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| caveatLECTOR
# Statistics
Favourites: 397; Deviations: 0; Watchers: 238
Watching: 132; Pageviews: 64329; Comments Made: 9997; Friends: 132
# Comments
Comments: 1511
fleeet [2015-09-09 20:09:58 +0000 UTC]
Good grief, time for a napo:
I found a smallish mouse,
adorning a smallish house,
within the bedroom so clean
was a pizza supreme,
so the pair of us kicked off our shoes, turned on some really trashy tv (i think it was jersey shore) and went to town on that bad boy that was some good food and mice arent really as scary as the media makes out if you ask me its all a conspiracy like the illuminati but really mice are ok in my book
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fleeet [2015-03-10 17:55:03 +0000 UTC]
what the bumsticks?! no one has commented on this page in four years?! holy bumsticks.
i've just discovered i like saying the word bumsticks.
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caveatLECTOR In reply to fleeet [2015-03-30 22:10:31 +0000 UTC]
i used to be so internet-cool. i am okay with the current state of things. <3 your bumsticks made me laugh.
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fleeet In reply to caveatLECTOR [2015-08-26 11:08:35 +0000 UTC]
i forgot about the word bumsticks till just this moment. i haven't been using it enough in everyday speech. shit sake. come up with a neologism and let it fall by the wayside! this is not the path of the writer!!!!!!!!!
also you are cool to me so that matters <3
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Tsukiiyo [2011-10-24 12:09:13 +0000 UTC]
I love what you do.
I invite you to join our group [link] who would be really happy to find you there!
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Valkur [2011-06-17 16:52:19 +0000 UTC]
I noticed a lot of dust in the poems...you don't have allergies?
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Valkur [2011-06-17 16:28:03 +0000 UTC]
I like your style...I think you would do well writing a story in the noir-genre...I'll take a look around yer gallery... ::tips hat::
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madamscience [2011-04-14 03:15:45 +0000 UTC]
reading your poetry is sort of like getting the wind knocked out of your chest (in a really really great way)
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caveatLECTOR In reply to madamscience [2011-10-29 20:58:19 +0000 UTC]
the words "thank you" are rather too small for how big i am feeling.
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halcyonapperception In reply to caveatLECTOR [2010-02-02 01:11:23 +0000 UTC]
not bad, not bad. how are you?
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Shawnmilazzo [2009-09-28 04:54:11 +0000 UTC]
Just saying hi haven't talked in awhile showing my support for art whats up?
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divinedecay [2009-08-17 09:15:50 +0000 UTC]
Hey lady, are you still around here?
Dan and I decided to give this thing another go. Maybe.
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caveatLECTOR In reply to divinedecay [2009-08-21 16:28:06 +0000 UTC]
I am, sometimes. I nosed around briefly in your blogspot and it made me miss you terribly.
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divinedecay In reply to caveatLECTOR [2009-08-21 16:51:57 +0000 UTC]
I just got your comment on there. Thanks, we miss you too.
Some of the people around here have been driving me crazy. Little girls with nothing better to do than bitch on one another, gah. Other than that Germany is awesome, I try to keep to myself though which can be dull when Dan is at work.
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caveatLECTOR In reply to divinedecay [2010-02-01 16:09:42 +0000 UTC]
Army wives are miserable. We two are the exception.
I miss you still.
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caveatLECTOR In reply to ahomeforandie [2009-08-21 16:29:11 +0000 UTC]
oh, me too.
thanks for the words of encouragement. maybe i will produce today.
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godberry [2009-05-27 21:10:05 +0000 UTC]
this is a kid you know as hair
i miss you
that is all
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SparrowSong [2009-04-15 00:28:44 +0000 UTC]
And before anyone can say it, this is not because we don't love you. I want to let out secrets but I won't.
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caveatLECTOR In reply to SparrowSong [2009-04-15 06:39:30 +0000 UTC]
I would never think you did not love us/me, but now I want to know secrets. Will you fill me in on them when it comes to pass? I am not active around here enough to keep up on things.
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SparrowSong [2009-04-15 00:27:29 +0000 UTC]
Probably not going to happen. I won't move prose-poetry out of the poetry category as long as it's recognizable as poetry through its use of language.
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caveatLECTOR In reply to SparrowSong [2009-04-15 06:38:41 +0000 UTC]
Well I am quite disappointed, it seems a huge genre not to have its own category, though it hasn't often been something I've stumbled across on dA.
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SparrowSong In reply to caveatLECTOR [2009-04-15 16:36:45 +0000 UTC]
Honestly, I don't think we have enough people who know what prose poetry is and write it regularly to justify a category outside of 'poetry'. It's pretty obvious when something is under poetry and is a poem but is formatted like prose that it's a prose poem. I'm sorry you're disappointed; the other GMs and I were discussing it a few weeks ago and I'm sure it will come up again.
Personally, I'd be against a prose poetry category right now because so many deviants will never have heard of it, and can't tell one from the other as is -- it'd become a catch-all for people who didn't know if they were writing prose or poetry (I've often found stories under 'poetry' and poems under 'prose'). When I got hatted, even after so many people putting in years of work to educate deviants, I was still cautioned about the ire I'd receive if I featured a haiku which wasn't 5/7/5.
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caveatLECTOR In reply to SparrowSong [2009-04-19 19:53:08 +0000 UTC]
That's a pretty reasonable argument for not having a prose poetry cat. I hope you didn't take my disappointment personally. After your statement I don't blame you for not wanting to include one. Then it just begs the question, why have categories at all? Keep it simple:
prose: fic
prose: non-fic
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SparrowSong In reply to caveatLECTOR [2009-04-19 20:13:35 +0000 UTC]
I didn't take it personally. It's just strange being on this side of the fence, especially when the prose-poetry decision was made by the GMs before me.
Categories exist for browsing. Some people like being able to look up sonnets or haiku or have a day where they just want to read a love poem. It's a balance between making it easier for submitters and making it easier for readers.
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caveatLECTOR In reply to SparrowSong [2009-04-20 05:35:54 +0000 UTC]
Sure, but don't tags do the same thing?
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SparrowSong In reply to caveatLECTOR [2009-04-20 06:31:14 +0000 UTC]
Yes, but I never tag anything with useful tags. I just stick a line from the piece in, or a phrase that I think no one will search for. A friend of mine used to put DEATH!!!! in all of his.
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caveatLECTOR In reply to SparrowSong [2009-04-20 17:28:55 +0000 UTC]
hahahaha nice. I go through phases where I type actually meaningful tags using significant words for the poems, and sometimes the tag is where i describe my secret meaning. Hooray for people not being able to read them!
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SparrowSong In reply to caveatLECTOR [2009-04-21 02:10:03 +0000 UTC]
So it's like a riddle. If we guess the secret meaning, and put it in the search box, and it comes up, then we got the right answer.
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DrMustard [2009-04-07 22:30:29 +0000 UTC]
HELLO!!!! im the one u meet Tuesday (today) at ASU, just in case u were wondering who this random person talking to u was. lol
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caveatLECTOR In reply to smoking-mirrors [2009-02-24 02:27:41 +0000 UTC]
that makes me really sad.
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AngolSakura515 [2009-01-19 14:18:31 +0000 UTC]
Why hello there! =] How have you been? How is Neva and everything going for you? I'm sorry I've been an absentee as of late, but I thought of you and wanted to drop by to say hello. Hope you don't mind.
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