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| animefan707
# Statistics
Favourites: 535; Deviations: 99; Watchers: 82
Watching: 95; Pageviews: 30335; Comments Made: 3222; Friends: 95
# Comments
Comments: 154
faoula16 [2017-07-29 15:46:58 +0000 UTC]
Is anyone intresting about Dialbolic Lovers RP?
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MissTemari93 [2015-01-27 15:15:27 +0000 UTC]
Thank you so much for joiningΒ !! It means so much to me hope you have a great time in the group! ^^
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Kalypso-Nyx [2014-12-13 04:50:26 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for the watch.
I am deactivating my account.
If you could, would you watch my new account?
If so, monokumadeathbear.deviantart.com
π: 0 β©: 0
JWA2277 [2014-11-02 03:49:19 +0000 UTC]
Well so that's where it came from! and than it went to where I found it.
So how far back does it goΒ this time?
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Happyluckygirl22 In reply to JWA2277 [2014-11-03 13:27:22 +0000 UTC]
.....l.lwhat are you talking about B?
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JWA2277 In reply to Happyluckygirl22 [2014-11-03 18:25:58 +0000 UTC]
No... seriously have you any Idea how old this message is and who sent it? Why and to who?
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Happyluckygirl22 In reply to JWA2277 [2014-11-03 19:53:11 +0000 UTC]
Nope it just seemed adorable it's probs a few mouths old
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JWA2277 In reply to Happyluckygirl22 [2014-11-03 20:19:11 +0000 UTC]
Actually I think its abour 2-5 years... still tracking.
yes its cute.... Who else did you send it to?
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Happyluckygirl22 In reply to JWA2277 [2014-11-03 20:30:54 +0000 UTC]
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Happyluckygirl22 [2014-10-27 14:32:58 +0000 UTC]
Girl: Do u even want to be with me forever?
Boy: No
Girl: Do u even like me?
Boy: No
Girl: Would u cry if i walked away?
Boy: No
She heard enough and was hurt... She walked away with tears in her eyes
The boy grabbed her arm
Boy: Your not pretty...your beautiful
Boy: I dont want to be with u forever...I need to be with u forever
Boy: I dont like u...I love u
Boy: I wouldn't cry if u walked away......I would die if u walked away.
Boy Whispers: Plz stay with me
Girl: I will...
*Tonight at midnight your true love will realize they loves u
*Something good will happen to u at 1-4pm
*Tomorrow it could be anywhere!!!
*Get ready for the shock of your life!
*If u dont post this to 5 other comments... You will have baD luck in relationships for the next 10 years
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animepikachu [2014-09-30 00:58:33 +0000 UTC]
Thank you for the fav and watch!!
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Marija343 [2014-09-28 12:56:36 +0000 UTC]
Belated tag reply xD
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Happyluckygirl22 In reply to XxXKayaXxX [2014-09-05 13:45:30 +0000 UTC]
I see envy in you changing picture
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XxXKayaXxX In reply to Happyluckygirl22 [2014-09-05 15:50:06 +0000 UTC]
Yes i love him so much x3
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Happyluckygirl22 [2014-09-01 02:31:11 +0000 UTC]
OMG ;-; just leaned what five nights at Freddy's was waaaaaaaaaaaaa
π: 0 β©: 1
4thminatonamikaze [2014-08-10 21:13:28 +0000 UTC]
Spread the DA love around! (you can copy and paste thismessage on their userpage!)
1- You can hug the person who hugged you!
2- You -MUST- hug 10 other people, at least!
3- You should hug them in public! Paste it on their page!
4- Random hugs are perfectly okay! (and sweet)
5- You should most definitely get started hugging right away!
Send This To All Your Friends, And Me If I Am 1.
If You Get 7 Back You Are Loved!
1-3 you're bad friend
4-6 you're an ok friend
7-9 you're a good friend
10-& Up you're loved
π: 0 β©: 0
Marija343 [2014-08-08 13:55:39 +0000 UTC]
Spread the DA love around! (you can copy and paste thismessage on their userpage!)
1- You can hug the person who hugged you!
2- You -MUST- hug 10 other people, at least!
3- You should hug them in public! Paste it on their page!
4- Random hugs are perfectly okay! (and sweet)
5- You should most definitely get started hugging right away!
Send This To All Your Friends, And Me If I Am 1.
If You Get 7 Back You Are Loved!
1-3 you're bad friend
4-6 you're an ok friend
7-9 you're a good friend
10-& Up you're loved
π: 0 β©: 1
NaoNaoLovaren [2014-08-06 16:10:34 +0000 UTC]
Spread the DA love around! (you can copy and paste thismessage on their userpage!)
1- You can hug the person who hugged you!
2- You -MUST- hug 10 other people, at least!
3- You should hug them in public! Paste it on their page!
4- Random hugs are perfectly okay! (and sweet)
5- You should most definitely get started hugging right away!
Send This To All Your Friends, And Me If I Am 1.
If You Get 7 Back You Are Loved!
1-3 you're bad friend
4-6 you're an ok friend
7-9 you're a good friend
10-& Up you're loved
Hugs hugs hugs!! cx
π: 0 β©: 0
Tykicode0 [2014-08-06 13:28:33 +0000 UTC]
Spread the DA love around! (you can copy and paste thismessage on their userpage!)
1- You can hug the person who hugged you!
2- You -MUST- hug 10 other people, at least!
3- You should hug them in public! Paste it on their page!
4- Random hugs are perfectly okay! (and sweet)
5- You should most definitely get started hugging right away!
Send This To All Your Friends, And Me If I Am 1.
If You Get 7 Back You Are Loved!
1-3 you're bad friend
4-6 you're an ok friend
7-9 you're a good friend
10-& Up you're loved
π: 0 β©: 1
mistress-lo [2014-08-05 23:17:53 +0000 UTC]
Hello, hello!~ Remember me? Β *glomps ya* If not I understand, since I haven't been on for awhile!~ *glomps you again* GLOMPS FOR EVERYBODY! XD
π: 0 β©: 1
animefan707 In reply to mistress-lo [2014-08-05 23:20:31 +0000 UTC]
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mistress-lo In reply to animefan707 [2014-08-05 23:31:00 +0000 UTC]
*pouts* Fine......But I'll glomps you when you least expect it!~ >:3
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animefan707 In reply to mistress-lo [2014-08-05 23:46:48 +0000 UTC]
Me: phew.
Spartos: you needed help
Me: nvm that Spar-kun
Spartos: *blushes a bit (
π: 0 β©: 1
mistress-lo In reply to animefan707 [2014-08-06 00:01:58 +0000 UTC]
((OMG I love "Magi"!~ ))
Well, hello "Spar-kun"!~ Nice to meet ya!~ *smiles*
π: 0 β©: 1
animefan707 In reply to mistress-lo [2014-08-06 00:16:54 +0000 UTC]
Spartos: ....
Me: this is my friend
Spartos: ...hi
Me: Spartos meet Lo. Lo meet Spartos, my boyfriend. *hears bickering* SHUT IT SHARRKAN, YAMURAIHA
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