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| backstein
# Statistics
Favourites: 377; Deviations: 342; Watchers: 52
Watching: 36; Pageviews: 25142; Comments Made: 700; Friends: 36
# Comments
Comments: 133
12of8 [2008-12-18 15:47:28 +0000 UTC]
Thank you for adding Strapped Down to your favorites.
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loveSIKHI [2008-12-11 13:23:49 +0000 UTC]
hey, I finally got around to uploading Sikh photo to our group gallery. Thanks for your support
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kmetjurec [2008-07-26 17:30:10 +0000 UTC]
Thanks mate. You have maked my day
Cheers to Graz.
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backstein In reply to kmetjurec [2008-07-26 18:13:44 +0000 UTC]
No problem at all! I'm happy as well that it worked out, because you really deserve the DD! Congrats, keep up the great work! I'm curious to see more of your street shots from italy!
Cheers from Graz,
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backstein In reply to iRooke [2008-06-16 21:26:14 +0000 UTC]
danke! wusste zuerst nicht was du meinst! hat wohl nicht geklappt. aber egal
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mazghalin [2008-06-12 17:59:49 +0000 UTC]
hehe you've got some interesting characters in your photos
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Aeoliane [2008-05-29 10:45:43 +0000 UTC]
Your portraits are wonderful! So frisch und lebendig! Wunderbar!
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Gothicjade [2008-05-11 17:36:16 +0000 UTC]
I love your gallery... the people you shoot are real!! You are sooo very talented..I have to watch for more brilliants..
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DahliaMatsumoto [2008-04-11 10:34:16 +0000 UTC]
You've been featured here [link] , hope you don't mind.
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uitwaaien [2008-03-29 16:56:49 +0000 UTC]
thanks so much for the fav, i love your gallery!
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jarmie [2008-01-17 05:53:11 +0000 UTC]
I enjoyed your gallery - so many creative and interesting portraits.
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VehementOne [2007-11-15 00:35:36 +0000 UTC]
No problem, I absolutely love the street photography you do.
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uitwaaien [2007-11-12 13:59:59 +0000 UTC]
thank you for the favourites! i love your gallery
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backstein In reply to ComeWatchMyArt [2007-11-05 15:52:05 +0000 UTC]
thanks for the praise!
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stellarr [2007-11-02 04:42:18 +0000 UTC]
really enjoyed your gallery very much. you have an awesome ability in picking your subjects and photographing them. Watching the gallery. great job and keep it up. glad i found your gallery through the daily dev!
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scentedxsharkattack [2007-11-02 02:34:56 +0000 UTC]
your whole gallery amazed me
i am so envious of your ability to transform the everyday
that sounds soo hallmark, but its true.
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backstein In reply to scentedxsharkattack [2007-11-05 15:15:52 +0000 UTC]
thanks so much for that. it drives me crazy sometimes, you tend to fragment and loose touch. everything can become an image.
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backstein In reply to Poprocks1234 [2007-11-05 15:51:31 +0000 UTC]
thanks! please come back some time ...
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