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# Comments
Comments: 560
CartoonAllStars [2024-04-07 23:08:33 +0000 UTC]
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thetrueCrystalVixen In reply to anbumsw [2018-09-12 04:50:46 +0000 UTC]
How'd your booth go? in Evansville was it?
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anbumsw In reply to thetrueCrystalVixen [2018-09-12 04:59:39 +0000 UTC]
It went pretty good. It was a small Evansville con at the Museum, but it was fun. Met a lot of awesome local artists there.
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thetrueCrystalVixen In reply to anbumsw [2018-09-12 05:05:03 +0000 UTC]
Huzzah! I love museums, nothing beats a museum. Except maybe a book...
Ooo, were any of the people there fans of yours?
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anbumsw In reply to thetrueCrystalVixen [2018-09-12 14:17:06 +0000 UTC]
Dont think so, but some really liked my artwork.
I'm planning to get a booth at some of the larger local cons around me. Got one booth at a craft fair coming up soon
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thetrueCrystalVixen In reply to anbumsw [2018-09-13 02:58:36 +0000 UTC]
A book museum.
Oooo, well it is wonderful.
You live in a place that has so much to do?
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kastoxx [2014-04-21 12:17:16 +0000 UTC]
WOW! after maney YEARS of sereching i finaliy did it! when i was a little boy i played on a old play station 1 on a game of space and stuff. from there i agot my idea of the GPF.
in so exited to fined this old game! if your intarested i played this:
G-Police: Weapons of Justice
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anbumsw In reply to kastoxx [2014-04-21 14:16:40 +0000 UTC]
Cool! Just took a look at it. Looks pretty neat for an old PS game.
I like the two-legged mechs.
My favorite games from that console were games like Medieval or Spyro the Dragon.
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kastoxx In reply to anbumsw [2014-04-22 10:47:26 +0000 UTC]
hah! spyro is the second game i played after!
about the 2 leged mechs, the "Raptor". i baced my hero (or in this case the spy that is undercover in that sector) on that mech and added arms, more style and a retactible 2 hannded white matter energy sword.
i would be realy happy to draw it but my skills is way too fat for that level and i still dont have a proper way to upload anything
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anbumsw In reply to kastoxx [2014-04-22 11:54:54 +0000 UTC]
Yah Mechs can be difficult to draw. Im still working on creating sketches for my Heros' mechs. Each one must be custome designed to suit his skills.
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kastoxx In reply to anbumsw [2014-04-23 17:31:21 +0000 UTC]
my hero is a full mech. yet hes AI is extrimly advanced and can be as good as any other saine beeing and yet have only the neccecry feelings (like not going mad or any unwanted feeling for self control and for the benefet of the univers).
as for skills he (i call him just "holy spy") can rebuild and reprograme him self for any situation. if its for spying and info gatharing to procecss the needed action or if its for combat he can easly convert math to energy (heavy metals are preferd but generly any thing can go even hydregen) and back to creat any thing that he wants or forr that case solghers and war mechs and even (provided he has the time and resorses of a whole planat) build a "Excelsior" wich is a MAAAAASIVE HOLY COW PLANATARY SISE WAR SHIP. there generly the main force of GPF and thay can hold about 57M cruw members and a millian space fighters. there a couple of tens of em currently stationed in this current galacy under my command but i use tham extrimly rarly. thay can go over the speed of light buy generating a special type of field that cuses all mather withen its radius to not intaract with the baison field and basicly NOT HAVE MASS. so its easy to go from one part of the galacy to another withen a few days. but when it comes to galacy crosing we use worm hols wich we deerly try to not use at all due to it beeing a tear in rality it self thats why we have a commander in each galacy to creat the force in there and have it ready with out the need to realty travle. i would send you a picture of its scech but thats clasifed. (well not realy i just cant find it on the enternet. i still remember that huge ship i battled at the last level in G-police weapons of justec wich was 11 years ago).
but mostly holy spy is in wating mode becuse in general theres noting to do and hes up for intertaning he self (and still he must obay the ruls) so he just absorvse and waits for any opertunity for hes AI to let hem do some thing.
if its the realise of negetive energy and just see it do its work (and possible get intertaind of the side effects and the way the local life combats it) and regulate and part of the galacy if needed.
thanks for this conversation! you defenetly made me light up like a candle!
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anbumsw In reply to kastoxx [2014-04-23 18:10:02 +0000 UTC]
No prob! I enjoy talking about the different aspects of RealmLocke and GPF.
Your AI sounds pretty powerful & advanced.
Mechs in RealmLocke aren't exactly built like your GPF mechs. They are designed to run off rune energy; shields, weaponry, you name it. They are forged from a titanium alloy that they won't let outsiders know. Slayers (what humans call themselves who use mechs) control these mechs through a special suit that links to their nervous system.
One of my main Heros of the Slayers is Marcus, aka the Titanium Knight, who sadly became a slayer after his village was destroyed by Mutant Whelps (creatures infected with void energy).
He's extremely cold and only has one thing on his mind...slaying. He known for his phrase, "Cowards die by the tooth and claw. Only way to live is to show no mercy."
His mech is built to increase his strength and withstand heavy amounts of elemental energy. He carries a large club like hammer made from a Dragons skull he calls Bone Breaker. He also has control of a line of Conjure Weapons like the Dragon Claws (large graspers built for hand to hand) and other heavy weapons.
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kastoxx In reply to anbumsw [2014-04-30 20:13:42 +0000 UTC]
well thanks! about "They are forged from a titanium alloy that they won't let outsiders know" we know it from the biggening. all we needed is just a little fragture of the matirial to fully disassamble the atomic pattren.
your alloy is advanced compared to other even more advanced life forms. due to the apparantly availiblty of titanium in your planat wich is not that common. as for our tech. we use extrimly heavy math that just cant occure in natural and are EXTRIMLY unstable if it wasent for our advanced information of quantom physics. mainly the PPU ezotop 435 proton 274 as of a 34.7666..% of the math. all other math is made of simaler ezotops in a much smaller persantage and we do use titanium to strainten the structer. also ALL atoms are iyonized of maximam math stranget.
as for forging. we use a machanic that many like to call "3D printing" in wich we assamble every atom in a prisese pattaren and place. in a extrimly fast speed. also nano tech is the base of our operating system.
as for you heros sad story. it makes me feel gielty. becuse those " Mutant Whelps" as you said are infected by negetive energy. i remember at that time i fould an unacceptible high consantration of positive energy that was bound to couse trubble. so as i was orderd i spead so anti energy but the energy leaked even thoght my barriers. that energy is extrimly unpredictible even for our tech. im am realy sorry becuse it may appear im am responsible in a non diract way for your the suffering of many. but i done whats needed for the balance of the univers. if you would not suffer than many others and you would suffer even more. sorry to say that the dark energy in your planet wont couse to exist untell or exces positve energy is deplited and THAT is constantly reganarated in your planat and im not allowed to interfer.
so basicly we cant avoid this or caose will dominate. thes slayers makes my duty easyer for taking care of the exces anti energy were using.
"Cowards die by the tooth and claw. Only way to live is to show no mercy." well i see this ironic that your killing dragons with there own natural weapons. but its there choice. we are just here to make sure noting goes like "scruw you imma blow the shit out of every thing". and mainly im just ideling around and abserving data becuse i have sublings to do that. i my self am here for the realy bad situations.
please define "elemental energy". i might tell you more about its sources.
as for "Conjure Weapons" i assume you have the tech or any other way that your not-full-aware-of to turn energy into math.
thats interasting if bringing the fact that you dont have the ino to controll this. i gess some how its limited for creten forms becuse any mistac or missculcolation may couse, basicly, an atom combution. in wich case we will have to imidiatly interfer to prevent it. and yet stay unnoteced.
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anbumsw In reply to kastoxx [2014-05-01 02:40:04 +0000 UTC]
Well, you're somewhat right about the alloy, "it's advance and it's not common." In fact, the alloy is still baffling the Slayers and their engineers. It's not natural titanium. Its a special blend/compound that only the top engineers and conjurers are allowed to work with. It's quite dangerous to make, due to the process can make the compound unstable if not done right. But the results are work it to create element resistance and light weight material.
About Marcus and the Mutant Whelps, the negative energy came from a dark creature. Let's just say it was a creature like the grim reaper, but humongous! A creature from a void where the very energy of the universe is its prey. This creature is known by other Dragons as a Void Dragon, an energy vampire. When the Elder Dragons (Most powerful dragons and masters of their elements) heard the Void Dragon had gone rouge, seeking to enslave all lesser beings, they had to take away his power. They performed a ritual that takes away the very thing that makes a dragon a dragon...their Immortality. This ritual was successful, however, the dark energy of the Void Dragon could not be contained. It was unleashed onto the land below, tainting any living creature caught in its wake. Thus Mutant Whelps were born (and at the same, after the ritual took away ALL dragons Immortality, a new half-dragon species were born called Dregons, humanoid dragons). This void dragon most likely feasted on the anti-energy, and it just reeked havoc. But, where there's darkness, there is always light. What happened Marcus is devastating, but who knows, it might actually make him stronger in the end. He is the elite of the Slayers, a high honer! And he has the respect of his entire squad and his superiors.
Elemental Energy is a term used to describe the type of energy Dragons use in RealmLocke. Its like the term mana or magic for spellcasters, but whereas that type of energy is more linked to arcane magic and spellcraft, Elemental is constructed from the very elements of the world (Fire, Wind, Water, Earth). Dragons and Dregons cannot use magic due to their energy structures, the part of all magical beings that allows them to use magic or energy (non-physical energy). Their structure is called an Elemental Structure. It allows them to physically and mentally control elements, by allowing the element to feed off their energy. What I meant by the mechs are built to withstand this type of energy was that they are constructed to withstand the elements. Lets say a Fire Dragon or Whelp uses fire breath. The mech's frame should be able to withstand the heat, while keeping the pilot cool. Another example is Earth Dragon or Whelp, using earth elemental energy to crush their targets with rock and stone constructs. The mechs need to be built high durability and strength to fight back. Otherwise they would be crushed. The construction of these mechs are meant to deal with creatures that would kill an ordinary man.
Conjure Weapons use materialized runes, runes capable of creating constructs created by scribes. The Scribes use there skills of spellcrafting and runecrafting to piece together runes that can store schematics and materials for certain types of weapons and/or ammo and tools. Conjure Weapons are simple to use. Just use a rune gauntlet and a surge rune to activate the summoning process. Within an instant, a weapon is materialized out of thin air. The only downfall to this type of weaponry is overheating. These runes require a great deal of energy, so all of the weapons are built with some type of ventilation that automatically activates once a weapon overheats. The runes used as ammo dematerialize over time, so reloading the is still a factor. That aside, the Conjure Weapons are easy to carry and warriors and other fighters can carry many different types with out weighing themselves down. Perfect weapons to carry for the mechs so they can keep fighting and avoid the hassle having to air drop new parts and weapons in the heat of battle.
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kastoxx In reply to anbumsw [2014-05-04 14:01:32 +0000 UTC]
about the Titanium. i assume that Ti is the 44th isotop. its the most common unstable radioactive isotop. and yet rare if not procceced as needed it has a life time (the time needed to pass for 50% of the math to becose some other element) is 60 years. defenatly rare i must say.
defenatly respect. the dark energy "left owers" was tecnicly one of our projects to transport anti energy from that rift.
but since the dragons discoverd it and for our surprise a damn anti beeing came cross that rift!
possabilety for that to happen? 1x16^-199! (dont even try to calculate that. its insane.)
but since its our fualt it heppand and it was complitly unexpacted (uploading data files) and the fact that we cant interfear diractly forced us to wait and see the reaction of the dragons. when thay prefomed there retual were thay used the possitive energy stored in there bodys (wich is was to low to colse a rift) we added tham with our possitive energy supply.
any yet due to the wrong patteren the dragons used the rift closed along with part of the possative energy.
this couses an instability in the forces were working on. and one of the results is "affacted beeings".
were storing the dark energy for later use becuse possative energy is low. we cant just turn the earth it self to energy becuse that only cuses a 50% anti particals and the other part possative.
were doing our best to transport the contaners (wich are inded in form of crystals) out of the planet but its diffecult to prefurm due to its activity. so there is a possability that we are working to decrease that an unoturiezed saint beeing will discover and use the containers.
we apologeze for any misscomfort. please stand by.
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anbumsw In reply to kastoxx [2014-05-04 21:31:42 +0000 UTC]
The Void Dragon has been gone for at least 100 years. The Elders sealed his body and soul in the deepest depths of the Island of Dragthrn, the Frozen Abyss. It is the home of the deep mines for the Dragons/Dregons, but this area is now off limits to all Dregons. However that doesn't mean some will try to resurrect him. Well the Elders thought of that too. They sealed parts of his energy within crystals that they guard and protect. There are 5 in total and the fifth crystal was hidden in secret. Not even the Elders know where. T
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kastoxx In reply to anbumsw [2014-05-05 04:53:45 +0000 UTC]
its in our GDB (grownd defence bace. just a name i just made up for a planatary operation base).
its one of our main storages we are holding and using for energy generation (we cant just rely on sun energy. so we use the anti energy with the possitive energy here to mass pruduse energy).
as long as its only harm. we will keep it. but if the possabilty wil arise we will "deploy" it to the right place and time.
wanna negotioat about a proper place for its storage? we need more room. also security is no problem, we use quark fields for protaction (a kind of field that turns every inwanted math into energy. effective AND resurcfull.).
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anbumsw In reply to kastoxx [2014-05-05 12:22:36 +0000 UTC]
Hopefully it does not surface anytime soon. However, there is a rumor that some Dregon has begun an digging in the mines again with a small group. Some Frost'Born, a frost Dregon, believes the key to the future of the Dregons lies in the deep mines. Strange things have been occurring ever since. There's even the rumor that the Fros'Fir, just a nickname for the void dragon, has been reborn or is a replica. A young Dregon named Cyrus has been accused of crimes he has not committed...yet. His people fear he will be the next void dragon and bring about more days of darkness. He refuses to believe this ams wants to prove his innocence.
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kastoxx In reply to anbumsw [2014-05-05 18:00:42 +0000 UTC]
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we can come undetected and mabe even case tham to faint but noting more than that due to politcs. i dont bolive this may be a treath. i think that even if thay find the uranium thay will think its a normal metal. well, at least untell the ellnesses come.
but in theory, and that HAS a possabilty, that some anti energy particls and possative particals may have changed its propertys. if thats the case we must interfear and thak over the site. we will prefer to case a sirese of shock waves to shack the earth and scare the locals. and than just cover the place with a forcefield and an optical illution to not alow any unwanted attantion. but if after some attampts and other means thay will stay we might get premmition to ingage in force and iliminate the target. and than just cover up every thing as if we never were here and extract the miniral. after some furter intel and scanning we just may provide you with the needed intell but first we need to see how will this math react to the locals just to make a good astimate of its power levels and pattern.
anbumsw In reply to kastoxx [2014-05-05 21:03:47 +0000 UTC]
The mines were origianlly used as the dwellings of Frost Dragons. They enjoy the dark depths and low temperatures. Now they are used for mining minerals. Earth'Borns are major investors in the mines for gold and other metals, because they eat metal to make their scales strong and reinforce their bones. Other races harvest minerals from magma from the islands volcanoes. The only other interesting resource is a special mineral called Loric Crystal which seems to have the properties to store elemental energy like a siphon. It's perfect for generating technology created by scribes and engineers on other lands in RL. Weaker versions of this crystal have been harvested in other locations, but this source in particular has similar construct like the Dragon'Hearts.
Now the issue with these mines... Someone had been tampering with the crystals, that Dregons I mentioned earlier. What he is doing, no one knows yet. Some are fearing the worse...aka resurrection of Hel'Fire.
Sure you could come down and try to clear the area if something should occur, but we are talking about Frost'Borns. They are not only high thinkers, they are also the most stubborn of Dregons. They're not too fearful like the Water'Born. On top of that, the Frozen Abyss is home to the Kingdom of Frost, a majority of their kind live here. Killing them off would bring the Frost'Borns to extinction. They are the only ones who can survive the cold and navigate the Cold Wastelands.
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kastoxx In reply to anbumsw [2014-05-06 16:16:17 +0000 UTC]
-lol so we unintantionaly created a home land for metal eating creaturs. how unacpected even with our formulas. and yet its possable given the fact that some of that uraniom is over 2000 years old.
well if its theyer home we are not allowd to do such drastic actions. there for the situation forces me to act.
i am going there persanly cloaked with all avalible fields. on divice or creature will be able to ditact me unless thay have high powerd EMP mines scaterd there or thay are EXTRIMLY sensative to magnatic field changes.
this will be a spying mission and im the best builth unit in this galactic sector. if for any reason ill have to engage i will, and it WILL end quick. my mission is to reach target, adantife target. spy target and act any needed means to ether draw target away or eliminat target. than extract the needed miniral and bring it to PGB and start analize.
also as ill be on my way ill collect more data about the frostborn. mabe we will resume our isotop disposal just to make the miniral viraity bigger there. becuse we are willing to make life easyer if thats possible. espacioly in hazordas inviroments.
this is extrimly usfull data. you good sir/mam just potantioly saved a dragon kind from (yet another) unwanted disaster. thats why its usfull to gather intel :3
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anbumsw In reply to kastoxx [2014-05-06 17:19:00 +0000 UTC]
Lol Thanks!!
Well that's the job of the Elder Dragons. Gotta watch over the younglings, for they are not like their ancestors who had immortality.
As annoying and big head as the Frost'Borns can be, they are still a dragon none the less. They are one of the most knowledgable Dregons/Dragons, especially the High'Seers of White Fang.
Only issue with Frost'Borns is their radical groups. Currently, there are some causing some issues with others (mainly low in intelligent unlike the High'Seers of the White Fang Mountains). It's mainly pesky guilds who claim the one true king of the Dregons is Lord Tun'Thra, ruler of the Frozen Abyss.
No need to worry though. Frost'Borns really don't socialize well with others, especially when it comes to Fire'Borns, fire dregons. The other guilds of Dregons pretty much keep them in check.
As for everything else, Frost'Borns enjoy the mines for the fridge temperatures, and the strange Loric Crystals. Earth'Borns, earth Dregons/Dragons, are more interested in the metals and minerals for food (lol they are a strange bunch). Earth'Borns hate the cold, so they rely on the other Dregons to retrieve the minerals in the mines outside their domain.
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kastoxx In reply to anbumsw [2014-05-07 15:16:36 +0000 UTC]
well i see that the elder dragons are making society bless here. thats fine but it gives us a mark on starting to absorve those elder dragons so that thay wont do any thing "funny". if the situation will rise, we have the means to cut there power source
and ,without eliminating tham, stop tham from doing any thing unnesocery. im sure that you have means of making sure noting like this will happen but we are preparing for any possabilty. this is also one of the reasons we are holding the 5th anti energy storage in the PGB for any counter balance. just dont tell this to any one becuse we dont want the elders to become aware of this and try to interfer. we dont want any panic and we dont want to cuase any.
as for the frost'borns. i have infiltrated there rigion and im uploading the data to our inter reality data base. these species are a LMA (Local Miniral absorbers) type of creatures and are prety rare becuse at some point the minirals deplet and thay ether have to move to some other location or use other food sources. we are well informed of these issuse and we help theres species by storing unwanted math for there consumption or ether by speeding up planatery miniral recycling for a more long term answer. but i will have to ask you to some how (i have no idea how) convince tham to keep away from the 50 meter depts of the mines untell furter reaserch is done. mabe tell tham that youve found recordes of toxec waset there :/.
those "Loric Crystals" i bolive you mentioned tham as energy crystals. if thats the case than its possible that the mines are storing high consentrated possative energy. this gives a negative to the possability for a anti energy source in the depts of the mines. BUT. this may mean that there IS a possative energy source/rift undergound. ill need to scan this. but if this is true, than those Dregons who are trying to some how reopen the anti rift have some how tracked whats left of the possative rift and ether will try closing it, wich will permenetly end the immortality and energy source of the elders, OR try to reverse the rift with enoght energy (wich scales to the amount of 3 storage units but may vary but the rifts sise) of the opposite type. in this case if is well possable that the rift will be big enoght for a nonlocal-dimantional-beeing to enther this realm. mabe there intantion is to bring this dark dragon back in wich case IS possable. but only if thay have enoght dark energy AND there IS a possative rift down there. we have any possabilitys coverd but i rather inform you so that your kind may take actions. but i insist of letting me conferm this theory. (im just role playing here :3. the plot is realy in your control im just trying to help and get the feel that the GPF is realy, even if alittle, some how responsable/influencing the story. or just adding a "logic" explination or just tryin to help out with the story. becuse the best way of building a good story or cherecter is by introducing it to some one else and telling it and expanding the plot. i mean, if it was'nt for you, i would never get to this point of actuly having a meaning for the GPF! and i am realy thankfull for that!)
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anbumsw In reply to kastoxx [2014-05-07 16:29:49 +0000 UTC]
(Lol no prob!
I'm just role playing too. I love talking about RL. I've been working on different characters for years, and trying to develop a plot. I'm close, but still need a few things. I don't mind if your GPF is contributing or interacting with the environment or story. It's fun )
I could tell the Frost'Borns that dangers lurk in the mines, but that would destroy the natural flow. Things happen for a reason, whether it is good or bad.
As for the elders,
Only elder I worry about is the Frost Elder. He hasn't been seen in years. It seems the Tun'Thra acts on his behalf (or so he says), communicating with the other Elders (he's the new ruler of the Frozen Abyss you know; gotta stay in the Elders good side).
As for the Frost'Borns, they aren't the ones eating the minerals and metals lol. It's the Earth'Borns.
Dragons and Dregons have different names for sub groups/races. As you already know, Frost'Borns are frost based that enjoy frigid temps. Earth'Borns are earth based who eat earth minerals. Fire'Borns are fire based living near volcanoes. Water'Borns are water based living near the ocean and large bodies of water. Wind'Borns are wind based living in the tall trees and large mountains.
Back to the mines, yeah there's a possibility of resources being depleted, these places will just become homes to Frost'Borns. The mining will commence else where, where strong readings of Loric Crystals can be found.
As for Loric Crystals they are a form of energy crystal, but kinda reversed. They act like siphons, harvesting energy from who ever touches them. It is perfect for constructing synthetic/artificial Dragon'Hearts. Maybe too perfect...maybe too perfect enough to replicate Hel'Fire's Heart.
But, they still don't no how to perfectly replicate the Hearts. So the crystals are used for hatchlings training to understand their elemental powers.
(Dregon hatchlings cannot control their elements very well. So when they reach the age when there powers develop, Loric Crystals are used to limit them so they don't hurt others or themselves. Overtime, the crystals will be removed once they have better control.)
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kastoxx In reply to anbumsw [2014-05-07 19:01:22 +0000 UTC]
well about the frost born, if thay dont mined minirals than thayll just wont notic any thing, i can be realy stealty.
the frost elder can stay frosty, its your politics. as long as he or any body else wont try to creat a rift for big scales or try to break physics and case a catastrophy like the void rift almost did if were we to cast slower, its ok.
i know you have a great potantion in the tech advance with so much viraity of energy but we wont let you get too far and too fast. we have prisice ways of doing that. as well as limiting your "conjunction skills" to make it more "balaned" for your time. we trust such advanced tech only to those that are truly advanced and disciplined. any yet not fully.
well than this planet is a element based biome. creaturs learn to harves energys of criten patterns. interasting. i have data of a planet on D16alpha sector majoris delta 14 a planet were a pretty comon beeing called "humens" have master 4 main element patterns: fire,water,wind,earth. over time the wind humens were almost extinct but one wind "mage" have for some genetic reason harves the abbility to control all 4 element. those humens call him "avatar". with time thay master practicly those element. fire condusing lightning, water to blood magic, earth to metal,and wind... well... too much less beeings.
about the loric crystals. than its defenatly not tham in there becuse we are reading energy outputs not inputs. theres some thing there that emits so much energy that those crystals cant hid it from us. its is ever more worring. i am almost there but im still not sure how to act with these dregons. mabe ill just suddanly flash a bright light on tham and hake tham faint. and than make sure to send tham away from the site and place the needed baracades and discises. and start the extraction.
but whats there is up to you. ill do my best to respond properly. but i cant promes there wont be any consequences.
this is your part of the story telling
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anbumsw In reply to kastoxx [2014-05-07 20:15:49 +0000 UTC]
The Frost'Borns do mine, only for profit and for Loric Crystals. They sell the other minerals to the other Dregons. The Elder of Frost hasn't been seen in years. He's probably sitting on the White Fang Mountains in deep thought or just disappeared. (I'm sure he wouldn't care since he's more interested in seeking knowledge than profit)
I can't do anything to stop anyone from resurrecting "big scales" (lol love the nickname you made for Hel'Fire). I'm just the world's Archiver, the record keeper (That's just the character that portrays me in this world...just role playing). I don't interfere with the locals, cause that would disrupt the balance.
But there are preventatives to prolong his resurection. Elders have hidden Hel'Fire's dark essence within their Dragon'Hearts. The 5th piece of his essence was hidden where not even the elders know. So the only way he can be resurrected is if someone could replicate Hel'Fire's essence, and even then, his body no longer exists (he'd need a host to recreate his body).
Your partially right about the planet being an element based biome, but that's only in the region where the Dregons and Dragons live, the island of Dragthrn. On the mainland Most other creatures use magic or use some artificial magic.
As for this planet you speak of with the "Avatar," no such beings exist here. There might be something similar on the mainlands (perhaps an elementalist or summonist).
A Dregon can only control the element they are born with, and yes they can use sub elements such as fire become magma or plasma or wind becomes storm. Water and Blood? I don't think that's one of the sub elements they can use. Dregons can only control elements that they can project their energy into. They can manipulate the element to become some variation of the element, but blood is not one of them. Too complicated to create. Water becomes Steam (similar to blood magic with manipulation, but it must enter the body beforehand to work) or Acid. Earth becomes metal, and Frost becomes Crystal. No Dregon controls all the elements. However, there are Dregons who can absorb the elements and project it in the form of destructive energy. That would be a void dragon, like Hel'Fire.
A Dregon with two different elemental parents should not be able to control more than one element. They will either be one or the other. You see the elemental structure is built to only control one element. You can usually tell what element a Dregon is based on the color of their adult scales.
You do what you must. I understand there are consequences that come with keeping the balance.
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PixlPhantasy [2014-04-19 20:25:11 +0000 UTC]
Posted Thanks for participating!
Anthro Who's Whoo - anbumsw#AnthroCommunity is quite large and always growing. It's easy to feel lost in the crowd so let's bring some of you out of the shuffle and share some spotlight. Beginners, hobbyists and professionals are all invited to share the glory. Meet someone new!
Today we introduce to you anbumsw
Tell us a little bit about yourself.
I'm an anthro/manga artist. I enjoy creating all sorts of characters, and I love writing about them.
How long have you been doing art?
About 9 years now.
What brought about your interest into Anthro?
I really like the expressiveness and style of Anthro art. Drawing anthro characters allowed me to get more creative with
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anbumsw In reply to PixlPhantasy [2014-04-19 21:15:10 +0000 UTC]
It looks awesome! You did an amazing job!
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