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# Statistics
Favourites: 15; Deviations: 29; Watchers: 26
Watching: 27; Pageviews: 4895; Comments Made: 140; Friends: 27
# Comments
Comments: 65
danielhudson560 [2020-05-14 21:45:25 +0000 UTC]
Hi I hope your well. i just wanted to say i hope you have a awesome birthday so i just want to say this. but i did not know what else to say. but i wanted to wish you a great birthday,
i wish you a very Happy birthday I hope you get every thing you want and would like. I hope your well. I hope your friends and family will remember this very special day of your birth. I hope your in good health and have a merry spirits. I wish you a joyful day and I hope your day goes well and enjoy it to the full max. I look forward to hearing all about it soon. I hope your well too., Bye for now from DANNY
ps. All so have a nice weekend and a nice day and relaxing evening I hope your Christmas went well. i hope it was good one to remember. i hope you enjoyed 2018 i wish you a awesome Happy new year. To you. I wish you all the best for and all of 19 and beyond I wish you the best for the future have a nice winter too. and i hope you did enjoyed your Halloween if your into that sort of thing I am totally in lol i hope you had a very nice valentines and i hope the family is well. i also hope you had a nice Easter too. and a nice summer as well as a good fall. i hope you have a awesome end of 2019 and i hope it goes brilliant for you 2018 was a bit of disappointment for me so i hope 2019 will be the best yet i hope your xmas for 2020 and the new year to come will be a good one still if not the best or better than 2019. and i hope it goes great. have a great day have a nice day and nice evening and nice weekend thanks again best wishes and high regards danny
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danielhudson560 [2019-05-14 21:49:24 +0000 UTC]
hi I hope your well. i just wanted to say i hope you have a awesome birthday so i just want to say this. but i did not know what else to say. but i wanted to wish you a great birthday,
i wish you a very Happy birthday I hope you get every thing you want and would like. I hope your well. I hope your friends and family will remember this very special day of your birth. I hope your in good health and have a merry spirits. I wish you a joyful day and I hope your day goes well and enjoy it to the full max. I look forward to hearing all about it soon. I hope your well too., Bye for now from DANNY
ps. All so have a nice weekend and a nice day and relaxing evening I hope your Christmas went well. i hope it was good one to remember. i hope you enjoyed 2018 i wish you a awesome Happy new year. To you. I wish you all the best for and all of 19 and beyond I wish you the best for the future have a nice winter too. and i hope you did enjoyed your Halloween if your into that sort of thing I am totally in lol i hope you had a very nice valentines and i hope the family is well. i also hope you have a nice Easter too. and a nice summer as well as a good fall. i hope you have a awesome end of 2019 and i hope it goes brilliant for you 2018 was a bit of disappointment for me so i hope 2019 will be the best yet and i hope it goes great. have a great day have a nice day and nice evening and nice weekend thanks again best wishes and high regards danny
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danielhudson560 [2018-05-14 20:50:29 +0000 UTC]
Happy birthday I hope you get every thing you want and would like. I hope your well. I hope your friends and family will remember this very speical day of your birth. I hope your in good health and have a merry spirits. I wish you a joyful day and I hope your day goes well and enjoy it to the full max. I look forward to hearing all about it soon. I hope your well too., Bye for now from DANNY
ps. All so have a nice weekend and a nice day and relaxing evening I hope your Christmas goes well as well as a good one. i hope you enjoyed 2017 i wish you a awesome Happy new year. To you. I wish you all the best for and all of 16 and beyond I wish you the best for the future have a nice winter too. and i hope you did enjoyed your Halloween if your into that sort of thing I am totally in lol i hope you had a nice valentines and i hope the family is well. did you had a nice easter too. and a nice summer as well as a good fall. i hope you have a awesome 2018 and great day danny
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danielhudson560 [2017-05-14 20:47:37 +0000 UTC]
happy birthday I hope you get every thing you want and would like. I hope your well. I hope your friends and family will remember this very speical day of your birth. I hope your in good health and have a merry spirits. I wish you a joyful day and I hope your day goes well and enjoy it to the full max. I look forward to hearing all about it soon. I hope your well too., Bye for now from DANNY
ps. All so have a nice weekend and a nice day and relaxing evening I hope your Christmas goes well as well as a good one. i hope you enjoyed 2016 i wish you a awesome Happy new year. To you. I wish you all the best for and all of 16 and beyond I wish you the best for the future have a nice winter too. and i hope you did enjoyed your Halloween if your into that sort of thing I am totally in lol i hope you had a nice valentines and i hope the family is well. did you have a nice easter too. and a nice summer as well as a good fall. i hope you have a awesome 2017 and great day danny.
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danielhudson560 [2016-05-14 18:22:05 +0000 UTC]
Happy birthday I hope you get every thing you want and would like. I hope your well. I hope your friends and family will remember this very speical day of your birth. I hope your in good health and merry spirits. I wish you a joyful day and I hope your day goes well and enjoy it to the full max. I look forward to hearing all about it soon. I hope your well too., Bye for now from DANIEL. All so have a nice weekend and a nice evening I hope your Christmas was a good one. And very Happy new year. To you. I wish you all the best for and all of 16 and beyond I wish you the best for the future have a nice winter too. and i hope you did enjoyed your Halloween if your into that sort of thing I am totally in lol i hope you had a nice valentines and i hope the family is well. did you have a nice easter too.
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danielhudson560 [2015-05-14 14:36:04 +0000 UTC]
hi did not now how to say this then what i said but i still wish you all the same but sorry it dose not sound original then the last one. But still have a great happy birthday,
Happy birthday I hope you get every thing you want and would like. I hope your well. I hope your friends and family will remember this very speical day of your birth. I hope your in good health and merry spirits. I wish you a joyful day and I hope your day goes well and enjoy it to the full max. I look forward to hearing all about it soon. I hope your well too., Bye for now from DANIEL. All so have a nice weekend and a nice evening I hope your Christmas was a good one. And very Happy new year. To you. I wish you all the best for and all of 15 and beyond I wish you the best for the future I hope you had a nice easter too speak to you soon.
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danielhudson560 [2014-05-14 13:25:39 +0000 UTC]
Happy birthday I hope you get every thing you want and would like. I hope your well. I hope your friends and family will remember this very speical day of your birth. I hope your in good health and merry spirits. I wish you a joyful day and I hope your day goes well and enjoy it to the full max. I look forward to hearing all about it soon. I hope your well too., Bye for now from DANIEL. All so have a nice weekend and a nice evening I hope your Christmas was a good one. And very Happy new year. To you. I wish you all the best for and all of 14 and beyond I wish you the best for the future.
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danielhudson560 [2013-05-14 15:38:42 +0000 UTC]
Happy birthday I hope you get every thing you want and would like. I hope your well. I hope your friends and family will remember this very speical day of your birth. I hope your in good health and merry spirits. I wish you a joyful day and I hope your day goes well and enjoy it to the full max. I look forward to hearing all about it soon. I hope your well too., Bye for now from DANIEL. All so have a nice weekend and a nice evening
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TheTruthFearLover [2011-12-29 01:27:04 +0000 UTC]
Que caraj...!?
No me dijiste que tenia deviant .-.
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NecroRodro [2011-05-15 18:07:55 +0000 UTC]
¡Felicidades, has sido taggeado (a)! [link] Checa el "link" para más información.
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isisgm5 [2010-12-02 02:28:26 +0000 UTC]
titi eres un encanto y te quiero mucho<3 atte: anonima.
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Pencil4artists [2010-11-29 22:24:18 +0000 UTC]
puuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuto D:
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GrisandblacK [2010-07-22 18:18:04 +0000 UTC]
Definitivamente ambos necesitamos nuevas fotos xD
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UnluckyNumberXIII [2010-07-09 14:47:24 +0000 UTC]
Welcome to DA and thanks for the watch.
P.S. What was it that made you Watch in the first place?
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Zzzago In reply to UnluckyNumberXIII [2010-07-09 17:46:03 +0000 UTC]
Well, it wasn't the yaoi if thats what you're thinking (:
I liked your... hmmm damn i forgot the english name, in spanish is "ficha de personaje"...well you know the stuff in your adopted folder, did you play RPG's?
Sorry for my bad english... I'm sleepy right now so i'm not putting attention to what i write... sorry
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UnluckyNumberXIII In reply to Zzzago [2010-07-12 05:21:10 +0000 UTC]
No. They were random wolf prints made by and I made literature because I couldn't draw them and then post them. (My scanner is retarded.)It's okay about the bad English because I tend to write really badly when I'm tired as well.
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ArtCrumbss [2010-07-04 08:00:27 +0000 UTC]
! I see you're new here on dA! I hope you enjoy it here! XD
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Anjels26 [2010-06-26 04:17:18 +0000 UTC]
hola!! gracias por el watch estamos viendonos... interesante tu galeria
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Pencil4artists [2010-06-15 17:30:53 +0000 UTC]
haHA! te gustaran las llamas pero la mia esta a punto de vestirse de traje y usar sombrero de copa y monoculo!
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M0Ra60 [2010-06-13 22:35:38 +0000 UTC]
ñaaaaaaaaaaa tu y tu freakin "comentame!!D:"
ahahha ya lo hice se felis y mas te vale q remuevas esa foto mia si no me enojare mucho mucho BFF
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Zzzago In reply to M0Ra60 [2010-06-13 22:36:54 +0000 UTC]
sabes que nunca la voy a quitar pero si quieres le pongo un link a tu pagina principal ^^
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M0Ra60 In reply to Zzzago [2010-06-13 23:18:40 +0000 UTC]
jajaja lo se x dale pontle el link pero aun asi BFFa te fregare
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LuisConZ In reply to M0Ra60 [2010-06-15 07:40:37 +0000 UTC]
nunca la quites, se quedara ahi hasta que el internet sea aniquilado!
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M0Ra60 In reply to LuisConZ [2010-06-15 18:37:09 +0000 UTC]
luis?!?!?! tienes Da?!?!!? eso es nuevo jajaja ahora luis tomara fotos o subira sus MEGA BIZARROS dibujos de la parte de atras de su libreta ooooooo---
escribira sus super kawaii historias que nunk quiere enseñarnos ;D
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LuisConZ In reply to M0Ra60 [2010-06-21 04:38:18 +0000 UTC]
tengo DA dsde hace muuuuuuuucho tiempo, pero hasta hace poco dscubri que san tenia (porque antes no me queria decir el nombre de su cuenta) y no, no voy a subir fotos....
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Zzzago In reply to LuisConZ [2010-06-15 16:47:15 +0000 UTC]
seran las marsopas, las encargadas de eliminar el internet O.o
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mafiaCO [2010-06-07 15:25:37 +0000 UTC]
Vendra una orda de gatos y te comera vivo :3
P.D: soy Anouk
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mafiaCO In reply to Zzzago [2010-06-07 15:28:40 +0000 UTC]
DONDE?! DDD8 *se esconde en una caja* ....owo *se asoma*
ya era hora de que te hicieras una cuenta en DA, todos la tienen, aunque no la utilicen XDD
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Zzzago In reply to mafiaCO [2010-06-07 15:34:59 +0000 UTC]
Yo la uso todo el dia, soy una perra adicta, me llena, es hermoso!
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