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| blackoutt
# Statistics
Favourites: 86; Deviations: 66; Watchers: 10
Watching: 14; Pageviews: 7040; Comments Made: 229; Friends: 14
# Comments
Comments: 42
Throwbacks [2006-08-23 07:50:01 +0000 UTC]
I didn't make the toon lol!! I got it form a psd site that used to be up a while back...sorry!!!
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picturesque757 [2006-04-10 15:56:50 +0000 UTC]
OYE!! Hello hope you dofus days are going good... enjoying the new patches?? Im not I'm waiting off for awhile I wil probably play some more in about 2-3 months when I have more free time... well just wanted to leave a post lata
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BiggCaZ [2006-04-04 16:14:34 +0000 UTC]
your style's are fresh and well on your way to being cutting edge, good luck to you two in the future
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chronicles-of-666 [2005-11-26 05:36:07 +0000 UTC]
what theme? if you meant the xp themes, then you just look for em on the xp theme online and such..
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blackoutt In reply to chronicles-of-666 [2006-01-03 14:37:39 +0000 UTC]
where av u been ? its been so long, my life is crazy... how was ur xams and xmas and new yr????
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chronicles-of-666 In reply to blackoutt [2006-01-04 03:01:54 +0000 UTC]
hey yah i havent seen you online for ages~
bleh ive moved from my old town.. thats why ive been so freakin busy.. oh xmas was alright.. at the new town.. doin freelance photography now.. new year was just another day.. not a big fan of it..
bleh... how about you? whats with your crazy life?
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blackoutt In reply to chronicles-of-666 [2006-01-04 15:49:43 +0000 UTC]
lol if u read my journals ud see just how crazy my life has been. But yeh i hated new years too... was just another day! ive got a new email its tigerscott61@hotmail.com add me and ill catch up with u on there!
my drawing has improved you should check em out wen u have a minute, im really loving ur photos, in a way they kinda seem to be growing up like you
I spent xmas wiv scott and his family as my mums kicked me out coz of my evil step dad n stuff ...i dunno wether i told u or not
but i live with him
he's nit here now, he's in scotland visitin his gradma and auntie's but im so bored without him! but thank god he's back come friday !!! YAY
lol im babling so get at me on msn and we can have a tak on there wen ur free
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chronicles-of-666 In reply to blackoutt [2006-01-05 02:15:54 +0000 UTC]
haha i've checked out your drawings.. very cool very cool ... oh god, what's with your mum? that's really sad to hear.. sorry... oh scott's gone off? hey omg... its like such a fairytale.. "my boyfriend's off to scottland and i'm stuck here in united kingdom' lol.. i dont know... it just sounds neat. i mean compared to mine; im stuck in kulim while my boyfriend's in penang.. doesn't sound as good as yours .. ok.. anyway, what am i crapping?
hahah... well you see my photos arent that nice lol... but thanks anyway.. you've seen them ayy?
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Saluna [2005-11-24 18:13:08 +0000 UTC]
You have some really cool pictures in your gallery, and your feutered Deviation is awsome.
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neverness [2005-11-15 23:16:01 +0000 UTC]
Hi there blackoutt (not sure who requested comment, Sade or Scott)
I've checked your gallery. I can comment on two ways: Creativity and Technique. Let's take it from the first: Creativity, which will include bunch of bullshit talk bu necessary ones.
You are very much like me when I was a teenager, all over the place. Have a lot of enthusiams(sp?) to do everything at once. I learned that it's a wrong move and it cost me almost twenty years. Too much for a self claimed smart guy huh? Take it easy. Try to learn as much as you can by reading or even better, be a good observer. There are dozens of art styles out there but all starts from the basics: shape and light, the rest is technical knowledge. Start with simple stuff, go out and take a picture. Don't expect it to be for the gallery. Try to find out what is wrong with your picture. The composition? That's not really that hard. Be patient, try to see the object from different angles... The light? Well, you probably didn't read the manual, then read it. The basics of light are not hard to grasp. The harder part is how you want to manupulate the light, the angle, the object so you can tell people something. Experiment it often. Thanks to digital cameras we have the luxury of spending so many shots to catch a favor we'd like. Besides we have tools like photoshop to go further. Though most of the times, simplicity tells everything. A black and white photograh of your street will probably be more eye catching than an enhanced colored one.
You want to draw? Well than it means more work. Take a simple object, like a coffee mug and draw it. Observe the shape and how light falls to it. Use your pencil with light strokes and then go over them to catch a well blending tone. Once you become familiar with a simple object, you can go on and experiment how different objects effect eachother. Once you think you solved the basics and techniques of drawing then you can start putting your imagination in it.
While you do these, don't try to compete with others. That won't work for your favour. Instead compete with yourself. Learn from others. They don't even need to tell you how, their work will. Don't forget that you can be the next Leonardo, but there will always be someone better than you and I or him... I'm not afraid that someone is better than me, I'm afraid that my previous work is better than my last.
Hope this was helpful for the approach. If you need more technical info then I'd recommend you to check the resources/tutorials sections of this site or other websites.
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ReVerthex [2005-11-15 13:59:40 +0000 UTC]
Erf, K well I checked out your gallery and you both have talent no doubt about that! Scott your photoshop skills are good I see you prefer a more grunge style where as I like a smooth neat style.
It's just a matter of preference, so I say do what your good at and if you love it you'll never work a day in your life.
Keep up the good work though and never hesitate to ask me for anything.
One day you'll look back in your gallery and see your first submissions and go "wow we used to suck" Trust me it'll happen.
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chronicles-of-666 [2005-11-08 10:00:11 +0000 UTC]
hey thanks for addin me into your friends list.... imma do the same k..
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blackoutt In reply to chronicles-of-666 [2005-11-11 09:46:21 +0000 UTC]
heylooooooo its sade here how are you??? Are u cool? hows exams?? hope ur alrite
Luvs ya sade !!!!
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chronicles-of-666 In reply to blackoutt [2005-11-11 10:46:23 +0000 UTC]
haha hey wassup ~
im not that cool .. exams nxt week to be honest... hah.. im scared...
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blackoutt In reply to chronicles-of-666 [2005-11-11 11:44:28 +0000 UTC]
noooooooo why are you scared dont be scared come on our like super brainy and you dont even have to try lol like me! lol So you are lucky ull breeze through it all im sure you just gotta stay calm lol like a rasta thats just had 2 joints lol, b cool and calm and collected and ull b fine! Worrying gets ya no where with exams! ull b fine! How are you other then exams my friend? ur life cool....? im still laughing about that pucca thing u told me lol... crazy ppl.
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chronicles-of-666 In reply to blackoutt [2005-11-11 12:19:30 +0000 UTC]
haha lol pucca.. puki... HAHAHA.. .anyways... errm yeah u say it as if its so easy... lol and im not brainy..
well my life huh.. i just got back from my home in capital city which is like four hours away from the state im living in now... its super ass cool there... i met all my family and friends... and the whole week all i did was went out went out went out went out and went out hahaha... i watched emily rose for like; the fifth time yesterday lol... cos different ppl wanned to watch it with me so heck, i loved it anyway...
so how about ya? hows life treatin ya..
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blackoutt In reply to chronicles-of-666 [2005-11-11 12:46:13 +0000 UTC]
lol its good and im greatful i just hate myself for being stupid... for sum 1 that gets good grades i sure know how to put my foot in it..... no common sense some times.
Sounds like fun though! Glad you had a good week! *big grinn* Lol you move about alot done you! lol but its ok, uve seen loads of diff places so thats guuuuud!
scotts leaving me for the wekend to go on this massive computer quest thing wiv his cool but nerdy friends online some of which he's never met..... so i do worry.
Its just gunna b really wierd being in the house all on my own. without him. It will be like ive been sliced in two and i cant do nothing because im not whole. *sobs*
I dont want him 2 feel bad for leavin me, i know its onli 4 the weekend but i cant help it if im gunna feel lonely and on top of that! I have glandular fever which makes me feel like SHITE and its that time of the month so of all weekends he had to pick this one when im ill and over emotional and moody.... things just keep getting better and better...... feckin marvelous! lol
but other then that im fine . Yes ya are brainy and deep and every fin which makes u uber cool!
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chronicles-of-666 In reply to blackoutt [2005-11-11 14:45:55 +0000 UTC]
wow.. you wrote an essay .. haha just joking
aww gosh you didnt tell me you live with him.. thats so sweet of you to miss him so much while he's gone only for the weekends... haha yeah i was thinking; computer quest? errrrrkkkk... hahaha...
aww you have glandular fever.. i feel bad for you though i didnt know such illness exists... see ill give you a hug anyway even if i might catch the errm, GLANDULAR fever as well haha.. glandular.. what a cool name for a brand ~!... .. ok that was random..
hahah.. brainy and deep.. what a great combination ... uber cool.. no.. lol.. that's too much now..
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blackoutt In reply to chronicles-of-666 [2005-11-13 21:42:15 +0000 UTC]
lol yea i live with him.... big messy situation with family, scott and his family basicly gave me sum where to stay food and shelter and a warm bed filled with hugs when im asleep and for that i am eternally greatful! AND forever will be!
Yea still got glandular fever and it sucks....
lol you wudnt get the illness unless my saliva entered you orally..... yuck anyways... brainy PRETTY and deep i forgot to add the PRETTY
I really do love scott, but for some bizzarre reason im afraid ill do sumfin to seriously piss him off or like bug him in some way......
and i really dont want to do that its coz im so boyish and friggin clumsy and manage to put my foot in it every friggin time i open my mouth.
Im inseccure so badly you have no idea.... im like part girl and part boy and never know which part to be when im around him... should i be the caring gf thats all innocent n cuddly or should i be boystrous and play fight alot i dunno.....
And on top of that his ex wants him back.... and i know i have him n he says he loves me n i honestly believe he does. But i also think a part of him still loves her like in a "I love you" way "but you broke my heart after one year of being together so im moving on but still kinda have a broken heart from you" Maybe im being stupid i dunno. But its just annoying coz i saw loads of pics of her on his mobile phone, And there was this one pic of him with his arms wrapped round her and hers around him.... and oh my god they looked perfect together.... i mean how can i compete! *stomach starts twisting at the thought of scott breaking my heart* And the fact that he still has the pic means theres still something there...how do i know he doesnt look at it n wish that i was just like her.... or maybe he's just forgot it was there..... either way i cant win, because i know thoughts like this will just piss him off but then you dont understand how INSECURE I AM ...... i love him so much i am terrified of being hurt again. I need so much reassurance, because i find trust such a hard thing to give to people. After so many years of people screwing with it...... I dont even know wether he knows how i feel about this because when i try and say it the words just wont come out.... Suzy (his ex) is so pretty and so small and cute and innocent looking how the hell can scruff like me compete! I mean like shes such a girly lookin girl n im so boyish.... its like wtf is he doing with me, he can have any one...
im destroying myself thinking like this but i needed to air it out to some one because scott 1. doesnt read this page very often, and 2. the words just dont come out of my mouth when i try to say them because i know it will all just come out wrong...
so terribly worng....
And on top of this.... the other nite (thursday night) i was chillin on his beanbag lost deep in thought and hating myself, he was on msn... talking to his ex. I think he was in a bad mood, because i appeared to be in a bad mood, either way, i poked my head up a second to see what he was doin on the PC and i say in nice big letters " ever since what happened between you and me life just gets worse and worse"
N then i had images of being hurt and cast aside... and they are still there now just in the back of my head, you have no idea how much i wanted to cry, but because of my stubbourness... i chose not to and just said " im sorry i just add to your problems and make your life worse" And went into the garden in the rain and thought even harder hating myself even more! I mean if i already appeared to be in a bad mood then now i felt even worse and was really in a bad mood one because i was (and still am) ill and two because it was to his ex of all people. But im sure he didnt expect me to see what he wrote because he quickly closed the convo the minute i said what i said. And them came out n told me to come back inside... inside i felt like breaking down onto the floor and getting sucked up into a hole so i couldnt bother nobody. I eventually came inside n told him what i saw... n he said take no notice i wasnt refering to you.... well girls dont think like that and i know his ex was thinking oh Sade's upset him in some way. I wish i was back with him blah blah blah.... He told me he loved me n everyfing but i still felt really hurt, because it was to his ex and he already knew how insecure i was about everything so basically that added petrol to an already blazing fire of depression.
so now basically i keep getting into depressing moods over this whole sharrade, n i dunno what to do because i kno there is something still there, even if he does love me, and eventually it will get bigger and stronger and he'll leave me for her.... i mean come on they were together for a YEAR i cant compete......
Im just a boyish lil thug that never knows where she stand with anyone... i just wanna collapse n die....
sorry for the essay i just had to tell it to someone...
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chronicles-of-666 In reply to blackoutt [2005-11-14 09:43:32 +0000 UTC]
oh gosh.. i errm haih.. okay im gonna respond but you have to take it tolerantly..
first of all, oh GOD IM NOT PRETTY
second, okay lets talk bout scott.. you know how you think that he still loves his ex and stuff... i have to be honest that maybe he do loves his ex still.. but lets just take it that its not as much as he loves you.. ahh dont get me wrong kay.. you see, when you love someone, you dont un-love them.. just like when you're friends with someone, you don't un-friend them... thats how ppl who fight rekindle back you know.. its like the mutual feeling of errm, adore/love is still present inside.. thats how scott is i think.. Like me, i'm in a relationship and i'm totally fucking in love but i still love my ex cos he was the first one who made me feel all jittery and lovey dovey.. its like part of me cant let him go but there's a huger bigger part of me that is totally thankful that i have my boy boy now hehe..
dont be upset.. its only natural for someone to miss their ex-lover.. as i said i only miss the person i've loved, not the ones that i had some 3-months relationship of pure sex and such. lol. but dont look down on yourself.. scott's with you. yes, he is. its lke you can go on that his ex is cuter; better blah blah.. but did it occur to you that you might be like; prettier to scott, adorable, more patient, sweeter and such? .. i think i rather get complimented for my inner beauty that my physicalities..
and oh. my. god. you are NOT not good looking .. what the fuck haha.. i could've just said you were good looking hey .. err anyway, yeah.. i think you're so sweet looking and cuteh ~!!.. errm believe me, ive been a tomboy all my life and i dont think i'll change.. not for any guy.. i'm just me and they have to love me for who i am.. and scott does love you for who you are.. heck, he's with you dammit ! hehe
and the other thing about the msn... lets just say that sometimes anger makes you do drastic things.. haih, i've almost cheated on my eddy when i was mad at him.. take that.. and sometimes i tell ppl im single cos im pissed off.. but that doesnt change the fact that im still fucking in love with hiim aawww...
im glad you told me you know.. its kinda sweet that you did..
hey, take care kay.. give me updates.. cheer up, and when i say this, i mean in front of him... dont be all depressive cos he wont know whats wrong.. then he'll blame himself.. then he'll get mad.. then situations such as the msn thing will occur again and that will make you more depressed.. you know what i mean?
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blackoutt In reply to chronicles-of-666 [2005-11-14 16:46:20 +0000 UTC]
lol yea i know.... ur so wise, and its so straight forward and that wud be my advice to sum1 in my situation..... but hey some times u forget your own sanity....
Erm....... well scott read every thing ..... FINALLY!!!
And now he knows exactly how i feel and felt, and its ok, he used this word LOGICALLY alot lol made me laugh because ive never seen him so serious in all my life, i was just expecting him to burst out laughing, but he's so adorable when he's sincere... anyways more to the point he put all my main insecurities to rest, coz after all i wudnt be livin with him if he didnt love me like crazy.... it is amazingly great to wake up in sum 1s arms every day.... yesh anyways im in love too!!! And i totally trust scott 100% i know he's never break my heart, i keep thinkin that all guys are alike... and then i realise scott is completely diff, he's not just any other guy he's scott and he's randomly just like me in so many ways io consider myself sooooooooooo lucky to have sum 1 as speeeeshil as him....
SO scott if u do eventually read this
I LOVE U!!!!!
lol anyways hows u? u ALritey
thanks for the tip hopefully i wont be depressed any more
now i just have to get over this friggin glandular fever and all will be fine!!!!
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chronicles-of-666 In reply to blackoutt [2005-11-14 17:24:47 +0000 UTC]
ahh that was quick ~! see i knew it..
you know i always fight with eddy too.. its over our main insecurities.. but the next topic we'll be like; 'hmm.. i want you here..' lol although five minutes ago we were barfing on how much we dont trust each other lol..
love makes you do that hey..
ahh i still cant get over that whole GLANDULAR fever.. it sounds so lavish yet so sickening lol...
hmm.. well wish me luck for tomorrow's exams yeah.. im fine really i think..
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kleine-beere [2005-11-06 19:08:07 +0000 UTC]
This page seems so chaotic to me, but I like it Nice deviations by the way, and... yeah, nice "aura"
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blackoutt In reply to kleine-beere [2005-11-06 22:31:59 +0000 UTC]
lol!! thanks same goes to u sum noice stuff 2!!
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