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| amras90
# Statistics
Favourites: 264; Deviations: 20; Watchers: 27
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# Comments
Comments: 74
Nivde [2010-10-08 13:10:19 +0000 UTC]
Andeeers! Vart Γ€r alla dina bilder?
Du hade ju massa fΓΆrut...
π: 0 β©: 1
amras90 In reply to Nivde [2010-10-08 17:14:30 +0000 UTC]
Det kan ligga en del i scraps annars har jag nog rensat : P Men jag ska bli mer produktiv!
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Nivde In reply to amras90 [2010-10-08 18:19:10 +0000 UTC]
Γ₯Γ₯h, du har organiserat lite. Coolt!
Jag hade liksom fΓΆr mig att du hade maaassa grejer. Sen bara poff. Borta
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Thepuzzlegirl [2010-08-15 21:23:07 +0000 UTC]
You've got some sweet sketches in your gallery, I must say!
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amras90 In reply to Thepuzzlegirl [2010-08-15 22:46:20 +0000 UTC]
Thanks a lot
Sketches are really the only things I do at the moment so I'm glad you like them!
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Thepuzzlegirl In reply to amras90 [2010-08-16 01:18:21 +0000 UTC]
I save sketches for my blog on blogspot/blogger. lol. Sometimes I'll post them on DA in sketchdumps though ;__; Those are long. O_o
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amras90 In reply to Thepuzzlegirl [2010-08-16 09:20:44 +0000 UTC]
I post really crappy ones on my tumblr blog, but then I realize that I never post anything here so now I'm uploading glorified sketches just so people will have an idea of what my turns my style is taking :]
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Thepuzzlegirl In reply to amras90 [2010-08-16 15:31:41 +0000 UTC]
Haha, glorified doodles. xDD That sounds fun. I don't think I've ever glorified a doodle though ;___; They're kind of all...pencils. Though sometimes I stick speech bubbles next to them. lol.
Style is a fun thing to watch as your progress through years as an artist. Mine took a few years to develop (I've been drawing this way since I was about 11, though obviously everything looks WAY BETTER NOW than it did when I was 11). xDD I waited until I felt my style was okay to start a comic I got an idea for when I was 11 too. xDD I finally gathered up the guts to say 'OKAY WORLD' and make it. Now I'm just having to keep it going. ;__;
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amras90 In reply to Thepuzzlegirl [2010-08-16 20:21:22 +0000 UTC]
Oh yes, process is THA THING! xD I've always drawn a lot, but when I was around 11 (I have no idea how old I was lol), I started drawing manga, liked the style and thought I'd be drawing manga the rest of my life. Turns out that I've stepped out of the manga zone now, however, and I'm happier than ever with my own style :3
YOU ROCK for daring to start a comic! Cheers! I am still waiting for my style to be okay for the comic I want to make... but I'm completely convinced you can keep it going if you want to!
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Thepuzzlegirl In reply to amras90 [2010-08-16 21:32:56 +0000 UTC]
Oh, I know how that goes!! xDD When I was 11 I tried to develop my own 'style' as an artist and was working on the style I've got going now (trust me, the beginnings of this style are BAAAAD). In like 7th grade I gave it up and drew manga/anime styled things. ;___; I got out of that quickly and went back to working on the style I've got now...Which is really the same style I've had since I started drawing, it's just gotten better over the years. xDD
I know what you mean there too and that's why I say it took some guts. ;__; In many ways I still feel like I should have waited until I got better before I started my comic. lol. By now (nearly the end of chapter one), I've got my style 'down' so to speak though...Eventhough if you leaf through it you can see the style changes that took place. Or moreso how I kind of figured things out and improved.
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amras90 In reply to Thepuzzlegirl [2010-08-16 21:56:29 +0000 UTC]
Haha, I so know what you mean :] Your style is very interesting to me, and that's pretty awesome because I'm picky xD
Actually doing the things you aren't sure about is the best way to improve (that's why I'm plotting to make a different comic just to learn) so just keep on figuring things out I'm sure I will anyway!
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Thepuzzlegirl In reply to amras90 [2010-08-16 23:21:41 +0000 UTC]
Thanks Haha, I'm glad you like it
It took me five years to nail down and even now I can still see some changes in it occurring from time to time. xDD
Oh ahah, Nightmares of Society like I said, is an old piece, REALLY OLD. A lot of it was changed, though the main point has been the same for it's whole existance. xDD But now I'm kind of going two pages at a time when I make layouts...So long as I have the general plot line for that chapter as it feeds into the main plot, I'm good though.
...I actually have several more comics in the making. My room is a mess sometimes... ;__;
I wish you luck on your comic. They're quite fun most of the time. xD
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amras90 In reply to Thepuzzlegirl [2010-08-16 23:23:44 +0000 UTC]
Sounds like win!
Several comics + messy room = win too xD
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Thepuzzlegirl In reply to amras90 [2010-08-17 01:34:16 +0000 UTC]
Messy room, not so much. xDD It's more like a messy desk. xDD
My room is like 10 by 9 feet (oldest child in the family, but I got the smallest room in the house. HAHA). I have my bed in the corner with a HUGE DESK next to it that has a mini bookcase next to that with like, all my dictionaries/theasauruses/babyname books(use those for when I need a name lol)/etc. In front of my bed I have another (smaller) desk with a few boxes underneath it. ;___; And then I have my huge ass stereo which takes up 3 feet of wall/floor space. ;__; In the middle I have a round chair and an exercise ball. ;__; I can't believe I live there xDDD
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amras90 In reply to Thepuzzlegirl [2010-08-17 08:46:11 +0000 UTC]
Haha, it does sound pretty incredible that you can fit so many things into one room xD But everything is possible, I guess :]
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Thepuzzlegirl In reply to amras90 [2010-08-17 15:22:47 +0000 UTC]
It's actually quite spacious eventhough it has all that stuff in it O_o THough I'm thinking of taking out my smaller dest at the end of my bed and getting two small filing cabinets for all my comics instead of keeping EVERYTHING FOR THEM in binders, Because that system is failing as I keep drawing new things and getting ohmygoshsoserious about them xDD
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amras90 In reply to amras90 [2010-08-16 09:22:39 +0000 UTC]
*grammatical whoopee in my last post xD
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amras90 In reply to shingworks [2010-08-11 09:20:16 +0000 UTC]
My pleasure Your style is interesting and your tutorials are helpful!
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amras90 In reply to ToxicToothpick [2010-08-09 21:39:36 +0000 UTC]
Haha, you're welcome! I like your style a lot!
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Sjlvermay [2010-01-06 07:15:52 +0000 UTC]
Query: When you imagine a werewolf, or you imagine the werewolf in your stories, what colour is the werewolf's fur?
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amras90 In reply to Sjlvermay [2010-01-06 12:10:58 +0000 UTC]
Hmm... mostly greyish I think Or black/gray :]
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amras90 In reply to Sjlvermay [2010-01-07 10:38:51 +0000 UTC]
Now I want to know what you're doing over there with werewolf colours
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Sjlvermay In reply to amras90 [2010-01-07 10:46:05 +0000 UTC]
Me? Nothing at all, I'm totally not drawing a werewolf or anything. Or drawing you art. Nope, not me Never know when you need to know how to colour a werewolf afterall, good life skill
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amras90 In reply to Sjlvermay [2010-01-07 18:25:26 +0000 UTC]
Indeed, indeed, everyone should be able to do it ;] (I suck at it, just for the record)
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Sjlvermay In reply to amras90 [2010-01-08 02:39:30 +0000 UTC]
lol, what about the eyes then?
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amras90 In reply to Sjlvermay [2010-01-09 13:43:21 +0000 UTC]
Yup :3 Actually, I had to look at wolf pictures to decide xD
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Sjlvermay In reply to amras90 [2010-01-11 02:12:57 +0000 UTC]
Yeah? Fair enough, any colour would look good on a werewolf though. Don't hold your breath waiting for art though, knowing me it could be awhile
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amras90 In reply to Sjlvermay [2010-01-11 08:45:04 +0000 UTC]
Same here you know, but you/your brother will get the art I promised ;]
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amras90 In reply to Sjlvermay [2009-12-29 09:51:55 +0000 UTC]
Right now I just finished a small little piece of avi art for a friend on Gaia But I thought I'd ask you what to draw for your brother! What interests does he have? Anything special you think I should consider? :]
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Sjlvermay In reply to amras90 [2009-12-30 05:39:46 +0000 UTC]
Did they like it? They better He likes the usual things that you'd expect from a boy his age, video games, Transformers and superheroes
Nothing special I can think of, 'cept he has brown hair, skin and eyes. If you end up making him something, I'll make sure he does something back, I will too
And the thought itself is much appreciated.
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amras90 In reply to Sjlvermay [2010-01-01 11:36:00 +0000 UTC]
Yup, they did :]
Nicey, I'll start thinking right away And you really really needn't "repay" me or anything, I want to do it for free :]
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Sjlvermay In reply to amras90 [2010-01-02 01:22:14 +0000 UTC]
So do I, call it my nature. It's only natural to give something back But if it makes you feel better, than I can call it the clan artwork I meant to draw you awhile ago but never actually did. This is good motivation for me
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amras90 In reply to Sjlvermay [2010-01-02 11:02:28 +0000 UTC]
Ooooh, then I shall not prevent you from being creative ;]
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Sjlvermay In reply to amras90 [2010-01-03 01:37:10 +0000 UTC]
Why thank you. And in reply to your journal entry (it won't let me comment back as it's hidden) my answer is simply 'You better :3'.
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amras90 In reply to Sjlvermay [2010-01-03 11:29:23 +0000 UTC]
Oh, another dark secret of deviant art. No answers to hidden threads! I didn't know that.
But thanks, it means a lot :]
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