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| aJVL

# Statistics
Favourites: 1125; Deviations: 125; Watchers: 10142
Watching: 99; Pageviews: 272616; Comments Made: 2173; Friends: 99
# Comments
Comments: 773
snowzoriole [2021-09-20 11:34:51 +0000 UTC]
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CatherineUrbano [2019-08-11 09:48:04 +0000 UTC]
Hi! I'm like your art too
Because I love Equestria Girls Arts
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pixelsbymarley [2019-07-16 17:03:24 +0000 UTC]
Hi, I just wanted to compliment you on your art!!! Amazing work!!!
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Kryptalyx [2019-06-10 00:22:57 +0000 UTC]
You're receiving this message in the case you haven't been notified of the Art Feature I featured you in within the past 2 weeks. One of your artworks has been chosen to be featured in Art Exhibition, Volume 4. With both an outstanding personality and eye for art, I hope you enjoy reading the feature as much as I loved making it .
You can find the feature below:
Art Exhibition: Vol 4.
Hello, fellow artists! Welcome to Volume 4 of Art Exhibition (AE).
AE is a non-profit project solely run by Kellsyy to promote various artistic abilities. Each Volume will feature 55 unique artworks from all categories including Poetry, Traditional, Digital, Anime/Manga, and Animation.
This Feature comprises of 5 primary initiatives, each aiming to help other artists gain praise/feedback from other Deviants. Each Volume is published bi-weekly on Sundays around 8 PM EST.
With that being said, enjoy!
AE 1: Project 10,000.
Project 10,000 aims to showcase 10 Deviations that should have 10,000+ views. This can be based on the artwork's originality and/or the story/emotion behind the art piece. Hand-picked by Kellsyy herself, these artworks show excelling talent.
Remember to support these art pieces wit
Stay awesome! I hope you continue to make more art.
- Kellsyy .
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Bietra [2019-06-01 21:55:59 +0000 UTC]
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Skobeloff [2019-05-04 16:30:00 +0000 UTC]
I really love your artstyle - keep up the great work!
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RainDominant In reply to christeam122 [2022-04-21 21:33:13 +0000 UTC]
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DingoPatagonico [2019-01-25 00:13:09 +0000 UTC]
I just found your wonderfull art. Watched you in a microsecond xD
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PeterKmiecik [2018-07-16 15:27:40 +0000 UTC]
Insta watch ! Your gallery is full of amazing enviroments and stylish works ! and here's an LLama for you, really appreciate Your work
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xNickTheBestx [2018-06-12 11:07:51 +0000 UTC]
i gotta say, i had to give you a watch. i might be pretty new to the brony fanbase, since i've only been around for a year, but i've seen a lotta great content this fanbase has, and yours are some of the best! keep up the great work!
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guessgod [2017-10-18 13:35:44 +0000 UTC]
hello Aeron you do have any social network accounts in where can talk a bit with you if you are free ? btw your artworks are inspiring such great choice of color sand composition ! damn man
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simpson92 [2017-10-12 04:13:42 +0000 UTC]
You art style is MIND BLOWING. You create the best ever made.
Love your work
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ADONOLAM777 [2017-09-29 04:14:28 +0000 UTC]
wow, your art is so amazing, beautiful and wonderful, everytime i see your paintings, i feel something in my heart, and it makes my day.
keep the good work, you have an incredible talent.
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aJVL In reply to ADONOLAM777 [2017-10-08 17:16:10 +0000 UTC]
Thank you for the compliment! Glad that I can brighten your day!
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JohnNat852 [2017-08-05 20:48:58 +0000 UTC]
Your art is quite amazing. I can sense the spirit in some pieces and let me say that it brings a great smile!
The enticing collection of your art, with your ever-satisfying style and artistic grace...
T’is simply an opinion, but I like very much, Aeron!
Keep it up! ^ v^ !!!
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aJVL In reply to ChickenBrony [2017-08-01 14:36:07 +0000 UTC]
Had to translate that. haha
Thank you for the compliment!
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justfuckyouup In reply to ChickenBrony [2017-06-29 18:57:15 +0000 UTC]
Гугл тоже будет покорен этой фразой
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CartoonMetalWarrior [2017-05-26 02:24:06 +0000 UTC]
Figure I'd say it here rather on each individual pieces. Those matte paintings you've uploaded recently are absolutely gorgeous!
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aJVL In reply to CartoonMetalWarrior [2017-06-16 02:13:34 +0000 UTC]
Thank you for the compliment!
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RtDK [2017-04-22 20:51:00 +0000 UTC]
Do you typically announce before you open your commission slots?
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aJVL In reply to RtDK [2017-06-16 02:14:15 +0000 UTC]
Mmm, so far I have no plans yet. Sorry!
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eggy-mango [2017-02-13 06:07:19 +0000 UTC]
decided to stop by and say this-
Seriously, your art is great. You deserve every last watch, man, and you've got mine
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aJVL In reply to eggy-mango [2017-06-16 02:14:38 +0000 UTC]
Haha, thank you! Glad that you like them!
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aJVL In reply to MysteryRedux [2017-02-05 18:43:36 +0000 UTC]
Thank you! I'm really surprised because I have not been keeping track of it.
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MysteryRedux In reply to aJVL [2017-02-05 18:45:22 +0000 UTC]
Your welcome!!! 8023 is a B I G number!!
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knightr33 [2016-12-25 06:19:14 +0000 UTC]
May any worries and burdens be left or eased with the passing of this year and i wish you and those you a care best wishes for the coming year.
Happy holidays & Happy New Year.
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thew40 [2016-11-16 16:40:48 +0000 UTC]
I love your artwork! I'm not a big MLP but it's just amazing!
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AplReach [2016-11-15 01:17:00 +0000 UTC]
Love your Sunny art. Any hope to see a pic of her with Twilie?
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aJVL In reply to AplReach [2017-02-05 18:44:43 +0000 UTC]
mmmm maybe? I have one but its not really good. I will probably do another one.
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AplReach In reply to aJVL [2017-02-05 19:17:06 +0000 UTC]
Better be a pony Twilight in human form next time
I hate to admit it, but your latest pic with...the other one is pretty well done.
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NightFuryYoshi64 [2016-10-05 06:16:29 +0000 UTC]
Your backgrounds are inspirational! Continue to have that imagination!
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ihateBUTTERFLYS [2016-07-20 22:22:55 +0000 UTC]
(This gallery is really amazing !! ) Hii I 'm Sam , I doing an RPG Maker game based on MLP and I really wanted you to do an art reactions Pinkie and Applejack(joy, sadness, angry etc..) !! Please , I might even pay XD
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elikapika [2016-05-28 06:24:12 +0000 UTC]
You need more watchers, your art is really amazing : D
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genuinetim [2016-05-25 16:41:20 +0000 UTC]
I love all your artworks! You have a really nice style) keep on ponying and greetings from Russia!
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WH1T3F4N6 [2016-05-20 15:59:13 +0000 UTC]
I'm currently studying in 3dsense Media School under the Diploma in Digital Design course being taught by concept artist and illustrator masters like Artgerm, Derrick Song, Kunkka, Ukitakumaki and Cong Yeo. So far it's been a wonderful journey, learning the fundamentals (etc. anatomy, perspective, digital rendering, zbrush, maya, etc. etc.) and I enjoy working here every day.
I recently heard you're studying in FZD, do you mind if I ask you a few questions?
1. Does FZD have any foundation-building subjects? Do they teach fundamentals like anatomy and perspective? If not, then what do they teach? Because I heard that people accepted into FZD actually came from strong foundational backgrounds if that's the case?
2. Does FZD have any assignments/projects revolving around character design? Because even though the rumors spread about FZD are the fact they do mostly environments and mechs, I still see multiple character and creature art on their website gallery.
3. What is the environment in FZD like? I heard that place has a lot of politics where judgement and competition is strong among peers, emotionally stressful with the lack of compassion and empathy for anyone struggling or weak, is it true?
4. How has it affect your life in general? Do you have time to... IDK, sleep? Has your work improved overtime? Did FZD benefit you in anyway?
5. From a hobby artist (3 years drawing and painting digitally) I am going through the 1 year course (and maybe 6 months more through an apprenticeship diploma) before moving on in life. Do you recommend I attend FZD after I build up my foundation in 3dsense? Or do you suppose I start working in the industry afterwards and then FZD?
I apologize for the rather lengthy and curious message, because I'm very curious about FZD because I'm interested in anything of concept art - like I really want a lifetime-long career as a concept artist in the games industry badly, it doesn't matter whether or not the risks to building up my foundation and skills for a battle-ready portfolio can cost money and life, I'm already working through 3dsense over sleepless nights trying to finish assignments till they're not only complete, but also meeting standards the entertainment industry would want.
I work very hard and I am very thick-skinned in terms of accepting constructive criticism from my lecturers and fellow friends because being a concept artist means the world to me. I hope you yourself can provide me with as much information as possible about the school so that I can consider further whether or not if I should take the chance.
Hope to hear from you soon. You have awesome works BTW.
P.S. I too am a brony. A Fluttershy fan too. I hope that we'll be on good terms and add each other of social media too!
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aJVL In reply to DrunkEIF [2016-05-01 19:25:14 +0000 UTC]
Thank you for the kind compliment!
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RazgrizS57 [2016-03-28 07:26:23 +0000 UTC]
I absolutely love your art style and especially how you're able to weave together a setting. In fact I've been using your "Path to Canterlot" piece as a desktop wallpaper for years. I don't know why I haven't followed you yet. I hope to see more from you and maybe take a commission you sometime. Take care and keep up the good work! ^_^
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aJVL In reply to RazgrizS57 [2016-05-01 19:26:55 +0000 UTC]
Sorry for the late response.
Thanks, and I'm so honored to hear that. I do love painting environment most of the time, and I'm glad that you like it.
Unfortunately, I'm unable to open commission anytime soon.
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priyan26 [2016-03-05 06:01:13 +0000 UTC]
your icon is very funny and your art style is amazing!watched!
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aJVL In reply to priyan26 [2016-05-01 19:28:16 +0000 UTC]
Sorry for the late response.
Haha, I think I made this almost 4 years ago when I first joined dA to post some MLP fan-art. Never thought I'm actually still doing it now.
Thanks! I'm glad you like them.
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