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| Yanagii
# Statistics
Favourites: 71; Deviations: 1; Watchers: 26
Watching: 0; Pageviews: 5161; Comments Made: 710; Friends: 0
# Comments
Comments: 148
what-are-u-lookin-at [2006-12-12 04:18:31 +0000 UTC]
dude its lauren im so sorry i havent called u i havent had my phone fore months so i couldent get youre number (im in nyc by the way) things went kinda rong in my life iv been tryin to get youre num but couldent so i figured i should get an account to get in contact with u masage me back ok and give me youre num so i can call i get free long distance
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Bunny-Mommy [2005-04-20 22:53:14 +0000 UTC]
I will stop flaming for my daughter....but i still think she was wrong to apologize. it's not her fault corey is a sicko. And I apologize for nothing. I meant every word that I said, corey. you are a sick basturd. but....i shut up for nekari. *takes neka's hand and takes her out for ice cream with Hiei, Eliot and shin.* yay! you want strawberry?
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Yanagii [2005-04-18 18:35:01 +0000 UTC]
'sokay. This is the end of the war. Kay? (mommy will get this comment too...) It is a draw and no one wins, or loses. Only comments on art, K everyone...? Let's be grown up a/b this. (THAT coming from me is a big deal....)
Thanks for accepting it BTW, Corey.
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cmanimevids3000 [2005-04-17 02:49:43 +0000 UTC]
Neka... I fully accept your apolgy and no, i hadn;t seen that post, srry about that...
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Yanagii [2005-04-15 19:15:32 +0000 UTC]
kill the falme war! this is an ART site. not a hate site! Both of you STOP IT!!!!!!!!! >_<
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cmanimevids3000 [2005-04-11 19:31:52 +0000 UTC]
ps. I really doubt he'd confirm such an alligation (hence i said alligation, meaning a lie), because he loves me as his brother and wouldn't want anything horrible to happen to me.
Just quit saying shit LeAnn, you not even in this argument.
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Yanagii In reply to cmanimevids3000 [2005-04-15 19:11:31 +0000 UTC]
ACK! Okay no more!!!! It's over!!! Didn't you read my last comment!!!? T^T I'm tired of it too, And I'm sorry to everone, kay? Let's end this...ACK!!
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cmanimevids3000 [2005-04-11 19:29:50 +0000 UTC]
K, first of all, just cause she says, it doesnt mean its proof, and my step-brother is like my best friend... we talk all the time, we hang out when I'm down at my moms, maybe something happened between us, but it certainly wasn't anything like Neka is making it to be... and yeah... the friend you talk to/ have which are like, what, NONE ! Atleast none, I'd ever care of being near, lol ! I don't even talk to people you know, except Caitlin and she's a friend of mine too yah know. Neways... I'm sick of ya'll harrasing me... do it again and I will warn the administator of this site to delete you and make sure you ip addresses can never acess it again ^_^ have a nice day !
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Bunny-Mommy [2005-04-10 19:15:05 +0000 UTC]
ps. YOU FUCKING TOLD NEKA THAT YOU MOLEST YOUR LITTLE BROTHER! DUUUUUUUUH! I'm sure if we asked the poor boy he'd confurm it.
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Yanagii In reply to Bunny-Mommy [2005-04-15 19:12:23 +0000 UTC]
ACK! Okay no more!!!! It's over!!! Didn't you read my last comment!!!? T^T I'm tired of it too, And I'm sorry to everone, kay? Let's end this...ACK!!
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Yanagii In reply to Bunny-Mommy [2005-04-15 19:12:19 +0000 UTC]
ACK! Okay no more!!!! It's over!!! Didn't you read my last comment!!!? T^T I'm tired of it too, And I'm sorry to everone, kay? Let's end this...ACK!!
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Bunny-Mommy [2005-04-10 19:14:07 +0000 UTC]
uhm yo you stupid pedafiler, why did you tell me that like i gave a damn? don't fucking talk to me and don't you ever talk to neka like that again. she has way more friends than you do. nobody likes you. not the people in gsa and certainly not your "friends". everyone who knows you that i talk to says they can't stand your sorry molesting ass. so go die....it'd do every one a huuuuuuuuuuuuuge favor.
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cmanimevids3000 [2005-04-06 04:51:30 +0000 UTC]
You know, I'm sick of yelling and arguing with you... but please just quit saying shit to my friends that you have no proof of, ok ^_^ thnx... blah...
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Yanagii In reply to cmanimevids3000 [2005-04-07 23:21:27 +0000 UTC]
I talk to MY friends, not yours. and yes, Killing myself sounds like something I would do, because it is something I would do, especially because now there are people like you in the world to make me wanna do it all the more. Lori actually never really liked you to begin with, I asked her, but she'd too scared to say anything, even if you asked. And about you having more friends than me...*sighs* the words 'friends'
'aqauintences' 'people that only like you b/c you have something to give them' and 'people you only like because you think they look good and want to rape them' are differnt things, and anyway, how would YOU know how many friends I have? You knew me for a year, I have so many people in my phone book I had to add 6 pages, and i'm pretty sure(since I hate the idea of sex) that I don't like them as fuck-dolls, and I'm pretty sure they like me fine, as you can see from the way they call, write and make me feel better. See? I'm not even yelling. Have a good day, Dansho.
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Yanagii In reply to Yanagii [2005-04-08 03:12:46 +0000 UTC]
Actually....let's just end this. Kay? No more flame war on my page...K? I formally apologize for everything I said, wether it was true or not, is up to everyone else to decide. Please, please, for the sake of the police having to come to your house, just don't call my house, or talk to me. The only thing that doesn't bother me is when you comment on my arts....as long as they're tasteful and not despicable harsh. I know I suck, k? Do I come to your page and remind you how much you suck? No? I don't do that to anyone, so please don't do it to me anymore....As long as you stick to comments, we'll be okay, if you wanna forgive me...You don't have to, b/c you of all ppl should know I don't deserve it...but I have enough on my proverbial plate w/o all this childish nonsense...okay? I just don't want anyone to hurt me anymore...and this useless fight is doing exactly the opposite, so please, just be a commenter(or notthing) and leave me alone....? Please?
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cmanimevids3000 [2005-04-05 05:37:58 +0000 UTC]
Okay, first of all I don;t stalk you, I happen to see you on my way to 4th period and I pass by you in the fucking morning on the way to where I usually sit. That whole calling your house was just for fun, I wanted to see how you;d react and you have no reason to call the police all the shit you say you have no proof of you stupid ass bitch. First of all I never beat you up, I admit I did push you infront of a staircase on the way to 5th everyday but you jumped right back up and I never really ever hurt you... and cheated on you with so-called 'imaginary' chareceters, I admit at the time I did not find them imaginary, but I know they're just a figment of your imagination. I am a little sadistic though, that I admit.
(You know no one likes you, yet you refuse to exept it.)
Neka, now your just pitiful, I have more friends than you will ever have, stupid ass pesimistic biyatch !
(MY friends that you only know becuese of ME hate you)
Oh really... Lori is only afraid of me because of the shit you and Carmen keep telling people... I never messed with Lori in any kind of way, I'm gay, not bi, not straight... lol !
No I won't kill myself, that sounds like something you would end up doing, miss depressed that no one loves me.
I love your art, so I'll return to your page if I wish...
Oh and the sharks, sorry no such thing...
And I'm not a bastard dumb ass... you prolly are though ^_^
And Le Anne, me and Caitlin dated for like 3 days until I broke up with her to go back out with my bf whom had broken up with me and came back to me XP !
Oh... btw Neka... why did blanca all of a sudden Comment on my Page ??? @_@
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Bunny-Mommy [2005-04-04 02:07:06 +0000 UTC]
YAY! *hugs neka cuz she is so proud of her* yes corey be prepared for I shall throw my shoe at you when we get back to school.
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Bunny-Mommy [2005-04-02 21:05:46 +0000 UTC]
Leave neka the hell alone corey. you stupid child molester. i hope your little needle dick gets chopped off. basturd. you're nothing but a pervert. a selfish basturd of a pervert.
I love you nekari. I lovwe you Hiei! I love you Eliot! I love you shin! I love my babies! *glomps her babies* yay.
Bura says "hi" and vegeta says "what the hell are you doing in my rooms, onna. Where did you ge tthat stick? what are you doing with that...hey...ouw~ ouw! knoick it off! OUW! That's my nuts!"
........................................ .....
yeah....anyway, i love you!
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cmanimevids3000 [2005-03-27 00:19:59 +0000 UTC]
Okay, why do you still mention me on your dumb ass ID, i thought we broke up last yesr in like may so why do you still mention me you tard, lol !
Get over it...
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Yanagii In reply to cmanimevids3000 [2005-04-03 03:57:57 +0000 UTC]
because when someone is a stalker and is constantly there, you ususally end up mentioning them one way or another. I'm going to call the police next time you call my house...and I'm glad you're vain enough to think I'm still upset over someone who beat me up and called me names and cheated on me with so-called 'imaginary' chareceters, and always wanted me to knwo how much he loved everyone else but me so damn much. I'm sorry, but unlike you I'm not a giant Sadomasochist, kay? Just leave me and my friends alone okay? You know no one likes you, yet you refuse to exept it. MY friends that you only know becuese of ME hate you, but they are too nice to say anything, like the way you molest Lauren all the time.If you don't like what you see on my page then stop watching me!!! Just kill you self and do the world a favor, how bout that? We'll have a big party and feed you to the pedophile-eating sharks. Bye. Have a nice fucking day. Bastard.
(and that police comment was not a joke.)
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Spinkels [2005-03-19 03:57:59 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for the watch an' fav, love ^-^ Its an honor really; your art is just wonderful.
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SolitaryWolf [2005-02-17 01:02:03 +0000 UTC]
sorry for the earlier hyper-ness
you've got an awesome gallery!!!
keep up the GREAT work!!!
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Yanagii In reply to SolitaryWolf [2005-02-19 16:47:14 +0000 UTC]
KAI! You have Kai-sama on your avatar! OMG! Nobody like sathat show but me!
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SolitaryWolf [2005-02-17 00:52:56 +0000 UTC]
You're the FIRST person I've seen here with an icon from Shinzo!!!!
I LOVE SHINZO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*gasp* I MUST check out your gallery now!!!
*runs off*
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cmanimevids3000 [2005-02-16 19:06:21 +0000 UTC]
Sorry, even though I feel like dying right now... I'm not going to. ^_^
Hope you had a great V-day Neka. ^_^
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iamwithoutmyself [2005-02-15 23:53:31 +0000 UTC]
Thank you so very much for ading me too your watch list!
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cmanimevids3000 [2005-02-10 00:41:51 +0000 UTC]
It's called Mushrambo not Shinzo, Shinzo is the dub name for the anime, neways, just wanted to point that out, and yes, MUSHRA ROCKS !, nice icon ^_^
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Yanagii In reply to cmanimevids3000 [2005-02-15 20:03:10 +0000 UTC]
You stupid-ass pedofile bastard.
I KNOW THAT. K? not many people do, so I was making it easier so people wouldn't be like "What's that?" KAY? Go die.
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SchizoHidaka [2005-01-04 04:08:39 +0000 UTC]
Hello Peez talkin' bout teh Neka on her page!! ph34r m3 4 I 4m H3r3 Yo!
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BloodRubiesNata [2004-12-14 22:25:07 +0000 UTC]
It is I! Toki's friend the shy and weird one o.o I dunno if I've met you cause I kinda forgot people's names >D but hello!
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Yanagii In reply to BloodRubiesNata [2004-12-15 19:38:48 +0000 UTC]
At school joo mean?
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BloodRubiesNata In reply to Yanagii [2004-12-15 22:29:24 +0000 UTC]
Yesh o.o I am the long brown headeed blue eyed girl... who stalks Toki >D Shy goofy and klutzy one!
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Yanagii In reply to BloodRubiesNata [2004-12-17 19:13:10 +0000 UTC]
I know that now. Kee. You nice.
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BloodRubiesNata In reply to Yanagii [2004-12-17 22:19:54 +0000 UTC]
Aww you flatter me ^///^ You are very sweet yourself. I love to hang with Toki's friends because I am too weird to get my own See and today she gave me a beautiful little figurine of anime and it's soooo pretty and I love it! K... shutting up
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BloodRubiesNata In reply to Yanagii [2004-12-24 03:01:45 +0000 UTC]
^///^; everyone calls me cute. You ish nice o.o; I like you.
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blanca2d3dmaster In reply to BloodRubiesNata [2004-12-24 15:47:36 +0000 UTC]
yanagii is Neka~ my main squeeze.
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BloodRubiesNata In reply to blanca2d3dmaster [2004-12-24 16:12:09 +0000 UTC]
Awsome. She goes to my school and stuff I just met her
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blanca2d3dmaster In reply to BloodRubiesNata [2004-12-24 16:21:12 +0000 UTC]
shes the one i was talking to you about XD Nekari~ Chanti~
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