 UTC]
fantastic! go you! so versitile! have you ever tried out for the x factor?
aha, i'm in 2nd year animation. down in bournemouth
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cheekysaru In reply to samballard99 [2009-12-19 20:40:39 +0000 UTC]
Oh noooo, half of that show is staged xD My friend on my course tried out for x factor and they told people how to act and brought in some randomers to be odd lol But it's pretty gay anyway, like a fast track to fame. I want to earn my place in music c: Anyway, Rage for xmas number one!! xDDDD
oooooo, my friend is trying out for bournemouth c: How is it going for you?
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samballard99 In reply to cheekysaru [2009-12-19 23:04:40 +0000 UTC]
damn, i suspected as much =/ you cant trust tv at all! go you! i'm sure you can get somewhere without crappy talent shows! yeah rage for #1!
b'mouth is pretty damn awesome, its party town!
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cheekysaru In reply to samballard99 [2010-01-02 23:23:22 +0000 UTC]
Well...You can trust peppa pig c: Yeah, there's lots of jobs in music. Composers, session musicians, music doctor peoples, music journalists and so on. Hopefully, I'll get somewhere with a music degree c:
It tis? lol Have a nice Christmas and New Years?
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samballard99 In reply to cheekysaru [2010-01-10 12:12:16 +0000 UTC]
totally did! much drunkness was had, how bout yous?
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cheekysaru In reply to samballard99 [2010-01-14 00:28:02 +0000 UTC]
Yeah, there was drunkness for the first time on new years xD Twas pretty funny. Just waiting around for uni replies now, got an invitation from University of Central Lancashire today x3 Still want Bath Spa through x3
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cheekysaru In reply to CrazyAzn65 [2009-10-15 19:55:33 +0000 UTC]
Helloooo, I'm good ta just been swapped by work from college D: u?
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CrazyAzn65 In reply to cheekysaru [2009-10-15 23:40:41 +0000 UTC]
thats good :3 i'm pretty good :] ^_^. so whats new
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cheekysaru In reply to CrazyAzn65 [2009-10-16 21:23:44 +0000 UTC]
:3 <-- I like this face xD
Just working hard at college, getting ready for uni! Been together with my boyfriend for nearly a year now c: I am happy soul~ How about you?
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CrazyAzn65 In reply to cheekysaru [2009-10-17 00:15:03 +0000 UTC]
^_^ yay :] fun fun
w00t congrats c:. meh not much really on this end =/ new pics x3 and erm thats about it
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cheekysaru In reply to CrazyAzn65 [2009-10-17 12:59:12 +0000 UTC]
Thank-you c: How are thing around AA/DF or do you not go on there much now? Oh yeah, I seen them c: *comment* How is high school/college where ever you are at in Americanland?
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CrazyAzn65 In reply to cheekysaru [2009-10-17 22:33:05 +0000 UTC]
you're welcomies :3. They're alright i go on everynow and then but not a whole lot really. YAY ^_^ its going pretty well :3
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cheekysaru In reply to CrazyAzn65 [2009-10-17 22:43:05 +0000 UTC]
Ah, yes, I was thinking about going back on there one day but I haven't been online for ages :/ hmmm...Well that is goody good
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cheekysaru In reply to FreedomBrigade [2009-10-05 22:22:48 +0000 UTC]
Right back at you fellow ABNer xD
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FreedomBrigade In reply to cheekysaru [2009-10-05 22:48:02 +0000 UTC]
Yay! Or in your case would it be ABNette?
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cheekysaru In reply to Demi-Vamp [2009-09-28 17:07:52 +0000 UTC]
Watch back...Please xD Yus, we shall now all form a circle of ABN love haha x
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