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| Wixed001
# Statistics
Favourites: 5854; Deviations: 137; Watchers: 110
Watching: 109; Pageviews: 33476; Comments Made: 5351; Friends: 109
# Comments
Comments: 877
HadesPixels [2016-03-10 10:05:17 +0000 UTC]
Thank you very much for the fav.
Would love if you could watch me to see my future uploads.
It would really help me get out there.
Thanks again,
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marcgosselin [2015-02-21 05:34:37 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for adding my Loch Ness Giraffe to your Favourites.
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Wixed001 In reply to RadiantNights [2014-06-24 13:24:23 +0000 UTC]
I'm very busy right now, but you can always drop me something and if I have the time and it's within my abilities I can always give it a shot.
Thanks for the interest and the watch!Β
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RadiantNights In reply to Wixed001 [2014-06-24 14:54:52 +0000 UTC]
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grohsARTig [2014-04-21 13:50:07 +0000 UTC]
many thanks for you ! I really appreciate it
and btw check out my newest illustration feedback is very welcome!
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AlexBuechel [2013-03-27 19:19:11 +0000 UTC]
thanks for the fav on one of my Spartacus Series pieces. Make sure to check out the rest.
- Ilithyia
Would love some feed back on it. And vote on my active pole to see who will be drawn next
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LunaInvidia [2012-12-17 11:08:43 +0000 UTC]
what the hell how was I not following you. FIXED THAT SHIT.
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FallenAiko [2012-10-18 23:40:37 +0000 UTC]
Thank you for the watch!!! Have a fantabulous day and stay fantastic!!
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Whisperwings [2012-03-19 23:28:33 +0000 UTC]
Thanks so much for adding 'Hogsmeade' to your favorites!!
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KylieFaye [2011-12-21 08:13:20 +0000 UTC]
Thank you so much for your fave onΒ [link] if you have some time please
check out my gallery too! I will definitely do the same. if you like
what you see please consider watching me. I really appreciate it, If
you reaaaaalllllyyy like it you can like my facebook page too
and i will <3 you forever! if you have one too you can send me the
link and i will support you too Β thank you (im really really sorry if i have sent you another sort of thank you note before, it takes me a long time and sometimes i get mixed up >.<)
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Wixed001 In reply to metalliec [2011-10-29 17:51:24 +0000 UTC]
Who are you? and why fuck me? Is there something I should be aware of?
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metalliec In reply to Wixed001 [2011-10-30 04:44:40 +0000 UTC]
that's for me to know and for you to find out if you really want to......i rather doubt it.
so let's leave this at the point where you know that some time, in some place you angered someone.
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Wixed001 In reply to metalliec [2011-10-30 05:12:30 +0000 UTC]
I am genuinely interested in finding out. And I definitely am not naive enough to make the assumption that I am perfect and never do anything wrong. I know I was rather dumb sometimes in my high school career. And I'm just assuming it was then cause that's when I was most active on dA. However I'm willing to accept I possibly did something against you at any point, for which I'm sure I would apologize for if I knew what it was and who you were.
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metalliec In reply to Wixed001 [2011-11-01 16:47:10 +0000 UTC]
WHY is our minds focused on such trivial matters?
if we had the same focus we have on these trivial matters, MANY of life's problems would be overcome easily.
HOWEVER, I am not one to run from answering questions that plague the other side's mind.
though before i start you should know that the "Fuck You" was a moment of trivial rage and i probably shouldn't have said it since it changes nothing......what's that funny expression?.....no use crying over spilt milk?
and what your about to read is a lot of stuff but it all goes to show that i didn't curse for no reason, because i don't normally do that and i'm against random cursing at people in their pages and such.
(IF you REALLY want to know you'll read this to the end)
ANYWAYS the reason i was angry will take you back years backward to the days of dA OCTs, Law Of Talos in particular that was held by which you judged, the reason for bringing this up is that i JUST HAPPENED to stumble upon it on youtube channels thanks to 's youtube videos.
so as i was watching the rounds videos done by i was intrigued and compelled to watch or read other Law Of Talos entries, most i saw were meh and never quit compelled me and were beaten by Unknown-Person fair and square.
BUT THEN i came across it.......Zeurel's comic entries
i actually LOVED IT the entries, they were creative, well-painted, WELL THOUGHT OUT and it pulled me..a guy who doesn't give a damn about comics whatsoever to see how it ends.
BUT THEN i noticed, they stopped....WHY, then i found out he was "beated"........
i was trying to be fair, i said " Hey, maybe the other guy is even more amazing to beat such comics ", then i saw it......the worst comic i ever saw......then i started to spam everyone on chatting places i go to
"how can THIS [link] .....beat this [link] ...........HOW?"
It really pissed me of....I read that the contest's judging was based on CREATIVITY, ORIGINALITY...A STORY
Zeurel's comic had it all :
It was creative with the settings and art and dialogues and jokes
It was original with the events and presentation
now i don't HATE the other guy, Chimbley Sweep. he's a great character. kudos to the owner concentration-moon.
however......i'm talking about COMPARISON between the 2 comics :
CS entry......was......................WAY LESS CREATIVE compared to Zeurel
i give it a point for originality, it felt like a....."classic" comic...but that's it, it just looked like a classic comic
it....had....no....story....whatsoever........it was just a bunch of stuff, happening....with little-to-nothing linking them to the main plot.
Also Zeurel was creative in capturing to other side's character, it's like HE TRIED TO make it just as the other side want it to be.....JUST LIKE the other side made it
While concentration-moon put little ; if any ; effort in capturing the other side's character.....it was lame, it was like it wasn't zeurel's character but a mentally retarded version of his character........and it also didn't follow the events of the previous entry which also makes me think that concentration-moon puts minimum effort in capturing the other side's character.
And what angers me more, is that by doing what you did, by making THIS [link] win over THIS [link] , you not only let a lot of poeple who were following this contest (both in the past and present) down, but you also suppressed a talented artist and prevented him from giving it all he's got.
that was just.....sick
IN THE END all i can say is what i said in the BEGINNING......there is no use crying over spilt milk
Zeurel will not make more Law Of Talos comics
Law Of Talos will not be getting a reboot
And staying angry over this will not get me anything
and that curse was that small window that i had to use to release my anger at the responsible people for what happened, and you'll find that i shared it with the other judges (except for Sins-Of-Angel...i cannot curse her, she gave us Law Of Talos, but i am angry at her.......a little bit, not as much as the other judges who simply took away and gave nothing).
I do not expect an apology from you or the other judges nor do i want it over such a trivial matter, it's all in the long, long past now
BUT....i will not apologize as well, I know the judges deserve a curse for denying dA community and beyond amazing comics and great story AND a chance to see 2 brilliant animators (Zeurel and Unknown-Person) duking it out in a comic or animated video.
but like i said, it doesn't matter now....i have university to focus on and you have other stuff to focus on.
HOWEVER i still do wish to know ; IF you can give me a satisfying answer ; .....how did THIS [link] .....beat THIS [link] .......................................how?
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Wixed001 In reply to metalliec [2011-11-01 20:39:24 +0000 UTC]
Ok first, I thought it was over that, When I looked at your page and saw LOT stuff in your favorites.
First and foremost all I can say is. It was a contest years ago. Years ago.
Second You saying my decision stopped a great artist and halted his work and so on is ridiculous. If every artist stopped doing art because a critic didn't like it we'd have no art to speak of. And that goes for anything in life really.
I didn't force anyone to stop doing art work or didn't suppress any talent. It was their own decision to do so if it happened at all. And after you get beaten by someone and you choose to give up that's your problem, not the person who beat you or the judges who made it so. Just because he was out of the contest doesn't mean he couldn't do art ever again. Your talent as an artist can grow in more than just OCT's, believe it or not.
Just think of all events that are judged on a small scale and large scale. You might not agree with the decision made, but after which, what you decide to do with your life is your hands.
I will not apologize for anything because frankly I did nothing wrong. I might look back today and think differently on things then I did then. But people change, as do their opinions over time and the way they judge things (especially art, something so expressively arbitrary in how it's interpreted.)
Yes I do maybe have better things to do than argue over something that happened years ago. But I also was very hurt by someone coming out of no where and being very aggressive for reasons I didn't know. So to me, it did matter.
I am sorry my decision on a small contest on the internet affected you so much. However that does mean I am sorry for the decision I made. And further more I do not see myself in holding any responsbility for "supressing talent". It was a contest, people lose. If they can't handle that they shouldn't be in one. Simple as that.
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metalliec In reply to Wixed001 [2011-11-02 09:42:37 +0000 UTC]
1st thing before i say anything:
i can't believe you found time to answer the nonsense i posted.
honestly i wasn't expecting an answer......but............WOW, you're just that awesome to have time to spare and answer
i said this is a trivial thing, it's not worth replying to, i said it happened long ago and it doesn't matter now and i also said no use crying over spilt milk ; meaning YES i know it happened years ago ; and i mentioned i no longer care and so on
and he didn't stop his art, but he could've offered so much at that time that was going to be great. i.e: you didn't stop his ART, you stopped a masterpiece.
and i'm sure he also didn't care when he lost
snooPING AS usual i see.....
and when i look at events wither judged on small or large scale, i do not agree with every decision made, but in the end all i can say is Meh, there's always A Buk Lau (though what i really like to see is justifications for the decisions made, that way i know shit happened for a reason even if i don't like that reason, and maybe it wasn't shit at all), AGAIN wither i get justification or not, all i can say after heads had rolled and decisions were made is: Meh, there's always Plan 2111113006 XYZ
as i said i don't expect an apology nor do i want it because...AGAIN LIKE I SAID... it's all in the long, long....long past now and we must focus on the now (like those damn mastering physics crap.....GOD I HATE MASTERING PHYSICS) and after a few seconds have passed from my brief moment of anger i was like: Meh, there's always POONTAH
and i don't really care if you think what you did is right or wrong as much i care if Transformers 3 is better than Transformers 2 since they're both movie with robots that kick ass.........except the tiny doctor robot in 2, that guy sucks
and if you think MAYBE you have better things to do than argue over this, let me tell you that it's not MAYBE...it's DAMN RIGHT YOU HAVE BETTER THINGS TO DO....because ONCE AGAIN, LIKE I F***ING SAID, THIS IS A TRIVIAL MATTER, AS TRIVIAL AS THE WORD TRIVIAL CAN MEAN (yet you gave it THIS much attention) and wither it mattered to you or not is ultimately up to you my good man........or woman ....i really don't know
do not be sorry that your decision on a small contest on the internet affected me so much for 2 reasons:
1- it's a decision that (i think) was made for reasons (that you didn't include in all that stuff you said when it was the reasons that i really wanted to see in this reply) and you should stand up for it no matter what others think because it's your decision and what others decided to do with their lives after it was made is in their hands LIKE I.......oh wait...LIKE YOU SAID
2- it didn't affect me as much as you think and i don't give a damn because LIKE I...AND YOU SAID: it's something that happened years ago and what i say or do won't change it..........unless i get a dinosaur with 3 wings.......UNPOSSIBLE
(and you'll notice after noticing this notice that this notice is not worth noticing)
though i still don't know why zeurel's entry lost because it was amazing compared to the other entry, if you can find it in your heart to tell me WHY it lost i'd be happy....
i'll even start the Wixed001 Happy Face Foundation, and if it gets enough funds it'll provide you with an endless supply of boyfriends/girlfriends (w/e you choose) and infinite money.
if you don't i'll start the Harry Potter Sad Face Foundation, and if it gets enough funds i'll whoop Daniel Radcliffe's ass up and down all over the damn apartment. and yell out W00T like this
(I am sorry my decision on a small contest on the internet affected you so much. However that [[does mean I am sorry for the decision I made]]).....lolwut?
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LunaInvidia In reply to metalliec [2011-11-03 08:08:10 +0000 UTC]
Oh, and one last parting note- the reason there will never be a Law of Talos reboot is because of nutjobs like you. No one wants to deal with the batshit fans and stupid drama, not when it was supposed to be a friendly, small competition and people like you blew it way out of proportion. Maybe we were naive for thinking we could do it without the Internet psychos descending like vultures. But oh boy, we sure learned fast. Zeurel's whiny, butthurt cocksucking toadies, screaming lunatic Karl fans... You want to blame anyone for making CERTAIN that it won't happen again, take a look in the mirror. It wasn't made to be entertainment for your trifling little mind, it was made to be fun. And fucktards like you ruined that.
And for the record I never much liked ConcentrationMoon's stuff, either. But at least HIS fans aren't sniveling about his eventual loss still.
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LunaInvidia In reply to metalliec [2011-11-03 07:31:23 +0000 UTC]
oh my god wow. It's really scary how stupidly obsessed people got over Law of Talos. I was just bumming around Tumblr and found images of this champ bitching about LoT.... think "ahh, the good old days, I'll go see if Wixed has done anything lately"... see this SAME GUY.
Okay look, dude. Obviously you do care more than you want to let on, since you CAME BACK TO A JUDGE'S PAGE years later to write a whole fucking novel about how butthurt you were when your favorite artist didn't win a silly little tournament on the internet. You can say "I don't care, I don't care, it doesn't affect me, lol you're dumb for paying attention to it" all you want, but for fuck's sake, obviously it does or you would have just moved on with your life, the way any rational person does when something has happened in the past that they don't like but doesn't necessarily affect them. You wouldn't have even bothered to bring this up at all, much less write misspelled paragraphs about how you'll personally destroy things she likes because of a trivial decision made three years ago. Mature people don't do that.
Law of Talos wasn't supposed to be the big dramatic cocksuck fest that it became. You know why the whole thing was started? So that a bunch of people that all hung out in a chatroom together could have a fun steampunk tournament. And at some point in this whole process, someone asked Wixed here if she'd judge, and she said "Sure, why not?" I disagree with Wixed on a lot of points- she doesn't like tomatoes, I mean, how can you not like tomatoes? They're so full of juicy flavor! But that is her fucking decision. Personal choice is a thing! It's why romance novels make as much money as they do! I might think that Movie A is WORLDS better than Movie B, but that comes down to personal preference. Judges aren't perfect, and for you to say "baw zeurel was way better"- whatever. Fine, that's your choice. Honestly? I kind of hate his work, and I hated it before Law of Talos. That is MY FUCKING CHOICE.
Law of Talos was supposed to be a tournament for friends, judged by friends, and even Unknown, who you whine about so much, gracefully conceded defeat to Lil. It was only ever his fans that got angry! It's like playing sports with your best friends- there's got to be a winner but you don't cry about it because you're all friends, you just go have ice cream later and maybe you beat them the next time you play games and maybe you don't but it doesn't even matter. In the grand scheme of things, nothing about this tournament mattered, except that a bunch of crybaby fans went nuts over it.
And that's why I'm here. Do I give a shit about Law of Talos, or the fact that I lost in the first round, or the fact that Zeurel or Unknown won or lost or anything? No, no I fucking do not. I don't even talk to most of those people any more.
But you're being an asshole. Go punch a pillow or throw a plate at a wall, but don't be a dick to people just because of something so trivial. Wixed is one of my best friends in the whole world, and randomly telling her "fuck you" is NOT something that goes over well with me, especially when you know NOTHING about her as a person. In fact, even if I knew nothing about Law of Talos at all, I'd still be here to defend her, because the fact remains that you are being a complete douche! Let's take Law of Talos completely out of the equation. YOU. ARE. A. PRICK. Without any of the trappings of "art" or "injustice" or whatever bullshit. Don't dodge it, this isn't about LoT. You just found a reason to cuss out someone on the internet, and if that's what it takes to make you happy with yourself, fine. You can rationalize it all you want, but let's pretend that I came to your page today and said "Hey, fuck you. You know that day when you decided to have pizza instead of a sandwich, way back in '08? THAT SANDWICH WAS THE MOST GLORIOUS SANDWICH IN THE HISTORY OF SANDWICHES AND YOU BETRAYED THAT SANDWICH so FUCK YOU."
I would be in the wrong. It doesn't matter if I am the God of Sandwiches, Master of All Culinary Delights, with a degree in Knowing Exactly How Perfect Food Is Supposed To Be. It doesn't matter how right I think I am. I would be an asshole, for blowing some tiny little old thing out of proportion and insulting someone I don't even know for their personal preference.
And what if you didn't even REMEMBER that sandwich, or why you said "I'll have pizza today instead?" Some random stranger would still be bitching you out for it, and you'd be within your rights to defend yourself. And then, to compound the idiocy, I'd turn around and say "Hey, whoa, man, why does this matter so much to you? Obviously it's a big deal if you're making a big deal out of it, geez, why do you have to be so dumb? Lol it doesn't matter to me."
So now you might ask why I'm writing paragraphs insulting you over an old decision. And the answer is- it doesn't matter the subject material. You are being an unfounded ass to my friend. And that's why this matters to me.
Fuck off and get a life that doesn't involve wanking to deviantART "masterpieces".
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metalliec In reply to LunaInvidia [2011-11-03 11:00:42 +0000 UTC]
once again... walls of text without the thing i wanted and would make me stfu and stop replying to this whole trivial nonsense...........huff, let's see
the 1st wall:
about you trying to prove that i care way too much, i would have agreed with it.....
if i watched Law Of Talos the moment it came out and came back NOW, then yeah i would've agreed 100% with that point
but since i stumbled upon it...what a week ago or so?.....so no that point didn't affect me and i don't find it rational and satisfying.
and yes i moved on with my life seconds after the brief moment of anger and i think i mentioned that i found it unnecessary to post that i posted. but what's done is done. and i think wixed moved on from this crap too.
the 2nd wall:
......i don't really know how to reply to that.....tomatoes? pizzas?....were you hungry at that moment?
and romance novels and money.....what the he-WHAT DOES ROMANCE NOVELS HAVE TO DO WITH THIS?
though i will reply to the points in this wall that were somewhat relevant:
about Law of Talos wasn't supposed to be the big dramatic cocksuck fest and it being a group of friends made it to have fun, i totally agree with you, but that's not what we're talking about is it? i just want to know..............why zeurel lost, not WHY HE LOST HE SHOULD'VE WON BOO HOO HOO, and " it's a contest people lose " i know that and i agree with it.
I WANT THE REASON DAMMIT, if there's no reason i just want to see wixed say " i did it because i felt like it ", and THAT would be MORE THAN ENOUGH for me, i'm cool with that reason (if IT IS the reason) and i'll even say sorry.
i'm not the crying mentally handicapped no life that most others who bitch about this are and are like " NOO WHY HE LOST WTF FGOIFDGOSIDGO FUCK MY LIFE FUCK EVERYTHING IFOIFDJODFIJFOIDFSIODSIO " i agree with you, those are no lifes and should just stfu, and if you come across 1 tell them stfu for me.
the 3rd wall:
Law Of Talos was supposed to be friend, YES IT WAS and if it made those who participated happy, wither they won or lost i'm happy for them and happy that LoT served it's purpose.
" and even Unknown, who you whine about so much ".......lolwut? i didn't know i whined about unknown.....and again...lolwut? i only mentioned him once......TWICE to be exact
and i know unknown conceded defeat, and if his fans are bitching about it, tell them this:
" hey, you got 4 LoT videos and those Endzone videos...and i'm 50% sure you didn't even read his comics........sooooo, what the hell are you bitching about? "
and yes nothing about this tournament mattered i mentioned this whole thing is trivial crap more than once....i don't understand how you keep missing that......
and if you all had ice cream after the tournament years ago.......good for you, i'm happy that you're happy
the 4th wall:
yes, that moment of anger that made post that insult..when it passed and i thought about what i said i did feel like an asshole a bit
about not knowing wixed in person, okay i'll say this seriously, i'm really serious about what i'll say:
I AM 100% SURE she's a nice person in real life, and i'm sure you're also a nice person in real life
and despite the bad start we had you'll find that in real life i'm 180 degrees different that what you think about me, i'm somewhat a hypocrite on the net, but as i see it, IF i'm bad in the internet, but a good person in real life, WHERE IT MATTERS then yeah, i'm a bit glad i'm a net hypocrite though sometimes i wish i was the same in the net as i am in real life. but then again the net isn't actually a great place to be at your best, but if you are good in net and real life then i wish to be like you.
and i mentioned...OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN, THAT THIS IS A TRIVIAL MATTER, AS TRIVIAL AS THE WORD TRIVIAL CAN BE and maybe if weren't half asleep at the very beginning and forgot to mention that is a trivial matter and best let it go knowing that you angered someone over a trivial matter and he now thinks it's stupid that he posted what he said then all of this drama would have been avoided....but...again....what's done is done and i'm really getting a bit tired of this and i'm sure wixed is also way past over this.....
and no i don't search for reasons to cuss to someone in their OWN PAGE and i mentioned that i'm against that and i didn't feel happy after what i did because....AGAIN LIKE I SAID what i did will gain me nothing and all it gave me is this drama that's a bit silly now that i think about it
ooh and that sandwich nonsense really gave the "......whoa? " face. kudos for you
...............huff....i'm really tired of this Indian movie........
all i want from all this is to know why zeurel lost, NOT BOO WHY DID HE LOSE YOU ALL STINK , but the REASONS.
like.....like...... if you're in a test and it tells you: is this right or wrong? JUSTIFY
i want that JUSTIFY.....i just want the damn justification.....if you don't give it to me, that's cool. i have other things to do like those damn mastering physics crap.
if you tell me those, i'll say sorry to wixed and i'll even say fuck me if it makes you happy
ooh and if you ask " why is knowing the reasons such a big deal to you? "
it's because when troll come to me (you'll be surprised how many i encounter) and tells me " lol dude why did zeurel lose trolololo " i tell him " he lost because _____ and _____, and don't you have anything better to do than troll? "
i want people who bitch about this too for no reason to shut up and shut them up with solid things ; WITH REASONS ; so they would stop it....much like you want me to stfu and fuck off and so on.......
so that's it.........i'm tired.....i really need to go bed, good night (it's 11 PM here while i was typing this)
and if i'll be sorry about anything, i'd be sorry for us having such a bad start for such stupid reasons.
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Wixed001 In reply to metalliec [2011-11-06 07:02:02 +0000 UTC]
Ok.....last post. I had no idea Lunacat posted till now.
I just want to say, I had reasons back when I judged it at first. We had to give them to SinsofAngels when she posted the results and EVERYONE got to read them. I had reasons then.
But to give you what you're looking for I'll have to go back, re-read not that that comic, but every one of their entried beforehand so I can get a big picture grasp on it. So I can tell "Is the character keeping me interested? is the story? DO I like where it's going? Do I feel like I can expect better or worse and how?"
For those questions in which I judge things on I would need to read every entry till that deciding one. And I don't have the time. Nor, more importantly, do I care anymore. I made my decision once and gave reasons then. They are posted in a journal somewhere.
And as far as "moving on" from this goes. Yeah I decided to just leave it at that. But it doesn't change the fact that you hurt my feelings from nowhere, nor does it excuse it. Some might say "he's just a guy on the internet, don't bother." I wish I could. Cause I would just rather not to be honest. But what's done is done. And I'm sorry I can't tell you the exactness of a preference I had years ago. But I had it then when it mattered, and that's what matters to me.
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metalliec In reply to Wixed001 [2011-11-06 07:10:23 +0000 UTC]
well that's enough for me..........i guess....least you bothered given the current situation
i'm sorry i hurt your feelings, and all this was just unnecessary crap over something not worth it
so, sorry again and i hope that makes you feel better, i do.
soooo.........i guess that's it?......isn't it?
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LunaInvidia In reply to metalliec [2011-11-06 06:50:08 +0000 UTC]
dear deviantard: for homework, please define "metaphor" and "simile", and identify an example of the uses thereof.
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metalliec In reply to LunaInvidia [2011-11-06 07:02:23 +0000 UTC]
.....................are you still here?
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LunaInvidia In reply to metalliec [2011-11-06 07:06:23 +0000 UTC]
Pft, you act as though it's some kind of stationary place that I just sit at, as though you could walk by a park bench and I'd still be sitting at it ten days later, unblinking, unmoving. Here's how dA comments work: you post a response, it goes into my inbox, it stays there until I delete it or respond. It's not like I have to camp out on a page.
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metalliec In reply to LunaInvidia [2011-11-06 07:12:25 +0000 UTC]
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LuciusStone [2011-07-19 21:12:25 +0000 UTC]
thanks so much for faving
be sure to check out the rest of my gallery
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xLillyWonka [2011-07-17 07:08:28 +0000 UTC]
Hey thank you a lot for your fav on my pic!! [link] I have a question though, I've seen many people faving it lately although it's a little older now... Can you tell me where you found it? Did someone feature it or something ^^
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Wixed001 In reply to xLillyWonka [2011-07-19 14:15:30 +0000 UTC]
You're very welcome.
and I searched "Lily Snape" and looked through the pages. I'm guessing since the movie came out a lot of people will be searching the same thing
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xLillyWonka In reply to Wixed001 [2011-07-19 14:16:32 +0000 UTC]
Hmm you might be right.. Thank you for explaining!
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Wixed001 In reply to Asu-Babe [2011-07-15 21:25:13 +0000 UTC]
Oh my~
I am watching you as well.
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ThePrincessNightmare [2011-07-07 16:58:52 +0000 UTC]
thanks for the fav!
if you are interested in the rest of the set of photos check out my website along w/more fun costume pix! @ [link]
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Wixed001 In reply to Fadoca [2010-09-14 07:03:36 +0000 UTC]
you are very welcome I just started a changeling game so I was like "ooo pretty art about what I'm getting into! <3"
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