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| XFiercexxx
# Statistics
Favourites: 796; Deviations: 112; Watchers: 18
Watching: 114; Pageviews: 14221; Comments Made: 791; Friends: 114
# Comments
Comments: 147
AnimeFreakOut [2010-12-19 09:16:32 +0000 UTC]
Are you still on fanfiction?
And whatever happened to 'Scrolls of Innen'?
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XFiercexxx In reply to AnimeFreakOut [2010-12-22 05:24:45 +0000 UTC]
I abandoned Scrolls of Innen a long time ago. I may pick it up some time in the next few months but its unlikely; more ficcage can be found here though ---> [link]
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AnimeFreakOut In reply to XFiercexxx [2010-12-22 22:03:09 +0000 UTC]
Thanks. It was an interesting take on what might have happened, but either way I still enjoy your writing.
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XFiercexxx In reply to Amarevia [2010-12-03 03:31:40 +0000 UTC]
Omigod O.O such patience that must take XD
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XFiercexxx In reply to Amarevia [2010-02-24 23:22:17 +0000 UTC]
Oh my god O.O Dancing rainbow sheep. That is so cool XD
My pleasure.
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sarutobiscrystalball [2010-01-13 03:04:31 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for the fave-add and devwatch!!!
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GuardianHeart [2010-01-03 02:10:02 +0000 UTC]
Please rejoin the group, Hisagi-Shuuhei-FC, which were just made into a club. Thank you!
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Hallies-Comet [2009-12-30 15:37:56 +0000 UTC]
Hey! Thanks for the Fave on my tutorial! Glad you liked it! If you liked them, Be sure to watch, I have many more coming! And see the others here: [link]
And thanks again
(And be sure to gimmie a link if you use my character tutorial!)
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NYX-34 [2009-12-22 07:54:23 +0000 UTC]
Thank you so much for the fav on Line Art Tutorial! I really appreciate it!
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XFiercexxx In reply to indesignesia [2009-12-21 18:07:31 +0000 UTC]
No problem ^^ And thanks so much!
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maxlake2 In reply to XFiercexxx [2009-10-19 22:36:26 +0000 UTC]
I'm not Jewish, but in grade-school, I was "raised" by Jewish female teachers. They helped make me who I am today . . .
I loved your Comments about Jewish art on your page.
Come visit sometime . . .
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XFiercexxx In reply to maxlake2 [2009-10-19 22:49:27 +0000 UTC]
I spent ten years in hebrew school and just like non-jewish teachers you get the really good ones (Morah Tovi) and you sometimes get...ICK can't even think it.
Anyway, I'm glad I reached you! Your gallery is great by the way!
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maxlake2 In reply to XFiercexxx [2009-10-19 22:52:21 +0000 UTC]
Then come visit a while!
You're nice, Sierra . . .
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XFiercexxx In reply to maxlake2 [2009-10-19 23:02:22 +0000 UTC]
That's a new one ^^ Not usually an adjective used in accordance with my name. It feels nice.
I shall visit thoroughly when my Gilmore Girl's marathon comes to a pause so in a few weeks.
I kid.
You're nice too Ric.
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maxlake2 In reply to XFiercexxx [2009-10-19 23:17:14 +0000 UTC]
Why wouldn't my "default" impression of you be anything other than thinking you're nice?
Great sense of humor for such a young woman, Sierra. . .
So when the Marathon ends (I know that you're scr*wing with me on that! I like it!), give me a shout!
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XFiercexxx In reply to maxlake2 [2009-10-19 23:38:46 +0000 UTC]
I was kidding, no worries. I am very nice but some people can't get past the sarcasm. I have a reputation because I broke a bully's nose in first grade. I've gone to school with the same people for the past MANY MANY years. as in more than 12. ANYWAY, besides the point.
Thanks ^^ I do have a famously great sense of humor (is totally being an arrogant prick)
I can multitask, hows life? How old are you anyway?
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maxlake2 In reply to XFiercexxx [2009-10-20 00:38:32 +0000 UTC]
S -
I knew you were kidding, but I was guarding against the possibility that you weren't.
I like sarcasm, and I like the edge of your humor. So you did not offend me at all. I already told you that I might be older than your parents. If you want details, you'll have to send me a Note asking me for that, should you please . . . Nothing scary there . . .
I think you've grown out of the "bully-girl" stage. Not many young women your age have even heard the word "famously." You're funny!
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XFiercexxx In reply to maxlake2 [2009-10-20 00:53:40 +0000 UTC]
Ah, but my age you are not yet aware of, so how would you know? hint: I do not look it. I also dont go around 'tiping liek this u get mee lolllz!!!11Eleven!'
As for the bully-girl thing, I wasnt the bully, I was the little girl half the kids size who was being picked on and has brothers, cousins and a dad who taught her how to throw a punch, unlucky for him. Either way though, I have grown out of my more violent tendencies. Which is good.
Sarcasm is fun, sarcasm's my main source of amusement really, it goes over some people's heads though so it gets me into trouble as you can imagine.
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maxlake2 In reply to XFiercexxx [2009-10-20 01:56:37 +0000 UTC]
I won't type another word to to you until you, at least, even write my my name. You'll have to do some work to go BACK there.
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XFiercexxx In reply to maxlake2 [2009-10-20 01:59:38 +0000 UTC]
I apologize, I didn't realise we were talking formally
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maxlake2 In reply to XFiercexxx [2009-10-20 02:40:22 +0000 UTC]
Dear, I thought you LIKED sarcasm!
You're an amazing young woman!
I like you very much!
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