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| caleb-case
# Statistics
Favourites: 1285; Deviations: 176; Watchers: 57
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# Comments
Comments: 269
st277 [2013-01-03 18:43:14 +0000 UTC]
Thank you for the Fave!!
come Visit me in the Facebook
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Black--Moth [2010-03-04 01:43:46 +0000 UTC]
Hey punk. Anna and I went to the Schlieffs to look for you when you came, and looked around for you more on Sunday. Well maybe we'll catch you at graduation. Take care.
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caleb-case In reply to Black--Moth [2010-03-04 14:49:45 +0000 UTC]
You went on the wrong day... and you skipped out on SS so you missed me.
hahaha I did walk around campus almost all day Friday, and you two were no where to be found...
Anywho... I don't know if I'll be coming up for Grad... but I'll hopefully be able to come up sometime.
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Black--Moth In reply to caleb-case [2010-03-20 19:39:54 +0000 UTC]
Oh well, too bad. Maybe catch you later ^^
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Evilevergreen [2010-01-15 18:41:18 +0000 UTC]
This is your official invite to join #avatar-fan .
Just click the "Join Our Group" button on the group's profile to become a member. We can't wait to see you there!
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Black--Moth [2010-01-02 08:40:58 +0000 UTC]
Hey Caleb! Just checking up on you, wanted to see how things are going. Hope you're making it.
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caleb-case In reply to Black--Moth [2010-01-04 14:01:54 +0000 UTC]
YO! Doin' aight so far, a little busy with only a few spare moments here and there for niceties... but otherwise doing ok. How about you? How's Aunt B and Uncle J?
I plan on coming up the 29th - 31st, so maybe I'll be able to stop by there and see all of you.
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Black--Moth In reply to caleb-case [2010-01-05 04:21:50 +0000 UTC]
I'm having a nice Christmas break, thank you. ^^ Working on a big mural for the church, so I'll have some money next semester. Wewt! Good to hear that you're surviving. The Schlieffes are doing well. Uncle Jerry is on a highly unsatisfying sodium and potassium-free diet right now. So he can still eat cardboard, pretty much, but still making it. They're such troopers, heheh.
Keep up the fight! Hope to see you later. ^^
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caleb-case In reply to Black--Moth [2010-01-05 14:32:31 +0000 UTC]
Awesome! So what do they have you doing, and where?
Poor Uncle Jerry. I must say it would help a little if he could put
hot sauce or salsa on his cardboard...
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Black--Moth In reply to caleb-case [2010-01-07 07:05:22 +0000 UTC]
Indeed it would, poor man.
I'm doing a Noah's ark scene in the nursery. Am trying to be creative about it.^^ We'll see how it turns out. I'll post a pic of it when I'm done.
Anything new with you?
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caleb-case In reply to Black--Moth [2010-01-07 15:36:23 +0000 UTC]
Cool, yeah you're going to have to do that. Sounds like fun.
I'll keep an eye out for it.
Umm... a little bit of this and that. I'm just working away
and trying to figure out if there's other things out there
that I want to do instead. Which there are, but they have
to actually respond back to you for it to go any where...
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Black--Moth In reply to caleb-case [2010-01-16 06:02:18 +0000 UTC]
Well I'm glad to hear you're doing alright. I hope you find yourself doing what you really have a passion for. ^^
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caleb-case In reply to Black--Moth [2010-01-16 20:05:28 +0000 UTC]
Thanks. Hope that happens too.
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caleb-case In reply to steven07 [2009-11-11 19:15:09 +0000 UTC]
Oh every other day or so...
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steven07 In reply to caleb-case [2009-11-11 20:26:06 +0000 UTC]
Do you own a tablet? Man I'm about to have to use illustrator, photoshop, and Maya a whole bunch.. I'm about to get a tablet.. hopefully it'll speed things up a bit
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caleb-case In reply to steven07 [2009-11-12 03:47:42 +0000 UTC]
Yep. I've had mine since... '04 I think...
Photoshop is my daily staple, Illustrator the occasional boost vitamin...
and I've never really handled Maya...
I've had 3D Studios Max for a while but then my free thing ran out... sad day.
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steven07 In reply to caleb-case [2009-11-12 04:55:40 +0000 UTC]
dude.. that's awesome! What kind of tablet do you have? does it really speed things up for you?
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caleb-case In reply to steven07 [2009-11-12 13:40:13 +0000 UTC]
I have the Wacom Intuos 2 (8 x 10)
it does, and it doesn't... lol
it makes things easier for strokes, and drawing, so in a sense yeah
you don't have to spend hours just trying to smooth things out
it's better than a mouse, and just a small step down from a touch-screen
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lilmisskiddo [2009-11-07 23:23:18 +0000 UTC]
No prolem, feel free to visit my gallery!
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InTheCityOfYourHeart [2009-01-15 03:54:37 +0000 UTC]
I tried to send you a message but I don't know if you got it. I'm still new to this thing haha
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caleb-case In reply to InTheCityOfYourHeart [2009-01-15 04:15:25 +0000 UTC]
it depends on how you do it I guess...
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KosherSoulMachine In reply to KosherSoulMachine [2008-08-11 02:40:28 +0000 UTC]
PS According to my calculations I think I caught you online!!!
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Club-Ravenclaw [2008-06-24 17:22:33 +0000 UTC]
I started up this club not too long ago and I was looking through the "Ravenclaw" section at *HogwartsArt and found you there! I was hoping you'd be open to joining my club?
We're small now, but once we get more members it will have lots of fun activities and contests!
Thanks for your time!
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Pr3t3nd3r [2008-02-26 19:46:15 +0000 UTC]
I know you payed attention to my work and I really appretiate this! To show my gratitude I will even perform my famous THANKIE DANCE:
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Lyzzard [2007-10-08 09:25:41 +0000 UTC]
hello ! tx for the fav on [link] <3 love ya' ^_^;;
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Black--Moth [2007-08-29 20:36:04 +0000 UTC]
I have found you Caleb!!! You couldn't hide forever! Guess who....
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