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| annan94
# Statistics
Favourites: 240; Deviations: 78; Watchers: 21
Watching: 46; Pageviews: 9830; Comments Made: 525; Friends: 46
# Comments
Comments: 74
etcandotherthings [2013-09-27 16:50:50 +0000 UTC]
DearΒ +watcher! I have moved to wibbli.deviantart.com/ .
I'm very grateful you've watched me so far, and i hope you'll kepp checking in on my new profile! ^w^
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rainylake [2012-10-08 14:23:38 +0000 UTC]
Hi there.Thanks for joining ! Please take a look through our rules and faqs that can be found on the front page. We hope you will have fun with us! Happy Submitting!
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annan94 In reply to rainylake [2012-10-08 15:16:12 +0000 UTC]
yay thanks, and thank you a lot for inviting me!
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wannywanwan [2011-04-04 20:28:46 +0000 UTC]
Thanks so much for the +watch!
I really appreciate it c:
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Zoubstance [2010-11-10 22:12:52 +0000 UTC]
Ohohoo, mange tak for watchen!
I'm gonna watch you back so I can stalk your pretty art
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annan94 In reply to Zoubstance [2010-11-11 07:45:33 +0000 UTC]
Fank ju very much! You are too kind Dit galleri er awesomee.
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Zoubstance In reply to annan94 [2010-11-11 15:41:10 +0000 UTC]
Am nooot! YOU are too kind ..og d'aww, mange tak og i lige mΓ₯de
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annan94 In reply to Zoubstance [2010-11-12 22:38:02 +0000 UTC]
DeviantArt-smileys er geniale..
Btw, jeg synes du skal tegne en przewalski! Eller camargue.
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Zoubstance In reply to annan94 [2010-11-17 08:35:12 +0000 UTC]
Ja de er sΓ₯
Prrrzewalski! Det er faktisk en god ide...
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annan94 In reply to eibhilinnn [2009-12-29 17:00:20 +0000 UTC]
you welcome! nice gallery
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YellowCommodore [2008-01-25 06:37:09 +0000 UTC]
Tillykke med igΓ₯r xD
*Hoho, den havde du ikke regnet med, hva'? (: Kommer snigende som en anden Pellew*
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YellowCommodore [2008-01-21 06:38:40 +0000 UTC]
Sikken dog et mΓ¦rkeligt icon xD Jeg troede at Admiral havde skiftet sit, men sΓ₯ var det sΓΈreme dig xD
Den er da meget flot, men ikke lige min stil.. SΓ₯ vil jeg da langt hellere have et med Horatio Hornblower
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annan94 In reply to YellowCommodore [2008-01-21 18:32:13 +0000 UTC]
dig og din hornpuster xD
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YellowCommodore In reply to annan94 [2008-01-22 06:41:02 +0000 UTC]
Du ved bare ikke hvad du gΓ₯r glip af, det er derfor du taler sΓ₯dan
Ligesom med Master and Commander XD Du aner slet ikke hvor morsom Babbington kan være ^__^
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annan94 In reply to YellowCommodore [2008-01-22 15:01:29 +0000 UTC]
nej nej xD og du aner ikke hvor undeholdende Illiaden og Odyseen er! hoho! sΓ₯ stΓ₯r vi lige!
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YellowCommodore In reply to annan94 [2008-01-23 06:33:36 +0000 UTC]
Den er Γ₯benbart mere underholdende end Isfolket (Og der mΓ₯ jeg erklΓ¦re mig dybt uenig - Der skal en ny C.S. Forrester eller en Patrick O'Brian til at skrive noget bedre end MoC og Isfolket)
Men der skal jo vΓ¦re noget for alle (: Og sΓ₯fremt du aldrig lΓ¦ser MoC, sΓ₯ kan jeg altid lave jokes om noget I ikke forstΓ₯r ^__^ *Hahahaha, NΓΈrlund, nu snakker du Bonden-snak!* - *Vi ankommer om et ΓΈjeblik til MudderΓΈsen, pas pΓ₯ hvor I trΓ¦der,*
Og sΓ₯ kan du altid gΓ₯ og prikke til en eller anden med et svΓ¦rd, som jeg slet ikke forstΓ₯r
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xyondaimex [2008-01-19 17:33:08 +0000 UTC]
haha jeg synes den er sygt nice xD man kan bare ikke lige se teksten, men der stΓ₯r : Whaaah! a ghost! xD
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annan94 In reply to xyondaimex [2008-01-01 12:36:33 +0000 UTC]
wee nu har du ogsΓ₯ skrevet i min gΓ¦stebog
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YellowCommodore [2007-11-27 06:35:18 +0000 UTC]
Jeg stΓΈver da hele tiden venlige beskeder op xD
Send this to at least 15 people you love, including me if you care for me!
And if you get at least 10 back, you will recieve good news within 15 minutes!
~Let's see how many hearts you get! =]
All the best. Please continue sending you're own love to those you care for.
..................ΒΆΒΆ ΒΆΒΆΒΆΒΆΒΆΒΆ
FAKE FRIENDS: Will ignore this.
REAL FRIENDS: Will send it back to you.
I'm waiting...
It's friendship week.
If you recieve (at least) 10 back, you truly are a lovable person.
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annan94 In reply to YellowCommodore [2007-11-27 14:03:04 +0000 UTC]
haha xD ja det ender med at jeg har en hel side i gΓ¦stebogen med sΓ₯danne beskeder xD hehe
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YellowCommodore In reply to annan94 [2007-11-29 07:37:42 +0000 UTC]
Det var sΓ₯ godt
- Pst.. PrΓΈv lige at liste ind i min journal. Der ligger noget du skal prΓΈve X)
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annan94 In reply to YellowCommodore [2007-11-30 08:53:48 +0000 UTC]
ja det var FANTASTISK! okay, gΓΈr jeg lige
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YellowCommodore [2007-11-23 17:02:29 +0000 UTC]
Jeg var nr. 400 pΓ₯ besΓΈg, sΓ₯ skal jeg ikke takkes oder? XD
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annan94 In reply to YellowCommodore [2007-11-24 17:29:25 +0000 UTC]
haha xD jamen tak til dig!
MWS er fantastiiiiiiiisk!!!
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YellowCommodore [2007-11-23 17:01:54 +0000 UTC]
Her er en lille gave, fra mig til dig! ^^
Ved du at idag fik jeg My Winter Storm? Jeg sidder faktisk og hΓΈrer den XD
A lucky star dropped on earth one night, and it asked me,"What do you want? A million dollars, or a true friend?" I chose a million dollars.....because I already got you.*Send this to 20 of your truest friends of DA; if you get this back you're a true friend!
000_______*TRUE FRIEND*___ _0
000000 __________________ 0000
Go' weekend! ^^
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YellowCommodore [2007-11-16 11:06:11 +0000 UTC]
DeviantArt kram!
Nightwish kram til dem der kommer til koncert med mig xD
Send one to all your friends who you think deserve a hug (which, hopefully includes the person who sent it to you)!!
You might send it to your enemies as well!
It'll really make them stop and think!!!
If you don't receive this back, nobody likes you, and they wish you'd stop bugging them!
If you receive this back 1 time, open up! Find more friends, enemies, or enemies pretending to be friends
If you receive this back 2 times, you're off to a good start! (Unless you sent it to yourself! That's cheating!)
If you receive this back 3 times, you're a good friend.
If you receive this back 4 times, you're truly loved as a friend!!
____________ ____1___________________
Spread the DA love around! (you can copy and paste this message on their userpage!)
1- You can hug the person who hugged you!
2- You -MUST- hug 6 other people, at least!
3- You should hug them in public! Paste it on their user page!
4- Random hugs are perfectly okay! (and sweet)
5- You should most definitely get started hugging right away!
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YellowCommodore [2007-10-30 15:18:44 +0000 UTC]
Er du nu ogsΓ₯ blevet Art Appreciator? Huzzah for Art Appreciator-folk XD
Og jamen, jeg er pΓ₯ din hΓΈjt eftertragtede liste over folk du kender. Burde sΓ₯ nok ogsΓ₯ smide dig ind i min.
Huhu.. ^^
Du skal da bare vΓ¦re glad for at du faktisk kan skaffe en scanner. Min er sΓ₯ dΓΈd som klapfisk. X)
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annan94 In reply to YellowCommodore [2007-11-02 14:01:16 +0000 UTC]
haha jaa, nu er jeg pΓ₯ kommandΓΈrens kenderlist xD haha,
du kan da sagtens kΓΈbe en scanner ogsΓ₯, hvis det skal vΓ¦re xD du har jo nok penge fra kor, haha ^^
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YellowCommodore In reply to annan94 [2007-11-05 14:06:37 +0000 UTC]
SΓ₯, din lille Art Appreciator-kender, nu kan du nok regne med at se dit icon inde pΓ₯ min profil. XD
*TΓ¦ller mΓΈjsomt penge op* Ja, der er faktisk penge for en gangs skyld. Er ligesom Babbington med penge, de skal bruges nΓ₯r man har dem pΓ₯ alle ting der skal besiddes. Nu kΓΈber Babbington bare andet end materielle goder, men det er sΓ₯ i orden
"The morning dawn upon his alter,
Remains of The Dark Passion Play,
As his friends without shame,
Spitted on his grave as they came!"
- The Poet and The Pendulum. Du har Nightwish i signaturen der xD
MΓ₯ jeg have Γ¦ren af at vΓ¦re optimist? Du skal ikke have praktikanter hver mandag og tirsdag!
Det bringer da glæde (;
Under en mΓ₯ned til jul
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annan94 In reply to YellowCommodore [2007-11-05 18:38:51 +0000 UTC]
arg! jeg elsker den del i P&TP xD Den er sΓ₯ dejlig! haha
Og ja wee det er dejligt det kun er fra torsdag praktikanterne indtager vores timer
wee under en mΓ₯ned til jul, ja xD LAD OS TΓLLE NED, FRA DAG TIL DAG xD!!!
pΓ₯ nuvΓ¦rende tidspunkt er der: 25 dage til 1. december
og ved du hvad? der er kun 26 eller 27 dage til 1. advent xD skal du have adventsgaver eller kalendergaver? jeg fΓ₯r altid (og foretrΓ¦kker ogsΓ₯
adventserne xD
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YellowCommodore In reply to annan94 [2007-11-06 19:11:12 +0000 UTC]
Kun fra torsdag? Har du misforstΓ₯et at de ogsΓ₯ render rundt i geografi, biologi og F/K, min kΓ¦re? xD
24 dage til 1st of December, mwhahahaha.. Gaver (X
Jeg skal have kalendergaver, selvfΓΈlgelig. Elsker det der med at jeg render rundt og tager al slikket imens det ryger ned i morgenmad og alt muligt. Det er det der hΓΈrer julen til. SmΓ₯ sΓΈde gaver, af ikke sΓ₯ stor en vΓ¦rdi. (Jeg fik en spilledΓ₯se, forklΓ¦dt som dukke sidste Γ₯r. Den er kΓ¦r )
Jeg kan ogsΓ₯ hilse og sige at nr. 11 pΓ₯ Dark Passion Play er god
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annan94 In reply to YellowCommodore [2007-11-07 13:49:58 +0000 UTC]
haha xD skrev jeg kun fra torsdag? nΓ₯, men du ved jeg mente fra onsdag!
jeg fΓ₯r ogsΓ₯ nogle dage smΓ₯ chokoladeting med julemΓ¦nd pΓ₯ hver dag, selvom jeg fΓ₯r adventsgaver... men ja hver person sin smag
ja nummer 11 er rigtig god 'Last of the wilds'.... *nynner*
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YellowCommodore In reply to annan94 [2007-11-07 14:10:47 +0000 UTC]
Vidste jeg det? *SpΓΈrger mig selv* Ja, det vidste jeg egentlig godt xD
*Nynner med men hopper pludselig op* Babbington and The Acheron!
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