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| WonderDookie
# Statistics
Favourites: 609; Deviations: 545; Watchers: 2000
Watching: 309; Pageviews: 191882; Comments Made: 30172; Friends: 309
# Comments
Comments: 1016
NRGComics [2022-07-30 05:04:37 +0000 UTC]
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SylvanSmith [2020-01-05 13:06:39 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for the faves, hope you had good holidays.
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SylvanSmith [2018-11-03 00:24:53 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for the comment, I hope that you had a good and Happy Halloween.
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WonderDookie In reply to GabyCoutino [2018-06-30 21:30:23 +0000 UTC]
Ha. Not bad. I may steal that for my work signature.
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gdpr-33451886 [2017-08-11 20:24:01 +0000 UTC]
You have such a cool style. Awesome stuff here.
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WonderDookie In reply to gdpr-33451886 [2017-08-27 20:18:26 +0000 UTC]
Thanks man. I am flattered. I really dig your illustration style
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gdpr-33451886 In reply to WonderDookie [2017-08-29 02:42:11 +0000 UTC]
No Problem and thank you!
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KrimeFyta In reply to WonderDookie [2017-07-11 09:36:16 +0000 UTC]
I am the night. You? You're probably not as drunk as me, on account of your precious innocence and all that. What's your whiskey tolerance like? Is it respectable, or do you quiver and hide from the liquid of cowboys? Come up here to my neck of the woods and get wasted with me, Dooks. I'll show you how many tricks and magicks. Is a4anner dead? I'll leave her a message too. I am one with the universe. How many of your DeviantArt friends get real with you, Dooks? Meet my children. Meet my wife. Sample my rewards, indulge in my treasures.
If you're anything at all, you're surely not a krimenul (that's a good thing.) I require whiskey. Good evening to you, Dooks--my favorite badass, my most hated rival. One day, I will eat your heart and gain your powers. Don't let that stop you from meeting my wife and children, though. If you show up, you may enjoy the many privileges of "home base."
I am the night. I am the steel wind. I am the golden cobra. My kung-fu is strong.
What the fuck do I do with this tablet? I got a Wacaom (sp?) Comic Tablet, cause I'm an a american comic-book artist to the bitter end.
Have you seen the Netflix Castlevania series? Do you have any idea what auto-correct means to my drunk ass? Do you love whiskee? Do y0ou know the darkness that dwells within us , DOOKS??
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WonderDookie In reply to KrimeFyta [2017-08-05 22:35:27 +0000 UTC]
I feel like I need to answer your questions with bullet points:
- I am not the night. I am between 6:30 and 9:00 pm in the late summer/early autumn.
- My whiskeeeee tolerance is fine, but I prefer stout and cider.
- Anner is alive, but hasn't been illustrating much lately. I do not like that.
- Where is home base? We are crazy busy until fall, but we could even meet on neutral ground.
- Just mess with the tablet a bunch until you start to get comfortable. I taped a piece of paper over mine for a while, because I couldn't get used to the texture of the pad.
- I haven't had Netflix since last winter, so I have a lot of catching up to do. I'll get it again once the new season of Bojack comes out, and I am forced to resubscribe.
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KrimeFyta [2017-03-06 08:21:43 +0000 UTC]
I stir, once more. Fuckin' A, Dooks--drunk teenagers and ancient, forbidden texts bound in human flesh are like peanut butter and jelly. How are you going to have one without the other? It's like the chicken and the egg argument: did drunk teenagers exist before the Necronomicon was written? It's hard to imagine.
I digress... how goes it, Dooks? I am--as always--absolutely delighted that you continue to be a force of fucking nature, prolific and polite; equal parts beauty & chaos. My comments stir within me, like a swirling cloud of furious, buzzing bees in a precariously-placed glass jar. Did you attend Emerald City this year?
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WonderDookie In reply to KrimeFyta [2017-03-10 16:39:47 +0000 UTC]
Welcome back man. Are you planning on posting more MS Paint illustrations any time soon? I'm still dumbfounded how you manage to produce anything at all with that software, let alone work of that caliber and detail. I would go crazy.
Yes indeed we went to Emerald City. Anner and I spent pretty much the whole time up in the artist alley. We didn't even end up going to any of the panels this year. We got to chat with Mignola and Dave Stewart for a while, which was awesome. When we went by their table there was nobody around, so we had them all to ourselves. I'm sure we made them very uncomfortable. haha.
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KrimeFyta In reply to WonderDookie [2017-03-15 19:16:35 +0000 UTC]
I would like to break into some new stuff, eventually. I'm excited about having some time to look up some photoshop tutorials; upgrading and updating my illustration game. There is much that I need to draw, my desk is filling up with projects. I may explore writing. There is much to do, Dooks!
Good call on haunting artist alley, that's the way I would've sailed it. I would love to get thrown out of ECCC for harassing Matt Fraction--oooh, how I love to muse over my sinister designs for that wretched menace. I haven't been there in a few years now... but one day, the behemoth shall stride again.
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WonderDookie In reply to KrimeFyta [2017-03-24 15:07:22 +0000 UTC]
Well nice! It doesn't sound like you are want for inspiration!
I don't remember seeing Matt Fraction there the last couple of years. Not in the artist alley anyway. But it does seem like they get different people every year. I bet it has changed quite a lot of the last few years though. They are starting to spill out into nearby buildings.
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KrimeFyta In reply to WonderDookie [2017-06-02 22:26:26 +0000 UTC]
Matt Fraction is the devil. You'd do well to stay the hell away from him and his dark influence, Dooks.
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Lethal-Lana [2017-01-23 00:12:09 +0000 UTC]
Hello Dan I want to thank you for joining my group I am happy to have you as a member and look forward to any of your great art submissions. I have to say I like what I see
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WonderDookie In reply to Lethal-Lana [2017-01-23 06:08:55 +0000 UTC]
It is my pleasure. I'm a bit obsessed with birds, so I was keen to join.
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Lethal-Lana In reply to WonderDookie [2017-01-23 12:57:16 +0000 UTC]
Glad to know this as I like them too so I hope to see a lot more of your work I just may go back into your gallery and choose more for our group You do awesome work I have to say your very talented
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WonderDookie In reply to ayabakir [2016-08-03 04:15:26 +0000 UTC]
Thanks very much! I am very flattered to hear it!
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TerriblyJadedGamer [2016-07-10 16:18:02 +0000 UTC]
You're super awesome! Your art is great too!
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WonderDookie In reply to TerriblyJadedGamer [2016-07-10 19:15:10 +0000 UTC]
Thanks very much! I have quite a lot of fun with it (the art I mean - not being awesome).
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Shalmons [2016-06-26 18:20:55 +0000 UTC]
((pardon my fave bomb, there is too much goodness in your gallery! ))
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WonderDookie In reply to KrimeFyta [2016-06-11 21:43:34 +0000 UTC]
Good choice!
The cloven hoof type, or the human foot type?
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WonderDookie In reply to Deimos-Remus [2016-04-19 04:13:16 +0000 UTC]
It was a long time coming (actually an oversight on my part).
I really dig your work.
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Deimos-Remus In reply to WonderDookie [2016-04-20 03:12:47 +0000 UTC]
Thanks again for the kind words!
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cocoapuffs12345 [2016-02-22 23:06:01 +0000 UTC]
Wonderdookie is a horrible name!!!!! Otherwise I love Japanese Macaque and Plankton
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WonderDookie In reply to cocoapuffs12345 [2016-02-23 02:55:01 +0000 UTC]
It's the best name ever. In the history of the universe. In the history of the MULTI-verse.
Cocoa puffs are gross.
Otherwise, thanks!
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vonnbriggs [2015-07-04 21:01:41 +0000 UTC]
hey I used to live in Olympia, Olympia cards and comics
hands down the best comic book store I've ever seen and probably ever will see
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WonderDookie In reply to vonnbriggs [2015-07-04 21:41:59 +0000 UTC]
I still haven't been there yet. Since I live close to downtown I mostly visit Danger Room. They never left me wanting, so I haven't strayed. haha.
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vonnbriggs In reply to WonderDookie [2015-07-05 13:27:23 +0000 UTC]
danger room I used to go to comic meet ups in there.they have a tone of independent comics at least they did
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KrimeFyta [2015-05-07 04:59:24 +0000 UTC]
Hey Dooks, do you have any advice for a budding young dipshit on which of those fancy, newfangled graphic drawing tablets to buy? I think it might just be time to step outside my comfort zone and start moving away from MS Paint. It's kinda scary.
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WonderDookie In reply to KrimeFyta [2015-05-08 03:21:19 +0000 UTC]
Anything Wacom. I still use a Wacom Intuos 3, which is about ten years old now (I am at least the third owner of it too). "A4anner" has a Intuos 4, but, to be honest, I don't really notice much of a difference. She used to use a Bamboo too, and liked it.
I haven't tried any of the new touch pads yet. I could imagine that being kind of nice though.
Just be aware that the mice on those things are always crap. So you need a good mouse in addition to the pad.
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KrimeFyta In reply to WonderDookie [2015-05-21 05:01:37 +0000 UTC]
I'm very thankful for your input, Dooks! This is a brand new frontier for me, and the pad feels like a big step. You're a mensch!
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WonderDookie In reply to KrimeFyta [2015-05-22 23:03:50 +0000 UTC]
No problemo. Best of luck finding a good pad!
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KrimeFyta [2015-04-11 09:40:28 +0000 UTC]
Also, I dig the new design of chuckletree.com, it's so sharp and professional. You two are an inspiration, for sure.
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WonderDookie In reply to KrimeFyta [2015-04-17 04:19:07 +0000 UTC]
Oh yeah! Anna was working on that web-site design for quite a while last summer. I really like how it turned out. I still haven't quite figured out how to update it though, so since she got a real job there hasn't been many changes.
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KrimeFyta In reply to WonderDookie [2015-04-19 04:59:07 +0000 UTC]
Change is the enemy. What's a4anner (we use codenames out here in field, Dooks!) doing these days? Intergalactic bounty hunter, I'd guess. She ought to score a gig as a food critic. Food blog? You guys tried that yet?
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WonderDookie In reply to KrimeFyta [2015-04-24 13:59:48 +0000 UTC]
haha. Whoops. Sorry. "A4anner" got busier. And that change was concurrent with us moving. If change gets me the hell out of Idaho, it is NOT the enemy.
She works as a graphic designer at a medical research company. It's pretty interesting.
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KrimeFyta In reply to WonderDookie [2015-04-28 07:22:13 +0000 UTC]
No foolin'? So she's like, designing those anatomy charts that people stare at when they're waiting at the doctor's office? "Graphic designer at a medical research company," what a cream-dream! That's very cool indeed. Does she enjoy it? It sounds very business-card-esque, if I don't say so myself. You might tell her sometime that some fat jackass on the internet wishes her well.
Sorry about the Idaho, though. May I humbly suggest that, when you run out of Mass Effect characters, you do a People of Idaho gallery? I've thought about pursuing an idea like that, but with people who sing karaoke. I've been a professional DJ for about seven months now, though all of my gigs now revolve around hosting karaoke at shitty bars. This one dude sings Run To The Hills, and it makes me want to gouge my eardrums with whatever's in reach. Ugh--but enough about me! Idaho may be your prison now, but you're just a hop and skip away from the promised land! Just look to the west and sing a happy song when those Idahoans get you down.
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WonderDookie In reply to KrimeFyta [2015-05-02 16:10:59 +0000 UTC]
Actually, they have some sort of water product that they are trying to go "for profit" with. She mostly works on the bottle/packaging design stuff. And she makes a lot of presentations for the scientists and CEOs. She does enjoy it. It's crazy busy right now though.
Oh. We got the hell out of Idaho about a year ago. I was saying that "change" led to that move, so it can't be all bad!
A people of Idaho series would be hilarious. I think that a people of karaoke would be even better though! I bet you see some pretty hilarious expressions. You should snap some sneaky-sneaky pictures for reference.
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KrimeFyta In reply to WonderDookie [2015-05-07 04:42:11 +0000 UTC]
Ah yes, I suddenly remember you telling me that the exodus out of Idaho has been made. Good, good. That place is full of cannibals and vagrants.
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KrimeFyta [2015-04-11 09:33:36 +0000 UTC]
He who plays the righteous sniper is lying to himself about his true nature. What good can come from operating in the darkness? No Dooks, you need to put down the scoped rifle and pick up a shotgun. The galaxy is messy and brutal, and if you expect to bring about any change it has to be in a language that is understood and respected.
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