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cha-lie [12699979] [] "Challie.art on Instagram"

# Statistics

Favourites: 4817; Deviations: 93; Watchers: 181

Watching: 378; Pageviews: 35934; Comments Made: 1126; Friends: 378

# Comments

Comments: 501

Tobyfredson [2016-12-04 20:32:33 +0000 UTC]

I love your ID picture!  

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cha-lie In reply to Tobyfredson [2016-12-05 16:49:07 +0000 UTC]

Ahhh thank you so much ~

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Naeviss [2016-07-29 17:55:53 +0000 UTC]

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sangbird [2016-07-09 07:32:50 +0000 UTC]

Do you only take commissions from GASR?

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cha-lie In reply to sangbird [2016-07-09 11:20:37 +0000 UTC]

Right now I've put a hold on commissions on GASR, but I do accept there as well as private commissions ^^

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sangbird In reply to cha-lie [2016-07-09 20:31:56 +0000 UTC]

Would you be willing to accept a private commission as of right now?

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cha-lie In reply to sangbird [2016-07-09 20:38:02 +0000 UTC]

Depends on the commission tbh, as I'm very busy atm. But pm me what you have in mind and I will consider it? ^^

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Broccorice [2016-05-05 07:25:46 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much for the watch, Charlotte!

Just looked through your gallery and I really
like your style so I decided to add you to my
watch list as well! :>

You doing BTS fanart, even if it's not a lot,
is also just right for me-- ; A ;

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cha-lie In reply to Broccorice [2016-05-05 08:57:36 +0000 UTC]

Ah thank you so much for watching me back, I really love your art style! I've just started to make fanart, so it won't be my last ~ can't wait to see more of you too (/ㅅ\) ~ ♡

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Broccorice In reply to cha-lie [2016-05-05 17:30:17 +0000 UTC]

No problem! We seem to be in the same situation, then!

I tend to not do a lot of fanart but have given it a chance because
drawing an already existing character/person makes the artwork
more meaningful since that person might already have a backstory.
If that makes sense? ; v ;

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cha-lie In reply to Broccorice [2016-05-05 17:45:28 +0000 UTC]

Totally makes sense c: honestly I've just thought about getting money the last years, even though I don't get a lot, but now I feel so suffocated so I want to draw whatever haha ;;;

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Broccorice In reply to cha-lie [2016-05-05 17:51:32 +0000 UTC]

Well, the perfect job for people like us would definitely
be art commissions, I guess. Not sure if you've done some
before but if you plan to do so, you should definitely not have
them be under-priced. ; A ;

I remember doing 10 points commissions on my old account so--
It's not a good thing, really.

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cha-lie In reply to Broccorice [2016-05-05 17:55:26 +0000 UTC]

I only do them for a community for a "social platform" called gasr, so I never charged a lot, but I didn't mind. Right now I have a goal to go to South Korea so I need to do commissions, but I'm so sick of following deadlines and feeling the pressure lol. I want to develop my art and such first ;;

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Broccorice In reply to cha-lie [2016-05-05 18:02:08 +0000 UTC]

Ah, I see. The worst must probably be being told the commissioned
artwork isn't "good enough" and that you need to change it - since you
pretty much must do something about it as you've been paid for it. //sigh

I get you, though; deadlines are really stressing so if I ever do commissions,
I'd prefer not to do anything that will be considered a gift for someone. That
way I won't have to worry about that respective person's e.g. birthday.

And improving before you start selling your art is definitely a must! You need
to think about yourself first before you can think/help others. ; A ;
You should also feel good about your own skills before you can do what you
like doing for money.

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cha-lie In reply to Broccorice [2016-05-05 18:08:18 +0000 UTC]

So true! Ahh I can relate to this lolol. I never cared for it before, but now I'm super unhappy with my style, so when I'm done with my goal I'll take some time off commissions, until I feel content again. And I totally hate it when people don't like the results, I mean they've already seen examples of my art lol. I redraw it anyway though, so weak hahaha ×ㅁ×

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Broccorice In reply to cha-lie [2016-05-05 18:24:08 +0000 UTC]

It's honestly hard to be completely satisfied with your style.
There'll always be something that needs to be different but then
when you change that, there's something else, etc.

It's confusing-- As for people not liking the result, I feel
like it's 50% your fault (who knows, maybe your tablet didn't want
to cooperate with you that day) and 50% that person's fault. In
the end they know what your art is like so, unless they like your
art, they're probably not going to commission you.

Still, I feel like you just listening to them perhaps telling you to
change a few things here and there and then you doing it is, as
simple as it may sound, a nice thing to do. No need to get mad at
them for not being super satisfied with the result; a little bit of critique
can only make you better, art-wise! :>

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cha-lie In reply to Broccorice [2016-05-05 18:34:16 +0000 UTC]

Oh I never get mad, that'd be bad. I always do changes, and if they're not happy I redraw it. I also think it's partly my fault ^^' I would never get mad at a client, rather feel annoyed at myself for not getting a better result in the first place, which can be tiring after a while. But the wishes of the client should always be respected, especially since they're paying for a service/product. And I also think being 100% happy with your art is super hard, I would want to change haha. Never stop learning when you do art after all ^^

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Broccorice In reply to cha-lie [2016-05-05 18:43:11 +0000 UTC]

That's great! I think I heard about an artist once who got mad
over someone not liking how her commission had turned out(?). Of
course that can make you feel a little sad inside but you have to
remember that a commission is a commission, and not a request that
you're just doing for fun or for practice. You're getting paid for a reason.

It's impossible doing perfect art, anyway. Even if you're the best artist
in the whole world, there's plenty of space for improvement and it
basically never ends. I guess, as an artist, you shouldn't go for perfection
as you'll probably never reach it, but for fun. If you like drawing, just go
for it! :>

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cha-lie In reply to Broccorice [2016-05-05 18:52:41 +0000 UTC]

Exactly! I mean, doing commissions is paid work/labour, and they're spending money on your services. In that case, you should stay professional/nice, and if you're feeling annoyed then you shouldn't show it. Then again, there's always situations where the client is being unreasonable, but you should still take the frustration somewhere else ^^

I don't think striving for perfection is something that's make you happy as an artist anyway, I also agree that having fun is the most important! If you're not enjoying doing art, then you should question the situation you're in, and do something about it. Even though it can be frustrating if no progress is being made or you keep comparing yourself to artists you think are better, you should keep the negative thoughts away. Still, can be easier said than done if you're feeling bad. Art is creativity, and is fairly individual despite being influenced by several factors in the art community and society in general it's not like I do art to please others, and I hope none else do it ;;

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Broccorice In reply to cha-lie [2016-05-11 11:30:31 +0000 UTC]

I apologize for the late reply as I've been busy with my exams--

True! Some people might sadly forget that even doing commissions online is
work and although you're not standing in a store as a cashier, you should still
stay professional and treat those people with respect. Nobody really loves every
person in the world but that shouldn't keep you from being nice... even if you don't
have a lovey-dovey relationship with them, e.g. I don't love all my classmates - in fact,
there are some of them who I would rather avoid - but I still treat them equally (literally).

Exactly. Not comparing yourself to other artists can be hard though, as you can
find amazing artists everywhere online. Sometimes I adore someone's style so
much that I would wish it belonged to me - and I would as well wish that my style
included some inspiration from my favorite artists. Unfortunately, I did try copying
someone's style here and there but it just didn't feel right. You should do it your
own way; the way I did it felt wrong. I simply didn't feel like I drew freely... so here
I am with my own current style. ; v ;

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cha-lie In reply to Broccorice [2016-05-11 11:43:20 +0000 UTC]

I totally agree with your view, there's lots of people I don't get along with or especially like/dislike, so I just treat everyone equally, it s better than way. And I also wished to have my favourite artist's styles and such, but it feels very unsatisfying when it doesn't come from yourself, so all you can do is take inspiration and keep moving on I guess. Copying is something a lot of people go through, especially when you're young and want to improve fast. I remember doing it myself, but it never felt good. But it's a whole other thing when someone steals artwork and claims it as theirs. Only clueless kids and people who couldn't care less would do that, with exceptions

And I feel you, my exams are starting after next week or so too, but it means I'm so close to finishing high school ♡ㅅ♡

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Broccorice In reply to cha-lie [2016-05-11 12:45:23 +0000 UTC]

If you keep copying others, you might as well never be able to develop
your own style which would be such a shame. Sometimes artists (specifically
manga artists) trace original images from e.g. their favorite manga/anime,
and that can be cool and all at times but it can also be pretty big of a problem.
I think we all go through that stage, though. Back when I registered on dA
for the first time (in 2013), I remember indeed doing a lot of manga fanart
which included already existing art (by the creator of the mangas, I suppose?)
so those days were definitely my embarrassing days! ; A ;

Not only do art thefts not care about being very disrespectful but they also post art that clearly
shows that it's stolen. Why even take the chance and steal?

Ah, good luck with your exams then! I'm finished with this month's exams
(more are coming up in June) so I feel pretty free--

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cha-lie In reply to Broccorice [2016-05-11 13:36:11 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, it definitely puts a halt on developing your own style, I remember it did to me when I tried it lol.

Ikr? I don't get why they steal art which clearly shows its someone else's? They really underestimate how fast people who see your art catch on and notify you. It makes me confused that they take the chance.

And thanks, I'm so nervous! I mean I never really care about grades, but working on a subject takes so much energy, makes me procrastinate lol. Good luck in your exams in June! I have my oral exam then too ㅠㅠ;;

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Broccorice In reply to cha-lie [2016-05-11 13:44:09 +0000 UTC]

It's as simple as it sounds: Right-click on an image, find "Search Google for image"
and that's it (unless that theft has stolen private art... which would be hard to find in
the first place). You're busted. And, sometimes they make it even more obvious by just
randomly changing their style every week. ; v ;

I was never the first day too, being scared that I would do something wrong or that it
would simply be too hard. Thank you and those exams I'm currently preparing for are
indeed my oral exams as well! I feel like I'll become even more nervous then, since
you have to prepare a lot more (at least that's how it is here). Hopefully, we can both
just finish quickly and enjoy the summer vacation peacefully! :>

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cha-lie In reply to Broccorice [2016-05-11 13:52:44 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, I do the best at oral presentation, but they always make me so nervous! One time I procrastinate so much before a presentation, that I finished it hours before I actually had to present it, so I had no time to go through it haha. I did get a good grade though (/A\) But yeah, I'm usually more scared of how it could go and what could go wrong, rather than believe in myself lol! I can't wait to enjoy the summer vacation, hope it all finished quickly so I can hurry and move on ~ c:

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Broccorice In reply to cha-lie [2016-05-12 07:33:49 +0000 UTC]

I once did a presentation with a few of my classmates, trying to memorize
what I needed to say in my head, and I can tell you that didn't go well. It was so
embarrassing, I could feel water in my eyes. ; A ;

It seems like we're scared of being scared(?), though, and that's the problem--

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cha-lie In reply to Broccorice [2016-05-12 07:35:53 +0000 UTC]

Haha yeah, scared of being scared ~ I never use notes or bring anything, so I have to memorise it all. Im used to it, but I always hate how I can feel all the nerves in my body when presenting hahah ;; I always feel like my voice crack, that I stutter or that my body is shaking lol.

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Broccorice In reply to cha-lie [2016-05-12 08:04:10 +0000 UTC]

You're taking a big risk, my friend. Are you not allowed to or is that
something you've just decided to do? Why not just bring notes to be on
the secure side? I think I'd break down if I were you - we're also told not
to memorize it though, since it will sound too fake. ; A ;

You stuttering and your body shaking is pretty normal, I think. I remember
asking my teacher back in 8th grade if I could have a chair near me while
presenting in front of the class because I was scared I'd get too nervous
and eventually break down.

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cha-lie In reply to Broccorice [2016-05-12 08:13:55 +0000 UTC]

Haha I live the dangerous life (/ㅁ\). I am allowed to, but I haven't used notes since 8th grade hahaha. Whenever I bring notes I rely too much on them, and stumble in my words, so I'm good without them. I can't memorize it complete, I just memorize my sources, and then I talk freely from my notes on my power point ~
Oml, you feel even worse than me then! I've ever felt like breaking down ; n ;

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Broccorice In reply to cha-lie [2016-05-12 08:30:42 +0000 UTC]

You definitely do! Don't you sometimes worry about forgetting something important
though? Now I rely less on notes but they're still nice to have so I know what's left to talk
about, etc. It's such a shame if you forget something very important, though (which you
probably don't as I suppose that's what you focus on memorizing). :>

Wait-- are you allowed to have a power point during your oral exams? All we're allowed to
have is an outline and that's it. No pictures of fancy stuff.

I'm getting used to being more free so don't worry. ; v ;

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cha-lie In reply to Broccorice [2016-05-12 08:45:14 +0000 UTC]

Yeah I never really forget anything, so it usually ends well. But wait, you're not allowed to? We can have notes on the PowerPoint, pictures and what not. It just have to be 10 minutes, and that's it. Though too many notes/big sentences will bring the grade down. I'm still nervous though, that I might actually forget anything, but thats just fear of messing it all up, something I doubt will happen. I'm not worried about not passing tbh, my grades are OK, I just wanna get it over with hahaha ~

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Broccorice In reply to cha-lie [2016-05-12 09:30:50 +0000 UTC]

We're not, unfortunately. We have our outlines and ourselves, that's it. We have 10 minutes
for talking and presenting, then we have a conversation with the teachers for about 5 minutes.
After that they spend 5 minutes, finding out what our final grade will be. :>

I'm sure your grades are amazing, though, so don't worry!

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cha-lie In reply to Broccorice [2016-05-12 09:47:30 +0000 UTC]

No way, you have 5 minutes with conversation? I have 10 minutes presentation, and then 20 minutes conversation ; A ;

Haha let's both do our best then >.< ~

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Broccorice In reply to cha-lie [2016-05-12 11:14:50 +0000 UTC]

Seriously? And I thought five minutes would be more than enough...

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cha-lie In reply to Broccorice [2016-05-12 11:17:06 +0000 UTC]

It would be heaven if that was the case.. 20 minutes is brutal;;

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Broccorice In reply to cha-lie [2016-05-12 11:19:48 +0000 UTC]

Do the teachers ask you questions as well? ; v ;

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cha-lie In reply to Broccorice [2016-05-12 11:21:35 +0000 UTC]

Yeah ;; lots of questions, plus you're expected to lead the conversation, or else they will ask more questions about things not related to the topic hahaha ;;

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Broccorice In reply to cha-lie [2016-05-12 11:26:07 +0000 UTC]

Ah, that's stressing - usually, here they help you continue if you suddenly
get lost (by e.g. asking questions). :>

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cha-lie In reply to Broccorice [2016-05-12 11:27:20 +0000 UTC]

How nice! Nah, if you can't turn the conversation in your favor, then you get screwed by questions on other topics lol, not a good situation to be in if you haven't studied enough

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Broccorice In reply to cha-lie [2016-05-12 11:29:32 +0000 UTC]

Good luck with that then! Imagine being really sick and not being able
to study and prepare and then... I feel bad for you, to be honest. ; A ;

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oshRED [2016-03-09 14:57:58 +0000 UTC]

Hi charlotte, thanks for adding me to your watch list! 

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cha-lie In reply to oshRED [2016-03-14 14:40:54 +0000 UTC]

No problem ^^ ~

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TheObliviousOwl [2016-03-09 12:41:52 +0000 UTC]

Thanks so much for the watch! Your gallery is really pretty!

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cha-lie In reply to TheObliviousOwl [2016-03-14 14:40:37 +0000 UTC]

My pleasure

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Enisled [2015-12-25 13:49:12 +0000 UTC]

I'd love to order!
Message me, my imvu name is Ombre ^^
Please, tell me your prices and get back to me soon! Thanks!
(Prefer credit payments)
p.s. love ur artwork keep it up ^-^

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cha-lie In reply to Enisled [2015-12-26 14:34:11 +0000 UTC]

I couldn't find you there, so if you could send me a pm then that'd be great! My imvu name is Guxim

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antalgicimvu [2015-11-11 05:08:22 +0000 UTC]

I just love your work.
Would you be interested in art trades??. 

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cha-lie In reply to antalgicimvu [2015-11-11 06:44:18 +0000 UTC]

Aww I'd love to do an art trade with you c:

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antalgicimvu In reply to cha-lie [2015-11-11 16:02:57 +0000 UTC]

Okay, Im going to send you a message. C:

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sobbing-jester [2015-10-30 08:42:29 +0000 UTC]

Thank you for the Orochimaru fav ö w ö

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