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| WaKip

# Statistics
Favourites: 483; Deviations: 323; Watchers: 75
Watching: 36; Pageviews: 15973; Comments Made: 2963; Friends: 36
# Comments
Comments: 341
pansydiv [2017-03-06 15:25:13 +0000 UTC]
i haven't spoken to you in ages (sorry about that!)
i hope you're doing okay!
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WaKip In reply to pansydiv [2017-03-19 20:37:45 +0000 UTC]
It's okay, I've been mia for a bit. I'm doing alright just trying to get stuff back out there and such. <3 How have you been?
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pansydiv In reply to WaKip [2017-03-20 13:21:38 +0000 UTC]
Good to see you back!! I'm alright, just a little busy with school and stuff :/Β
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pansydiv [2016-05-29 06:48:37 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for all the favourites, I appreciate it!Β Β
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ALBDreamweaver [2016-05-03 15:43:33 +0000 UTC]
...Thank you for the watch? I...well I hope you're at least somewhat alright. It's good to see you back around.
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WaKip In reply to ALBDreamweaver [2016-05-29 01:36:19 +0000 UTC]
Ah...that's really weird. I don't think I ever messed with the watch thing. Hm. Ah well, hello again.
I'm, well, doing better. Doing how I should have been doing for a rather long time, and hopefully moving upward.
As much as it is not something I am deserving of, I'm glad to be speaking to you again, even if from square one.
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ALBDreamweaver In reply to WaKip [2016-05-29 09:07:09 +0000 UTC]
If you disable your account or something along those lines, it notifies against once you come back.
That's a most excellent thing to hear. I'm glad circumstances are finally working out in your favor, though I must admit that it sounds like quite a lot had to go wrong before that ended up being the case.
Hm. See, I think we have our narratives mixed up, because I thought it was I that did that leaving part, and you who had things fall to pieces while I was doing that. I don't think you need to feel unworthy in any regard. It takes two to make a relationship distant, though I admit that you changing your number made reconnecting difficult.
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WaKip In reply to ALBDreamweaver [2016-05-30 00:37:26 +0000 UTC]
Ah, that would make a lot of sense.
Sadly, things have yet to bottom out, but I feel a sense of hope for the future I haven't felt for ages.
Please, do not tell me we accidentally ghosted one another.
If you would like, I would love to catch up properly, and can give you my new number(Had to switch providers), but that ball is on your court, and I understand if the same reasons you had disappeared before, would be the reasons today you are uninterested in such. I do quite miss speaking novel-length at you.
I..do promise I am significantly more stable and social, if that intices you at all.
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ALBDreamweaver In reply to WaKip [2016-05-30 02:26:44 +0000 UTC]
That's sort of just speculation, but it seems like a probable way things could go.
Should I take that to mean that you think things will actually get worse from here? I admit I am curious about the details, since from what I already know and could intuit it seems like it would be hard for things to actually get worse.
Perhaps we did. Don't really know.
The reasons I fell off the planet were mostly work-related, but I have since entirely quit coaching competitively, making that no longer an impediment. I miss speaking with you as well, so if you wish to provide me with the means to contact you, I would be happy to do so.
I never thought of you a particularly unstable, and you were always social to me, so what did I have to complain about...?
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Domaex [2016-05-01 14:07:54 +0000 UTC]
Thank you so much for all the comments and support, and I will make sure to read them all! When I stumbled upon your six-word stories I couldn't help but go on a favourite spree! Watch well deserved from me!
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WaKip In reply to Domaex [2016-05-27 15:43:31 +0000 UTC]
Oh thank you! And i'll continue to put out stuff worthy of your watch~ I look forward to hearing more from you and maybe seeing you write a bit more as well. :>
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AsterGirl [2015-02-18 06:20:32 +0000 UTC]
Thank you so much for the support you give me in your comments.
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WaKip In reply to RevuhrendBenGhazi [2014-10-26 07:53:56 +0000 UTC]
I've been gone for a long time due to some circumstances with my job and life, which sucks greatly :< I'll respond over note as much as possible again, but I was having issues with it last time I sent. Want to do a resend, or just start anew as it's been so long?
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RevuhrendBenGhazi In reply to WaKip [2014-10-30 13:54:22 +0000 UTC]
Or you can shoot me one? I can't tell if it went through or not. Lawl.
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RevuhrendBenGhazi In reply to WaKip [2014-10-30 13:37:44 +0000 UTC]
I'll shoot ya a new one. It's just good to know you're still alive!
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WaKip In reply to ilyilaice [2014-10-26 07:52:37 +0000 UTC]
I'm actually doing a bit better these days, though with my current life have had deep issue getting on here. I'm sorry if I worried you, and I'll likely respond to your note soon
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ALBDreamweaver [2014-09-19 04:48:14 +0000 UTC]
I can't help but wonder if you have nearly as much difficulty motivating yourself to answer one of these gargantuan messages as I do.
The fact I still have four more that are pushing a week old is not something I'm proud of.
Less coding, more socializing for me!
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WaKip In reply to ALBDreamweaver [2014-10-26 07:55:27 +0000 UTC]
Ah, I'm working on it a lot lately. I wish I could keep up better, but it actually takes longer than I want to admit.Β
The fact that I have messages pushing a month is insane...
Less work(Haha. Never.) more socializing for me!
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ALBDreamweaver In reply to WaKip [2014-10-26 08:25:23 +0000 UTC]
I agree, although...I can't say I mind. I can think of worse ways to spend a half hour *glares at LOL client*. At least this is fulfilling. I am curious, though, about the length of time, now. Tell me
As do I, but I've sort of accepted that they'll be languishing for an eternity, simply because there are enough threads we have going at once that necroing them seems almost completely unnecessary.
Well, see, my job doesn't actually require me to do much work, so it's hard for me to ever say I'm "working" per se, when I usually just tell people to reboot things and work on my own projects...which I almost always inevitably abandon.
When put in that light, answering a message to you is likely to be the most productive thing I do in a day, unless someone deletes their e-mail archive or something.
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WaKip In reply to LiterateKat [2014-09-18 00:29:16 +0000 UTC]
No problem, thank you for writing your piece!
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Yo-dra [2014-09-12 12:23:29 +0000 UTC]
Great to see an awesome artist with such a constructive attitude, kudos to you ^_^
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WaKip In reply to Yo-dra [2014-09-18 00:30:35 +0000 UTC]
Thank you~ I do my best, haha.
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ALBDreamweaver [2014-09-12 07:15:04 +0000 UTC]
Goddammit. It's my bed time. Why can't you rear your head sometime before midnight my time >.>
Or just on a weekend. I'm terrible at going to bed when I have messages to answer!
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WaKip In reply to ALBDreamweaver [2014-09-12 07:17:11 +0000 UTC]
Agh, I'm nocturnal! You will never sleep!
I'm hardly on on the weekends because work eats my life.
So yeah, no sleep.
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ALBDreamweaver In reply to WaKip [2014-09-12 07:36:55 +0000 UTC]
And here I thought I'd be a good boy tonight and get to be early. Guess that's off the table. Good thing I get to sleep on the train.
While I think that working 9-5 in some ways sort of sucks, I do still always thank the stars I get to have my weekends to myself. What do you do where you don't have the same luxury?
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WaKip In reply to ALBDreamweaver [2014-09-12 10:20:51 +0000 UTC]
And to top it off? When you were at your most active? I was having "lunch"(Night owl lunch, of course.)
Well, I work five, mostly six days a week, so I just find ways to enjoy the day I do have off constantly. Thursday. The art museum near my home is free on Thursdays, the library has events, and most things are open.
(Also when I am most active on D.A, naturally.)
I ust work around my schedule in the end. Plan events for later hours, or early ones. My ob is afternoon to evening, so it works best those ways.
I wish I had a 9-5 consistently houred job sometimes, though.
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ALBDreamweaver In reply to WaKip [2014-09-12 23:07:16 +0000 UTC]
Define "most active". I feel like I sleepwalk through work most of the time, so if we go by when I think of as "most active" that means you're eating lunch at something like 8PM my time. That seems wholly reasonable. Or is this referencing a specific time? Suppose it's confusing.
Ich, I'm glad I have the set five day schedule. Would be a bit miffed if I had to suddenly work Saturday or something, especially without overtime. Strangely, a large percentage of the art museum near me are free, at least on paper. Even the Getty center is free, as long as you're willing to shell out for parking... Is that the sort of place you like to visit often? Do the exhibits change enough that you maintain interest, or are you more like I am and don't mind deconstructing the same piece endlessly? Writing is not the only art i love, and while I would say that music is first in my heart (since it combines my love of pleasing tunes with poetry quite often), I do quite love photography and more traditional mediums. Unless you paint soup cans. Then GTFO.
I'm sort of glad you're not a....well I was going to say Hikkomori because I've spent all day on TVTropes, which I do more often than I'd like, so for the sake of understanding we'll say shut-in. I'm sort of banned from all my libraries, and I'm pretty sure a third of the books on my shelves are outright stolen from them.
I'll keep that in mind. See you next Thursday, then
Everyone plans around their schedule, I understand completely. I was only miffed because I did really want to talk to you, but it was an abysmal time for me, since I had to do that sleeping thing.
Honestly, I think it depends on what you do, how much you enjoy it. While I don't mind my job at all, and I'm thankful to have it, that hasn't stopped me from going back to school yet again (third degree ._.), this time in an actual dream job, Game Design. Likely, going into such a field will mean sacrificing a regular schedule and likely some of my pay but I'm ok with that, since it would be an opportunity to do something I'd love. So, if you enjoy your current job, why trade it for one with regular hours you might not?
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WaKip In reply to ALBDreamweaver [2014-09-20 07:13:26 +0000 UTC]
I meant specifically when you commented the most. Around that area of time, I skimpered off to eat. I don't like being on the Internet and eating, as I forget I'm eating and the food gets cold and crummy. On D.A, though, it's when i'm all aware and able to do some solid critiques and replies. My work is very physical, and when I get home i'm so busy cracking most of my body and attempting to rest that D.A is my last thought.
Weekends are the hardest days, too. Nah, I live in an area where everything has to cost something. I enjoy it a great deal. They're slow about new works, but I do plan dates and sometimes even pay the fee to a see a new expo on it's first day coming out. They're making a new typography exhibit soon, and I'm elated at the concept. I just enjoy re-visiting and thinking on the pieces, and re reading the little descriptions of each artist. I always try to remember the names, but I fail miserably. It mostly tends to be local, too,l and I always wonder if my favorites are passing me by, day to day, and I don't even know. I like to draw as well, but I must say writing is the first in my heart. It's my greatest art, and the one I focus on the hardest. I think pure still-lifers really need to spice up their business, seriously.
It's weird, being so deep into social anxiety you'd think I would be. Though..erm I do nearly run off if someone at the library or museum tries to talk to me. One day i'll make new friends. one day.
Hah, really? Were they worth it?
I lied, I got called in Thursday.Β
It happens, I wish I got on at earlier hours at times.
I like my job, but i'm 'technically' a part-timer (My boss is a liar, as I work full time hours..), so they can just dick around with my schedule all day every day. I work in food service, so naturally that's just how it is. I want a more consistent and better paying job but...refer to what I commented a little earlier. In my city, those don't exist. I can't afford to do temp work, and most things are part time outside of it. This job is a small business that is doing awesome for itself, pays me, and the people are good to work with. I really can't complain but..
7.95 an hour? Really??
I can hardly live on it..jeez.
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ALBDreamweaver In reply to WaKip [2014-09-22 23:54:13 +0000 UTC]
WEll, I suppose my timing is just awful, then. I find myself doing the same when I try to eat and internet; it's one or the other for me. Not that I mind cold food most of the time.
Your work is very physical and you work...in the food service industry? What the hell do you do, juggle baguettes while taking orders with your teeth? Although I imagine that job would pay very, very well...
Sorry if I add more exhaustion to your day . I intended to be an interesting and occasionally amusing diversion. Please leave comments in the box as to how I can improve your stay.
Everything costs something everywhere on earth. That's nothing new. A typography exhibit does sound interesting, as long as it's not all pieces from that guy in Japan who just paints the date every day. That would get old fast. It's a bit surprising to se someone who's so...thoughtful in this day of age, I suppose is the word. Few people reach for the meaning of art, it's a rare desire.Β
Oh, you draw? Why have I never seen any of that, only your writing? I enjoy drawing, but the gods did not bless me with the talent to do it in any well vaguely resembling "art". More like "scribbles". Not surprising when you consider how terrible my handwriting is. I'd also argue writing is -the- greatest art, not simply yours. Although, you sure wouldn't know it by looking at this site...
Darn, Β I should have phrased that such that I knew whether you knew what a Hikkomori was, or if my definition clued you in. Wasted opportunity. I am glad to hear you're not a total shut in, though. It's nice to get a tan every now and again, you know? I'll make a note, though, to never talk to you in the art museum, then. Do people try that often? Library I can see, it's well known that it's a good place to find quality members of the opposite gender (I have friends that go to the library and bookstores with the intent to hit on women. It amuses me to no end.). I'd say you're my friend, do I not count? You made me.
I saw that. Sadfaced. You were missed. Would have been a welcome diversion from my 14 hour coding spree. At least I actually finished that mod, though...
That happens to most of my friends, most notably my friend who has worked in the same warehouse for years and is the most wildly successful employee there. If you keep working in food service, though, you best get used to it; that's life. If there are no good jobs in your city, I'm forced to ask why you remain there, especially since you referenced school elsewhere, and I presume you graduated due to your, well, obvious ability.Β
7.95 would not pay rent anywhere within 100 miles of where I live. In fact, I casually ate a lunch that was two hours of your wages, and now feel bad about that. The fact you can live independently on that at all is impressive, though you did say "home town" so I suppose I don't know you're independent...
Still, depending on what you studied it might be time to move to the big city.
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WaKip In reply to ALBDreamweaver [2014-10-24 03:43:50 +0000 UTC]
You're likely going to be surprised to know I'm actually one of the strongest people at where I work, so I'm always unloading food, moving things around, and lifting heavy objects for most everyone else. Besides that, I'm almost always keeping a very brisk pace to every task. I pick up a bit of slack from a couple other workers sadly, so I often end up working without breaks as well. I think I'm too nice there, but I don't like confrontation. I wouldn't mind that job, it sounds amazing. Can you imagine telling people what you do? "Yeah, I just juggle and take orders with my teeth while generally being a badass, it isn't a big thing."
Honestly, it's more just lack of time than anything else. It's like, I could respond on D.A, which requires thought but will fulfill me more in the long run...or I could play a video game and be completely numb to the world for an hour.
I'm bad with that choice.
I've wanted to see it so bad lately but I haven't had the chance..it's been out for a while now, and I feel bad because I wanted to see it the day it came out but I was called in to work. Next thing I know? I work every day of the week. I'll tell you about it when I finally get to.Β
Thank you, I honestly hope it isn't as rare as you feel. I hope most I see examining a piece in the museum next to me, silent, feel that same yearning and curiosity.
Ah, I'm embarrassed by it. What friends I do have are all really good at it, so naturally I find myself looking badly upon my own.Β I'm alright at best.
Heh, my handwriting is pretty bad too. I've never been able to make it better no matter how I try. Ah well, it's readable at least.Β
Very true. Got to keep up that awkward eternal farmers tan, eh? It just freaks me out. I'll get so deep in a piece or a book and then BAM, random human mouth words. It startles me. They simply try to ask my thoughts on something, or if I come there a lot because they see me often, and I just won't know what to say. It actually throws me off to have people try to talk to me, and I suppose that's probably a bad thing. Heh, I kind of doubt they're hitting on me, though.
You know, you're right. I do consider you a friend. So, I suppose I've done well. Sweet. I'd celebrate, but I feel that would require a party hat and I don't feel like finding where a party store near me is. Hm.Β
Well, on the bright side I still exist, and am back on currently! Woot. Diversions.
I actually hope to leave food service as soon as I can, as though I do well in it, it really just isn't where I want to remain. I still live here because my student loans loom hard upon me, and I worry about taking the risk of moving away and then ending up homeless. Sadly, I did not. Remember that cute little government shutdown thing..? A lot of students lost thousands in financial aid...I was one of them. In two weeks I lost eight thousand in aid. I was evicted, and forced to find a way back to Ohio. I was given a week to figure this out. I managed a greyhound ticket, and well, here I am. I was there for Graphic Design. I miss it terribly.
Depends on how you define "independent". I was renting a room of a house. I was, and have for a long time lived without parental aid. I suppose that is the definition, so yes. I'm very good at budgeting. It's still terribly difficult though..student loans kill it. I would like a car, but that seems impossible.
I'm hoping to get a job at a credit approval part of a jeweler that pays a lot better and offers constant hours.
I honestly just wish I had the opportunity to finish. FASFA feels that I don't need more than about..what was it..? Seven thousand?
I want to move, but I couldn't stand the idea of being unable to finish off my debt. Β
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ALBDreamweaver In reply to WaKip [2014-10-28 23:53:16 +0000 UTC]
Well, my level of surprise depends on a few variables. Are you the strongest because everyone else is exceptionally weak, or are you the strongest due to your amazonian upbringing? Somehow I never pictured you being one of the generic buff ladies considering your demeanor, so I'm just going to assume that you're a fit person working with plenty of people who aren't. Considering your age and the alarmingly high average age of food service workers, that strikes me as the most realistic situation.
But if you are an amazon, please don't kill me. I'm not one of those oppressive evil men, Β I swear.
Hmph, you're one of those work-a-holic types, are you? Not surprising. I actually was like that too in my early jobs. I was always the guy who just shut up and wanted to get the work done, and since I have a rather strong compulsion to do everything I do perfectly that frequently manifested in me (re)doing all of my teammates work. If you're working without breaks, though, you are definitely being too nice, or too unassertive, as is usually my problem in those situations.
I can't imagine many careers better than that one, as far as explanations go. Although...something tells me you'd get asked for demonstrations a lot, which might get a bit annoying.
That sounds less like a lack of time and more like a lack of drive. Not that I can judge, i'm pretty bad with that choice myself. The difference being I'm actually studying to work in game design at this point, so I can sort of say that it's market research. It's always the rationalizations that matter, isn't it?
Though, you're explanation makes it more sound like escapism than my sheer laziness (or utter lack of creative inspiration, as it were). Wouldn't making decisions that make escaping the world less desirable be ultimately the most beneficial ones? God knows, though, that if I had but an hour of free time every night, I'd likely be spending it somewhere on Steam, so...Take that with a grain of salt, I suppose.
I really have to wonder at your work hours when you're at the point that you haven't managed to go to a art exhibit after a month. Sounds quite a bit draconian. I mean, can't you take a day off? Perhaps you should learn how to mimic the symptoms of something ridiculously contagious, or just have a dental appointment one day. Whatever works. Though, I suppose you being the responsible type and all might not be quite as willing to do something like that as others would. Either way, I look forward to it.
Well, most of the people I see at art exhibits here fall into one of three categories: 1. School children who are just happy to be out of the school, if not particularly happy to be at a museum; 2. Young couples using it as a high-brow dating place who'd rather look at each other than the paintings (an egregious failure in my mind. I can't imagine how many "awesome mate" points I'd give up if I took a girl to an art museum and cared more to look upon her mammeries than the art around me. Wouldn't establishing myself as a man of culture be better in the long run?); or 3. Older individuals there due to actual appreciation. I'm a bit marginalized in any of those possible groups, so I end up just admiring alone. Not that that's a necessarily bad thing, I just very much enjoy having people to discuss art with. Were I to accompany you to an art museum, you wouldn't have a silent companion, rather I'd be either (depending on the media) discussing the themes and meaning of the pieces, or what was going through the artist's mind ; or I'd be making cheap jokes at the expense of the media (much like my joke at the expense of Mr. paints date and time). Possibly both, especially in more ancient art exhibits. Quite a few older portraits kind of make fun of themselves, I'd say.
Well, if I'm your friend, then fear not! You are no longer the worst of your friends at drawing, as I am surely worse. I go read the Order of The Stick and think "Man, those Stick Figures are way out of my artistic ability". Considering the volume of friends and significant others I've had who are either at least respectable artists or outright drawing for a living, it has become a point of embarrassment for me. The only thing I can seem to do adequately in is drawing weird geodesic designs when I should be taking notes.
My poor handwriting is the reason my grandparents wanted me to be a doctor or dentist so badly. I wish I was kidding. then they figured programmer was good, since then I wouldn't have to physically write ANYTHING.
And then it turned out that I'm a terrible typist too. Who'd of thought?
I used to have one of the worst farmer's tans I'd ever seen. I tan very easily, so while I was still running cross country my skin always looked like that...and that's neglecting to mention my awe-inspiring tanline from my watch. Even though I tan easily, my natural skin color is quite pale, so it was a very startling contrast. Girls with farmer's tans though seems like a rarity. I don't know many who wear T-shirt often enough to get them, though that might just be due to my climate. They can get away with less pretty much every day of the year, and for most of the year I envy that freedom.
I suppose I would be poor company at a museum for you then, as I tend to enjoy working through my thoughts via conversation. I wouldn't say it's a bad thing, though, or even wholly unusual. what you described is pretty much exactly what will happen anytime I'm interrupted while reading, and god help you if you interrupted me simply to ask what the book is about. It's difficult for me to imagine someone so...poor at dealing with conversation, though. I suppose that's probably due to my extensive training in just that between debate and Academic Decathlon, but still. I think I would be startled that you were startled.
Not like I'd talk to you at all, though, if I didn't know you prior. I'm notoriously terrible at talking to any member of the opposite gender that possesses attractive attributes. Like, for example, enjoys going to art museums. In fact...I think we'd be equally startled by each other were one of us to speak to the other; you for your overall introversion and myself from a combination of that and being terrified in the presence of most members of the opposite gender.
You say that like the idea of someone hitting on you is ridiculous. I'm going to guess you're not a bog hag, nor similar to one in appearance, thus I can't see why that would be so unthinkable. In my opinion, lame lines to hit on people are pretty much just an ice breaker; it's getting to know them after that matters, and meeting in an art museum is a good start from my point of view. Although, I am approaching that from my own point of view; many of your characters traits that might be percieved as negative in general (anxiety/introversion/inability to properly use people-words from time to time ) are either irrelevant to me or actually endearing.Β
So perhaps my opinion on your worthiness to be randomly hit on in an art museum should be discounted. Sounds really silly when I put it that way, in retrospect.
Well +1 friend is always a good thing. Not sure I'm worth throwing a party over, though. When you become friends with someone of actually note, you should throw a party with hats. Me? Perhaps that's an accomplishment, but a party with hats seems like overkill. something like sharing a delicious treat sounds far more reasonable. You have not known heaven until you have tasted my apple strudel.
Note that is one of three dishes I am capable of crafting (Apple strudel, Ramen, and Lemon chicken are the three; the third only because it's my favorite food and I'm unwilling to let my grandmother take the secret of it's concoction to the grave.)
I feel like any reaction to this statement would be pointless considering it's a few days after you were actually there. Well. I was glad at the time. Hope that works. Glad you didn't die or anything. Well...maybe if it had been some psectacular death...
"Girl pets platypus and dies." "Girl impaled by terrifyingly large super-elk"
I mean, if you gotta kick the can, might as well make it worth remembering, right?
I think literally no one wants to keep working in food service. Thus, it doesn't surprise me that you want to get out of it. I suppose it's reasonable to be cautious in that scenario, but I have to wonder...If you're not getting any parental help, what exactly was the point of moving home to Ohio rather than to, say, Portland, with it's booming economy and drastically higher minimum wage? I understand leaving California, as that's a terrible place to be with no money or job, but...Just seems odd to choose Ohio when you can go anywhere. This has nothing to do with the fact a disproportionate number of my friends seem to all live in Ohio, nor with the fact that while I would love to visit said friends, yourself included, at some point, it's difficult to justify going to somewhere as boring as Ohio, at least from my well-traveled point of view.
For what it's worth, that government shutdown was finally the thing that moved me from being a candidate-based independent voter to just straight joining the Democratic Party. Watching some of the shit on C-SPAN just blew my mind, especially with the way the Speaker of the House played it. Now knowing someone personally effected by it just makes it that much worse. I can't believe you got screwed over so hard, and that you had nothing to fall back on. didn't you have friends in the area you could crash with until it got straightened out? Having to completely abandon your college education for reasons beyond your control seems...terrible. Can't imagine that frustration. Sorry :/
Graphic design, you say? I don't suppose you got far enough to where you'd be willing to take commissions for anything? As I mentioned, I "work" in game design independently, and have no artistic talent. this extends to even simple things like making buttons and UI's or even basic menus. Just no idea how to do it. Don't suppose you do?
Wholly unrelated, but do you plan to ever go back to school?
Yeah, parental aid was basically what I was asking about. I know the feeling, I haven't exactly had parental aid for quite a while now due to their quest to educate China as to the love of Christ, so...Yeah. Somehow, though, I imagine your reason for that situation is a bit different.Β
I'm horrendous at budgeting. It's a very, very good Β thing I'm very well paid. Otherwise my romps on steam would kill me pretty quickly. Although, I don't really consider it a bad thing. I'm extremely generous mostly because money has no intrinsic value to me; it's something that allows you to do other things. I use it to get dinner with friends I want to spend time with, to pay for movies or other shared experiences with said friends, or even stuff as trivial as buying premium memberships for DA artists that catch my eye. *shrug* I suppose my point of view would be different, though, if I had rather large debts hanging over my head, though.
You know...Had you mentioned that just a few months earlier, I'd have practically given you a car. Turns out I had to pay just to get rid of the darned thing to make room for my newer (and more reliable) one. I kinda miss the Old Geo, though. Was my first car, served me well. The thought of it lying in scrap somewhere is kind of sad, considering almost all of my most daring escapades happened in the driver's eat of that little 2-seater.
And i miss the 50MPG, I'll be honest. not like I drive anymore. I drive a half mile to the train station, and then public transit to and from work from there. Cheaper, and I get to spend my three hours of commuting comatose instead of cursing in traffic.
That's a rather bizarre job. Wonder what kind of people you'd run into there...Still, hope you manage it if it would greatly improve your situation. That statement is only PARTLY motivated by my desire for you to have more time to talk.Β
Only partly. Swear it.
I know that feeling. That's why I started classes online again, just because I would never feel like I'd done right in life until I had a degree for something; and since I already had enough experience and know-how to have a good job in the IT field, why not just go nuts and go for the dream job? This has been helped out a lot by my parent's complete lack of income this last year, but...even with that I'm only getting seven thousand, and that's with both my family and myself reporting a combined total of 14k income last year. How could you possibly be getting only that much?
Finish off the debt then move. Easy. Well, not.
Problem is, if all you do is work crappy jobs with no career opportunities, you're going to take ten years to pay off that debt, and then what? I would hate for you to be so intimidated by your debt that you got stuck doing fulfilling work forever, barring marrying someone who could support you going through school. It's just not practical to start yourself in life out down 50k in assets or whatever. I'd focus on saving enough to go somewhere with better opportunities, while paying only the bare minimum in student loans.
And seeing as I pay only my interest in payments each month and indubitably make much more money than you...I find it hard to believe you've worked the system enough. Or that's just not your style. I, for one, would rather wait on the debt until I have the income to make paying it off trivial as opposed to overwhelming.
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WaKip In reply to ALBDreamweaver [2014-10-30 11:30:01 +0000 UTC]
Eh, depends on how you want to look at it. I'm actually rather broad and tall for a woman. I believe I'd still be rather tiny for an amazonian though, haha. Kind of wish I was that tall...reach the top of everything....
I'm chubby, but built well and know how to properly lift things(Trust me; Less people know how than you want to think of.). My co-workers? Two ladies, three guys. One of the girls is practically an amazon(Really tall, strong, and quite pretty. Sadly had worked this job ten years. Poor thing.), and helps me with any lifting when shes there. The second? Super short. Hard to get her to. One of the guys has been there three years and is just plain lazy. The second has been there half the time I have, and is a stick. No offense to him but...seriously, he could disappear if he turned sideways. The third is brand new and showed promise on strength due to being broad..but seems to try too hard. I think he wants to seem really strong, but it would seriously suffice if he would just lift on his level. Rather him not hurt himself.
I went way to in-depth with this, but hey, that's life.
Yeah, maybe a little bit. I just..have a lot of pride in my work, and can't seem to help but want things to run smoothly. I like the business I work for, despite the pay and hours, and want it to go well. I also live in constant fear of being fired. Why? It's Ohio, and they can without reason.Β
I had a bit of an argument with a co-worker, the short one(Katy is her name), about this matter, weirdly. She claimed I was doing things the way I did because I felt she was lazy and slow(She's new to being a manager, so she is a bit slow on closing.). I told her that she misunderstood what I had said about the skinny co-worker(Garrett) as being meant for her(He talks on his phone a lot. I was saying that it probably isn't a good idea to do that as much as he did, but due to family issues I understood. I also mentioned I wish he didn't sit and take breaks as much as he did, because I feel like I have to do extra for it.
I get it, voicing concerns=always a bad idea in this work.) and that I was just out of line with it(A lie. I was not, and still don't believe I was. Garrett should not get better treatment than me. Hell, I've been there longer!). After much discussion and me pretty much licking her boots to keep my job, things went back to the day-to-day, and I do less work as not to seem like, in her words, I'm trying to "out-work" my co-workers. I get a break at least...but so much less gets done..
Well, I'm a mini-amazon, so watch you words. I will lift moderately sized things with appropriate movements in your presence. Woah.
I wonder if professional jugglers run into that problem often.
Agh, it can be difficult to motivate when I have so many things I should get to on here. Yet, if I procrastinate more it gets worse, so it's a cycle. Damn.
My rationalization...is that...erm..I'm finding...artistic...inspiration..?
It would be a much better decision, but alas, I am a big fan of gaming in general. When I get into a game..it gets ugly. I'm glad I finally got myself away from Skyrim...oh god, why did I ever do that to myself...(*Still hasn't finished the game*). I feel like I need to balance better, really.
You know whats sad? I actually had a small laugh when I first read "can't you take a day off?", because a lot of people around me have asked the same. It may seem ridiculous, and it is, but the answer is mostly no. With my constant fear of being fired, or not being able to pay my bills, I work whatever my boss will have me work. I used to have two days off, Wednesday and Thursday, as you know, but I lost Wednesday to Garrett wanting it off(As he is apparently much more important than I, you see.), and Thursday to the lazy one(Jeremy) wanting it off. I tried twice to get my boss to let me off a day, and was denied both times. He almost seemed offended that I'd asked.
There were some times I got injured or sick and had to call off. One time I was literally collapsing at random. I would go to do anything and BAZAM on the ground for no reason other than sudden extreme dizziness, and another time my foot had swollen up past my shoe for an injury I didn't even realize was bad.
Both of these times he had to ask me a couple times if it was "impossible for me to come in".
Um, when I am randomly collapsing/swollen, sir, I do not think it is wise I show up.
He would always insist that I could "work around it".
I don't get sick anymore.
Well, I hide things effectively.
It's...literally the only way I manage to still keep my job.
Jeez, my job just got horribly depressing.Β
By the way? I managed Thursday due to the fact that how overworked I am is beginning to show. Boss figured he didn't want me shooting up the place, so here I am.
I think I'll see that exhibit today.Β
Maybe manage to respond to everything of yours.
Heh, I see a lot of entire families and elderly folk. The people who work there are rather young, though. I agree, it'd be best to be cultural, ah, but isn't the female form also a work of art? Hm, I don't think many girls would accept that explanation though...
I like discussing the art itself, but I'm pretty bad at it. You'd think that wouldn't really be possible, but I'm like "oooh yeah colors, bright, oooo" when I actually try to speak of art through my people-words. I'm so bad at talking sometimes I should join a circus.
I'd still enjoy the company, though.Β
Do you have a minimalist area? Ours is kind of bad. I go to make fun of the orange square on canvas that is meant to be judgment of modern society. I really enjoy chewing out minimalism, though it for the most part is pretty neat. I think a lot of different forms of art will have that one thing someone does that is outright ridiculous or hilarious.
Sweet, I have achieved something, then. Can I still demand a hand drawn card for my birthday? For the giggles?
Thankfully we live in a world where most things can be typed. What a time to be alive for bad hand writing, am I right?
Oh wait.
I recommend getting good at charades.
I would say "but I live in Ohio, the climate is so different.." and it is, but really, it's hot one day and freezing the next. I think it's going to snow this weekend. Hrm. Really, I just dress rather plainly. I feel awkward in anything that is less than a t-shirt, and pants just feel correct from there. With my hips mixed with my broadness, skirts look audacious on me. It's a shame.
I get lost in thought pretty easy, and startled when brought out. I think if I actually went there with you, I'd be more prepared for conversing. It doesn't help that the museum is practically empty most of the times I visit. It's not that I'm bad at conversing in general...I'm very shy, and bad at talking to strangers. I have trouble getting comfortable with people, as you may have noticed. I was actually pretty good at debate, but that was a different time. I tried to do a contest as I am now, to do an improvised speech. I froze entirely at the podium, despite having accidentally prepared for the exact prompt with my random chosen prompts I used to prepare, and actually did so badly that one of judges stopped afterwards and told me "things are going to be okay." I realized I nearly had a full blown anxiety attack because three people awaited my speech.Β
I'm...weird these days.
Ah, we'd be those people who always see each other around but never ask for names. It'd be like a so-so plot of a novel.
I'm not most peoples type, you see. I don't really know what most peoples type is, but I suppose I am not that. I'm just used to being the person at the party/bar/etc. who is ignored entirely. I lost a lot of weight, gained boobs, and acquired glasses. I'm still a bit masculine looking, sporting short hair and always dressing in t-shirts and jeans, as well as boots, and chubby. I don't really know what guys look for, though. Some tell me they like skinny girls, some say curves. Some mean 'skinny girl with big boobs' when they say curves. I don't really know what the big thing is anymore. I hope it isn't clowns.
I feel like you come from a different planet, as I often run into road stops with my problems. Most people are like "..erm...no." when they run into that, from my experience. We already talked about that frustrating subject, though.
"So perhaps my opinion on your worthiness to be randomly hit on in an art museum should be discounted."
Beautiful quotes, by James.
I don't know...
I really do enjoy party hats...
...but hey, if you're offering free sweets~.
Is that what heaven is? Do I float up, eat some strudel, and then my soul just evaporates happily?
That sounds pretty neat, actually.
Hey, those are some pretty solid dishes. I can actually make quite a bit of random foods, now that I almost tried to type a list myself. I'm clumsy, though, and probably shouldn't be trusted near the kitchen.
Lemon chicken is a neat food to have be your favorite. I've always figured mine to be beef stew these days, but that's terrible, considering I'm allergic to beef.(My body is more intolerant to it, really. I get bad stomach pains and will eventually begin to just reject it entirely.)
"Girl melts after snowboarding into volcano from helicopter."
Yes. I'd make sure to do some sweet moves before I hit, too.
I hope to die in a hilarious way so no one can cry at my funeral, everyone would be like "*Sniff*...how..how did she go..?" "She..she got *giggle*...she snowboarded into a volcano...from a helicopter..."
At the time, my parents offered me a place to stay, and I just took it. What, want to keep me in the west coast? Haha, that is a good suggestion, though. I'm still thinking about leaving, though that would take serious time.
Sadly, I didn't. Not enough money to rely on, and no friends I had established deep enough to have them let me crash. The worst part? i still can't get enough aid to go back. I do hope to go, but I'm not sure how much I trust the system to help me afford things like that anymore. I hope to one day leave and do my studying in Germany, as I am gradually becoming good at speaking the language, and their college is free even to us Americans. I think that is wonderful.Β
I only touched on the subject, but plan to go back and learn it independently soon enough. If I get really good at the subject, I'll throw you some art. If you ever need some basic, non interactive and programed work? I'm your girl.Β
It's quite the tale, how me and my parents grew to not be able to handle living together. Also has to do with the fact that almost all of my siblings moved back in, so there isn't much room.
I am the youngest.
So yes, that fact is actually quite sad.
I'm ridiculous. I could tell you to the last dollar how much I can spend and must save every single paycheck. "What's my budget for games...?....Ten dollars and thirty five cents?...Are there any sales tonight, Steam-senpai~?" I'd be much more generous if I had a great deal to spare. I try to give what is possible, because I just can't say no to puppy dog eyes at times.Β
I save a lot of money just by being so busy these days. I miss movie night with the group. We'd all get together, see a movie, and have dinner after. It was nice, but two of us ran off to college, so it's awkward.
Damn, I missed quite the opportunity. Sounds like an adventurous chunk of metal. Daring escapades?
I currently bus everyone. Sadly, my cities bus system is terrible. It's a good thing I have some good legs from my days back in track.
That is quite the commute, though if the pay is a is good as you say it's likely worth it.
Mostly I'd work with people looking to see if someones credit is good enough for..whatever they plan to get. That's about it. It'd be boring, but pay a lot better than my current job and be more constant.
Oh you, you know i'll always be a mildly insane work-a-holic, so who knows?
I hope to be able to finish myself, as graphic design, strangely, is my passion. I'd absolutely adore making it my work, and I think it's something I wouldn't mind having to bring home and getting up to. I have no clue why I get as little as I do. They claim my parents should just sigh for a Parent PLUS Loan but they can't because they have terrible credit. They still insist after multiple denials that that's the way to go.
I really dislike talking to Financial Aid of anything these days.
I've been considering a forbearance, and trying a move. Not like I have much to lose.
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ALBDreamweaver In reply to WaKip [2014-10-30 22:10:28 +0000 UTC]
I'm beginning to think we may need to reign in the length of our communication. This is getting utterly ridiculous. (and I love it )
Not too sure I follow. You're tall, but not tall enough to reach everything? I mean, I'm tall enough for that, and I'm kind of short for a man. Especially in my family. Me? 5'10". Dad? 6'6". Welp.
I tend to just not trust women's own descriptions of themselves. For some reason they usually end up being somewhere between utter nonsense or just being harsh on one's self. I blame culture. Not sure how tall an Amazon is supposed to really be, though...
And this is why women don't get to describe themselves. Chubby and well-built? See, I'M chubby, and I know that those two terms are typically mutually exclusive xD. I suppose knowing how to bend with the knees and not the back is a good start. Can't believe how many people have difficulty with that.Β
I don't think you're getting too in-depth, i'm just not totally sure what I'm supposed to say. Seems like you work with a rather diverse group of people. i'm still puzzled by trying to figure out what it is that's so heavy you guys move all day. Sacks of rice? Massive piles of baguettes? Cartons of eggs? All of those at once?
i'm Β the same way. I'll admit to being lazy, but when I do work I'm a terrible perfectionist...which I'm sure wouldn't surprise you. I don't want things to run smoothly, I require it and will not rest until it does. Can't help but note that it sounds a bit funny for you to say you like the business you work for when the most important qualities of a workplace are: A. Workplace environment (Fail, because you admit to being terrified of being fired) B. Hours (Obvious fail, as you never, ever seem to get time off) and C. Pay (Can make up for poor A and B if exceptional, but seeing as you're apparently poorly paid too...).Β
How one earth can they fire you with no reason whatsoever? That has wrongful termination smeared all over it, especially if your quality of work is high. It's not like you're a temp or something, right?
I hate this Katy. That is some rather asinine reasoning; I think she needs a date with Occam's razor. Β Can't help but notice that your story DOES imply, though, that you called Garrett Lazy and slow, which I think would still be grounds for her to be mad at you as (I presume) your manager. I think a good rule of thumb is that voicing concerns to ANYONE except a dedicated Human Resources manager is a terrible idea, as everyone will always take it in the worst possible way, even if it's completely true. For example, I have my own work story. I used to work in a factory, where I worked an assembly line refurbishing direct TV boxes. Thrilling work, truly. There was three parts to a refurbish crew, and my first team...well we were legendary. Aaron was the front of the line, then myself, and my friend Justin at the end. We set workplace records, all kind of stuff. We were the best at our terribly mediocre job, and we were happy for it. Then, fortunately for him, Aaron got a job at a nearby police department. His replacement, Michael, was...less than inspiring. His wife made high six figures, but she was apparently tired of him not doing anything, so she made him get that job, and as such he was...less than inspiring as far as efficiency was concerned. We plummeted from being the fastest line by far to being barely above the point where we would all get automatically fired. I complained about it to our supervisor pretty frequently, and eventually he got in trouble for slacking off in front of her. They got into an argument at our work station, which lasted about fifteen minutes. As we were already rather behind, I calmly asked if they could Β take their discussion somewhere else, so we could at least try to work as two men, and my supervisor snapped at me and said I was as bad as him, since I was such a rabble-rouser with my complaining. At the end of the night the big boss fired us both, despite the fact Mike threw himself under the bus pretty convincingly, and pleaded for the boss to just fire him, because I needed the job and had done nothing wrong except be a perfectionist. No sell. We both got sacked. Amusingly, the plant went under not too long after that... So yeah, even if you're coloring 100% in the lines with your complaints, still best to keep them to yourselves. I think you were entirely justified in saying what you did.
So much less getting done isn't your responsibility to worry about, it's your bosses. I'd focus on doing what you're told, as it sounds like you rather need this job.
Lift moderate sized things? Hmm...I wonder what would happen if I tickled you while you did so? Would that break your concentration enough to make you drop that huge bag of baguettes on your foot? That might be funny enough to try...
I'm going to guess most people don't immediately recognize professional jugglers, so I'll imagine not.Β
"Should get to"? What on Deviantart exactly constitutes as a responsibility? Wouldn't think you only "have" to get to them if you want to, which sounds more like leisure to me
I believe you. Why not find artistic inspiration in calmly watching those shades of green that make up DA...not move? Anything can be artistic inspiration, right?
Big fan, you say? Probably not by my standards . Definitely don't want to start a no true Scotsman, though, and I'll just be happy that you enjoy another of my hobbies, despite how unusual that might be for your gender. If you think you get ugly, you should see the lack of response you'll get trying to interrupt me in League...There's a reason that with the exception of that, most of the games I play are turn-based. Makes it easier to get interrupted and not tear the offender's head off for it. I'm lucky that I don't get really too deep into most games (League being the very obvious and glaring exception...), so I don't run into issues like most of my friends did with Skyrim; never being able to tear yourself away from it. I suppose part of it might be because I was rather unimpressed with Oblivion and would have rather had something more like Morrowind. I just wasn't terribly inspired by Skyrim's world and story. fighting Dragons as a viking analog is cool and all, but it somehow lacks the complexity of the political machinations in play in Morrowind, and the urgency of the literal apocalypse in Oblivion. I even like Shimmering Isles more than Skyrim. I felt Skyrim ran on rule of cool, and lacked some of the deeper quandaries of earlier titles.
Although, I will admit that I wish I could pull the whole "I'm the Jarl" card in more of the games in the series. Never gets old.Β
Is it bad priorities if you're doing something you really enjoy...? I'd say you're balanced fine if you work nonstop, and then come home and enjoy taking some time off and putting your feet up.
I have no analogue for these stories. I've never exactly been terrified of being fired, and Don't have the same financial difficulties you do. I do think, though, that you are probably letting your anxiety get the better of you at the point where you are literally working yourself to pieces because you're afraid of the consequences if you don't.Β
You hide illness too? Wonder that you haven't spread some epidemic if you work with food...And your job just NOW started sounding horribly depressing? Pretty much started that way for me.
I see that you got Thursday off. Around the time you sent me a message in the morning, I extrapolated that was the case. Glad your boss is finally giving you some time to rest, even if it is only a day...You don't seem like the type to go postal, though, I must say.
If you do go see that exhibit, please tell me how it is. That's much, much more important than answering everything of mine. You should go enjoy yourself, I'm not going anywhere, I assure you. You're the terribly overworked one; go relax. I'm sure writing me an essay doesn't strike me as the best way to accomplish that.
*coughs to hide laughing* I mean, if YOU'D accept that line, that's good enough for me. "You being the obviously woman of culture you are, and all. Surely you can agree that the female form is as much a work of art as this thing here by this...Michelangelo sap. Perhaps you'd like to accompany me to someplace a bit more intimate, so we might revel more in the glory of that art?"
+1 for making me write a pickup line so lame I laughed aloud at it at work.
I read that statement in something akin to ape speech. "Ohh, ahh, colors, bright!" PROBABLY not how it was intended, but it was MUCH funnier that way, imo. Join a circus? Be the amazing babbling girl or something? I'm not sure how good of a circus act being poor at speaking is...
I'd enjoy the company too, methinks.
I live pretty near to the Getty museum, so yeah. We have a minimalist area. At least one. That reminds me of this great piece that was always hanging in our church group when I was young. It was just nine squares, arranged in a square, with each square being a different color. Considering how prominently it was displayed, someone must have really loved it but...Well. It's just nine squares, what's to love? Also, ninety percent of the sculpture in downtown LA is some bizarre modern minimalist piece that lacks form or sense. So yeah. Get minimalism a lot.Β
Ironic that I critique it, though, seeing as my own poetry style these days tend to be minimalist in nature.
If you call that an achievement. And yes, you may demand whatever you please of me. Whether i'll acquiesce is an entirely different question. That request, though, is reasonable. Gimme a PO box and I'll send you the most hilariously bad card you've ever received.Β
On a TOTALLY UNRELATED NOTE; how do you feel about the term "old maid" and it's application on greeting cards?
I'm already good at charade. Few people do the "Man drowning in indecision" as well as I do.Β
It's hot one day and freezing the next here too...Just my hot is 100 degrees, and my freezing is 60. Guessing your gradient might be SLIGHTLY different from that. Just a bit. Jealous of snow. I've been told frozen water falls from the sky in some places, but have never seen this miracle firsthand. Could I trouble you to send me picture? I'm...a huge sucker for snow. You have no idea.
Nothing wrong with dressing plainly. It's the woman who makes the outfit, not the other way around. I think most girls I've ever been friends with have sided you on the whole T-shirt thing. It's easier, and attracts less attention I'd imagine. I can't imagine skirts look THAT bad, though. Also not sure what you consider "broad" though, so...I mean, are we talking "broad compared to photo-shopped models" or "broad compared to Ms. Universe"? If you're realistically proportioned, I have difficulty imagining skirts look as bad as you seem to think.
You think you're hard to get out of thought, you should see me with my nose in a book. Inextricable. I'd hope you'd be ready for conversation with me. you think I went to he art museum to look at the art? Psh.
do you have any idea how hard it is to imagine a mini-amazon who's...very shy? That must be interesting to see.
Trouble getting comfortable with people? You? No. Never mind I know the names of all your co-workers and not you, you seem like you get perfectly comfortable around people. *End of biting sarcasm* Apologize if that came off as mean, imagine I said it a very joking tone of voice xD
Huh. How did you become that withdrawn, then? I kind of figured you'd just always been that way, which is something of a shame. You have a lot of good things to say. Wish more people heard them. To be fair, though, fear of public speaking like that is by far the most common fear. Over real stuff like death, even.
Yes, I suppose so. Consider, though, that mediocre novels are always the ones that sell best. Perhaps it's a story wroth telling, then?
So you run on the assertion that you're not most people's type...while not knowing what that type is? I wouldn't be horribly surprised if you just intimidate prospective suitors with your shyness, I know that'd do the trick for me. And anyways, you're definitely the sort of person who would be most attractive AFTER you've gotten to know them. Girl you pick up at the bar...well you try to get to know them as little as possible. Is that how you'd prefer to be?
Lots a lot of weight and gained boobs? Can't see how many men would complain about this. Considering a lot of guys also find glasses quite attractive, I think you might be wrong as to your own level of attractiveness, or perhaps you're simply surrounded by people with no taste.Β
Strangely, the whole short-hair pixie cut girl has been really popular around here recently; a lot of my female friends have been going for the more mannish look. Not sure why...But I can't argue that it's quite attractive if done right. And that's coming from a guy who absolutely loves long hair, so it must be true.
Guys look for a few things, and it all depends on what they're looking for in said women. There's one night stand chicks, who as you said are usually skinny girls with large boobs, yes, unless you have more eclectic tastes. I know many guys how actually go the other way, and prefer flatter chests, but more curvy thighs and such. I'm not a good person to ask, though, as I don't do the whole casual fling. I do have a "type" however, although the only thing this type seems to typically havein common is some derivation of brunette or dirty blond hair, being more cute than hot, and not being excessive...well endowed. I think girls look best when they're proportionate, so I have difficulty understanding why the popular consensus is that large boobs are good, when they look positively ridiculous on some women. Seriously, your breasts should not be 60% of your whole body fat. That can't be healthy.
Anyways, if a guy's looking for something a bit more lasting, appearance usually takes back seat to compatibility. While most guys don't want to marry a hag, myself included, most also wouldn't trade personality for looks, especially because many girls only get so much of the latter. This becomes especially true when you consider that looks are fleeting, personality is not...hopefully. Most guys wouldn't need a girl to be hot to be a girlfriend, and I've personally always said that I'd much rather date a cute girl than a hot one. I leave it to you to figure out the difference, but it's there.
I hope it isn't clowns too. would probably be the end of the human race, as I don't think many women would be willing to be clowns just to procreate...
Yes, we did, and you know my stance on it. I think you should look at it more as a part of who you are than "problems". Just my two cents, Β I suppose.
Yes, I'm a veritable fount of wisdom, didn't you know? Quotes like that are the best part of me, I'm sure.
I'm offering sweet, I never said they'd be free. for them you must pay...The ultimate price (duh duh duh)!
Which, I can't help but note, would also answer your questions as to the afterlife. I, personally, would hope heaven is a bit more than strudel, but it could be worse. There could be harp-playing cherubs.
So your favorite dish is...one that makes you violently ill? I wonder if that's some sort of metaphor...
Just saying, I'd find it a lot more difficult to take your funeral seriously if you had been killed by an elk, especially if you didn't drive into it or anything. Or, even better...
"How did she die?" "Buffalo stampede."
Or, even better than that:Β www.smbc-comics.com/?id=1488
Imagine explaining that one. "It had something to do with dynamite, tennis rackets, and grizzly bears. The details are still a bit hazy, though.."
Err. No. Definitely not! Why would I want you on the West Coast? Hell, look at a map and draw a line from Seattle to LA and then from Ohio to LA. Both still long enough that I'm taking a plane or train, so what' the difference? Silly you, why would you think something as outrageous as that? Clearly, I'm much more interested in future than in your proximity to myself.
Huh. Girls are weird. Guys don't exactly interpret "deep friendship" with "someone 'd be willing to ask to crash with". I think there's at least 300 or so people at my school I'd of just nonchalantly said yes to and shown them where the bathroom was. Didn't think sharing a place to sleep was indicative of some deep connection, lol.
Sucks you're stuck not able to get back, but your first mistake was thinking the system was designed to help YOU do anything. Pretty sure the inverse is the reality of the situation, honestly. I have trouble imagining the universities in Germany are totally free to Americans, no strings attached. Are you sure about this? I might want to work on my Gutten Tag's over my Konichiwa's then...
Only touched on the subject? Wasn't that your major? xD And I never said you had to be good, just better than me. That's not exactly hard. Don't need any masterpieces for my buttons that say shit like "start game". So if you can do basic stuff already, then you're already my girl.
Wait, that came out wrong.
i'm sure it is quite the tale, and also one quite personal. Whatever the circumstances...that sucks. I think I only endured living with my parents at the time because my sisters were there, and now it's kind of amusing that I find myself missing living with them. Living it up alone isn't quite as fulfilling as having family around for when you want them, I don't think. Supposing your family is just annoying, like mine, and not outright abusive, either physically or emotionally.
From my point of view, yes, that is a bit ridiculous, as my budgeting is practically non-existent, even with me having to pay for school out of pocket. That should be read more as a a reflection of my negligence than a statement that I make a ton of money (I don't, but I make a salary which is adequate for someone ten years older than me, with drastically more expenses, so it goes a long ways.) Speaking of can't say no, you should send me an invite on Steam. I give stuff away all the time on there, so...Yeah. I buy four packs a lot and I like having people to play the games with xD. For reference:Β steamcommunity.com/profiles/76β¦
Never mind my totally mind-blowing time spent in Civ 5 and the Civ 5 developer kit. I don't have a problem. I can stop anytime I want.
Whenever I find myself saving money, it's for the same reason. Just too busy to spend it. I actually used to go with my friends all the time to the movies, but now that Mark lives in China...Happens less often. Obviously. I actually really wanted to see the new Dracula movie, but going and seeing a campy as hell movie by your self is a bit more pathetic than seeing it with friends.
It was, until it blew a gasket. Most of those daring escapades should not be spoken of in front of lady folk. Many of them would poison you from the sheer testosterone involved in their doing. Indiana Jones has nothing on me.
I use a combination of trains and subways to get everywhere, and even I'M glad I don't have to stoop to buses. Sorry about that...
Funny, my legs are also the only part of me that's still toned from all that cross-country. I think they'll be toned until the day I day. My knees, on the other hand, are a different story.
It's not so much the pay as it is the reality of the situation: L.A. is a weird area, everyone always has to commute because most of the inner city doesn't have people living there, it's just businesses. Thus, the workers, like myself, all live in the suburbs around it and just drive in for work. Thus, traffic is born. It's not so much that I live a long ways away from work as it is a desire to just avoid traffic. I'm kind of far away by most people's standards, but I'm in the same county, and plenty of people have to come from neighboring counties just to get to work, and that's not even considering people who commute from the high desert...
Basically, long drives are a fact of life in so-cal. You get used to it.
If you get paid more, you can use more money on fun things, right? Thus, your overall level of boredom would go down, no? I say fight tooth and nail for the job! go break the hearts of men who's credit can't afford them that snazzy engagement ring!
How could I possibly know what you always will or won't be? I mean, I appreciate your belief in my omnipotence, but I can't help but wonder if it's misplaced.
No, you have nothing whatsoever to lose, so you should do it.
Also, I was given an additional 4k in financial aid just for having my parents try for a parent PLUS loan and being rejected. Did that not happen for you?
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