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| Zelzephyro
# Statistics
Favourites: 239; Deviations: 35; Watchers: 34
Watching: 25; Pageviews: 8310; Comments Made: 512; Friends: 25
# Comments
Comments: 53
nostalgikannie [2011-06-14 14:01:23 +0000 UTC]
now we both watch each other^^! thank you again !
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Zelzephyro In reply to nostalgikannie [2011-06-15 01:33:59 +0000 UTC]
Yesssssss! Content de te voir sur DA!
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nostalgikannie In reply to Zelzephyro [2011-06-20 03:09:35 +0000 UTC]
Chopin !!! moi aussi !!
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davidmacdowell [2007-11-01 16:13:51 +0000 UTC]
Hey`Thanks for the Fave and kind words Today!~Dave
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Feenster64 [2007-11-01 00:14:46 +0000 UTC]
thanks for the fav and watch your gallery is pretty wild i like it
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Ragamiff [2007-10-25 07:27:20 +0000 UTC]
Thank you so much for the watch, keep up those vectors!
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carolinabarajas [2007-10-24 23:12:23 +0000 UTC]
thank you so much for the fav and watch
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chico2083hood [2007-10-22 23:05:47 +0000 UTC]
Hay thank$ a mill for the add!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
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Ezra-Standish [2007-10-22 19:26:47 +0000 UTC]
Cheers for the watch - wonderful gallery!!
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sch14 [2007-07-15 20:55:24 +0000 UTC]
I love your airbrushing, you must post up some more.
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pablorenauld [2007-07-03 07:57:00 +0000 UTC]
Thank you so much for the on Al Pacino [link]
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phig [2007-06-08 16:31:30 +0000 UTC]
wow you have style there!
keep it up!
by the way, thanks for everything!
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osstral [2007-01-26 08:33:02 +0000 UTC]
Merci pour ces gentils mots zelzephyro. Ca me touche ce que tu m'as dit. Si tu ressens ce genre de sentiments, alors le but est atteint. Je pense qu'il y a beaucoup Γ faire dans le milieu engagΓ© de la bΓͺtise humaine, beaucoup Γ dire, et faire rΓ©agir les gens est un peu du devoir de tous. Il faut savoir Γ©voluer vers plus de respect. Ce sera un sacrΓ© pas de franchi ! Je te dis Γ bientΓ΄t.
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snawmana [2007-01-25 04:59:49 +0000 UTC]
Hi!! I'm the one who thanks you for passing by. And thank you for the compliments. I like your gallery very much!
And probably, new works will come in the future....
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Yamenja [2007-01-22 21:47:10 +0000 UTC]
Hi Mr C - + a belated welcome to dA.
Thanks very much for the :+devwach:. Your gallery looks wonderful, you have some great stuff in it and an interesting range. Nice to see such talent
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RafaelVallaperde [2007-01-15 03:33:03 +0000 UTC]
stuck , like , without any new frelance
thx again
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RafaelVallaperde [2007-01-15 00:11:21 +0000 UTC]
actualy , i am a Industrial Design Studant , and i work in a corporation as senior designer , i used to do a lot of freelances , but i'm kinda stuck now.
thank you for the respect and comments about my gallery , i also apreciate your work.
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