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| bombax980

# Statistics
Favourites: 263; Deviations: 74; Watchers: 19
Watching: 34; Pageviews: 10780; Comments Made: 1759; Friends: 34
# Comments
Comments: 220
sylvainArtist [2017-11-06 14:10:27 +0000 UTC]
Thank you your visit and faves. Your approbation means a lot to me...
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testsubjectLILY [2008-10-18 21:09:15 +0000 UTC]
I wonder why you don't get as many viewers as your work would constitute if I had a say in it.
You're a wonderful artist, especially in your drawings.
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bombax980 In reply to testsubjectLILY [2008-10-22 05:08:23 +0000 UTC]
Aw thank you so much. Boosted my confidence a smidgen lol
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testsubjectLILY In reply to bombax980 [2008-10-22 05:47:06 +0000 UTC]
No problemohh
You have a lot of talent in you to believe in, hun! Hehe
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Lazarus-D [2007-08-22 18:20:05 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for the add. Your incorporation of different lighting techniques is beautiful!
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chochweets [2007-03-06 06:28:14 +0000 UTC]
waw!!! these pictures simply talk by themselves, they bring so much emotions to life. Completely stunning! thanks for sharing!
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cowkilla [2006-11-05 15:44:53 +0000 UTC]
Hey Ash.... U alive? You haven't been on here or on AIM in over 2 months.
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TheSketchArtisT [2006-06-21 18:26:05 +0000 UTC]
No, she is just jelular because she cant be as awesome as me lol(yeah right) Granted she is a great artist, that doesnt give her the right to say things like that. lol, i blame her father. She never got enough hugs.......lol
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TheSketchArtisT [2006-06-20 23:05:29 +0000 UTC]
Hahahah, Ashley read the comment made on my M.C Escher wannabe lol. its freakin halarious.
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TheSketchArtisT [2006-05-22 02:03:15 +0000 UTC]
hey, im really sorry to hear about your gpa! i hope everything worksd out for the best. And on the whole chrissy note, she is really starting to piss me off. I cant belive miss stroup wouldnt take my story as it was because some girl got slapped and abducted by jesus, but she took her story that had demonic possesion and satanic rape in it. that seriously pissed me off. and then she had the nerve to tell me that she was a better writer than i was because she got a "thanks for trying ribbon" not a medal or trophy like she says(i know she diddnt because miss stroup told me so) and it was in POETRY, not SHORT STORY. If i wanted to write poetry i would have written poetry. And then in art class, we had to draw frikin brick walls, and i was complaining(natural me right) and she says, "Mason its not what the object looks like, its what you percieve it to be" Its like WTF i perceive it to be a fucking brick wall! I dont know, im venting im not doingn well either, and i think my brain is going to ooze from my ears soon from allthe tv dinners lol. Well, seriously though im sorrhy to hear about your grandfather. Its always a shame when these things happen. i know that sounds really corny and almost like a standard generic "Get well Soon" thing but i cant help it, im generic! lol
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bombax980 In reply to TheSketchArtisT [2006-05-29 20:43:57 +0000 UTC]
hey hey it's ok, no problemo, but yeah you need to check out this page again....you're popular!
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i-am-legend [2006-05-05 13:14:54 +0000 UTC]
Miss Stroup thinks I'm Jebus now too.
A very sick, sadistic Jebus, that is.
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bombax980 In reply to i-am-legend [2006-05-05 14:25:52 +0000 UTC]
why because you killed two little girls? one with really cold water and ice and the other with an ice skate? at least i think that was it.....and yet she allows chrissy to submit stuff talking about demon possession and rape into the mid west writing conference.....yeesh
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TheSketchArtisT [2006-05-04 02:55:44 +0000 UTC]
wow, ive expeirienced almost all of those things lol. I deont think i have bipolar disorder though. I took a school test that said i was depressed, ant-social, and that i had low self esteem and that i was very sad. Do i seem sad to you? lol, well im goin to do ym best to cheer you up tommorow
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bombax980 In reply to TheSketchArtisT [2006-05-04 13:17:25 +0000 UTC]
of course you always seem sad and forlorn except when you steal water bottles from poor unsuspecting damsels in distress and then punch them repeatedly and bruise them and make them want to murder short excessivly muscular legged red headed grass faeries.........*phew* I feel better j/k Mason you know I love you like the brother I never got to have....I like having you around just simply because you feel like family to me....I've never had any brothers or sisters so you and CJ are my bros......yay for fake siblings!
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bombax980 In reply to i-am-legend [2006-05-01 23:04:46 +0000 UTC]
twas dahling twas a glorious night
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shadowteague [2006-03-17 01:14:17 +0000 UTC]
Thank you for the Fave! And Vash thanks you too! With claws! (She's evil. Send help.)
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TheSketchArtisT [2006-03-11 06:41:56 +0000 UTC]
ASHLEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Im so mad, your so much better than I am with pastels, and shading*Mutters under his breath in a surreptitious manner* Anyway, yes you will teach me before you go to college! Or im moving into your dorm. They wont have a problem with it, we'll tell them im gay lol. i out my short stories and stuff on here(The gay ones)
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bombax980 In reply to TheSketchArtisT [2006-03-12 19:49:43 +0000 UTC]
You could move in all you want too. Bret left today around 1:30, but dad doesn't thinkhe'll pass the drug test, because they're doing mouth swabsnot urine tests, mouth swabs are 80% effective, urine samples are a lot less...so he might be back sooner than he thinks...i kinda hope he doesnt pass but then i do hope he passes because he'll be happier when he comes back....ill still miss him though
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TheSketchArtisT [2006-03-05 05:36:14 +0000 UTC]
Hello, lol Im commenting on you, over at the sparks house lol. Well yeah, im going to cut this short, we are playing awesome games(Zizzo Challenge on gprime lol).
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TheSketchArtisT [2006-03-05 05:36:04 +0000 UTC]
Hello, lol Im commenting on you, over at the sparks house lol. Well yeah, im going to cut this short, we are playing awesome games(Zizzo Challenge on gprime lol).
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TheSketchArtisT [2006-02-09 21:13:06 +0000 UTC]
It doesnt matter what his frustrations are. He shouldnt have hit you, no should he shake the poor kittie into oblivion. This makes me want to rip of his testiculars and shove them up his ass, until the other end comes out of his mouth, then ill take it by both ends and swing him around..........ANYWAY yeah, he hit you right in front of his friends?
Im going to go all ninjutsu on your jolly ass!!!!
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bombax980 In reply to TheSketchArtisT [2006-02-10 16:11:02 +0000 UTC]
No no no no he hit me after they left it was when he was just talking to mom and me, and i dont want you to rip his testicles off...i want you to come over so we can hang out and play "kick the soccar ball (that is stuck on a tin overhang)" j/k, but your probably still grounded....*sigh* time for some more boredom
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TheSketchArtisT In reply to bombax980 [2006-02-10 22:54:46 +0000 UTC]
OMFG OMFG OMFG OMFG OMFG OMFG Well, yeah im not grouinded YAY, but i cant go to my moms house this weekend because the guy she is living with(her roomate whom i know,, and have known since i moved here three or four years ago) has a police record, so they wont let me see my mother, my baby brother when he is born, or doug(who is the roomate) until she moves, which they have no right to do, but are going to get theres (says mom.) Well, anyway im still depressed, and now i have 13 life changing stresses to sort through. Sigh, well ill try to come over soon ok!
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bombax980 In reply to TheSketchArtisT [2006-02-13 15:07:39 +0000 UTC]
Otay!!!! You know Bret won't freak out if you get me flowers, in fact I think that would be very sweet. It'd be nice to actually get flowers instead of tell someone and then have the holiday come over and not get anything....if you don't want to no big deal, I understand. But I'm just letting you know nobody's going to freak out or get mad at you, and at least you know if you get me flowers instead of Carrie, I'll probably appreciate them more in the long run..........but on to other news, I'm bored. Thanks for watching the 6 o'clock news. lol anywase hope to see you soon!
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TheSketchArtisT [2006-02-08 01:09:15 +0000 UTC]
GLOMPAGE!! Anyway, yeah just replying to your thingy comment majigger. *Does teh retard from the soccer joke * ANyvay YEAHCXKNASDKFNFAK:MSDfja ! C@n7 Ty93 @ny#0R3
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bombax980 In reply to TheSketchArtisT [2006-02-08 13:41:11 +0000 UTC]
Sometimes I worry about you Bevy, I worry a lot....*grumble grumble*....well I didn't make it through dinner unscathed....but we ate the exact same thing you guys did so yeah...I just got a little more steak on the barbie than wanted.....*sniffle* I hate my parents *moves into Mason's tiny room* I'll just shove my things in the corner, you don't even have to look at me........I shouldn't whimper to loud when you turn off the lights........
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TheSketchArtisT In reply to bombax980 [2006-02-09 01:00:27 +0000 UTC]
WTF! Well, this makes me hate men all that much more(and i am one) well, anyway, if you would have eaten at my house it would have been avoided. What exactally happened, i just know your scratched. And what a dumbass for leaving a mark, if you wanna hurt someone you dont leave evidence that is apparent to the eye.
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bombax980 In reply to TheSketchArtisT [2006-02-09 15:06:12 +0000 UTC]
It was right after we got done eating dinner, a couple of his friends came over to talk to him and stuff and he seemed a little more calmed down. So we were all standing in the kitchen after they left and dad was talking and stuff and Ripply came downstairs. She started meowing because she was out of food, and dad got pissed off and grabbed her by the nape of her neck and started shaking her. I love Ripply, because she's my cat and anybody who hurts her is going to get hurt back. So I said "Dad, stop put her down....DON'T TOUCH HER!!!" and he didn't listen to me so i ran over and sunk my teeth into his arm and he screamed and dropped the cat and then he smacked me a few times and his watch caught my cheek...so it's kind of my fault sort of and kind of not. If I would have let him shake Ripply into oblivion it wouldn't have happened. but I don't blame him, i know how he feels, and I dont' hate him. It hurts and it shows, but I still love him. I feel sorry for him. And there's no reason to hate him. Sometimes he just can't control himself......oh Mason...if you only knew
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TheSketchArtisT [2006-02-04 00:31:23 +0000 UTC]
OMFG-YOUR NOT GOING TO BELIEVE THIS!!!!!! its me.....well whoopty friggin do....Anyway. Yeah i decided to comment you back lol. so here it is, the comment back, and i dont know what to say....soo.......yeah.
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TheSketchArtisT [2006-01-13 21:54:39 +0000 UTC]
HEY!!!!!! OMFG OFMG OMFG Its me , lol. WE seriously have to get together and like, put some of my stuff on deviantart. I feel so weird having an account and nothing to show why lol. But yeah, whatever. Yeah I LOVE YOU(says in the gay cartman voice as always)
I am God and you will all learn to live with it!
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