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| cabusi-photography
# Statistics
Favourites: 79; Deviations: 483; Watchers: 318
Watching: 234; Pageviews: 37589; Comments Made: 1738; Friends: 234
# Comments
Comments: 227
lepapestmort [2015-01-07 19:12:57 +0000 UTC]
Hi, i just edit one of your photos, please tell me if you like that:
ย (sorry for my poor english)
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Doll-Ladi [2014-04-29 03:43:35 +0000 UTC]
Hello I want to personally thank you for accepting my invitation to my group I am happy to have you as a member and hope that you will enjoy being a part of this group welcome
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CherryBlossomSavior [2013-07-25 04:48:52 +0000 UTC]
Ahh I absolutely ADORE your work!!! :'D <3 <3
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cabusi-photography In reply to CherryBlossomSavior [2013-07-30 14:45:51 +0000 UTC]
orz. thank u for ur support
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CherryBlossomSavior In reply to cabusi-photography [2013-07-30 15:18:37 +0000 UTC]
No problem!!
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Boneappetit [2012-09-05 19:10:04 +0000 UTC]
Thanx for the favs and the Watch, i appreciate it !!!
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tokiwashojo [2012-08-02 09:46:09 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for the watch
Your works are amazing!
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cabusi-photography In reply to Ai-desu [2012-07-24 03:42:33 +0000 UTC]
Thanks man. That is a very nice compliment. orz
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Ai-desu In reply to cabusi-photography [2012-07-25 11:27:13 +0000 UTC]
you're always welcome!
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cabusi-photography In reply to A2KIne [2012-07-16 16:52:02 +0000 UTC]
yay!!!! Finally. So whats up with atsukine? U gonna delete that one?
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A2KIne In reply to cabusi-photography [2012-07-16 21:34:08 +0000 UTC]
I think I might just post art on that one and cosplay on this
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cabusi-photography In reply to A2KIne [2012-07-16 21:38:42 +0000 UTC]
mmkay. i will change credits on my photos to reflect your new cosplay DA
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cabusi-photography In reply to YuM1 [2012-07-10 18:25:08 +0000 UTC]
most def. you've got some great work. love to keep in touch and see more. you singaporeans... im so jelly. lol.
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YuM1 In reply to cabusi-photography [2012-07-13 16:11:57 +0000 UTC]
haha aww, thanks alot! And it's all the photog's cool work
...for my cosplays I mean. xD And sure, definitely will be posting up much more by the end of this year, I'm preparing for national exams now so cosplay is a no-go for me till then
And hehe, jealous about? XD hahah!!
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cabusi-photography In reply to YuM1 [2012-07-16 17:16:25 +0000 UTC]
Good luck on your exams. and im jealous that you're in Singapore. I wanna go there so bad. Need to visit my friend Skye.
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cabusi-photography In reply to BlankoCosplay [2012-06-22 22:51:08 +0000 UTC]
I miss you too!! I can't believe I didn't know your DA. I was looking thru someone Natalie's DA because I stumbled upon her photo in lolita. I went to her gallery and found photos of a girl who really really looked like you. I was thinking, "OMFG that looks like G...". So I went to your DA but your name isn't mentioned anywhere. So I was left scratching my head thinking, "That just has to be her, I know it." LoL. So it is you. Wow, you looks so hot in ur Summoner Yuna cos.
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BlankoCosplay In reply to cabusi-photography [2012-06-23 23:19:41 +0000 UTC]
LOL Sounds like an adventure. Natalie is such a beautiful cosplayer <333
Haha I worked so hard to make that Yuna costume as perfect as I could possibly make it. I'm glad you liked it xD
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cabusi-photography In reply to BlankoCosplay [2012-06-25 15:47:13 +0000 UTC]
you must let me know the next time you plan to come out here for a con. i had no idea you'd be here for fanime. i need photos of you.
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BlankoCosplay In reply to cabusi-photography [2012-06-26 03:14:13 +0000 UTC]
Absolutelyyyy!!! Next year, when I travel back to the west coast ;x I MISS YOU GUYS TERRIBLY ALREADY ;;
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cabusi-photography In reply to BlankoCosplay [2012-06-26 03:55:45 +0000 UTC]
I miss you too. I can't wait to see you again. You're so lively, happy and really fun. I think you belong here in Cali.
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cabusi-photography In reply to generalkutan [2012-06-18 21:23:23 +0000 UTC]
Yay! Thanks for finding me! I totally didn't know you had a DA. Now I can properly credit you with a link to ur DA. We need to plan on more photos together, now that we kinda broke the ice at Fanime.
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generalkutan In reply to cabusi-photography [2012-06-19 05:50:55 +0000 UTC]
Yeah definitely!
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Kendra-Paige [2012-06-06 22:13:50 +0000 UTC]
Thank you so much for the fav and watch, as well as the critique! I'm flattered a photographer as accomplished as you enjoyed my work.
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cabusi-photography In reply to Kendra-Paige [2012-06-06 22:38:10 +0000 UTC]
definitely love to see more. a close friend of mine knows a model of your so i guess that means we're at opposite coasts. lol.
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Kendra-Paige In reply to cabusi-photography [2012-06-06 23:32:03 +0000 UTC]
Oh, really? Small world! I wish I could make it out to your side of the country for some photoshoots, it's gorgeous out there!
I'm assuming your friend knows Miki?
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cabusi-photography In reply to Kendra-Paige [2012-06-07 15:45:52 +0000 UTC]
Yeah. My friend knows Miki. I wanna go shoot out there. I remember being out on the East Coast a couple years ago. I saw so many abandoned buildings here and there. OMG, I wanted to go shoot sooooo bad! Abandoned buildings are gold mines here in Cali. Not easy to find at all. However, I do like Cali weather very much. But everything around here is so darn expensive >_< Not easy buying camera equip when you're starving. lolz.
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TrendyAlize [2012-05-02 04:15:41 +0000 UTC]
Hello! thanks for watch You have very good photos with very pretty japaness girls! great!^.^
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cabusi-photography In reply to TrendyAlize [2012-05-02 17:44:53 +0000 UTC]
aww. thanks. most of them are Chinese and Korean I need to find more Japanese models to work with.
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Perzypoo [2012-04-27 03:26:07 +0000 UTC]
Hey there FB friend XD It was great seeing you at Sakura Con
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cabusi-photography In reply to Perzypoo [2012-04-27 17:06:56 +0000 UTC]
Hi Alli. Nice to see ya at Sakura-Con too. How'd you like it this year? This was my first time and I am highly considering going back next year. They had some good musical guests which is why I went. Are you gonna make it down for Fanime? I seriously can't wait. Its my fav cosplay con.
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Perzypoo In reply to cabusi-photography [2012-04-28 07:16:30 +0000 UTC]
Hey Mike ^_^ I loved it, I go every year and last year and this year were the 2 I had a ton of fun. I didn't get to see the musical guests as I was just so pooped from being up early to get ready and then getting out of cosplay and realizing I am to tired to do anything but relax and eat XD.
I was going to make it down to Fanime, but my work is launching TERA on the 1st. So May is a bad month for the company to take time off lol. Next year though I do plan on making it to more cons other than the ones I go to here in Seattle. I might make it out to AX, not sure yet as I am not sure if I can get the time off, since we are gauging how busy we are going to be. Since TERA is our first game launch
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cabusi-photography In reply to Perzypoo [2012-04-29 18:11:03 +0000 UTC]
OMG my friend is already in love with Tera. Wish my computer was updated enough to run it. It looks beautiful.
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Perzypoo In reply to cabusi-photography [2012-04-30 07:11:12 +0000 UTC]
I love hearing that XD but seriously get that computer of yours upgraded and you can join me in TERA
I know tomorrow I am going to start on my Castanic Slayer for PAX Prime :3 and wear it again to Sakura Con and other cons next year!
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cabusi-photography In reply to DigitalHikari [2012-04-20 03:22:51 +0000 UTC]
indeed you did. whats up homie?
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DigitalHikari In reply to cabusi-photography [2012-04-20 07:04:55 +0000 UTC]
Kicking ass and taking names! ๅธ(๏ฝโยด)ๅธ
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