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alexpixels [36505703] []

# Statistics

Favourites: 862; Deviations: 277; Watchers: 298

Watching: 80; Pageviews: 26198; Comments Made: 1523; Friends: 80

# Comments

Comments: 224

michaelgalvan [2024-10-02 19:37:28 +0000 UTC]

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michaelgalvan [2024-10-02 17:59:15 +0000 UTC]

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SeasonSurvivor [2022-05-23 14:35:59 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

tracks147 [2021-06-02 03:08:20 +0000 UTC]

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Oaef [2020-12-30 01:18:51 +0000 UTC]

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PhotographerGilberto [2020-07-19 05:42:04 +0000 UTC]

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RonaldAnthony4 [2020-01-11 00:54:29 +0000 UTC]

Last Thursday, in my country Philippines, a lots of crowd of citizens are in chaos in some cities just to touch a statue of the suffering Christ while it's on a parade. Well they are all devotees of that idol. 


It's like reviving the scene where Israelites are having fun in front of the Golden Calf. 

It's true that the statue won't hear them for the Bible told us so. And they say that through venerating the statue, they worship what represents the statue. The Bible never said that. The Scriptures said that the Godhead was not like those that were carved by men. 

They say, respect other's religion. It's like tolerating their rituals that are against God's laws instead of preaching the truth and win souls. 

Also in 2021, my country will celebrate the 500th anniversary of putting Catholicism in my country by Spanish Invaders, they consider this year 2020 as "Year of Ecumenism and Interfaith". 

What I thought about ecumenism is that they are uniting with other Christian denominations, well it's right that we have to communicate to the people with other religion, as the Scriptures say that we have t treat gentiles (foreigners) like our brothers. But tolerating their rituals, their beliefs in other things rather than the Truth, it's not winning their soul for Christ.

If you love your brother, then try to win his/her soul for Christ so that he/she can have eternal life. 

I remember that Jesus said "....not to bring peace, but rather DIVISION" well, I think Jesus said that because it is displeasing in God's eyes that we did not warn people of other religion that their rituals are against God's laws and that we did not preach the Gospel for them. 

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PhotographerGilberto [2019-12-28 08:05:34 +0000 UTC]

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alexpixels In reply to PhotographerGilberto [2019-12-30 00:24:18 +0000 UTC]


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Pookie-2-Steph [2019-12-10 03:29:15 +0000 UTC]

Another Christian! Instant watch!

👍: 1 ⏩: 1

alexpixels In reply to Pookie-2-Steph [2019-12-15 20:18:43 +0000 UTC]


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SliceOfEdge [2019-06-18 23:33:22 +0000 UTC]

Me encantan tus dibujos. Muy lindos y influyentes

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DesertFox088 [2019-05-18 13:22:17 +0000 UTC]

Oh yeah, you're getting a watch. Christians are too few nowadays.

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alexpixels In reply to DesertFox088 [2019-06-08 16:57:40 +0000 UTC]

thank you to you, and still in the continuation of time it will be still less numerous unfortunately, jesus says it: when I return I will find still faith on the ground

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DesertFox088 In reply to alexpixels [2019-06-08 20:25:29 +0000 UTC]

We're in the last days and seeing people turning from The Truth to worship the creation rather than the creator was prophesied to happen in the last days.

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ServantofJesus [2019-02-23 20:33:36 +0000 UTC]

merci encore pour un autre favori ^^

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alexpixels In reply to ServantofJesus [2019-04-21 15:54:11 +0000 UTC]

de rien mon frère  

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Khai2000 [2019-02-09 20:00:10 +0000 UTC]

Do you ever hate Buddhism and Scientist?

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DrSGrowth In reply to Khai2000 [2019-04-28 13:09:55 +0000 UTC]

Of course he hates them, if not why he would draw so much drawing that boasts the "truth" of His religion and the "lies" of others

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Khai2000 In reply to DrSGrowth [2019-04-28 15:36:22 +0000 UTC]

I afraid he would block someone if they tried to gave a criticism.

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ValorRally [2019-01-11 16:20:19 +0000 UTC]

I'm surprised that I haven't done this sooner considering I have fav'ed your works before, and now just looking back all that these amazingly deep posts you've featured on scripture based illustrations, goodness... its all just truly stunning and awesomely done, God bless you and by all means keep up the great work, AND consider this watch as a token of my support!! :"D

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alexpixels In reply to ValorRally [2019-01-23 21:02:53 +0000 UTC]

nothing problem lol


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WhiteVolt [2019-01-10 02:33:07 +0000 UTC]

Thank you for the favorite!

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alexpixels In reply to WhiteVolt [2019-01-23 21:03:06 +0000 UTC]


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DragonGirlLezlie [2019-01-01 01:33:31 +0000 UTC]

Oh hey! Thanks for the watch fam!
You’re art is beautifully made and really spreads God’s Word!

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alexpixels In reply to DragonGirlLezlie [2019-01-01 01:43:07 +0000 UTC]

thank you God of Israel bless you


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DragonGirlLezlie In reply to alexpixels [2019-01-01 02:27:59 +0000 UTC]


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uncledon [2018-12-09 12:36:27 +0000 UTC]

This type of intolerant remarks demonstrates only that because you believe magic as stated clearly in an ancient, primitive, barbaric Bronze Age text is real you have closed your mind to reason and civil discourse. Instead you imagine that because you do believe in said magical mythology that cannot be demonstrated to be real just asserted by people like you that it is when no actual evidence exists supporting that delusion that you cannot possibly be wrong which by definition is fanaticism and narcissism.

You can close your mind to reality all that you care to however your mythology is slowly and continuously fading into irrelevance in the west as more and more people find it to be of no real value in their lives. And that despite the petty and pathetic threats people like you try to use as a club against those who do not swallow your myth of eternal punishment for a finite crime. That crime being using the intellect that your alleged ‘god’ is claimed to have gifted humanity with rather than accepting on blind faith, which is really gullibility, a nonsensical and irrational set of myths that can only be asserted but never shown to be real.

Just to set the record straight that regardless of your opinion on the matter or your assertion that your invisible magical friend does like the idea more and more nations around the world are in fact setting aside your primitive ideology to grant people equal rights in all matters. The more telling aspect is that in the primitive culture when you book of mythology was set down this alleged ‘god’ wiped out entire generations, destroyed whole cities with a snap of its fingers and spoke directly to many people and showed itself to whole nations. Yet today the best it can do it seems is appears on a slice of toast or the hair on a dogs butt being totally powerless to do anything at all to enforce its will. Instead your ‘god creature’ seems to be afraid to show itself relying on the feeble and pitiful excuses made by people like you while you ignore these facts as stated in your magic book.

That is sad but it shows that the best rational answer if that this supernatural phantom exists only in your imagination.

Zealots such as you seem to take pride of place in being narrow and close minded using a barbaric book of fable, legends and myths that have almost no association with objective reality as the excuse for what they really are which is bigots. What makes your type of religiously motivated neo-fascism all the more egregious is that when confronted by the same sort of bigotry aimed in your direction you type screams bloody murder demanding that you be protected and your rights assured. That is called hypocrisy and is another in the list of real character faults that christian fanatics like you suffer from yet try to smile and falsely claim ‘oh it’s not me but that god delusion I want to pretend is real show says that I’m right’.


And yes I also am slightly closed minded as I have no interest in hearing the self-righteous, supercilious, self-obsessed, pompous BS of a deluded, christian who wants the world to grant his right to free expression but who will openly declare that they will never give the time of day to anyone else’s ideas.

So I am blocking you to remove your ability to reply but you are free to talking to yourself pretending that there’s a ‘god’ on the other end of the magical party line.

👍: 1 ⏩: 2

DigiTomGirl In reply to uncledon [2019-02-22 03:41:20 +0000 UTC]

I'm not usually the one to "white knight" but I gotta say, I love how you are the exact stereotypical personification of a liberal Christian hater accusing people of hate yet you are full of hatred yourself.
The saddest thing about all of this is that you're such a petulant and an idiotic piece of shit that you actively go out of your way to suck cock just in order to morally justify yourself.

But unlike gatekeepers you actually have the balls to engage in an argument and try to take the morally superior high ground, thinking you have experience knowing what's it like being an actual homosexual or bisexual outcast in society. Going out of you way to "lecture" people with something you wanna wipe your ass with. Tumblr is the source of filthy gay-wannabe characterless cunts like you.

Absolutely disgusting.

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DesertFox088 In reply to DigiTomGirl [2019-05-18 13:21:06 +0000 UTC]

Ironic as it's his position that is clouded in ignorance and close mindedness.

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AndrewDent In reply to uncledon [2019-01-24 00:28:32 +0000 UTC]

Technically, the Bible isn't a Bronze Age text. Scholars have theorized that its earliest texts date to the 6th century BC, which would've been centuries after the conclusion/collapse of the Bronze Age.

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kiniu8102 [2018-07-21 17:51:18 +0000 UTC]

Thnx for fav

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ServantofJesus [2018-07-10 15:17:41 +0000 UTC]

merci beaucoup pour le favori là-bas (if Google Translate said it right!)

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alexpixels In reply to ServantofJesus [2018-07-29 18:15:27 +0000 UTC]

de rien, au moins c'est gentil de répondre dans ma langue sa me change lol

Gloire Au Seigneur  

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Mad-Hatter-Returns [2018-06-30 06:01:02 +0000 UTC]

as well as this:


and this:


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alexpixels In reply to Mad-Hatter-Returns [2018-07-05 18:01:44 +0000 UTC]

it's not worth it, trying to convince me
You made your choice, me too

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Mad-Hatter-Returns In reply to alexpixels [2018-07-05 18:36:51 +0000 UTC]

Well then take a look at THIS!!!


this website proves how dirty the hands of Christianity are from pedophilia to the bloody crusades to the fact that it's taken from other religions and not original and don't give me that shoulder shrug picture

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alexpixels In reply to Mad-Hatter-Returns [2018-07-29 18:48:23 +0000 UTC]

It's your opinion
it's up to you,  

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Mad-Hatter-Returns [2018-06-30 05:52:38 +0000 UTC]

Hello, listen I'm sorry for trying to break your faith but I really do think hating gay people is not the way to go. All they want is to love a person of age and consent and not be monstercised by humanity. 

Take a look at this video:


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alexpixels In reply to Mad-Hatter-Returns [2018-07-05 17:55:35 +0000 UTC]

Hello, you can try but it's lost in advance.

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uncledon In reply to alexpixels [2018-12-09 12:36:06 +0000 UTC]

This type of remark demonstrates only that because you believe magic as stated clearly in an ancient, primitive, barbaric Bronze Age text is real you have closed your mind to reason and civil discourse. Instead you imagine that because you do believe in said magical mythology that cannot be demonstrated to be real just asserted by people like you that it is when no actual evidence exists supporting that delusion that you cannot possibly be wrong which by definition is fanaticism and narcissism.

You can close your mind to reality all that you care to however your mythology is slowly and continuously fading into irrelevance in the west as more and more people find it to be of no real value in their lives. And that despite the petty and pathetic threats people like you try to use as a club against those who do not swallow your myth of eternal punishment for a finite crime. That crime being using the intellect that your alleged ‘god’ is claimed to have gifted humanity with rather than accepting on blind faith, which is really gullibility, a nonsensical and irrational set of myths that can only be asserted but never shown to be real.

Just to set the record straight that regardless of your opinion on the matter or your assertion that your invisible magical friend does like the idea more and more nations around the world are in fact setting aside your primitive ideology to grant people equal rights in all matters. The more telling aspect is that in the primitive culture when you book of mythology was set down this alleged ‘god’ wiped out entire generations, destroyed whole cities with a snap of its fingers and spoke directly to many people and showed itself to whole nations. Yet today the best it can do it seems is appears on a slice of toast or the hair on a dogs butt being totally powerless to do anything at all to enforce its will. Instead your ‘god creature’ seems to be afraid to show itself relying on the feeble and pitiful excuses made by people like you while you ignore these facts as stated in your magic book.

That is sad but it shows that the best rational answer if that this supernatural phantom exists only in your imagination.

Zealots such as you seem to take pride of place in being narrow and close minded using a barbaric book of fable, legends and myths that have almost no association with objective reality as the excuse for what they really are which is bigots. What makes your type of religiously motivated neo-fascism all the more egregious is that when confronted by the same sort of bigotry aimed in your direction you type screams bloody murder demanding that you be protected and your rights assured. That is called hypocrisy and is another in the list of real character faults that christian fanatics like you suffer from yet try to smile and falsely claim ‘oh it’s not me but that god delusion I want to pretend is real show says that I’m right’.


And yes I also am slightly closed minded as I have no interest in hearing the self-righteous, supercilious, self-obsessed, pompous BS of a deluded, christian who wants the world to grant his right to free expression but who will openly declare that they will never give the time of day to anyone else’s ideas.

So I am blocking you to remove your ability to reply but you are free to talking to yourself pretending that there’s a ‘god’ on the other end of the magical party line.

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Sparklecat16 In reply to uncledon [2020-01-19 21:36:02 +0000 UTC]

Stop copying and pasting comments ghfthd-

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E-Ocasio [2018-06-10 16:21:16 +0000 UTC]

Your art is very original. I enjoyed looking at your gallery and favorited many, have a llama badge.

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alexpixels In reply to E-Ocasio [2018-07-05 18:02:58 +0000 UTC]

and thank you for the support, Glory to the Lord Jesus without whom it would not have been possible.
But what is a llama badge? ^^

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BrentdyeDragon [2018-06-05 18:01:55 +0000 UTC]

Alexpixels we got an problem conspiracy theorists think California ban on the bible.

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alexpixels In reply to BrentdyeDragon [2018-07-05 18:03:37 +0000 UTC]

really? What is this?

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BrentdyeDragon In reply to alexpixels [2018-07-05 20:09:09 +0000 UTC]

Yeah when someone stand against homosexuality.

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Xxwhitewolf-lonerxX [2018-04-25 20:40:01 +0000 UTC]

i love your page, it's very lovely and full of meaning
i my self know that. c:

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alexpixels In reply to Xxwhitewolf-lonerxX [2018-05-08 19:41:43 +0000 UTC]

thank you my friend  , happy to see that the Word of God touches you
besides, all the Glory Come back to him, it is thanks to him that his drawings were made

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Justin1029 [2018-03-28 15:49:45 +0000 UTC]

Hello there! Do you happen to have the full series of Jesus' betrayal and crucifixion? This Friday is already Good Friday, and it'd be appreciated if you do happen to have such moments from Mark's Gospel. Thanks!

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