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| buraqina
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# Comments
Comments: 24
buraqina In reply to musela [2008-07-08 21:39:55 +0000 UTC]
Yeah, I loved DMC2 Dante's look, and his outfit...reminded me a lot of the Matrix films, along with all his nifty moves
I bought DMC3:SE the other day...now I can play with my spiky-haired evil one to my heart's content at last
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buraqina In reply to Pincushion-Jester [2008-05-05 21:03:16 +0000 UTC]
Sexy things? Now I'm jealous!
I work at WHSmiths, started there last November as an Xmas temp and they decided to keep me, woo! Sometimes it's a real pain in the ass, but most of the time I really enjoy it, plus just about everyone there is lovely
Are you still at college then? How's it going, and have you and your man found a place to live together happily ever after yet?
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Pincushion-Jester In reply to buraqina [2008-05-06 09:25:43 +0000 UTC]
I used to work in WHSmiths! Weeeeeird! It's not a bad company, really, they treat their staff pretty well. I'm glad you seem to be enjoying it.
Yup, yup! I've just finished my exams, so I'll be moving onto my second year, and then onto uni.
Steve and I aren't together anymore, so I don't have a place of my own. It wasn't a nasty breakup, I just didn't feel the same as I used to. We're still friends, though.
How about you and your guy?
👍: 0 ⏩: 2
Pincushion-Jester In reply to Pincushion-Jester [2008-05-08 10:17:32 +0000 UTC]
Ugh, I know what you mean. It takes at least ten minutes to get away from the till and up the stairs to the staff room. So, by then it's like mega-fast-om nom nom nom, or something. >:[
Uh, I'll probably be going for graphics once I get around to going to uni. IF I go to uni. Dunno if I can be arsed yet. How about you?
Yeeeah. I hate breaking up with people. Especially as Steve and I were together for almost two years, so it felt a little strange. I'm with someone else now, though, and Steve is okay with it. I hope.
[link] <-- Guy I'm seeing now. Old picture, he doesn't have the scary green dreds anymore. He's a hopeless romantic, it's lovely.
Sorry to hear about you and Richard. Glad you're still friends, it can be a bit awkward at first, but I hope it wasn't for you.
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buraqina In reply to Pincushion-Jester [2008-05-06 10:29:06 +0000 UTC]
LOL, well how about that! The only thing I don't like about the job are the break times, I don't think they're long enough. Trying to stuff your lunch down your throat in 20 minutes isn't fun...
It's a nice feeling when you know all your exams are over...hope your second year goes well. Do you know what you want to do at Uni yet?
I'm sorry to hear you and Steve are no longer together but I'm so glad to hear it ended peacefully and that you've managed to stay friends. Funnily enough Richard and I are no longer together either for the same reason, but things are still friendly here too
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Pincushion-Jester In reply to buraqina [2008-05-08 10:21:56 +0000 UTC]
Ugh, I know what you mean. It takes at least ten minutes to get away from the till and up the stairs to the staff room. So, by then it's like mega-fast-om nom nom nom, or something. >:[
Uh, I'll probably be going for graphics once I get around to going to uni. IF I go to uni. Dunno if I can be arsed yet. How about you?
Yeeeah. I hate breaking up with people. Especially as Steve and I were together for almost two years, so it felt a little strange. I'm with someone else now, though, and Steve is okay with it. I hope.
[link] <-- Guy I'm seeing now. Old picture, he doesn't have the scary green dreds anymore. He's a hopeless romantic, it's lovely.
Sorry to hear about you and Richard. Glad you're still friends, it can be a bit awkward at first, but I hope it wasn't for you.
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
buraqina In reply to Pincushion-Jester [2008-05-08 21:43:38 +0000 UTC]
Indeedums Not fair at all.
Graphics eh? Sounds tasty. As for me, I couldn't get away from VI form college fast enough and never want to go anywhere near an educational establishment ever again. Pretty extreme I know, but sadly, very true Hardly any good memories from that time.
It's never easy to break up with someone and there's never ever a perfect time. Unfortunately neither is there any way of doing it without hurting the other person D: I'm glad to hear you've found someone else who makes you happy though! I'm still on the hunt!
PS. Your linkie no workie D:
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Pincushion-Jester In reply to buraqina [2008-05-10 08:19:12 +0000 UTC]
Yus, Graphics is yummy. Actually, I agree with you. Right now I'm not even sure about going on to a second year at College. This first year was stressful enough, and I'll be taking on even more in the second year. Blegh. What did you take, anyway?
P.S- This link should work: [link]
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
buraqina In reply to Pincushion-Jester [2008-05-14 20:41:14 +0000 UTC]
Naked man bears eh....?
I'm sure you know it, but: don't let anyone pressure you into doing that second year if you don't want to!
I took Art, Media Studies and Sociology at AS. Hated the latter one but they made me continue it rather than drop it, even though it was clear it wasn't my thing. I juuuuust managed to scrape through and get an E at the end of it all, woo! Needless to say, I only took Art & Media at A level.
Nice picture of your guy! I think the green dreds are pretty nifty actually! I'm glad you're found happiness with one another
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buraqina In reply to evilcornflakes [2007-05-25 08:14:29 +0000 UTC]
Wowee, kitties galore in your household!
Can't say I'm too keen on pidgeons personally...in fact I rather dislike them But birds of prey just take my breath away...so beautiful and so deadly as well, masters of the sky and all that... *sigh* it's true love!
I'm glad to hear you're feeling better, yay! It'll be really wierd when you come back from half term, the school will seem really empty, it's quite spooky!
As for little old me, I'm so incredibly SICK of education, so I'm off to get a job and earn some sweet, sweet moolah! Mmm! Do you know what you'd like to go on to do yet?
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
evilcornflakes In reply to buraqina [2007-05-25 13:24:48 +0000 UTC]
Yeah, I'm not looking forward to everyone leaving! It's going to be weird not having Chris around.
I can't believe that it's only a year until I [hopefully] leave for university.
I'm hoping to go to Cambridge University... >__<
I've just got to get some very good grades!
I want to study natural science and go on to work in conservation, save the animals, stuff like that ^__^
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
buraqina In reply to evilcornflakes [2007-06-10 13:19:50 +0000 UTC]
It is kinda wierd when everyone dissapears...but it's also kinda nice knowing you're now the oldest students in the school
Sounds like you definately know what you want to do, and I'm sure you'll achieve it
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
buraqina In reply to alita2x [2006-01-24 22:25:40 +0000 UTC]
Nice to hear about the scanner Sounds like some nice stuff you have to scan in too!
My fangirl side is locked away in abox since I have a boyfriend, but occasionally it still escapes for little while >X3
Sounds like a nice colour edit you gave Siegfried too, I haven't played around with it much, but Raphael (1P) looks good in white...pretty darn good
Sure, I'll read it then There's a hilarious one about the SC characters trying to find lovers here: [link] a bit rude in some places but very funny
Oh and thanks for signing the petition, I strongly agree with you there
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
alita2x In reply to buraqina [2006-01-26 09:41:47 +0000 UTC]
No problem my dear. To be honest, I don't like Raphael...typical frenchie! Its true! No serious, its true! In real life---and I should know because I talk from experience---Germans and Frenchies don't get along. I don't have anything against them really, trust me I have a few frenchie friends, but ....don't push it puffball!! SC characters...trying to find partners...*WAGAGAGAGAGHAHAHAHAHA* Oh man! I will take a look! I'll e-mail the story to ya! It was written on the spur of the moment, so its not as well written as my other fics- but none the less you'll dig!
As for my fan girl...oh she's being supressed by a ton of Barvarian beer and frankurters! *Laughs* no, I'm not an drinker, it's just that man is...*shivers* I WISH HE WERE REAL!!!!! *Kicks the fan girl within in the face!* Down girl!
I see you also have a soul mate...I think I just met mine..?
Have a nice day...well it's 11:34 am here so you're plus minus 2hrs behind us cuz` you guys have got....WINTER!! HA HA!!
I love winter! I'm busy frying here! or wait...nope its black outside now---rain...mmm, rain is good.
*Laughs* Enjoy!
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
buraqina In reply to alita2x [2006-01-31 08:34:07 +0000 UTC]
Aww, poor Raphy...I'll bet he's sat weeping in a corner now...better send Siegfried to cheer him up For the purposes of rabid fangirlism, Sieg and Raphy WILL get on. Very well, or else...
I've yet to get round to reading the story you sent me, but read it I shall...eventually Don'r we all wish our favourite characters were real? *sigh*
And indeed I believe I have found my soul mate in ~clest
Grr, you lucky things...but winter isn't so bad...just cold *shiver* YAY RAIN!
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
alita2x In reply to buraqina [2006-02-13 08:23:25 +0000 UTC]
Are you sending me the same message over and over again??? *Shrugs* Coz` I reply and get your same message...
HEY! HEY! LOOK!!! I HAVE ONE! I HAVE A SCANNER!! AND LOOK THERE HE IS!!! IT'S...*sighs* our beloved, German knight. *Melts*
Check out the art hon, and I want feed back!
Enjoy it my dear! Enjoy it! If you wanna throw in a request (And yeah I'll draw Raphy snogging Sieg for ya) now is the time!
Lovies! *Huggles*
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