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| XxAbasexX
# Statistics
Favourites: 9138; Deviations: 0; Watchers: 352
Watching: 535; Pageviews: 36058; Comments Made: 4022; Friends: 535
# Comments
Comments: 1445
mrsbadbugs [2018-07-03 06:21:03 +0000 UTC]
Thankyou LETS MAKE THE WORLD MORE COLORFUL :thumb216397029:
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LuSenchou In reply to XxAbasexX [2017-02-01 12:57:38 +0000 UTC]
babu, stop procrastinating... Β
I have a bunch of stupid gossips waiting for you to finish your assignements ~ and a collab.Β
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XxAbasexX In reply to LuSenchou [2017-02-04 12:20:52 +0000 UTC]
haiiii!! bunny i finnished everything !!! ahhhh now we can draw til our hearts content~
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XxAbasexX In reply to BloodKryptoniteTears [2016-11-14 13:06:42 +0000 UTC]
you are very welcome!
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XxAbasexX In reply to prince-no [2016-08-06 15:50:06 +0000 UTC]
oh noes you are very welcome!!!
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XxAbasexX In reply to Laulaubi [2016-06-24 19:40:21 +0000 UTC]
ohh you are super super welcome!!! quq your art is amazing
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leevolt [2016-05-26 18:44:48 +0000 UTC]
Prince-sama, you made me get the ninja-llama.Β
I can be your slave and bring you coffee for the next five minutes.Β
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XxAbasexX In reply to leevolt [2016-05-26 20:01:11 +0000 UTC]
ohh i never got called prince-sama quq hyahh and you are very welcome!!
i want coffee~ i will always accept coffee
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leevolt In reply to XxAbasexX [2016-05-26 20:37:16 +0000 UTC]
Here you are sir~Β
Italian coffee, right from Venice.Β
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XxAbasexX In reply to leevolt [2016-05-29 17:56:43 +0000 UTC]
uhhh thank you so much quq <33
lovely greets from space
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Allen-Red-Walker [2016-02-07 04:02:01 +0000 UTC]
I wanted to personally thank you for all the support, I means a lot!Β Β Β
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XxAbasexX In reply to Allen-Red-Walker [2016-02-07 22:34:06 +0000 UTC]
that is really sweet!!! you are very welcome
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LuSenchou [2016-02-04 16:16:15 +0000 UTC]
Thank you so much for watchiing !! It means a lotΒ β‘Β
I love your galleryy ~ Β keep it up !!Β
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XxAbasexX In reply to LuSenchou [2016-02-04 21:56:27 +0000 UTC]
oh gosh this means a lot to me!!! feels like senpai noticed me
thank you so much for enjoying my art !!!
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LuSenchou In reply to XxAbasexX [2016-02-06 02:07:17 +0000 UTC]
Haha ~ senpai ?!Β (ΰΉΦΌΰ°βΦΌΰ°ΰΉ)
I really do enjoy your art !! I mean, the art of those 81 different artists, right ? XD
Plus, your coloring technique is impeccable..I admire you people that can color (both traditionally and digitally) 'cause I am basically unable to.. I automatically cry when I need to use more than 5 different colors ΓvΓ
Hehe, don't thank me for enjoying your art ~ just keep doing thaaat xDΒ
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XxAbasexX In reply to LuSenchou [2016-02-06 13:21:58 +0000 UTC]
hai! senpai ; u ;
hahaha yeah! 81 different artists XD hell i like to try different things
oh gosh my coloring technique is impeccable? q u q
honestly idk what i do.. i shade with all colors.. cause i hv no idea of coloring! i end up using like all colors in the colorwheel until im satisfied.
i really really enjoy your style its so simple and not! it looks so strong and the strokes are powerful... its so unique!!! cant even describe it.. cause my english sucks y n y
thank you so much again! and please keep doing art, too
i really like it when people talk to me y v y
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LuSenchou In reply to XxAbasexX [2016-02-08 22:45:30 +0000 UTC]
;w; Kouhaaaaii ~ ?Β
Weell, those 81 are pretty interesting !!Β
That's so goood~my teachers always told me not to be shy with colors, to use as many as I could.. so I guess using all colors is a very good thing !! XD Β But I'm too hasty, I lose my patience within seconds.. xD I end up throwing stuff to the other corner of the room.. U v UΒ
Ooaah ~ thank you so muuch !! TT v TT Such wonderful words ~thank you so much !!Β
Pft ~ your english is pretty good, isn't it your mother tongue ? OvOΒ
I will do my best ! Β ^^Β
Gooood~ I really like it tooo !! I hope I don't bore you ; v ;Β
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XxAbasexX In reply to LuSenchou [2016-02-09 20:44:30 +0000 UTC]
haii!! q u q
thank you so much hyahhh
hahah i know this feeling!!! sometimes im also just lazy... to color anything.. or to draw linearts.. or anything else.. i like my sketches.. but i dont like uploading sketches on deviantart hue y - y''.. my sketches are very messy hue
english is not my mother tongue q u q i would normally speak german
most of the time i understand people talking or writing in english.. but for myself i feel so unsure.. ive got no feels for english grammar~
oh goosh! you wont bore me q u q i really enjoy to meet new peeps
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LuSenchou In reply to XxAbasexX [2016-02-12 22:01:33 +0000 UTC]
(First of all, sorry for the late reply !! ; ^ ; I'm having some busy days.... )
Absolutely agree !! I have tons of drawings waiting to be inked and, poor them, will remain just sketches.. xD I would love to see some of your sketches !! The messier they are, the better they look !!Β
German, so cool ! Haha ~ I feel the same way, my mother tongue is spanish.. xD Anyhow, I think you have a perfect english, sir Γ v Γ !Β
Aw ~ thank you .. ! I enjoy it too !Β
Heey ~do you happen to have skype ? O v O Maybe we could chitchat some other time, if it's okay for you ?
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XxAbasexX In reply to LuSenchou [2016-02-13 12:18:51 +0000 UTC]
its totally fine!! Q u Q take your time!
oh goosh i can show them to you privately because im so embarassed yy my sketches hv no feels for proportions or anything else hahah
hahah QuQ i cant wait to see more of your work ... im growing to become an even bigger fan of your art
uhh spaniish *-* i wish i learned it at school.. but we couldnt choose it .. cause they didnt had spanish until i graduate wuehhhhh
oh noes~ sir your english is purrfect
oh yesh!! I hv skype!! and oh yesh im happy to chitchat with you even more!!
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LuSenchou In reply to XxAbasexX [2016-02-14 16:21:24 +0000 UTC]
Mhh ~privately.. Β¬ v Β¬ I feel seduced by that (Eren helped.. cause it's Eren, right ?)Β
Haha ~I'm sure they look awesome anyhow !! Awww ~thank you so muuch ; v ;Β
Well, I always wanted to study german, maybe we can teach each other few words XDΒ
Got it ~ ^^Β
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XxAbasexX In reply to LuSenchou [2016-02-16 14:11:43 +0000 UTC]
oh yeah~ its eren~
feel seduced~ by them
they are hawt
you are so welcomes quq im finally not sick anymore! i got rid of my cold that i had
oh yeah!! lets teach other new things!! *-*
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XxAbasexX In reply to TheObliviousOwl [2016-01-08 12:44:57 +0000 UTC]
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XxAbasexX In reply to SYALovedance2002 [2015-10-09 08:18:28 +0000 UTC]
you are very welcome c:
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XxAbasexX In reply to MistressSvedka [2015-10-03 12:02:41 +0000 UTC]
you are very welcome!
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yamiishiro [2015-09-25 06:56:34 +0000 UTC]
Haven't talked to you in a while, how're you doing? ;v; Β
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XxAbasexX In reply to yamiishiro [2015-09-27 09:46:02 +0000 UTC]
ohh hi QuQ im sick but im doing p well i think heheh and how are you?
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yamiishiro In reply to XxAbasexX [2015-09-27 11:35:43 +0000 UTC]
Waah??! Sick ; o ;
Awee but it's good if still p well hehe uvu
u3u Welp I've been having trouble drawing digitally for some time now. I'll think it will be okay soon tho.
QuQ pls get well soon! I wanna witness more of your nice arts!
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XxAbasexX In reply to yamiishiro [2015-10-03 12:02:23 +0000 UTC]
yeahh got the flu QAQ
thanks so much!! im like having lots of ideas! but i just dont have time.. like wtfuck.. how can this even happen qq its sad.. but i will post something! if i got some more time! im so happy you want to witness more of my art QQ thanks so much.. oh goosh
how are you so? QuQ i hope you can get over your digitally draw block
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yamiishiro In reply to XxAbasexX [2015-10-03 20:07:18 +0000 UTC]
u3u ahhs yes
I'd love to witness more of your precious arts.
And yeee I'm slowly getting back into it since I gotta practice and stuff ;3; everything will be fine in a week or two hehe
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XxAbasexX In reply to yamiishiro [2015-10-05 08:37:19 +0000 UTC]
okayy Quq thats sounds good!
im so halloween hyped.. asodijw
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yamiishiro In reply to XxAbasexX [2015-10-05 15:46:02 +0000 UTC]
since october came up im already feeling the soopy skeleton spirits lmao
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