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# Comments
Comments: 924
myhandinyours [2007-05-17 22:21:59 +0000 UTC]
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bird4peace [2007-02-16 00:17:40 +0000 UTC]
Haven't been on in ages, thought I would say hi! and ask how you have been...
been mad busy with real life...
and then got all arty again, posted a bit...
checking on folks, seeing how things are.
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chdani In reply to bird4peace [2007-02-27 21:28:53 +0000 UTC]
Well things are nice, I been mostly up to music lately but I quit the band after a year because of the distance which sucked because it was really cool music.
take a look at [link] if you like to listen!
In other news I keep on working, playing bass and try my best to do some art....well that's a laugh hahaha.
How is everything?
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chdani In reply to monne [2007-01-26 08:52:33 +0000 UTC]
Okej men du bor i lägenhet iallafall? Var bor du nånstans då, i allas våran favoritort eller?
Rido ja, ja jag var rätt stolt över det vi gjorde men jag orkade inte pendla som en dåre hela tiden bara men just nu tar jag det mest lugnt och jobbar typ. Ska nog inhandla en ny bas snart dock.
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monne In reply to chdani [2007-01-26 10:53:24 +0000 UTC]
Bor fortfarande i Norrköping och kommer troligtvis göra det till sommaren åtminstone. Så nej - jag bor tyvärr inte i paradiset aka. allas våran favoritort aka. Åtvidaberg, men jag drömmer om att en dag kunna flytta tillbaka.
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chdani In reply to monne [2007-01-30 17:58:12 +0000 UTC]
Om du tror på dig själv kan du nog lyckas!
Funderade på att plugga nåt med men ska jag vara ärlig mot mig själv vill jag verkligen inte så jag skiter nog i det
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monne [2007-01-16 20:33:31 +0000 UTC]
Hoppas allt är bra på Mjölbyfronten. Lyssnade på bandet du är/var med i för ett litet tag sedan - lät riktigt schysst. Har du nåt annat skoj du sysslar med?
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monne [2007-01-16 20:27:43 +0000 UTC]
Nej, det var väl typiska 4-5 månader sedan vi hördes av sist. Jag försöker just nu hitta en födkrok i och med att jag efter ett tag på utbildningen "insåg" att jag saknar drivkraft att jobba så pass hårt för någonting jag varken är intresserad av eller får betalt för, så jag gjorde en Mattis. Däremot så måste hyran betalas.
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chdani In reply to delsys [2006-09-07 20:43:38 +0000 UTC]
well I saw my message again a while back and realized it sounds like something really horrible happend.
this is not the case though. I just needed to do things formyself and not for attention you know, I don't think I ever were an attention whore with my work but it more of a spiritual thing you know.....like to do things only to satisdfy myself and not to hear peoples comment.....it works so far though....this self-rvolution of mine allways building allways finding new ways.
also I donä't really do these things anymore....the feeling just dissapeared the eager feeling of wanting to paint and so on....but on the other hand I work much more with music now, both on my own and with my band. if you wan't to listen, check out [link]
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delsys In reply to chdani [2006-09-08 07:31:48 +0000 UTC]
I'm releived nothing horrible happened
It's a good and right thing the one you're doing. I'll surely listen to your music!
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chdani In reply to delsys [2006-09-09 08:44:04 +0000 UTC]
email me or something? it would be fun to get to know you better or somethinga nd since DA doesnä't feel like the place anymore, what's your email
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delsys In reply to chdani [2006-09-14 08:06:30 +0000 UTC]
feel free to e-mail me anytime you want ^__^ : delsys83@hotmail.com (I don't fear the spam lol) I'll reply and do the same
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shebadapuddytat [2006-06-14 09:57:02 +0000 UTC]
Dunno if you check here now but just wanted to send some your way.
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chdani In reply to shebadapuddytat [2006-09-07 20:45:16 +0000 UTC]
much appriciated, seldom here nowadays but your message cheered me up. hope everything is well and that your art gets the attention it deserves
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krazi [2006-02-07 00:08:53 +0000 UTC]
Oh yeah! Haha, I remember when you tried to make a song out of one of my poems, lol I used to have the little MP3 thing too.
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chdani In reply to krazi [2006-02-08 16:48:10 +0000 UTC]
yea well it kind of ran out the sand I'm afraid,
it's good to hear your still arund the poetry, you'r really good
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chdani In reply to krazi [2006-02-06 23:56:17 +0000 UTC]
yea Im a evil boi!
how's the poetry, been in any competiotions recently?
and how is the relation with your parents?
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krazi In reply to chdani [2006-02-07 00:06:42 +0000 UTC]
haha. very.
um, well, the poem I did called Dead Today, I did a new version of it that I'm going to enter into a poetry scholarship contest thing. it had to be 20 lines or less. it's 15. lol I could upload it here.
parents? umm. good. I think. well, my mom doesn't want me to leave when I go to college, but that's to be expected, lol. and my dad... I still dont talk to him much.
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krazi [2006-02-06 05:32:38 +0000 UTC]
Hooray, they are all really cool! And different! I likeeeeeeeeeee it.
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chdani In reply to krazi [2006-02-06 23:55:22 +0000 UTC]
I'm glad you liked it!
it's me singing on the first track by the way, and otherwise I play bass in this band but itä's a bit different now the band went in two parts
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krazi In reply to chdani [2006-02-07 00:08:00 +0000 UTC]
coolies! I'll have to listen to whatever else you all do too, I'm sure it'll be good, even if it's different.
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
chdani In reply to krazi [2006-02-04 07:52:29 +0000 UTC]
haha no I know, it's been a really looong time!
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
delsys [2005-12-01 11:29:20 +0000 UTC]
hi daniiii it's a long time I disappeard from DA. I've got some works to comment
How're you?
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zanna [2005-10-31 10:15:03 +0000 UTC]
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
myhandinyours [2005-07-23 18:39:13 +0000 UTC]
woho. jag vet, lite klurigt med engelskan i vissa lägen. men mimmi fixar biffen. mouhah. see ya
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
ServantofKain [2005-05-07 05:40:26 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for the comment
Gladly appreciated - that's what that damn Snake gets for trying to take badass stealthy mother from Sam Fisher.
Anyways - thanks
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