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| VonFrankenstuff
# Statistics
Favourites: 310; Deviations: 1; Watchers: 258
Watching: 109; Pageviews: 41091; Comments Made: 6402; Friends: 109
# Comments
Comments: 493
Nai26 [2013-02-23 14:51:14 +0000 UTC]
ok, i know this is really REALLY random but i was talking to my boyfriend about your old zombie artwork because he loves zombies but I couldnt find any in my old favourites, do you have them uploaded anywhere else? i would love to see them again? x
~I hope you are well by the way your tattoo stuff is amazing!
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VonFrankenstuff In reply to Nai26 [2013-02-23 17:28:46 +0000 UTC]
You mean the little zombie heads?
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Nai26 In reply to VonFrankenstuff [2013-04-06 10:29:49 +0000 UTC]
Hiya - I think so - I when I first came on here, I am sure you used to do lil comics with zombified things? back before your name was Spookyco.
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VonFrankenstuff In reply to Nai26 [2013-04-06 16:41:23 +0000 UTC]
Oh wait.... ummmm. Was it like a desktop icon set?
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Nai26 In reply to VonFrankenstuff [2013-04-08 21:07:12 +0000 UTC]
errrrrrr....now you are testing me!!! lol this was like 6 years ago!!! LOL
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VonFrankenstuff In reply to Nai26 [2013-04-09 03:54:22 +0000 UTC]
Maybe I need to post them online for tattoo work.... hmmmm
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Nai26 In reply to VonFrankenstuff [2013-04-09 20:47:55 +0000 UTC]
xx yeeeahhhhhh why nooooooooot
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dodgyrom [2013-02-15 15:10:01 +0000 UTC]
I would travel to get a tattoo from ya!! I've been thinking of getting my zombie squirrel character on my butt.
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VonFrankenstuff In reply to dodgyrom [2013-02-15 17:55:54 +0000 UTC]
Wow.... nothing like giving me a project that would make me blush. Lol!
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alvincheunghy [2013-02-09 14:15:49 +0000 UTC]
Wow I really like your artwork!
Maybe you should consider joining this tshirt design contest [link]
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VonFrankenstuff In reply to alvincheunghy [2013-02-09 18:09:59 +0000 UTC]
Checked out the site. I will definitely be giving it consideration
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KittentheB [2013-02-06 02:13:07 +0000 UTC]
You are welcome... I liked the way you used contrasting colors to pop the image.... plus it reminded me of Yu Yu Hakasho.... as nerdy as that sounds ^-^`
you are very talented sah!!
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VonFrankenstuff In reply to KittentheB [2013-02-06 02:48:52 +0000 UTC]
well thank you!
I am not familiar with said artist but i will take it as a compliment! LOL
I have been taking the tattoo art back to the basics and trying to work back forward from there. Baby steps.
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KittentheB In reply to VonFrankenstuff [2013-02-07 00:01:10 +0000 UTC]
you are an amazing artist dude... if you lived In colorado I would probably be at your shop pestering you for an apprenticeship.
but just out of curiosity, what style are you taking these baby steps towards?
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chadporter [2013-01-29 02:03:51 +0000 UTC]
I like this name better sir - rolls off the tongue a lot easier
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VonFrankenstuff In reply to chadporter [2013-01-29 03:39:23 +0000 UTC]
a lot easier to type as well... and leaves it open to more than just tattoos.
hows things in the great white north?
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chadporter In reply to VonFrankenstuff [2013-01-31 23:41:24 +0000 UTC]
Doing quite well sir ^_^ Aside from Mother Nature and Old Man Winter having a hissy fit
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VonFrankenstuff In reply to chadporter [2013-02-01 02:30:29 +0000 UTC]
Yeah apparently mother nature has been hanging out in the hood here and smoking crack. But we are the ones that gave her the pipe....
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VonFrankenstuff In reply to Kiddotattoo [2012-08-04 19:17:35 +0000 UTC]
You're quite welcome. Keep up the great work
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Nai26 [2011-10-20 22:23:19 +0000 UTC]
i am going to travel all the way from the UK to get you to tattoo me! LOL!! I hope you are doing well i haven't been on here for ages and will probably disappear again soon lol
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VonFrankenstuff In reply to Nai26 [2011-10-20 23:03:34 +0000 UTC]
Don't tease! I will totally be down to tattoo you if you came across the pond!
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Nai26 In reply to VonFrankenstuff [2011-11-10 21:59:05 +0000 UTC]
would so love that - i'd better start saving haha!
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TypicallySunshine [2011-09-08 00:37:33 +0000 UTC]
I've never met a part-time tiki god before o.0 Lucky me!
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VonFrankenstuff In reply to TypicallySunshine [2011-09-08 03:49:27 +0000 UTC]
Someone actually called me from florida asking what a part time tiki god does... I told them "as little as possible"
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TypicallySunshine In reply to VonFrankenstuff [2011-09-08 23:50:10 +0000 UTC]
lol. That's hilarious!
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Nai26 In reply to VonFrankenstuff [2011-07-27 22:16:18 +0000 UTC]
no probs mate, hope you had a good one!
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