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| X4nd5r

X4nd5r [1166226] [] "Stephen"

# Statistics

Favourites: 27; Deviations: 47; Watchers: 13

Watching: 23; Pageviews: 13223; Comments Made: 449; Friends: 23

# Comments

Comments: 19

razorill [2011-06-17 02:38:22 +0000 UTC]

llama for llama?

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ToastyToastie [2011-04-25 21:04:11 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for the watch~

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DanielOrmsbee [2008-10-14 22:09:33 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much for the favorite on "Clash of The Shapes."


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kiminess [2007-03-20 05:00:14 +0000 UTC]

Lookit! I finished it! [link]

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kenns [2006-07-02 13:04:01 +0000 UTC]

thanx soo much for the watch!!


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MAVnotMagic [2006-04-28 05:12:26 +0000 UTC]

Heeeeyyyy! It's Stephen, with a natural log of an acid concentration!

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ClearSkySuite [2006-03-09 04:20:48 +0000 UTC]

Hey man, nice gallery. See you at Chinese Painting on Friday, eh?

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punkgoddess [2005-11-18 19:57:14 +0000 UTC]

thanks for stopping by

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kiminess [2005-10-18 19:57:15 +0000 UTC]

The One Who Let You Have A Bite Of My Super-Awesome Cheese Pizza! XDDDD
That one day.
Saturday? >>

... I want a piece of that pizza again @_@
It was soooooo yummeh... >>
Anyway. XD

'Just thought I'd pop on by and harassify your front page and stuff.
And I am dizzy... that elevator was WAAAAy to fast for my liking. @__@!!

Anywho, yeah.
Hullo. XD

*wanders away now*

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X4nd5r In reply to kiminess [2005-10-19 19:19:55 +0000 UTC]

mmmmm pizza.......

Can I have more too?
Thanks for the byte!

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kiminess In reply to X4nd5r [2005-10-20 00:28:46 +0000 UTC]

Well, I guess Oo;;;
If I ever have pizza and you're around you c'n have one XDDD

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Eptin [2005-10-18 19:12:40 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for the fav

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theNakedCupcake [2005-01-25 04:09:31 +0000 UTC]

(Gasp!) You did find me! I guess I just have a memorable user name. Ha ha ha.

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lathe [2004-12-06 16:37:17 +0000 UTC]


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X4nd5r [2004-10-27 22:52:55 +0000 UTC]

Um, so I said I probably wouldn't get anything in open canvas done for you until next week. The went and created a little scrap just because. Redid my winged messenger in like 30-40 min in it, just to see if I could. That, and to color it. Later.

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atmic In reply to X4nd5r [2004-10-31 23:45:31 +0000 UTC]

Dude, you should use the journal for this stuff. This space is for other people to leave YOU comments.

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beloutte [2004-10-15 19:13:05 +0000 UTC]

hi you, welcome to deviantart !

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X4nd5r [2004-10-14 21:13:16 +0000 UTC]

Arrgh, have lots of colored stuff of Flyerfye's. Not that I have a problem with that, it's just that I don't have anything else scanned in at the moment. I should have some of my own work up, including (if I'm lucky) an avatar - need to scan/color it, otherwise all designed. Life from here on out should be interesting.

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X4nd5r [2004-10-14 20:04:55 +0000 UTC]

I need some Better Tools....specifically, computer ones, although I suppose new pencils would be nice....

Obvious comments Aside.....

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