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| agrajagthetesty

agrajagthetesty [4975232] [] "Also known as the Biromeister."

# Statistics

Favourites: 886; Deviations: 124; Watchers: 55

Watching: 73; Pageviews: 23739; Comments Made: 6036; Friends: 73

# Comments

Comments: 443

womanTENSAIinathens [2012-07-26 20:10:17 +0000 UTC]

thank you for llama!

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Pan-Zareta [2011-10-10 00:36:40 +0000 UTC]

Happy almost birthday!

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agrajagthetesty In reply to Pan-Zareta [2011-10-11 23:23:43 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!

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hiramiInuzuka [2011-07-11 21:57:50 +0000 UTC]

Heh, this picture has little relativity to the first drabble in Sunlight... But it stuck.


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thetinylittlepixie [2011-07-09 00:45:35 +0000 UTC]

Very excited that the Fic of Doom is up, that's my weekend reading sorted.

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agrajagthetesty In reply to thetinylittlepixie [2011-07-09 01:19:36 +0000 UTC]


I really hope you enjoy it, it's been rather an epic journey for me. I might not be able to reply very soon if you comment, since I'm leaving to go on holiday tomorrow, but I'm excited to find out what you think.

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thetinylittlepixie In reply to agrajagthetesty [2011-07-09 21:16:19 +0000 UTC]

Ooo, have fun on holiday! Where are you going?

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agrajagthetesty In reply to thetinylittlepixie [2011-07-09 23:26:28 +0000 UTC]

Just to Norfolk, lol. XD But hopefully it'll be good!

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thetinylittlepixie In reply to agrajagthetesty [2011-07-10 02:06:10 +0000 UTC]

Ah, I went to Norfolk the other day on an epic beach dog walk. Good times. I'm sure you'll have a blast.

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mattsukun27413 [2010-10-10 21:45:14 +0000 UTC]

Happy birthday! *gives llama*

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agrajagthetesty In reply to mattsukun27413 [2010-10-10 22:38:24 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!

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mattsukun27413 In reply to agrajagthetesty [2010-10-11 00:03:01 +0000 UTC]

You're very welcome, hun!

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Pan-Zareta [2010-10-06 23:06:17 +0000 UTC]

Happy birthday! Your fanfiction rules!

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agrajagthetesty In reply to Pan-Zareta [2010-10-07 18:01:33 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much! I'm so grateful to you for continuing to read and generally being so supportive. You're actually a little early, too, which makes me feel loved. XD

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Sandfur17 [2010-09-21 21:08:19 +0000 UTC]

can i give you an avatar request? Can you do an FMA Avatar spam 15? i want one with Winry working on eds arm with ed looking over her shoulder...i think thats like, episode 6 or something? check it out plz

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agrajagthetesty In reply to Sandfur17 [2010-09-21 21:22:55 +0000 UTC]

That would be FMA: Brotherhood, right? I can do that, but it may take a while since I need to get hold of the episode. It might also be hard to see what's going on in the final avatar, since that's quite a complex image and the avatar dimensions here are so small. If both of those things are okay with you, then sure, I don't mind.

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Sandfur17 In reply to agrajagthetesty [2010-09-21 21:29:04 +0000 UTC]

YAY! its fine with me~ Thank you!

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agrajagthetesty In reply to Sandfur17 [2010-09-23 19:27:48 +0000 UTC]

Okay, I'm working on it, but it's really practically impossible to make sense of the image when it's this small. I could still maybe make it into a 100x100 avatar (i.e. twice the size of the ones we use here) which would be usable on LJ and probably most forums and things. Or would you rather I cut the image so that only one of them is in it? A 50x50 avatar of just Winry or just Ed from that scene might still work. Sorry, I just don't see any way of making a DA-compatible avatar with both of them in it.

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Sandfur17 In reply to agrajagthetesty [2010-09-23 21:45:30 +0000 UTC]

Hm...I thought it was rather funy when Ed was leaning over her shoulder saying: Is it done yet? No. XD But thats ok....hmmmm..*thinks*.

Try to make it smaller so that it can have both of them in it. Try hard!~

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agrajagthetesty In reply to Sandfur17 [2010-09-23 22:18:22 +0000 UTC]

Okay, I don't really want to upload it to my gallery, but what do you think of this ? I had to cut quite a lot out and it's still a little cluttered for my tastes, but maybe it works for you?

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Sandfur17 In reply to agrajagthetesty [2010-09-24 02:37:32 +0000 UTC]

ITS PERFECT!!! I love it so much!! ThankyouThankyouThankyou thats EXACTLY what i wanted!!

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agrajagthetesty In reply to Sandfur17 [2010-09-24 20:44:29 +0000 UTC]

Sure thing! I'm glad you like it!

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Sandfur17 In reply to agrajagthetesty [2010-09-27 23:35:45 +0000 UTC]


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Arcaenia [2010-08-23 22:03:29 +0000 UTC]

Hi, I thought I'd stop by to register a somewhat mixed compliment: I love your writing so so much, but now the other fanfics I read seem terrible in comparison. I'm trying to be good about reviewing, so would you please pretty please keep on writing?

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agrajagthetesty In reply to Arcaenia [2010-08-23 22:43:01 +0000 UTC]

That is not a mixed compliment! That is an amazing compliment! Thank you so much!

I was always planning to keep writing, and have in fact been quite busy with it lately - new fandom, and all. That said, I have been pretty lazy with my uploading. I'll get right on that, ma'am.

You are being very good with reviewing. Thank you for taking the time, sweetie; I really appreciate every single (thoughtful, blush-inducing) comment.

Incidentally, if you're looking for good fic, I might be able to throw a few recs your way. I read a hell of a lot of fic these days, so if you let me know which fandom/genre/pairing/character you're interested in, hopefully there'll be something I can recommend. :3

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Arcaenia In reply to agrajagthetesty [2010-08-23 23:00:26 +0000 UTC]

I'm glad it came out better than "Write, bitch! Now!" XD After I published the comment, it occured to me that you might not be able to stop writing, just as I couldn't give up drawing, but I thought I'd float it past you anyway. I know you appreciate the reviews, and I love taking the time.

I would love some recommendations for fics! I'm in a Hetalia mood at the moment, so anything would go from there. Thank you!

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agrajagthetesty In reply to Arcaenia [2010-08-23 23:43:41 +0000 UTC]

Hell, I'd take that as a compliment too, since it still shows that you enjoy my stuff. But really, you're far too polite for that.

And yes, exactly that. Sometimes I think I ought to give it a rest because I have other stuff to do, but I just don't feel good when I'm not writing. (That, and my brain starts to stretch at the seams with everything that I haven't put on paper.)

Awesomepies. I'll get started on a proper selection at some point, but since it's gone midnight and I have an absolute shiton of stuff to choose from, you'll have to make do with this for now. It's very well-written, though, and we were just talking about GerIta so it seems appropriate.

Please don't hesitate to give me more specific pointers. I have read way too many fics, and thus have way too many good things to recommend. Which pairings are your favourites? Do you like fluff? Crack? Serious, dark-themed stories? AUs? Is adult content okay by you? Throw me a bone, please, I'm not joking when I say that I have SO MUCH stuff to choose from. ;_;

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Arcaenia In reply to agrajagthetesty [2010-08-24 11:48:40 +0000 UTC]

Thank you for the link! Here are the bones: Fluff is always great, I'm not so keen on crack, adult content is fine as long as it's consenting (I'm not saying you'd read rape stories, but I just wanted to make sure). Uh...I'm not too sure about dark-themed stories, so maybe some of the milder ones. And AUs are a turn-off in fic terms for me. Does that help?

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agrajagthetesty In reply to Arcaenia [2010-08-24 13:33:50 +0000 UTC]

That helps a lot! Thank you! I'm going to assume that you're okay with humour in general, but I'll try to avoid the crazier stuff. And I suppose I'll just throw a bunch of pairings at you, see what you like. (Some of the pairings won't make sense if you haven't read the whole series yet, but hey ho.)

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Maru-Light [2010-07-22 03:49:07 +0000 UTC]

Whyyyyyyyy am I not watching you?

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agrajagthetesty In reply to Maru-Light [2010-08-04 15:58:53 +0000 UTC]

You know, I actually didn't expect you to. But thanks a lot for adding me! (And sorry for the late reply and the lack of comments recently; I've been on holiday. )

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scarlet-fever666 [2010-07-03 14:25:22 +0000 UTC]

I appear to have drawn Al with no clothes on. I honestly didn't mean to and I'm not sure how it happened.

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agrajagthetesty In reply to scarlet-fever666 [2010-07-03 20:37:01 +0000 UTC]

Oh Ellie. Shine on, you crazy diamond.

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thetinylittlepixie [2010-06-30 17:02:44 +0000 UTC]

Yo yo yo, I'm about to upload my fic on dA. How do you get it to have a nice layout like yours? I'm using the text option for uploading, but it's not showing the bold. ): And how to I get it to go "by ...." right underneath the title? /n00b

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agrajagthetesty In reply to thetinylittlepixie [2010-06-30 17:17:08 +0000 UTC]

You use html tags to alter the text. If you put a set of angle brackets <> with a b in the middle, the text after that will be in bold. Another set <> containing a /b removes the bold. And in case you ever want italics, that's the same but with a letter i. Everything will happen automatically, you don't need any wizardry to get it to go "by" and with your name. Although I think it's nice to have an author tag (mine is that tiny picture of my face), which is just any image in the dimensions they ask for (I forget). You can upload that when it asks you for a preview picture.

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thetinylittlepixie In reply to agrajagthetesty [2010-06-30 17:49:13 +0000 UTC]

Thank you, m'dear. I just realized that the title of the fic is automatically shown at the top, I was just being stupid.

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Tenwood [2010-06-23 23:32:27 +0000 UTC]

Agra, I'm sorry to tell you this but I'm afraid I'm going to have to leave #melloxlight as co-founder since it isn't really active anymore. I'm really sorry, I hope you understand.

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agrajagthetesty In reply to Tenwood [2010-06-24 12:27:21 +0000 UTC]

That's fine, I understand. I'm going to keep handling whatever messages do come in but I doubt it's going to become massively active at any point. Thanks for all your help!

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Tenwood In reply to agrajagthetesty [2010-06-25 01:21:44 +0000 UTC]

Thank you. You're the best.

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kaiser-mony [2010-06-02 21:50:44 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for the fav :D

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agrajagthetesty In reply to kaiser-mony [2010-06-02 22:45:24 +0000 UTC]

Sure thing!

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cersseilanner [2010-05-16 18:20:47 +0000 UTC]

Thank you for the fave on my Death Note artwork. Glad you liked it.

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agrajagthetesty In reply to cersseilanner [2010-05-16 19:04:48 +0000 UTC]

You are very welcome.

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Crystal-Alchemist-87 [2010-04-18 17:41:50 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much for ! *w*

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Gilligan-Stamps [2010-04-01 12:41:16 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for the favourite C:

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agrajagthetesty In reply to Gilligan-Stamps [2010-04-01 13:35:12 +0000 UTC]

Any time!

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anda-chan [2010-02-26 01:43:13 +0000 UTC]

Just saw your latest Redeemer reviews and Maru and I have come to an all too immediate conclusion: You are in so much trouble with 2B.

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agrajagthetesty In reply to anda-chan [2010-02-26 19:05:16 +0000 UTC]

You know what? I figured. How could I not be? I'm already pretty nervous about it, but I really ought to conquer my fear, so I will soldier on regardless.

And I may as well ask you this now: I've been meaning to make a couple of little tribute-type things for you and Maru, but it would involve using some of your photos (with all credit to you, of course). Just wanted to make sure that you both were okay with it.

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anda-chan In reply to agrajagthetesty [2010-02-26 19:08:52 +0000 UTC]

Skimming a couple of scenes might be necessary. There is some gore involved (that's a given).

Aw, of course we're ok with it. We've had a couple of people do tributes for us before. We're totally cool with it. Thank you for asking, though~

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agrajagthetesty In reply to anda-chan [2010-02-26 19:23:39 +0000 UTC]

I'd rather not skim, but we will have to see how it goes. I'll be pitting my stomach against my mind here, haha. And yeah, really bad with gore... really bad with B... not good news for me, I daresay.

Ok, well I know you've had problems with people stealing your images and so on, so I wanted to make absolutely certain before doing it.

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