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| bleedman1100

bleedman1100 [13640679] [] "bennettchngweisheng"

# Statistics

Favourites: 17; Deviations: 0; Watchers: 1

Watching: 0; Pageviews: 2798; Comments Made: 12; Friends: 0

# Comments

Comments: 37

Polkadot-Creeper [2010-05-19 10:51:23 +0000 UTC]

DO NOT hid my comments, you a re a commen low-life art thief who obviously is bored with there life, so i have reported you multipul times and so have many others, so take down the stolen art and go find a nice little hole in the ground to hid in, atleast you'll be among your own kinda, low-life human scum

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Allaeysis [2010-05-17 11:09:47 +0000 UTC]

Reported for art thieft^-^
have a wonderful day!!!!

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rockleelovergrl [2010-05-17 06:10:53 +0000 UTC]

Take down what does not belong to you. This is not photobucket or tinypic. This is a site for REAL artists. So take the stolen work down. You have been reported and will be banned soon have a nice day.

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World-Hero21 [2010-05-17 03:36:43 +0000 UTC]

Nice try hiding/flagging my comments, but that's not going to help you hide what you've done. Both and have already been alerted for your thievery, and I've already reported you for art theft, so the images you stole should be taken down soon.

You need to understand that DeviantART is NOT PHOTOBUCKET. Please, please, please understand that. Because what you're doing is a SERIOUS offense. You can get sued for art theft, you know.

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LordIlpilazzo [2010-05-07 03:36:24 +0000 UTC]

The Powerpuff Girls would NOT approve! Leave now thief - and never soil our doorsteps again!

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bleedman1100 In reply to LordIlpilazzo [2010-05-16 05:21:13 +0000 UTC]


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World-Hero21 In reply to bleedman1100 [2010-05-17 14:31:35 +0000 UTC]

You've already been found out. If you didn't know...

...So unless you want to be thrown in jail, I suggest you stop stealing. Or...You can find yourself in a lot of legal shit. Your choice.

And steal from anyone else, and you're bound to get banned.

Have a nice day.

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bleedman1100 In reply to World-Hero21 [2010-05-23 10:37:08 +0000 UTC]

right how do I add my art in:sadness:

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World-Hero21 In reply to bleedman1100 [2010-05-23 18:22:00 +0000 UTC]

Okay, scan one of your drawings into the computer, using some kind of scanner bed, save it somewhere on your computer, then go to "submit art" on your page. That'll take you to the page where you upload your artwork. Just make sure you're uploading your OWN artwork that YOU drew yourself.

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ThaMutt [2010-05-07 03:21:45 +0000 UTC]

This account will be banned soon~

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World-Hero21 In reply to ThaMutt [2010-05-07 20:43:23 +0000 UTC]

Did you report him in to get him banned? Just curious...

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ThaMutt In reply to World-Hero21 [2010-05-07 21:35:46 +0000 UTC]

Hidden by Owner

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World-Hero21 In reply to ThaMutt [2010-05-07 21:50:38 +0000 UTC]

Flagged as Spam

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ThaMutt In reply to World-Hero21 [2010-05-07 21:54:54 +0000 UTC]

idk, i just reported him, and put a poll up bout it
hopefully they'll go away soon~

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World-Hero21 In reply to ThaMutt [2010-05-08 15:40:44 +0000 UTC]

At least they'll take the stuff down...but if he tries it again, he'll probably end up banned.

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ThaMutt In reply to World-Hero21 [2010-05-08 21:09:31 +0000 UTC]

probably :'O

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World-Hero21 In reply to ThaMutt [2010-05-09 18:24:46 +0000 UTC]

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mystic-melodies [2010-05-03 11:25:54 +0000 UTC]


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Calidisco [2010-05-03 09:39:51 +0000 UTC]

HAI. Please actually try and show of your art by looking at tutorials, and not use other people's art.

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supernova3261 [2010-05-01 07:13:44 +0000 UTC]

Your level of fail just amuses me.

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TORTURE-7 [2010-04-30 23:27:41 +0000 UTC]

Dude, you are the shit

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strawberriimoo [2010-04-30 02:09:56 +0000 UTC]


Take down the stolen art and everything will be good, okay? : )

There was this one girl. She kept stealing. And I went RAEG on her. And she got scared. And I laughed. And she ran away.
Do you want me to do that to you, too? c:

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Polkadot-Creeper In reply to strawberriimoo [2010-04-30 07:31:36 +0000 UTC]

you tell him! he's a lowlife if he thinks he can make money off others art

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DotsandStripes [2010-04-27 18:31:40 +0000 UTC]


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lululu130 [2010-04-27 05:49:05 +0000 UTC]

theft take it down or 1,000 million crazy fans will report you and that includes me.

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GrandFig [2010-04-26 20:17:54 +0000 UTC]

Wow. Just joined and art theft already. Pathetic dude. Just pathetic.

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Polkadot-Creeper [2010-04-26 10:22:06 +0000 UTC]

your fail imusses me, take down your gallery NOW this is art theft. i'll come back in a week and if it's not taken down i will report you

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Moogi-Oogi [2010-04-26 01:49:00 +0000 UTC]

Hi!! welcome to DA!!!!! i hope we can be 4rendz!!

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World-Hero21 In reply to Moogi-Oogi [2010-05-04 02:57:46 +0000 UTC]

He's an art theft, if you look at his gallery.
He's stolen stuff from and

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Moogi-Oogi In reply to World-Hero21 [2010-05-04 11:36:24 +0000 UTC]

ohh....i didnt know that...

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World-Hero21 In reply to Moogi-Oogi [2010-05-04 22:03:13 +0000 UTC]

'Tis okay. We're trying to get this person to remove everything in his gallery...or else he's going to find himself banned...

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Moogi-Oogi In reply to World-Hero21 [2010-05-04 22:09:52 +0000 UTC]

ohhh..okz ^w^ why would he try to steal someone eles is art in the first place??

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World-Hero21 In reply to Moogi-Oogi [2010-05-04 22:13:13 +0000 UTC]

Probably because he thinks this is like Photobucket. A lot of newbies like him make that mistake when they first join. That's when you got to catch them quickly, before their entire gallery is filled with stolen stuff.

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Moogi-Oogi In reply to World-Hero21 [2010-05-04 22:15:25 +0000 UTC]

ohh..(btw i like ur gallery )

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World-Hero21 In reply to Moogi-Oogi [2010-05-04 22:30:12 +0000 UTC]

Thanks! And thanks for the favs.

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Moogi-Oogi In reply to World-Hero21 [2010-05-04 22:32:46 +0000 UTC]

no probz!! ^w^

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aCidSkittL3s [2010-04-25 21:57:30 +0000 UTC]

You're not bleedman.

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CottonKittie [2010-04-25 21:44:10 +0000 UTC]

Your an art thief take down your gallery now!!

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uhaseo [2010-04-24 16:00:53 +0000 UTC]

tnks for the fav XD

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