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| bridgetbright
# Statistics
Favourites: 16189; Deviations: 426; Watchers: 302
Watching: 1399; Pageviews: 41613; Comments Made: 3776; Friends: 1399
# Comments
Comments: 2073
ingeline-art [2019-12-08 12:14:50 +0000 UTC]
Happy birthday to you and
have a wonderful day!
Greetings and hugs from cologne
Ingeline-art ))
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
ingeline-art [2018-12-08 18:19:46 +0000 UTC]
Happy birthday to you and
have a wonderful day!
Greetings and hugs from cologne
Ingeline art ))
This is only for you!!!
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
ingeline-art [2017-12-08 06:29:01 +0000 UTC]
Happy birthday to you and
have a wonderful day!
Greetings and hugs from cologne
Ingeliine -art ))
This is only for you!
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
Deb-e-ann [2016-08-05 09:17:09 +0000 UTC]
Hi Bridget. Thank you for ing 'Cosmos On The Patio'
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
Florhalie [2016-07-08 14:57:17 +0000 UTC]
Welcome feature 4
:icongypsyco::iconcaloxort: :iconevaparadis::iconratinrage::icon1001g:Rose by FlorhalieDroplets by nonameavailableyet:iconnonameavailableyet:Rose by FlorhalieDrops Of Pearls! by motherearth01:iconmotherearth01:Rose by FlorhalieStock by Kagyaku:iconkagyaku:Rose by FlorhalieTwo sides, a poem by Stilleschrei:iconstilleschrei:Rose by FlorhalieBright Purple by Splippyfop:iconsplippyfop:Rose by FlorhalieDay 166: June 14, 2016 by jenlakersfan:iconjenlakersfan: Rose by FlorhaliePretty Purples by EsmeraldEyes:iconesmeraldeyes:Rose by FlorhaliePastel Purple by LTerri:iconlterri:Rose by FlorhalieLittle White Flowers by ElyneNoir:iconelynenoir:Rose by FlorhalieBouquet final by Davvid54:icondavvid54:Rose by FlorhalieLa vie en rose by sylverface:iconsylverface:Rose by Florhaliejust breathe by bridgetbright:iconbridgetbright:Rose by FlorhalieBlue by AStoKo:iconastoko:Rose by FlorhalieAfter Rain by Weissglut:iconweissglut:Rose by FlorhaliePink blooming meadow flower by LewiARTs:iconle
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