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| arkaya
# Statistics
Favourites: 678; Deviations: 99; Watchers: 405
Watching: 104; Pageviews: 78148; Comments Made: 9210; Friends: 104
# Comments
Comments: 1200
katamariluv [2019-11-29 22:52:33 +0000 UTC]
Excuse me, please, but may I please use your photoshop brushes for items to sell in my Etsy store?
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Miss-SelfDestructive [2012-10-31 19:04:36 +0000 UTC]
Extremely belated thanks for
on Snow Queen
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Kommero [2012-10-28 21:11:31 +0000 UTC]
hey buddy, i kept an eye out for you but i didn't see you, i did see one of your friends i kinda remember from last time, but not you, shame though, i was really hoping to see a familiar and friendly face
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arkaya In reply to Kommero [2012-11-06 13:02:23 +0000 UTC]
Hey ^^
I am sorry I didn't check my messages, I am rarely on DA anymore...
So many people got pics of us/me I am surprised we didn't bump in to you, we seemed to draw a crowd Maybe next time then (:
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Kommero In reply to arkaya [2012-11-06 17:00:10 +0000 UTC]
its okay
and yeah i look forward to seeing you in May, this time i'll crowd around some Steampunks and hope your in one of them xD
if you are on FB more then i'll add you on that if you like
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Kommero In reply to arkaya [2012-11-07 17:21:20 +0000 UTC]
indeed, what is your Facebook btw? :3
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arkaya In reply to Kommero [2012-11-09 13:04:32 +0000 UTC]
cute.curious, but my personal is arkaya jess
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Kommero In reply to arkaya [2012-11-10 00:43:55 +0000 UTC]
added, i should be Daniel Dorsett
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Dark-Angel15-2010 [2012-10-18 02:15:21 +0000 UTC]
Hey nice profile, I found you DeviantART from Flickr ;D
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arkaya In reply to Dark-Angel15-2010 [2012-11-06 13:03:07 +0000 UTC]
Hey ^^
Nice to see you on here (8
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Dark-Angel15-2010 In reply to arkaya [2012-11-07 22:00:40 +0000 UTC]
hope u had fun at expo.
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arkaya In reply to Dark-Angel15-2010 [2012-11-08 13:14:14 +0000 UTC]
I did it was awesome ^^
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arkaya In reply to EllaaLovee [2012-09-06 13:23:45 +0000 UTC]
Welcome sweetie (sorry I'm super slow!!)
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ReWallets [2012-04-15 12:47:23 +0000 UTC]
Thank you very much for the
sweetie! It's so good to find you here on dA!
I hope to be worthy of your affection and attention. ^-^
LOVE your work, btw!
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arkaya In reply to ReWallets [2012-05-17 14:55:31 +0000 UTC]
Haha, of course you are
Your wallets are super cute x
+ thank you!!
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ReWallets In reply to arkaya [2012-05-19 14:43:49 +0000 UTC]
you're the one who's cute in here!
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ink-in-the-doorway [2012-03-07 06:36:33 +0000 UTC]
thankee fer the faves love, always means a lot to me
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arkaya In reply to ink-in-the-doorway [2012-05-17 14:55:47 +0000 UTC]
Anytime, love the new stuffs (: xx
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arkaya In reply to Vinobia [2012-02-22 17:02:06 +0000 UTC]
No worries, I am looking forward to seeing your pics inspired by my works XD
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Yamiguru [2011-11-02 15:34:40 +0000 UTC]
Thank you for the on [link] . It is very much appreciated!
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purpledragon42 [2011-10-24 04:36:43 +0000 UTC]
Thank you so much for sharing your tutorial with my new group ! If you have any other icon or avatar-based tutorials you'd like to share, I hope you will consider joining.
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telles0808 [2011-10-21 00:38:36 +0000 UTC]
Do you can make characters like this [link] ?
I'm looking for artists to make a template from this character with many poses in a gif.
The template will need to be clear, and will look like this: [link]
If you have interest, look in my gallery and see some of my arts. I want better characters with this base [link] .
I'm expecting to pay $5 dollar each gif, and each gif will have a pose: Standing (shaking the body a little bit), walking, ass scratching, blinking, fighting, etc.
That's the deal, $5 dollar via paypal, paid right after you finish the art. The art will be considered completed when it show flawless flow and smooth movements.
You may might be familiar with body movements, because I'll ask you to make your best and I’ll show you the directions to follow, but robot movements will be not accepted as finished work.
That's it. Feel free to go to my profile and ask there more information.
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arkaya In reply to telles0808 [2011-10-23 15:32:07 +0000 UTC]
no thanks, but i appreciate the offer. hope you can find the right artist for your project
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AwPretty [2011-03-28 19:12:12 +0000 UTC]
Please read Unfortunately
on ~Suicide-and-Cocaine 's page, if you wouldn't mind / haven't already.
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withinapie [2010-10-19 22:08:47 +0000 UTC]
hey missus
check out the santor poem, i just put it up. Let me know what you think and when we can meet for illustration discussion and general craftiness
lovely to see you today
love to the kitty
xxxxxxx ruth
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twofacetoo In reply to twofacetoo [2010-05-15 11:28:49 +0000 UTC]
actually, you know what? Forget it, I dont have the money yet, and I will get it in august, so never mind...
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twofacetoo In reply to arkaya [2010-05-15 18:57:13 +0000 UTC]
Maybe I was on the wrong page, but I was on eBay and I was going to buy a play station 1 game called Hail to The King, aren't you one of the people who have a copy? I thought you were
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arkaya In reply to twofacetoo [2010-05-18 15:34:46 +0000 UTC]
evil dead? Yeah it's on ebay at the moment seller 'nirothaskr'
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twofacetoo In reply to arkaya [2010-05-18 17:12:48 +0000 UTC]
ya, well, forget what I said about wanting to buy it
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EpagaHazuno [2010-02-19 14:37:37 +0000 UTC]
I use your brushes on my drawing. At work I added the link to your profile. Thank you
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