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| Wany-Waldnymphe

Wany-Waldnymphe [6372907] [] "Jana"

# Statistics

Favourites: 641; Deviations: 88; Watchers: 302

Watching: 56; Pageviews: 38977; Comments Made: 1042; Friends: 56

# Comments

Comments: 169

nsideddice [2017-08-08 16:04:34 +0000 UTC]

Happy Birthday!

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

mirakor [2017-08-08 15:58:28 +0000 UTC]

Happy Birthday!

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

spider-pony [2017-03-01 04:33:50 +0000 UTC]

you are so hot !Β 

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Wany-Waldnymphe In reply to spider-pony [2017-06-08 07:32:09 +0000 UTC]

Oh thank you /D

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

MrJechgo [2016-08-08 10:46:19 +0000 UTC]

Happy B-Day ^_^

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

spartan-locke [2015-08-08 17:35:51 +0000 UTC]

Happy Birthday!

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Wany-Waldnymphe In reply to spartan-locke [2015-09-09 13:37:56 +0000 UTC]

Thank you! ^___^~

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

MrJechgo [2015-08-08 11:29:22 +0000 UTC]

Happy B-Day ^_^

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Wany-Waldnymphe In reply to MrJechgo [2015-09-09 13:38:08 +0000 UTC]

Thank you! ^o^

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

gentleEvan [2015-03-11 19:26:09 +0000 UTC]

Sweet cosplays.
Your really pretty and your eyes are lovely.
Your pretty even out of your cosplay.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Wany-Waldnymphe In reply to gentleEvan [2015-03-26 14:12:03 +0000 UTC]

Oh, thank you ^//^

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

gentleEvan In reply to Wany-Waldnymphe [2015-03-27 00:01:57 +0000 UTC]

Β You are most welcome. Be well my lady.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

Vin75 [2014-08-08 16:53:23 +0000 UTC]

Happy birthday

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Wany-Waldnymphe In reply to Vin75 [2014-08-14 08:46:02 +0000 UTC]

Thank you ^___^~

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

Child-Like-Minded [2014-08-08 15:09:51 +0000 UTC]

Happy Birthday Jana! Hope you have a most wonderful and beautiful day! Β 

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Wany-Waldnymphe In reply to Child-Like-Minded [2014-08-14 08:46:26 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!! ^_____^

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Child-Like-Minded In reply to Wany-Waldnymphe [2014-08-14 17:16:35 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome! ^^

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

MrJechgo [2014-08-08 10:11:30 +0000 UTC]

Happy B-Day ^_^

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Wany-Waldnymphe In reply to MrJechgo [2014-08-14 08:46:34 +0000 UTC]

Thanks ^o^

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

KikiKannon [2014-04-01 15:40:29 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for the favorite! Β Please feel free to check out some of my other costumes and props.

-Kiki Kannon-

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

SkyEagles [2014-01-29 22:59:49 +0000 UTC]

Awesome gallery!

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

SoraPaopu [2014-01-17 19:15:15 +0000 UTC]


πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

cesaw70 [2013-09-18 04:10:55 +0000 UTC]

Thank you for the llama.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

edhutschek [2013-09-17 19:48:28 +0000 UTC]

Awww, thank you for the Lama :3

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Wany-Waldnymphe In reply to edhutschek [2013-09-17 19:54:44 +0000 UTC]

Bitte Edi XD

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

kevin4 [2013-08-08 21:54:57 +0000 UTC]

happy birthday! Β 

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Wany-Waldnymphe In reply to kevin4 [2013-08-09 08:38:13 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!!!! ^__^

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

spartan-locke [2013-08-08 19:49:38 +0000 UTC]

Happy birthday!

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Wany-Waldnymphe In reply to spartan-locke [2013-08-09 08:37:54 +0000 UTC]

Thank you ^^~

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

spartan-locke In reply to Wany-Waldnymphe [2013-08-10 06:46:43 +0000 UTC]

did you have a good day?

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

Schieben [2013-08-08 17:10:46 +0000 UTC]

Happy Birthday!
Hope you have a good one!

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Wany-Waldnymphe In reply to Schieben [2013-08-09 08:37:11 +0000 UTC]

Thank you very much! ^__________^

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

MrJechgo [2013-08-08 10:45:04 +0000 UTC]

Happy B-Day ^_^

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Wany-Waldnymphe In reply to MrJechgo [2013-08-09 08:37:39 +0000 UTC]

Thank you

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

Light-Sensei [2012-08-29 18:13:30 +0000 UTC]

thanks so much for the faves

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

HagerotH [2012-08-19 02:03:42 +0000 UTC]

Huhu musste grad mal wem das muro zeigen
deviantART muro drawing

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Wany-Waldnymphe In reply to HagerotH [2012-08-19 07:51:24 +0000 UTC]

Das ist ja mal voll geil! Soll schon ne Rose darstellen oder? GefΓ€llt mir

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

HagerotH In reply to Wany-Waldnymphe [2012-08-19 14:11:38 +0000 UTC]

Hehe ja solls auch wenns dann etwas gequetscht geworden ist.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Wany-Waldnymphe In reply to HagerotH [2012-08-23 15:24:37 +0000 UTC]

Ach quatsch! Lads doch hoch, damit sich auch andere an dem Wirrwar erfreuen kΓΆnnen!

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

HagerotH In reply to Wany-Waldnymphe [2012-08-29 13:37:26 +0000 UTC]

ach geht schon xD

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

halokitty44 [2012-08-13 15:16:44 +0000 UTC]

youre welcome..i really like youre zelda cosplay!

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

HagerotH [2012-08-09 13:41:23 +0000 UTC]

Danke sehr!

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Wany-Waldnymphe In reply to HagerotH [2012-08-13 14:04:35 +0000 UTC]

Gern doch

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

Rikus-heart [2012-08-09 05:20:06 +0000 UTC]

Happy B-day! <3

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Wany-Waldnymphe In reply to Rikus-heart [2012-08-09 09:56:53 +0000 UTC]

Thank you! ^o^

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Rikus-heart In reply to Wany-Waldnymphe [2012-08-10 06:30:14 +0000 UTC]


πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

Schieben [2012-08-08 19:05:56 +0000 UTC]

Happy Birthday!
Hope you have a good one!

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Wany-Waldnymphe In reply to Schieben [2012-08-09 09:56:39 +0000 UTC]

Thank you! My day was very nice! ^___^

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

sweetanndsexy [2012-06-26 10:37:17 +0000 UTC]

You've been hugged!
Spread the DA love around! (you can copy and paste this message on their profile!)

1- You can hug the person who hugged you!
2- You -MUST- hug 6 other people, at least!
3- You should hug them in public! Paste it on their user page!
4- Random hugs are perfectly okay!
5- You should most definitely get started hugging right away!

Send This To All Your Friends, And Me If I Am 1, On Second thought, Please give one back.
If You Get 7 Back You Are Loved

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

WhiteRaven99 [2011-08-08 17:45:27 +0000 UTC]

Happy birthdayyy!

Not the best drawing I've done since I've lost my tablet but oh well XD
deviantART muro drawing

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

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