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XShadowScreamX [11409029] []

# Statistics

Favourites: 406; Deviations: 66; Watchers: 15

Watching: 21; Pageviews: 6361; Comments Made: 325; Friends: 21

# Comments

Comments: 170

MayAMVPD1356 [2013-07-16 04:29:35 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for the fav :333 

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XShadowScreamX In reply to MayAMVPD1356 [2013-07-18 21:16:17 +0000 UTC]

Your welcome :3

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

SkullsAndStripes [2012-08-25 18:48:00 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for the fave!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

XShadowScreamX In reply to SkullsAndStripes [2012-08-26 20:38:30 +0000 UTC]

Your welcome

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Rockys-Art [2012-08-22 05:08:06 +0000 UTC]

Thank you for adding "Fragile System" to your collection~

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

XShadowScreamX In reply to Rockys-Art [2012-08-24 23:06:52 +0000 UTC]

Your welcome~ :3

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Mobis-New-Nest [2012-07-29 02:06:54 +0000 UTC]

After closing your laptop; you lay back in your window seat hoping to get some rest on your flight back home. Suddenly you’re interrupted by a loud humming noise and you look outside your window to see another plane pulling closer to your plane. The wing of the other plane nearly touches your window when it suddenly ascends over your plane and the hum is now coming from the ceiling. Suddenly the windows to the plane shatter as gunfire from outside the plane begins to enter, killing many of the passengers. There are screams as the chaos ensues around you. You get up to make your way to a safe hiding place but people are pushing and shoving around you making it harder to focus on finding a safe haven. The door to the plane pulls off and men in black camouflage uniforms enter with guns in hand. Then one last individual enters. He was dressed and looked more eccentric then the other soldiers near him. His skin is Caucasian and hairless. His arms were bare and massively hulking. He wore a black vest with metallic lining; his muscular massive legs were draped in black camouflage pants with boots black and glossy. He towered over the other soldiers but what made him the most intimidating was his head. It was bald with pulsating veins. His mouth and nose where encased by an elaborate contraption. There were six steel teeth like cylinders on the upper and lower part of where his mouth was. It looked like a bear trap crossed with a gasmask. Fear grips you as his eyes meet yours and he makes his way towards you. He kills each remaining passenger in his way. You try to move away but fear has your legs immobilized. He towers over you, looking down he takes you by the collar and pulls you towards him with your feet dangling above the ground. “What…are…you?” are the only words the slip through your lips as you come face to face with the behemoth. “I am your reckoning but for now please save the fear for later as I shall gladly thank you for taking the time out of your impudent life to favourite a piece at Mobis-New-Nest” says the hulking beast. “General Bane, the plane is crashing” says one of the soldiers to the hulking man. The hulking man props you over his right shoulder “We have a long way down, I hope you are not afraid of heights?” he says followed by a sinister laugh. As you scream while descending hundreds of miles an hour towards the earth you begin to wonder if it was really worth favouring a piece at Mobis-New-Nest.

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Samhainophilia [2012-04-27 16:25:00 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for the fav!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Mobis-New-Nest [2012-02-23 01:33:01 +0000 UTC]

While playing hopscotch one day at the park you are suddenly knocked back by an unexpected punch to the face. You land on soft grass and as you pick yourself up you look around to find yourself surrounded by eccentric looking individual making strange mumbling noises as they move around you while others summersaulted around you. Their faces were hideously grey with morbidly grey skin and red eyes while their chests had had the letter Z engraved into it. “I.R is backing HA HA HA, stupid faving person now you feel the hate and pain of I.R as I sick Putties on youing” said a short Babbon in a white shirt that had the letter I and R written upside down, who stood on a flying platform. “NOT TODAY I.R!” said a voice out of nowhere. All heads turned to the direction the voice was coming from. “ALRIGHT GUYS IT’S MORPHING TIME” said a Caucasian man dressed in jeans, red t-shirt and red stripped a vest. Beside him were five other individuals each person dressed in their own separate colors of black, pink, blue, yellow and the last person was mixed colors, in fact the last person looked older than the rest and out of place with his oversized chin and a large bulge in his pants which could have indicated he was having an erection. They all put their hands out and forward and yelled “MASTODON!” “PTERODACTYL!” “SABER TOOTH TIGER!” “TRICERATOPS!” “TYRANNOSAURUS!” “PERVERTED HERMIT GIGGITTY GIGGITTY GOO!” Their clothes transformed into uniquely designed outfits with their helmet representing what they shouted out, expect for the perverted hermit, his clothes transformed into a hermit with a large shell on his back and still having that large bulge on the front of his pants. “Perverted hermit? Wait there isn’t a sixth ranger with that name, just who the hell are you?” asked the red ranger to the hermit. “Uh the green rangers sick for the day so I’m stepping in for him, names Quagmire GIGGITTY!” “My God are you having a boner?!” yelled the pink ranger “Yeah its morning wood and afternoon wood and night wood as well but enough of that we got some ass to kick” said Quagmire. Soon The Power Rangers and The Perverted Hermit Substituting For The Green Ranger had over powered and defeated the Putties. “GRRRRR STUPID POWER RANGERS AND HERMIT PERVERTING, IR WILL GET YOU AND FAVOR NEXT TIME” Yelled the baboon as he flew away on his floating platform. “Well another favor saved today, thank you for faving at Mobis-New-Nest” said the red ranger as he shakes your hand “Great job rangers we defeated evil once again and thank you uh hermit” said the red ranger “Hey don’t mention it happy to help all of you guys and gals GIGGITTY GIGGITTY GOO!” “Uh hermit maybe you can help me by taking your hand of my breast” said the pink ranger.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Mobis-New-Nest [2012-02-14 15:32:17 +0000 UTC]

You shriek as the needle finger end of the T1000 or better known as the Troll 1000 pierce’s your shoulder. “I know this hurts butt head and it’s going to get a lot worse” says the T1000. The attack had come as surprise. One moment you were being given a piggyback ride by your metallic guardian The Terminator, the next the T1000 attacks the both of you. The Terminator had yelled at you to run while he and the T1000 engaged metal combat. Unfortunately there was no place to hide in Mount Boom and now you stand with a needle finger lodged in your shoulder moments away from imminent death. “Give me the Talisman asshole” asked the T1000 as he grinded. You yelled back obscenities but it was no avail as the T1000 just laughed then pierced into your shoulder more, then asked “You mad?” Suddenly the Terminator creeps up from behind the T1000 and gestures his metallic finger towards his metallic mouth to stay quiet. Within seconds the Terminator karate chopped the T1000 head off and the needle released from your shoulder; but the T1000 was not easily defeated as its headless body turned while its head turned back into liquid metal and oozed back to its body. The T1000 quickly fought with the Terminator. The battle had started to move towards the inner edges of the Mount Boom. Several meters below the cliff was hot bubbling lava. You took out the Talisman and whistled. Both T1000 and Terminator look towards you. You toss the Talisman high into the air. It goes over the Terminator and T1000. The T1000 runs and jumps towards the Talisman but falls of the edge and yells “YYYYOUUUUU BAAAASSSSTARRRDS” as it falls into the lava, soon the ground begins to quake around you.

Meanwhile several moments earlier team gratitude where ridding atop their Battle-Kips on their way to distract the evil I.R Baboon in the land Boredoor. Baltheir leader of Team Gratitude took point and behind him was little Lisa Simpson who was tuning her guitar and then began to sing of a tale:

Come gather all walks of longitude and latitude
And hear of the Evil I.R and team named Gratitude
We fight to protect all of Mobis-New-Nests favors
While I.R wants to kill them because he’s a trolling hater
Now we ride on our Battle-Kips to the land of Boredoor
Worries on our minds as we don’t know what’s in store
But we must distract him while the talisman is destroyed
And if we all to live after this then we shall be overjoyed
So we thank you on behalf of Mobis-New-Nest for the fav
Today we head forth to oblivion while still being brave
So all yea favors remember our tale
It’s up to you to fight if we die and fail

So we’re bringing the fight to the big Baboon Tower
I.R has strength but Team Gratitude has the power

*All Team Gratitude sings*

So we’re bringing the fight to the big Baboon Tower
I.R has strength but Team Gratitude has the powerrrrr

And so Lisa ended her playing but Baltheir made a request “Now play Classical Gas” he asked and soon Baltheir, Fran, Ratchet, Clank, Dr Nefrious, Chris Redfield, Sheva Alomar, Bug Bunny, Megatron, Johnny Bravo, Brooker T, The Rock, Goldust, Chuck Norris, Solid Snake, Spartan Warrior’s, Bob Barker, Reno, Rude, Ken, Ryu, Saget, Chun Li, Guile, Hulk, Master Chief, Gandelf, Spiderman, Rapunzel and Tweedy Bird had all snap their fingers while nodding their heads to the beat of Liza playing Classical Gas as they made their way to final showdown with I.R Baboon and his evil minions.

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BlackSnakeSister-art [2012-02-10 12:46:55 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for the fave!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

XShadowScreamX In reply to BlackSnakeSister-art [2012-02-10 22:37:40 +0000 UTC]

Your welcome

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Piikkisika [2011-11-24 14:10:13 +0000 UTC]

Thanks again

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XShadowScreamX In reply to Piikkisika [2011-11-24 18:46:18 +0000 UTC]

:3 ur welcome

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Piikkisika [2011-10-19 13:52:20 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for the fave

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

XShadowScreamX In reply to Piikkisika [2011-10-19 13:54:07 +0000 UTC]

np, & thankies for the Llama [hug]

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Piikkisika In reply to XShadowScreamX [2011-10-19 13:55:27 +0000 UTC]

You are welcome

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Chibi-15 [2011-07-13 21:36:10 +0000 UTC]

Thank you for the fave~

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aulauly7 [2011-07-13 14:15:11 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much for the donate!!

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Mobis-New-Nest [2011-06-16 20:11:08 +0000 UTC]

While enjoying a Big Mac with fries and a drink at your patio set you are suddenly interrupted by two individuals who walk into your back yard uninvited. Both were black tuxedos with their ties neatly set. One of the men was bald, wearing sun shades and eccentric piercing on his ears. The other had goggles around his forehead with his hair color bright red and a mix of orange; while of it was pony tailed in the back. You stop eating your burger and get up. “Oh I’m sorry did we break your concentration? Sit down and finish chewing it’s rude to speak with your mouth full in front of guests” said the bald man. You do as he says and swallow. “That’s nice burger you got there, smells pretty good from over here” says the bald man as he approaches you. “Mind if I have a bite?” says the bald man; he grabs your burger without you even acknowledging him t do so. “Mmmm damn Reno this is a nice tasty burger, Rufus is a vegetarian so me and Reno here don’t get out much too eating burgers. Can I have a drink to wash this down?” says the bald man as he swipes your drink without your permission. “What do you guys want?” you ask a little intimidated by their presence. “I believe the polite way of asking is ‘How may I help you two gentlemen?’” said the bald man. “Excuse me” you reply to his smart-alecky remark. “Did I stutter?” replied the bald man “What?” you reply “WHAT COUNTRY ARE YOU FROM?” yelled the bald man “Uh oh Rude is about to get real rude all over your ass” said Reno with a half smile “Wh-What?” you say in fear “WHAT AIN’T NO COUNTRY I EVER HEARD OF, DO THEY SPEAK ENGLISH IN WHAT?” yelled Rude as he reached into his pocket of his tux and pulled out a glossy silver dessert eagle with a cork attached to some string at the end of the barrel. He point the gun at you and begin to sweat bullets “Wh..Wh..What?” you say while you stutter in fear. “SAY ‘WHAT’ ONE MORE GOD DAMN TIME IN FACT I DOUBLE DARE YOU!” says Rude as he cocks his gun. “YOU EVER READ THE BIBLE?” asks Rude. “N..not much of it” you reply still instilled in fear. “REMEMBER THIS VERSE, EZEKIEL 25:17."THE PATH OF THE RIGHTEOUS MAN IS BESET ON ALL SIDES BY THE INEQUITIES OF THE SELFISH AND THE TYRANNY OF EVIL MEN. BLESSED IS HE WHO, IN THE NAME OF CHARITY AND GOOD WILL, SHEPHERDS THE WEAK THROUGH THE VALLEY OF THE DARKNESS, FOR HE IS TRULY HIS BROTHER'S KEEPER AND THE FINDER OF LOST CHILDREN. AND I WILL STRIKE DOWN UPON THEE WITH GREAT VENGEANCE AND FURIOUS ANGER THOSE WHO ATTEMPT TO POISON AND DESTROY MY BROTHERS. AND YOU WILL KNOW I AM THE LORD WHEN I LAY MY VENGEANCE UPON YOU!" yelled Rufus as he pulled the trigger on his gun and a cork popped out with a stick and a flag that read ‘Thanks for the fav at Mobis-New-Nest’. Rude and Reno begin to laugh at you as they both exit your back yard leaving you shaken and traumatized at what just happened.

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DMMegsie [2011-06-15 18:49:35 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for the

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

XShadowScreamX In reply to DMMegsie [2011-06-16 11:04:16 +0000 UTC]

ur welcome :3

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Lady-Maaka [2011-06-09 07:10:21 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for the fav 2 days ago lol ^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

XShadowScreamX In reply to Lady-Maaka [2011-06-09 11:11:12 +0000 UTC]

lol ur welcome :3

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Ryaccoon [2011-06-01 22:03:14 +0000 UTC]

Thank you for the fav

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

XShadowScreamX In reply to Ryaccoon [2011-06-02 13:22:34 +0000 UTC]

Your Welcome :3

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Mobis-New-Nest [2011-05-28 00:58:25 +0000 UTC]

After leaving the public library one Saturday afternoon you make your way home and take the bridge that’s a short cut to your house. As you’re about to enter bridge you are stopped dead in your tracks when you see two large claw like hands that grab on to the railing guard of the bridge. Soon a behemoth creature lifts its self onto the bridge. It was as tall as a house, its wings black and large enough to block out the sky. Its skin was made of molten rock and partial fire but its face was ghastly. It had two giant horns sticking out of its head and teeth that looked like they were for crushing rather then smiling. Its bellow scares you nearly half to death. You try to move, you try and call for help but the fear freezes your voice and entire body. Then a warm hand touches your shoulder. You look to catch a glimpse of an old man with a long beard, a pointy hat, a robe and staff. “Step back” he says to you and you fall back with astonishment as to what’s going on. The old man stands in front of the behemoth. “YOU CANNOT PASS!” yells the old man as he lifts his hands into the air with one hand holding a staff “I AM THE SERVENT OF THE SECRET FIRE!” yells the old man as an aura of light begins to surround his body like a sphere. The behemoth summons a gargantuan blade in one hand made of black and blue flames. “I AM THE WEILDER OF THE FLAME OF ANOR!” yelled the old man as the behemoths blade came crashing down on the old man but his sphere of light shattered it and in the process knocked his pointy hat off “THE DARK FIRE WILL NOT AVIL YOU, GO BACK TO THE SHADOW!” yelled the old man but the behemoth now summoned a three tailed ship in one hand that crackled like thunder when it whipped it around. The behemoth attempted to step forward but the old man took his staff by two hands and lifted it higher into the air and yelled “YOU SHALL NOT PASS!” he brought his staff down so hard that the ground around you shook and bridge began to give under the behemoth and it plummeted to its doom. The old man exhausted turns to you but suddenly the behemoths whip grabs hold of his ankle; tugs him back then the whip lets go and causes the old man to stagger back, dropping his staff and falls. You get up and run to him thinking he’s fallen but you see he’s holding onto a bent metal railing. You try and reach down for him to take your hand but he doesn’t take your hand but rather looks up at you and says “I must thank you on behalf of Mobis-New-Nest for having faved a piece in his gallery, now FLY YOU FOOL!” with his last words he lets go of the railing and falls into the dark abyss. You scream out to him but with a single blink of an eye the darkness takes him from you.

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uttech2 [2011-05-14 22:58:42 +0000 UTC]

thank you very much for the favorites

since the last few days i am not in such a good mood also, unfortunately

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Mobis-New-Nest [2011-05-12 20:08:17 +0000 UTC]

After you finish vacuuming the living room you hear the door bell ring. You answer it to find a tall man with blond hair neatly gelled back. He wore sun glasses in which you could see his catlike pupils glowing a yellow with hint of orange. His outfit consisted of a long sleek glossy leather coat, leather gloves, sleek leather pants and matching leather boots. He smiles at you but it comes off as more sinister then friendly “Did you happen to favourite a piece from Mobis-New-Nest gallery?” Albert Wesker asks in a British accent. With a sceptical look you nod. He then attempts to reach and grab you but is suddenly stopped when someone grabs and knocks him down away from your door. Soon the front of your property becomes a battle ground as Wesker spars with another man who was hulking with muscle and has an emblem on his side arm that reads BSAA. A woman had also joined the sprawl. She was toned, had dark skin, a pony tail hair style and a scantily clad outfit with a BSAA emblem. Wesker had been finally restrained “SHEVA DO IT NOW!” yelled the BSAA male but Wesker managed to break free and kicks Sheva back. Wesker grabbed the BSAA male and flipped him over “Nice try Chris but you’re going to have to do better then that” said Wesker as he brought his black boot down hard in an attempt to stomp on Chris but Chris evaded quickly while Sheva jumped in with a knife in one hand and a syringe in the other; she desperately tries to hit Wesker with either; though Wesker evades her onslaught. He then sees an opening from her attacks and knocks her back. Sheva is sent flying back and lands hard on her back which leaves her stunned. Chris then tries desperately to land a punch on Wesker but is quickly subdued when Wesker grabs him by the throat. Chris desperately punches Wesker’s arm trying to loosen the grip on his throat but it’s to no avail. “Time to finish this” says Wesker with a sinister smile. Wesker clenches his free hand into a fist to deliver the final blow. Wesker has his back turned to you. You then see the syringe on the ground by Sheva; you quickly grab it and lunge at Wesker. You plunged it into his back and inject the serum into him. He lets out a cry of agony while dropping Chris. Wesker drops to his knees, clenching at his throat as he coughs profusely and then collapses face first and is left immobilized. Chris walks over to Sheva and helps her up. They both approach you “We owe you our lives” Sheva says smiling as he wipes the blood off her lower lip “You having the makings of a fine BSAA member one day” says Chris as he hands you a folded card and piece of paper. Chris places the cuffs on Wesker then lifts his body and throws it over his shoulder then places it in the back of a hummer. Chris and Sheva give you their thumbs up then board their hummer and disappear down the road. You look at the paper that reads *BSAA Application* then you open the card that has funny looking logo of white whale in an orange background. Inside the card it reads ‘Thank you for faving a piece at Mobis-New-Nest’

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Lady-Maaka In reply to Mobis-New-Nest [2011-06-09 07:10:51 +0000 UTC]

Thats one long thank you

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Mobis-New-Nest In reply to Lady-Maaka [2011-06-16 21:03:11 +0000 UTC]

What can I say, when people fav I like to think outside the box when it comes to gratitude’s Sometimes you’ve gotta do what they don’t expect is obvious and at the same time leave them stunned. “thanks for the fav” no really are you kidding me? Where’s the appreciation? Where’s the passion? Just four word sentences that lacks feeling in my opinion and I don’t plan on ever doing that when one favs my pieces.

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Lady-Maaka In reply to Mobis-New-Nest [2011-06-17 04:39:07 +0000 UTC]

I just think that's overdoing a think you comment

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IsolaLuu13 [2011-05-12 03:28:37 +0000 UTC]

Thank you for the fave!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

XShadowScreamX In reply to IsolaLuu13 [2011-05-12 10:59:06 +0000 UTC]

ur welcome

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Lady-Maaka [2011-05-03 06:38:35 +0000 UTC]

thank you for the faaaaaaaavvv'S

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

XShadowScreamX In reply to Lady-Maaka [2011-05-03 08:35:20 +0000 UTC]

ur welcome <3

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uttech2 [2011-04-28 20:06:29 +0000 UTC]

wow you look scary on that picture !

and thank you for the favs !

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

XShadowScreamX In reply to uttech2 [2011-04-29 12:17:27 +0000 UTC]

scary?Am I that ugly to scare you?
and ur welcome

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

uttech2 In reply to XShadowScreamX [2011-05-01 09:03:07 +0000 UTC]

no, more like a person one doesnt want to have trouble with

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XShadowScreamX In reply to uttech2 [2011-05-02 11:23:25 +0000 UTC]

ahahah thanx well im not such a person im too shy for my own good, but thank you

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Mobis-New-Nest [2011-04-26 18:28:46 +0000 UTC]

While doing chores one afternoon you are suddenly interrupted by a knock at the door. You answer to it find two eccentrically dressed individuals standing before. One is a woman dressed in a black scantily clad outfit with black stilettos. She had rabbit like ears that stood tall and a bow slung over her shoulder. Beside her was medium built man wearing a beautifully decorated vest with ivory colored long sleeve shirt, tight dark pants, silver like sandals and a large pistol in one hand that leaned on his shoulder. “Who are you?” You ask and the man with the pistol replies “I play the leading man, who else?” he smiles then woman with the bow turns to him and speaks “I would say you’re more like a ‘Supporting’ role” her face expression less, with an annoyed look the man with the gun looks over and replies “Fran, please. Allow me to introduce myself. I’m Balthier of the Sky Pirates and this Fran my Playboy Bunny…” Balthier’s talking is cut short when Fran lightly elbows him in the ribs but he corrects himself and then talks “I mean she’s my first mate, we’re here to thank you on behalf Mobis-New-Nest who paid us in an abundant amount of Magicite; for favouring a piece in his gallery, we now take our leave and wish you a good day” Balthier and Fran bow to you and walk off your door step but just before climbing into their airship Balthier turns to you to say one last thing “Oh I almost forgot, do come back and favour another piece because if you don’t Fran and I will be happy loot your home” he gives you smile and nods, then boards the airship.

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XShadowScreamX In reply to Mobis-New-Nest [2011-04-26 19:46:40 +0000 UTC]

Ur welcome

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Mobis-New-Nest In reply to XShadowScreamX [2011-04-29 03:00:08 +0000 UTC]

*bumps fists with you* see you around flat foot

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Lady-Maaka [2011-04-25 07:01:31 +0000 UTC]

Thank you for ALLLLLLLL the awesome faves ^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

XShadowScreamX In reply to Lady-Maaka [2011-04-25 19:12:39 +0000 UTC]

Your very awesome welcome :3 <3

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Lady-Maaka [2011-04-09 05:17:06 +0000 UTC]

thank you or the fav!

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XShadowScreamX In reply to Lady-Maaka [2011-04-09 10:32:13 +0000 UTC]

Your welcome

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Torheit-Skadi [2011-04-06 07:53:50 +0000 UTC]

Thanks a lot for the fav

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

XShadowScreamX In reply to Torheit-Skadi [2011-04-06 12:59:43 +0000 UTC]

ur welcome

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

alexiswater23 [2011-04-05 18:17:24 +0000 UTC]

YOHOHO ;DD *shot* malii tuka ne sum li ti pisala?O__O pff ne me li e sram xDD ;DD *Throws a LOT of LOVE * ;DD hihi ;DD <33 [[sun]]

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