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| bulimiabeautypageant
# Statistics
Favourites: 168; Deviations: 27; Watchers: 21
Watching: 30; Pageviews: 6278; Comments Made: 792; Friends: 30
# Comments
Comments: 122
Bishop-Of-Balance [2008-10-14 21:38:58 +0000 UTC]
Hello there . How's it going? How many week is there left of school for you? What are you doing after school?
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lorely [2007-08-25 07:02:57 +0000 UTC]
thanks! haha no offence taken sweets, thats a compliment
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ohdisease In reply to ohdisease [2007-06-11 17:19:58 +0000 UTC]
...that worked i heard.
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KariLiimatainen [2005-12-14 12:49:42 +0000 UTC]
You have nice gallery here..!
*** nature is everything ***
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shorty13 [2005-10-21 14:49:25 +0000 UTC]
hey thank you for the fave
now excuse me while i go look through your gallery ^^
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PaperHatMan In reply to PaperHatMan [2005-10-14 03:18:37 +0000 UTC]
Man excuse that. It didn't work. I'm wondering how people link people by having their name you can click on it!
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devileddante [2005-10-14 01:54:57 +0000 UTC]
OH MY GOD!!! Congrats on your 1000+ pvs!!!
Oh my god, thats great and about god damn time too!!
Am I your slave?
I just need to know...My sister thinks I am your slave....But you have many slaves and I'm just added to the long long list, am I not my love?
Sexy lady!!! haha
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devileddante [2005-09-29 00:09:02 +0000 UTC]
Chino...Don't create a new account please...
I like your account
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bulimiabeautypageant In reply to devileddante [2005-10-01 11:17:15 +0000 UTC]
i won't. This name is kick ass I will just have to get my act together after hacker is wiped.
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devileddante In reply to bulimiabeautypageant [2005-10-02 01:34:59 +0000 UTC]
You STILL haven't got him off!
Geez, how long does it take!
It only takes me a few mins to by-pass them off haha (But I have to restart the computer after though )
But then again I have a special program to get rid of those perverts....
I'd do that for you but I don't know how to do that on PC's plus I hate PC's right down to their graphic processors...
Get online DAMN IT!!!! I'll bring you Blood the Last Vampire in either Art or MMS, k.
P.S : Your sexy
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bulimiabeautypageant In reply to devileddante [2005-10-11 10:44:51 +0000 UTC]
heh My comput6er is clean now :woop:
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devileddante In reply to bulimiabeautypageant [2005-10-12 01:29:43 +0000 UTC]
Well, i knew that cos you told me yesterday...and you actually replied!!!!
Thats such a shock!!!
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bulimiabeautypageant In reply to devileddante [2005-10-13 12:04:02 +0000 UTC]
heh, sorry I will be coming on here a bit more now, I liek to think.
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devileddante In reply to bulimiabeautypageant [2005-10-14 01:17:58 +0000 UTC]
umm...oooook then...Can I call you lucia? Its like lucy...sort of.
Anyway, I really think your art is improving, even if Ms White doesn't think so..*rolls eyes*
Anyway, reality sucks and we are apart of it....great
gtg teacher being bitch, how unusual...hehe
love you
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bulimiabeautypageant In reply to devileddante [2005-10-14 11:35:44 +0000 UTC]
thanks heh I am pretty sure I am not lesbian. I want to marry a penis hahaha slash male. I have a fascination with female figures though.
No don't call me lucia you may as well call me christopher : /
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devileddante In reply to bulimiabeautypageant [2005-10-17 01:46:07 +0000 UTC]
Haha...Ok if you insist...
Sure your NOT a lesbian...marry a penis/male?
o.0 I think I've got you on that one....
Don't worry, everybody has a fasination with female figures...so much more nicer to look at then a male figure, right?
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bulimiabeautypageant In reply to devileddante [2005-10-19 11:42:32 +0000 UTC]
Yes a female body is way more attractive than a male.
I havent met any girl that I have had sexual feelings for so I am prety much straight.
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devileddante In reply to bulimiabeautypageant [2005-10-20 00:06:51 +0000 UTC]
Thats right, atleast we agree on something...stupid female!
My nana says that...haha, love that woman we were fighting yesterday at stockland and she was all like "Samantha, your daughter's mauling me" and I'
m like "Mum, nana's poking me"...Pretty much through the whole shopping, it was fun...what about you? Anything new...haha
Me too, haven't met any girl that has that effect on me....except AJ...but whi doesn't love that woman? I know you like her too!
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bulimiabeautypageant In reply to devileddante [2005-10-20 06:05:07 +0000 UTC]
AJ? I think you may be reffering to a hot celeb. I mean as in met. I have seen many girls on the net that I am very attracted to but havent met them.
Um only thing new would be. Callum, the dude who was talkign to us in our last PE lesson, He apparently likes me. He used to somewhat stalk me. Would sit where I just sat when I would return. Then when I would sit somewhere else he would look for me. for eg I'd sit at a table near a tree and he would look around the tree.
He never used to walk so much around my territory[haha] much either. Now my friends see hima nd they say.. Oooooo its Christinas boyfriends, stalker, or scene boy. Heh.
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devileddante In reply to bulimiabeautypageant [2005-10-21 03:25:30 +0000 UTC]
Yeh, hot celeb. Angelina Jolie ofcourse, one of the few decent lookers
So thats Callum...I heard alot about him...He seems nice...he stalks you...Ooooh La La! Go Chino...haha just being an idiot (nothing new)
I got ATTACKED BY SAM!!! He hugged me like 4 times...and now my shoulder hurts again...DAMN IT!!!
And just becaus I gave him an old drawing, hopefully that will sustain him til monday...I hope anyway.
Your territory, eh? Oook I won't venture there then... < it should say she is out to get me or something like that, haha!
Scene boy? WTF! Thats all I'll say about that...
hubba hubba
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bulimiabeautypageant In reply to devileddante [2005-10-21 07:47:11 +0000 UTC]
Hahah I don't liek him so don't cheer me.
He is interesting to talk to because he is older and no older guys have balls to talk to me.
Scene boy... grows his hair long, dies it black and has peircings. to make himseld seem'hot'
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devileddante In reply to bulimiabeautypageant [2005-10-22 03:26:48 +0000 UTC]
I know you don't Chino, god I'm not THAT stupid. I could tell by your body language towards him on wednesday.
Yeh, I find Older people are so much more interesting top talk to than young idiots, though you do find the rare interesting one. The BALLS to talk to you? Probably cos you intimidate them Chino, I know how that feels bloody itimidating bitch!
I get it now...seem "hot". haha Rightly-o then.
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bulimiabeautypageant In reply to devileddante [2005-10-25 03:30:43 +0000 UTC]
The last older guy I met that went to trinity bay he started talking to me just before he got expelled.
And callum is leaving at the end of the year. He did my boyfriend application on myspace. hahah
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devileddante In reply to bulimiabeautypageant [2005-10-27 01:31:17 +0000 UTC]
Hahaha..oh yeh. Tends to happen, doesn't it?
Callum...AIGH! I keep hearing about Callum and how he's leaving and what not...bloody annoying cos I have no idea who the hell he is?!!
Anyway, I've probably seen him around or something like that...
I think I've met him actually...Sorry, I'm a bit confused today...
I'm disapointed that your not at school today...makes me sad.
You always brighten up my day.
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bulimiabeautypageant In reply to devileddante [2005-10-28 12:39:19 +0000 UTC]
thats soo good to hear, that I am actualy really wanted at school
I was there the next day ^_^
school was fun on friday!
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devileddante In reply to bulimiabeautypageant [2005-10-30 00:20:37 +0000 UTC]
Yeh, your wanted...
I know you were there the next day but it was boring without you there...you know.
Fun for who?
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bulimiabeautypageant In reply to devileddante [2005-11-07 09:45:11 +0000 UTC]
I am lost, sorry.
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devileddante In reply to bulimiabeautypageant [2005-11-12 04:11:07 +0000 UTC]
Ok, let me explain in a language that your incompletants will process and understand:
a). Itsa was bring when you weren't at school on thursday.
b). You are wanted by ME because I like having your company etc.
c). I know you were not going to be at school on thursday and I was saying what I said on a).
So basically school is no fun for me without you there, even if I do have Casey to amuse me now its just not the same.
I like female company aswell. But with guys, I can hit them and stuff so its much more fun.
But I enjoy your company because I feel at ease with you.
Did that some how explain it to you my love?
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unholierthanthou In reply to devileddante [2005-12-23 07:56:20 +0000 UTC]
Hey! That's like reverse physical abuse! Unfair!
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unholierthanthou In reply to unholierthanthou [2005-12-24 09:13:52 +0000 UTC]
Duh! I bitch-slapped yo ass!
Ugh, bad mental images there...
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unholierthanthou In reply to unholierthanthou [2005-12-26 09:47:08 +0000 UTC]
Hah hah hah, now now, don't get all paranoid on me now.
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devileddante In reply to unholierthanthou [2005-12-27 10:16:27 +0000 UTC]
I'll be as paranoid as I want!!!
Its MY head and I can fuck it up how ever they way I want...BIZOTCH!!!
*Dive For You - BBS*
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