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apocalypciati-mortis [10487646] [] "SI VIS PACEM, PARA BELLUM"

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# Comments

Comments: 537

Dark-Orochi-666 [2011-02-16 19:37:34 +0000 UTC]

deviantART muro drawing

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Deuaexmachina [2011-01-31 11:44:19 +0000 UTC]

Ello ello,
haven't heard from you in a while :3 how goes it?

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Dark-Orochi-666 [2011-01-29 22:03:47 +0000 UTC]

oi u

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Lady-Alyss [2010-12-14 20:48:16 +0000 UTC]

Hello Julian.
I will reply to you as soon as possible, but at present, I am knocking back cold and flu medicine, penicillin and sleep in an effort to be well by 03:00 on Thursday.
And I really need the beauty sleep; you can ask Hannah. She will tell you I do not look pretty :S
And I need all the medication, as I've had a wee temperature since about Saturday/Sunday/Monday and a few utterly hallucinogenic dreams as a result of the wee temperature.

Have a sweet holiday,
Until I write,


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

apocalypciati-mortis In reply to Lady-Alyss [2010-12-17 14:58:56 +0000 UTC]

Hello Alice.
Oh dear, sounds bad ...what's going to happen on Thursday?
Perhaps just tired, there's a difference between pretty and tired.
As horrible as a temperature is, hallucinogenic dreams sound...pretty cool.

You too, enjoy the break.
Merry Christmas
I look forward to your replies.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Lady-Alyss In reply to apocalypciati-mortis [2011-01-10 19:57:31 +0000 UTC]

I went away on a plane, but I was better by then, so it was fine
Nyeh, I was at the stage where they became interchangable...
They most certainly are, in retrospect. At the time, less so.

I am replying ASAP.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

apocalypciati-mortis In reply to Lady-Alyss [2011-01-11 12:54:07 +0000 UTC]

Ooh that's good to hear, always good to be able to enjoy a trip without disease
I doubt it
Haha well would be pretty scary if your imagination came to life before your eyes...but still pretty cool.

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Lady-Alyss In reply to apocalypciati-mortis [2011-01-11 18:54:40 +0000 UTC]

It did make me more able to enjoy the trip, being disease free...
You weren't there...
Cool in retrospect. There was nothing cool, at the time, about being slowly sewn into my mattress and trapped and suffocated by things I can't name or describe, constantly needing to move and roll over to check I was free.

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apocalypciati-mortis In reply to Lady-Alyss [2011-01-22 00:36:45 +0000 UTC]

Haha don't doubt that, but glad to know you enjoyed it
Don't need to be there, you'd look fine.
Oooh wow, at the time scary, but pretty epic being suffocated and sewn by mysterious things...

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Lady-Alyss In reply to apocalypciati-mortis [2011-02-05 15:34:18 +0000 UTC]

It was a good trip
Yeah, no.
I suppose...

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apocalypciati-mortis In reply to Lady-Alyss [2011-02-20 01:02:04 +0000 UTC]

Trips are good
Haha, you still disagree with looks I guess.
I'm reading through your fanfiction at the moment, didn't know you had updated it

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Lady-Alyss In reply to apocalypciati-mortis [2011-02-20 21:12:31 +0000 UTC]

They are Have you been on m/any?
We always will.
Have I? Oh, I must finish updating that story.

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JohnCatalano [2010-11-17 05:39:39 +0000 UTC]

Thanks you ever so much for the favorite. It is very much appreciated.

You have some great work on here! Keep it up!

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apocalypciati-mortis In reply to JohnCatalano [2010-11-17 18:58:03 +0000 UTC]


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Anna-Mariaa [2010-11-14 18:36:20 +0000 UTC]

Many thanks for the watch dear! Your support means very much to me!

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apocalypciati-mortis In reply to Anna-Mariaa [2010-11-14 22:18:14 +0000 UTC]

You're very welcome, I find your artwork stunning. Especially your broadening of mediums with Clint Eastwood, fantastic. Hope not all that wine went to waste
A rose for you too.

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Anna-Mariaa In reply to apocalypciati-mortis [2010-11-15 09:06:28 +0000 UTC]

haha, not at all, most of it went straight into my belly

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apocalypciati-mortis In reply to Anna-Mariaa [2010-11-15 20:41:30 +0000 UTC]

Haha excellent

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DarkZoneGraphics [2010-11-02 22:53:34 +0000 UTC]

Thank you for the for The Dark Side Of The Gates

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shadowcattt [2010-10-19 00:28:01 +0000 UTC]

lol, your welcome. couldn't help it. they are all so good!

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apocalypciati-mortis In reply to shadowcattt [2010-10-19 18:12:39 +0000 UTC]

Aww, thank you ^_^

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shadowcattt In reply to apocalypciati-mortis [2010-10-19 19:19:29 +0000 UTC]

your welcomeeee

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Lady-Alyss [2010-10-12 22:28:32 +0000 UTC]

Long time no message! Though I can hardly talk, can I?
Hope you're well,

Me, myself and I

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apocalypciati-mortis In reply to Lady-Alyss [2010-10-13 12:29:11 +0000 UTC]

I know! So sorry been really busy. Did Hannah give you my message?
I am quite well yes.

How is my favourite DA girl?

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Lady-Alyss In reply to apocalypciati-mortis [2010-10-13 16:58:34 +0000 UTC]

I would guess so, given you're doing A levels. Are they still going well?
Um... not recently; she's had some fabulous news recently - I'll leave her to tell you is she wants to - so she was away today...

I'm glad Describe your wellness to me.

Aw! You're too kind...
I'm well too, actually. We're just starting our History coursework so I'm a little tense, and our final physics is due, but otherwise, actually quite dandy.

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apocalypciati-mortis In reply to Lady-Alyss [2010-10-13 17:27:53 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for understanding, sorry again though. They are going well...apart from art in which I'm behind ¬_¬
Oh, well my message was "Tell Alice I don't hate her, I've just been really busy"
Haha yes I do know, another life into the world

Haha, well went to a biology lecture with Dr Alice...forgot her surname but is well known (Alice ) Doing many things in general, going to the opera as a school next week, had signed up for that, there's a trip to question time, going to sign up for that. Battling others for the title of art editor/designer for the school magazine, generally going well with things...so "well" is an appropriate term

I'm generally truthful (hehe I like that little animation)
Ooh that too is great to hear. History coursework should be fun Ooh that is tense, dandy
Any other dandy repertoires you've been involved with?

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Lady-Alyss In reply to apocalypciati-mortis [2010-10-14 21:37:32 +0000 UTC]

It's fine , silly. But I'm glad the A levels are going on en generale ... though how are you behind it art? Or rather, what are you behind on?
Don't tell her I told you, but she didn't pass it on But I supposed you must have been busy, so no worries
He is so adorable; she showed us a picture... though Hannah is utterly sleep-deprived, poor thing...

What was the lecture on? We Aliciae are wondeful things
Ooh yes, the opera... I'm away for the next two weeks, so I couldn't have gone anyway... but have fun! I know you're going to love it Good luck for the Question Time things - that's the T.V. show, yes? And good luck for the school magazine, too. Keep me updated .
Well does seem applicable...

It's still very nice
It should be, but I just found out everyone is apparently cheating on it I don't know whether to be angry or sad... both, really... I'll get a similiar mark to them, probably lower, but it'll be real and yet the teachers won't know that...
Tense, yes, but otherwise dandy!
Hmm... had a meeting with our High Mistress to discuss the Senior School... and am helping make costumes for the school play

Anything new with you?

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apocalypciati-mortis In reply to Lady-Alyss [2010-11-04 00:15:37 +0000 UTC]

They are going on, can't stop or delay them, would if I could haha. I am generally just three tasks behind because I cannot be bothered to do drawings of sea shells over and over.
Haha Hannah can be so forgetful, I will always answer you in one way or another, I'd need a big reason for me not to.
Ah yes the munchkin says she is stressed, how are you coping?

The history of illustrating medicine. Haha I think you need your own genus name Aliciae seems to be a good starting place
I did go to the opera, with the school, about 12 of us went, Samia included. Teacher gave out the tickets to the group of girls so they arranged themselves, I got mine last after a while. While they went off to find their seats I decided to be my lonely self and went down to the bar and ordered myself the house red wine (apparently I look that old haha) enjoyed that. Went back up there and ended up coincidentally sitting with her...watched the opera's first part (La Boheme in case you wondered )and then her and I went downstairs to the bar and I ordered us some Rose wine...refreshing. Then I arranged a little outing to the theatre we both wanted to go on, so I booked tickets and me, her and two others went to watch the theatre production of George Orwell's 1984 (Fantastic book highly recommend it ...I seem to have answered your 'what's new' question)but yeah sat through that with hear, ended up with her on my shoulder and my head on hers (Yes afterwards my hands would not stop shaking, I get nervous with emotion easily) so that was fun going with people from my new school. Ended up telling Samia by some sort of Freudian slip that I wanted to bludgeon her to death on the afternoon of the Monday (It was a Saturday) so was associated with what people distinguish as an epic fail...what girl wants to be told she's thought of as a murder victim?
Question time was cancelled due to tube strikes, school magazine I haven't heard from yet.

That is horrid, your work not getting the recognition it deserves
I think you should feel both; here I am dictating how you should feel for some reason, me of all people. As long as you're honest with yourself you should be proud, because you know you can actually do the task if asked.

Hahaha very well illustrated there
Ooh how did that meeting go?
OOH costume designer, what play?

Apart from all else described, not much else new, going to go and see a ballet soon; again with the school and the usual, ooh and taking part in the borough senior school debates- not decided by the teacher yet but hopefully ...but that's about it.
What about Alice?

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Lady-Alyss In reply to apocalypciati-mortis [2010-11-10 08:12:27 +0000 UTC]

Bleh, seashells do sound quite dull...
She is very tired, getting ready for her play and doing lots of school work... and me? Tired as well, but looking forward to having freer weekends, finally.

That kecture sounds really interesting. Was it?
When there were four Alices in one class, our English teacher called us Aliciae...
You ended up coincidentally sitting with her? Hmmm... I've read 1984, don't worry...
She's sick. She told you that she wanted space, and then rests her head on your shoulder? How perverse. But good for your Freudian slip, I'm glad at least your subconscious is thinking clearly... but no, not many girls want to be a murder victim...
Aw, bad luck about Question time... and I'm sure the magazine will get back to you; has it yet?

It is slightly upsetting...
Yes, but the GCSE board, my teacher, my mother and my University interviewer will be less impressed with my big fat 'B' than impressed by my moral integrity.

It was purdy...
Apparently, we're buying more land... o_O
"The Tempest", except I haven't been able to make half the meetings... and I'm not even doing that many clubs and the like, so I don't know where my times goes...

You lead a very interesting life I hope all those things go well.
I went to Walsigham yesterday, the majot pilgrimage site... it was very calming to go there...
I have next Friday free, so I'm going to see the new HP movie, which is exiting...
I finally did some reading...
Not much else really
And you?

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apocalypciati-mortis In reply to Lady-Alyss [2010-11-20 17:46:10 +0000 UTC]

Forced life drawing is always dull.
Yeah, hope you're not too tired yourself.
Free weekends! I want some...

It was an okay lecture, not the most gripping, but interesting.
Haha ok, bet you're the more interesting out of all of those Aliciae though?

Ooh, what did you think of the book?
She's still odd yes...
Haha my subconscious, going to have to start making decisions in my sleep then...
Not many no haha.
I haven't heard from the magazine yet no.

Rightly so.
That too is a good point...well depends on which you value higher...but a valid point all the same.

Not as pretty as Alice, as tired as she may look
Oh, well isn't your school privileged haha, what for?
Time is literally walking out of the fabric of space lately, I know what you mean.

Not incredibly interesting haha, but I like to keep my mind busy with things.
Ah interesting, did you go of your own accord?
Haha yes everyone is hyped up about that, I'm assuming you saw it, how was it?
What is Alice reading?

I have got through the first round of the Cambridge debating competition
I was in a team with another girl against 3 other schools, and we won
Samia was in another room as part of our other school team but didn't get through, so I guess I can argue better than her
Won the inter-school debating as well.
My horrible art teacher is taking pregnancy leave as of January (happy days)
I should really reply to you faster, I'm so sorry

How are you Alice?

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Lady-Alyss In reply to apocalypciati-mortis [2010-11-20 23:32:37 +0000 UTC]

And it's simply painful if one, for whatever reason, find onesself wondering how one ever thought one could draw...
I'm fine
I doubt they'll last... though we did just get a Friday off school...

I'm glad it had a redeeming feature
It depends what you find interesting...

Oh God, I'll sound stupid whatever I say... hmmm... I found it... perfectly possible and very scary.
Odd? Try freaking twisted. I shouldn't say that, but I don't like her. So it'll be very awkward if you ever got together permanently, which I seriously doubt will happen. Her fault not yours; after all, what else do you have left to give except your life?
Maybe that would be wiser
I'll still send good luck for the magazine then

I know.
I don't know which. That's how awful GCSEs are... they're so important they make you doubt your morals, but aren't respected by anyone, as they're so easy

You're very sweet
Ms. Farr is an overpaid twit, surrounded by rich twittish parents. It's not that privileged to be standing in a room with monkeys flinging money at problems, but solving nothing. It might be a sixth-form area.
It is. It's conspiring... ¬_¬

Intersting things, though.
It was compulsory, but I would have gone even if it hadn't been.
It was good; very faithful to the book. The putting it into two parts wasn't (that much) of a scam, it really has made the film better.
Alice is reading The Poisonwood Bible and greatly enjoying it. She is liking that the language is quite concise but so descriptive and enjoys its vivid imagery.
But she is too stupid to find the symbolism and subtle efforts which make it such a classic

Oh, congratualtions! Well done
And yet you can't persuade yourself to leave her alone
You are a debating champ. I shall try and put you in touch with our debating society...

That's nice; this way, everyone's happy She gets a baby and you get rid of her.
Don't worry, really. I understand that you must be busy; time is, after all, conspiring...

Less well than she was before Her mother is such an angry person.

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apocalypciati-mortis In reply to Lady-Alyss [2010-12-11 17:03:14 +0000 UTC]

First off I want to apologise for taking so incredibly long to respond yo your messages, so I'm sorry
Aww, but you can draw, I'm sure you can do well with art.
How is your school life? Did you like the Friday off?

It was still lecture, so it was fun
I find you interesting, missed talking to you.

You don't sound stupid, my English teacher found it very scary too
Is it even possible for you to sound stupid haha? Definitely possible, Stalin had already started using "unpersons" when the book was written.
You are entitled to an opinion, perhaps a very true one, but entitled to it anyway. Twisted perhaps, but makes up for it sometimes.
Talking of which I applied for art director for the magazine, thinking I was going to rival her for fun, I got the art director but turns out she had double-bluffed and applied for editor in chief haha.

Well one thing I say is don't be lazy, I very much regret it now
Hahaha well you've got it, enjoy it, spend it...or give it to the local beggar every area seems to have.
Time is against me
Although I've gotten myself a pocket watch

Interesting, mundane, anything that catches my eye.
That's good to hear went to the ballet recently, going to see Hamlet again at the National Theatre, I seem to have made a good friend with that teacher haha.
Good good, I haven't watched that film yet, I want to see Tron Legacy the inner-child craves it.
Interesting, you've probably finished it by now. Alice speaking in 3rd person is amusing
You don't always get something on the first read-through, that's why it's a classic- has to be read many times.

Thanks Alice
Both sides of my head debate each other off too well
That would be fantastic

Indeed, she hasn't been in school for a while now, which is good; but given slight freedom I've fallen behind while doing my English coursework.
I think I'll post those poems for you to have a look at and critique since you've read 1984
You may understand, doesn't make it any less annoying to have someone not return your messages, sorry.

Alice, I'm sorry to hear that, it's been so long. How are you now? Hope everything is better.

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Lady-Alyss In reply to apocalypciati-mortis [2011-01-11 18:31:30 +0000 UTC]

I have not been much better, so no worries; it's my turn to apologise.
I can, but there's always one better
I went to see Harry Potter, back then... except when of my friends laughed when Dobby died, which sort of ruined the moment.

Lectures are good fun; I must try and go to the Christmas lectures this year.
I miss talking to you too. It's the best kind of interesting and different.

Oh good That scene when their war ally changes during the rally, but everyone immediately adapts to the new ally without asking questions. That unswerving loyalty is terrifying, because you can't reason with it.
Most definitely I can. Stalin was a bad man.
I'm sorry, I was very rude and that was wrong of me
Ha ha, that's quite funny, though I think you'll make a wonderful arts director. You know your stuff

It's easier to enjoy the GCSEs when you're lessed stressed, I think...
I do, I just don't enjoy her
Pocket watches are cool. I very much approve It's a proven psychological effect that time goes faster when you're havinf fun and vice versa. I've always wondered, evolutionary wise, why that was an advantage. To discourage us wasting time on bad things?

I know what you mean
That does sound fun. Do you know the story of Much Ado About Nothing?pparently there's going to be a production with Catherine Tate and David Tennant as Beatrice and Benedick, which should be fun.
I really want to see it; I just need to see the original...
She did and she became distinctly less impressed as the book went on and has no inclination to read it again. And apparently it's not a classic, it was just a best-seller, so there we are!

I debate with myself to well too... it makes decision making bloody difficult...
I shall try... I just need to further ingratiate myself with our debating society; attending one session won't quite cut it...
Ah. Have you caught up now?
I would love that Thank you.
I know, I'm feeling that too

Yes and no, I suppose. I can't even remember what I was upset about last time, so I'm sure it all worked out. She was especially bad recently, though. Said she might as be replaced, or dead. I was not a very good daughter at that point. I cried and told her she was stupid. The same night, I threw my doll out of my bed...
But I'm well now How are you?

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apocalypciati-mortis In reply to Lady-Alyss [2011-01-22 00:27:44 +0000 UTC]

We seem to be going from apology to apology, I now say sorry for taking ages to reply.
But art is subjective, anyone can be the greatest artist ever.
Aww, I found out Dobby died too, haven't watched it, but when I saw the first Harry Potters I really like that character

I have a lecture coming up titled "Einstein's universe" at the Royal institution
I'm so sorry, we must keep more frequent correspondence. I do really enjoy hearing from you. Oooh talking of interesting and different I found where your slightly darker "Alice" logo you had was from- Alice: The madness returns; a dark take on the tale

I thought it was so intelligent! The whole book, the ideas, the writing, the philosophy, the plot. I disagree, Alice can't sound stupid. There have been a lot of bad men, but lot of these bad men were respected bad men haha.
No, no it wasn't, not at all, don't feel bad about it.
Yeah, I thought that, haven't done much for it yet, it's all running quite slowly at the moment.

Sometimes, I find stress enjoyable for some reason...
Haha, well s'long as you're enjoying it
Yay! Alice's seal of approval
Not to waste time on bad things, but surely good things are a lot rarer in life, and should be prolonged as opposed to bad things? I have a feeling there is a subtler meaning implied in that comment Alice

I do know that story well, and with those two playing them, they'd really bring the comedy aspect in- and Tenant will bring the drama
Where is it playing?
The original is good, this new one is slightly better.
Oh that's a shame, I always try and finish a book, although I have forgotten what book we were talking about...

I am very indecisive.
That would be good, don't think one session will make you part of the clique haha.
I have, given in my poems and commentary, got full marks for it
So sorry for not replying fast enough again.

Oh dear Alice, I guess the best you can do is be there . Aw doll, what of?

Technically I have no idea whether you're well now. How are you?
Have your exams been?
I've been alright, taking life by the stroll that it is. Nothing exciting happening, not many good thinks just...mellow...

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Lady-Alyss In reply to apocalypciati-mortis [2011-02-23 00:49:51 +0000 UTC]

And now I am for taking neally a full month Sorry.
One could be the greatest artist to a few people, but if they don't affect a significant proportion, they haven't really tapped into any deep/collective human idea/ls, so they're not that great... I don't really care for artists who are too self-indulgent.
He was very sweetly and loyally done for the screen. It almost made up for excluding Peeves.

That sounds really interesting. I'm sure you've already been to it, so how was it?
Most definitely; you are one of the most interesting people I know.
I really wanted to get the computer game, but I would have to buy it online and somehow I just don't think my mother would approve...

It's definitely one of the most intelligent books written about the human capacity for obedience, and is a very clever book generally too.
Oh but I can. And that is a very good point; during WWII, we called Stalin 'Uncle Stalin'... in much the same way we're happy to suppost oil-providing dictatorships now...
But I should, and I do. I was acting quite odiously and I apologise.
Has it picked up pace yet?

I think stress appeals to the self-destructive streaks in out natures...
Definitely my seal of approval
Good things should last longer... though if they go quicker, we might be more incline to try and find them again... like drugs. Is there? Unfortuantely, there may very well have been when I wrote it but for the life of me I couldn't tell you what it was now. Can you?

I'm glad you think so. You're right, I think Tennant will reflect the much more serious side of Benedick very well, like in the scene after Hero's 'death' and they confess they love each other, then Beatrice asks Benedick to kill Claudio... though I wonder whether Tate will be able to pull that off...
It is playing at Wyndham's Theatre.
I have now seen the original Tron, which I found utterly charming. I just need to see the new one now, though I have a funny feeling I know what sort of angles they'll be playing *cough cough chase scenes and quest for justice cough cough*.
I think it was the Poisonwood Bible and I finished it, but don't plan to re-read, unlike Catch 22 which I most definitely will...

As am I, and quite easy to sway too... I neally found myself agreeing with Enoch Powell of all people recently
It did not... but now I go to Science Society, which can be very interesting, when they speak on a good topic.
Oh congratulations! Can I ever read them, with the commentary you wrote?
As am I...

It's just beginning to not be enough and I don't know what else to do.
My doll, my lovely dolly that I've had since I was about six months. Gone because something so comforting couldn't protect me or comfort me, though I stil find myself looking for her in my bed

I am just about ok. Up and down and all over the place, as usual
They went quite well. I could have done much better in some subjects, which I was disappointed by... and am just far away enough from the GCSEs to begin freaking out and worrying about them... we got our exam timetables recently, you see...
Mellow is nice occasionally Has much changed since you wrote?

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Lady-Alyss [2010-10-02 22:23:15 +0000 UTC]

Hidden by Owner

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apocalypciati-mortis In reply to Lady-Alyss [2010-10-02 23:30:35 +0000 UTC]

Don't worry, I think I have figured things out in my head for the moment...
Thanks anyway Alice.
Kind of felt like you.

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Lady-Alyss In reply to apocalypciati-mortis [2010-10-03 12:21:33 +0000 UTC]

Really? That's... pretty amazing... yo're handling it very well...
But it's no problem.
I'm sorry.

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apocalypciati-mortis In reply to Lady-Alyss [2010-10-03 14:08:09 +0000 UTC]

Hidden by Owner

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Lady-Alyss In reply to apocalypciati-mortis [2010-10-03 14:33:35 +0000 UTC]

I thought so...
Well, I think it's good of her to finally do that, even though she should have stopped stringing you along a long time ago. If she'd wanted you to move on, she should have given you space. Now she knows what she wants, you can begin doing what you need to do.
It must feel so odd, though, and I'm sorry for that But give her what she wants: if she doesn't want closeness, don't give it to her. Maybe she's just kindly trying to say that she doesn't want to be close to you. I say good. She's treated you like shit and at least that's beginning to end now.
This time, you should try and keep the distance, Julian, you really should. You'll be better for it, and maybe actually look around you and see other people you want a relationship with. You shouldn't... be so wrapped in her that you see nothing else. That's not right.

There are other people on the trip, yes? Then talk to them, not her. Just leave her alone. Please, Julian, I hate watching you fall back to her. It's so painful, because it won't ever work out and it makes you so unhappy.
Wait, you said you saw it as an obstacle ? Do you really believe that? For God's sake, you have to walk away, you have to say no and leave her alone. You need this. You two are so on and off that I don't see how you would ever hold down a relationship at all. She's unsettled and you're not. Walk away this time.

Juilan... you sound so sad and desperate and blinkered... she doesn't need you, I'm sorry.
You are you are you are and you're not going to stop, are you? You're going to do the stupid thing and sit and wait for her, aren't you?
Please stop doing this to yourself

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Dark-Orochi-666 [2010-09-30 08:47:36 +0000 UTC]

The first Olympic festival was organized in Elean land, Olympia, Greece by the authorities of Elis in the 8th century BCE - with tradition dating the first games at 776 BCE. The Hellanodikai, the judges of the Games, were of Elean origin.

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Dark-Orochi-666 [2010-08-25 14:26:21 +0000 UTC]


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apocalypciati-mortis In reply to Dark-Orochi-666 [2010-08-25 14:28:13 +0000 UTC]


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Dark-Orochi-666 In reply to apocalypciati-mortis [2010-08-25 14:30:09 +0000 UTC]

go on msn

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

apocalypciati-mortis In reply to Dark-Orochi-666 [2010-08-25 14:33:33 +0000 UTC]

I'm at work

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

apocalypciati-mortis [2010-08-15 11:02:30 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

apocalypciati-mortis [2010-08-15 10:58:21 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

manofslaughter [2010-07-24 20:38:07 +0000 UTC]

[link] this is so AWESOME

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

apocalypciati-mortis In reply to manofslaughter [2010-07-24 21:18:44 +0000 UTC]

It's a cow, licking another cow. It is seen plentiful in the countryside.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

manofslaughter In reply to apocalypciati-mortis [2010-07-24 21:55:34 +0000 UTC]

yeah i know . i thought its kinda funny but i live in a farm and never see a cow lick another cow a bull wants to kill me

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