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# Comments
Comments: 215
Vimes-DA In reply to Anonnim [2017-07-06 21:20:42 +0000 UTC]
Thank you very much, I really appreciate it!
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MentalCinephile [2016-07-10 21:13:03 +0000 UTC]
Just a random deviant passing by, admiring your work. Seriously, keep it up~
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Vimes-DA In reply to MentalCinephile [2016-07-10 22:14:01 +0000 UTC]
Why thank you very much random deviant . Honestly though I really do appreciate comments like this, its so rare anyone takes the time to comment, its really encouraging to hear things like this. Thanks for all the favourites too, I'm glad you like my art
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MentalCinephile In reply to Vimes-DA [2016-07-10 22:26:12 +0000 UTC]
It's my dearest pleasure! For me, it's really encouraging to see that my words are appreciated.
Sometimes it seems to me like great artists tend to lose their connections to their watchers/commenters, you know, and it always makes me happy to see that many people like you still appreciate little supporters/admirers like me.
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Vimes-DA In reply to MentalCinephile [2016-07-11 22:40:47 +0000 UTC]
Yeah I think most artists will always appreciate support. I always try to make time to comment if someone takes the time to comment on my work. I can understand very popular artists though , must get loads of comments everyday across all social media platforms and for them it would be too hard to keep up I think.
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MentalCinephile In reply to Vimes-DA [2016-07-11 23:04:01 +0000 UTC]
Yes, good point! Replying to feedback can be quite time consuming (at least if it's not a copy-paste-thankyou ) and at some point the amount of comment is just too big to answer every single one of them. Nevertheless, there are popular artists who at least try to keep up
Even some of the ones who draw for a living so that they have to produce a huge amount of art, which of course takes much time … Do you make your living doing art btw.? Just curious^^
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Vimes-DA In reply to MentalCinephile [2016-07-12 02:16:41 +0000 UTC]
yeah I always like to see a popular artist who replies to comment. I'm certainly trying to make a living from it Slowly getting more commissions and working on my portfolio too. And studying everyday ofcourse!
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MentalCinephile In reply to Vimes-DA [2016-07-12 09:55:00 +0000 UTC]
That's awesome! I know people who love to create art and they're amazing at what they're doing but they just don't believe that they can make a living from their passion. They'd rather get a boring job they hate than even trying to turn this passion into their profession. Do you study at an art school or are you a complete self-taught artist? (I bet you get asked this a lot haha
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Vimes-DA In reply to MentalCinephile [2016-07-12 13:56:17 +0000 UTC]
Hehe thanks. Yeah anyone can do it, just have to determination to treat it professionally. I think a lot of people stop when they realize how much studying is required, or a lot of people also just think "i'm not talented enough" like they could never become an artists because they don't have natural talent or something. Which is all rubbish, just takes lot of practice and dedication . I am self taught yeah, currently subscribed to schoolism which is immensely helpful and well worth the money, extremely cheap for the quality of teaching you get. Nobody asks me anything lol, wish they did because I like talking with people about art, Instagram seems a much better place for that nowadays.
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MentalCinephile In reply to Vimes-DA [2016-07-12 15:55:25 +0000 UTC]
Oh yes, that's also something I've noticed: Many people seem to think that you're either born with "talent" or you could never be an artist. Nothing could be further from the truth though. Even if an artist seems to be "gifted", it's always hard work to study proportions, shading, colors and all of the other aspects that make an artwork look authentic and believable. That's why comments like "You're so talented" don't really work in my opinion. We all have to study proportions, shading, colors and every other aspect that makes an artwork authentic and believable. But nothing is impossible with passion & determination, I like to say.
As for schoolism, that sounds like a very cool concept! Haven't heard about it so far but I've already saved the website to come back to it later and take a closer look.
I also enjoy talking about art (as you might've noticed xD) and getting in touch with interesting people online in general … especially on dA–I've already talked to lots of awesome people here in the last 3 months (although most of these interesting conversations happened via note and not in some comment section ). Kinda hard to believe that you aren't asked about your art more!
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Vimes-DA In reply to MentalCinephile [2016-07-13 02:08:27 +0000 UTC]
Yeah totally. There's definitley such a thing as a talent, but its just a head start really, maybe that person will already be better at certain aspects or learn faster, but its nothing over time that you cant catch up with through hard work.
Schoolism is really good, I've used other sites before which were good, but the level of teachers there are extremely high, but also the most invaluable thing for me is that you get to see all the feedbacks of each student on the assignments. And you learn so much from seeing the teachers correct others work, plus see ways how to approach the assignment yourself.
I dunno I've been around here for years, and I guess I don't comment on other peoples work enough to be seen? Kind of bewilders me that I cant seem to get any interaction out of my followers lol.
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MentalCinephile In reply to Vimes-DA [2016-07-13 16:58:36 +0000 UTC]
Yep, and the end of the day, we all must be willing to keep on pushing our skills forward in order to take our art to the next level. (I'm talking like I would draw everyday but atm I don't have Photoshop and I'm too lazy to pick up my traditional pencil v.v) What's your main inspiration for doing so?
That does sound like an awesome way to get support! In my opinion, self-teaching is always the most efficient method: trial and error over and over again until it gets good. It's always kind of hard for me to really look for help, I always try to make it on my own, no matter what I'm struggling with. Yeah … I can be very stubborn.
Hmm, I don't know how I've found you then, I do tend to check out artists that leave constructive comments to stalk their profiles/galleries. That's how I discovered most of the awesome artists I'm currently watching. And I try to be an active and also communicative watcher myself as I support helpful/encouraging feedback (as well as appropriate criticism).
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Vimes-DA In reply to MentalCinephile [2016-07-13 17:55:43 +0000 UTC]
Yeah I always try and give some kind of feedback beyond just saying "nice". Don't know how you found me either but glad you did lol . I understand the stubborn I must achieve this on my own attitude. Its crazy though to not use the help of the thousands of artists who came before us and the ones currently teaching. It's a much faster way to improve than having to work it all out on your own. I do think its helpful to solve your own problems when you can though, it really helps what you learn become engrained.
My main inspiration is just the fact I enjoy art more than most other potential jobs lol. I've always been passionate about it, but not the crazy burning I must draw every second of the day kinda passion lol. Just something I've always looked at and thought was really cool. My biggest desire is just to make cool looking stuff still lol. Also now money is quite a factor as I need to make a living also. But I wouldn't "sell out" as it were, not going to draw things that I'm uncomfortable with or don't interest me in anyway just because its easy money.
Would be nice to find some kind of active study group here on Da though where we could post our studies together. All the groups seem to fall apart so quickly
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MentalCinephile In reply to Vimes-DA [2016-07-13 19:17:13 +0000 UTC]
I'm currently working on this issue, trying to keep in mind that it's okay and very helpful to seek advice from people who just have more experience in something than me. I struggle with that not only when it comes to art but also e.g. when playing the guitar or learning languages … I always feel like "When I can't make it alone, I can't make it at all" which is just nonsense. Nevertheless it's important to trust in yourself and your abilities and I like the feeling of accomplishing something by my own hard work. Like you said, the things you learn become engrained–had to look the meaning of this one up (my English is far from perfect) and I really like the expression!
Always stay true to yourself, that's a very important point. By drawing things you don't like yourself, you would turn your passion into "just some job" you do for other people. Still, I find it kind of, don't know how to say it, "brave" of you–most people I know would be too insecure, they would stress about the idea that they could never make enough money by just drawing what they want to.
I've never had that kind of fear, I'd rather live a "minimalistic" life doing a job I love than a (seemingly) "luxurious" life doing a job I hate. I'm still not sure what I want to do–I just graduated from high school and I feel like I still need some time to really believe this has happened haha. Which is why I don't want a job for now, I want to see a tiny bit of this wonderful world (in two days from now I'll be already on my way to travel France
) … then I'll come back and look for a job or an internship, most likely in a charity related field. I somehow don't want to work just in order to earn money, I want to make a difference, I'd love to work with animals for example, change some lives … that would be amazing.
Don't know why I'm telling you all this, it's just like that I really enjoy talking to you so yeah.
I don't really follow the groups here, the only one I can think of is ProjectComment . It's pretty active, almost too active for my liking, and it's a bit chaotic. Also I feel like it targets beginners more than advanced artists, although it's open for any kind of art.
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Vimes-DA In reply to MentalCinephile [2016-07-14 14:44:29 +0000 UTC]
Yeah its great to trust in yourself and accomplish things through hard work. But you can still do all that and learn from others at the same time, they are just showing you what direction to focus on, all the hard work still comes from you. It doesn't lessen your achievements somehow to learn from others. Hehe I'd have no idea you wasn't English if you hadn't of said, your English is very good indeed!
Well I'm not purely like I only draw what I want, but I mean I'm trying as much as i can to stay within that area. What I mean is I wouldn't just draw stuff regardless of the subject because the money is good. I totally agree on the minimalistic life style doing a job you love rather than a highly paid job you hate. I think being content and enjoying your day to day is what makes a happy life, if you are doing some job you hate everyday just because it's highly paid, I doubt all the fancy lifestyle is really going to fulfill you. Saying that though, I understand people taking jobs because they need money though, sometimes life is just like that, if you have a family to feed or need a roof over your head etc.
I think its great that you are deciding to travel aswell, now is the time to do it, before you have jobs and family and commitment and stuff. Also great to want to work in something that makes a difference, with any luck you'll find something where you can earn money andddd make a difference lol.
No problem telling me these things lol, its interesting . Good luck with traveling to France, really cool that you are seeing the world a bit before starting a job. Been to France a few times myself, has some very nice beaches.... and food!
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MentalCinephile In reply to Vimes-DA [2016-08-06 14:14:45 +0000 UTC]
Yep, definitely an important thing to keep in mind–it can be difficult enough to figure out which way you want to turn in the first place, even with some help from others. After that, it's up to you alone to focus on your goals and to work hard for them.
Thank you very much for the compliment! My English is much better in written form though, that's why I enjoy written conversations that much. In order to translate "engrained" in German by the way, you'd most likely use the idiomatic expression "in Fleisch und Blut übergehen" which literally means that something "merges into (your) flesh and blood". I think we don't have a simple word for that, haha.
Exactly, making the most of every day is the key to a happy life, I totally agree. Many people seem to live only 1% of their lives, during the other 99% they just work, waiting for "the weekend" or "the holidays" or "retirement" … Well, I have to admit, I've also done this a lot through the past 5 years. I'd been attending an "HTL", a special kind of school which is regarded as quite tough and difficult in my country (nobody knows about it outside of Austria though
) and I wanted to drop out a few times because I felt like I couldn't take the constant stress level. And there definitely were times I just waited for it to end and I probably missed some chances to make these days a little happier but … well, better late then never. Here I am and I'm eager to enjoy life to the fullest.
I just came back from France and it was so awesome! It was no ordinary holiday but a trip that pushed me to my limits (and beyond). I learned so much throughout these weeks and definitely came back as a different person. As for the food … well, sadly they didn't offer vegan food in the restaurants but one or two times I broke my own rules and ordered an (at least) vegetarian meal which was really delicious, I have to say!
How's your life going? After all, it's been three weeks! (Geez, I feel like I've never been away and at the same time … it feels much longer than just a few weeks xD)
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Vimes-DA In reply to MentalCinephile [2016-08-07 14:01:07 +0000 UTC]
Hey, good to hear from you! Was a little worried for a bit with that terrorist attack happening around the same time you was traveling. Figured it was most likely you was just busy traveling though, so glad I was right .
Sounds like you had a good time in France then, a kind of introspective (sorry if have to look that up lol) time perhaps. Time is funny like that, 3 weeks in a new country and all these new experiences feels a hell of a lot longer than 3 weeks in usual routine. Glad it was a positive experience though, I'm envious lol . My routine is pretty much the same everyday lol, keeping my head down and getting on with art and studies and commissions trying to push myself and make it as a professional . Not quite the same as roaming a foreign land but it has its own challenges and rewards.
Merging into flesh and blood, sounds dark lol , but I think I get it . Cool saying though.
HTL ey, sounds fancy! I think you probably got plenty out of your school experience, sounds like it was stressful but probably worth it in the end. School is such a small period of our lives even though it feels HUGE for some reason lol. I wouldn't worry about how you've been in school lol. Most people feel that way and there's nothing wrong with feeling that way either. Its funny to me to hear that you ware worried about having wasted time or something lol. You are so young and have so much time ahead of you. You're already experiencing new cultures, some people stay in their own country their whole lives. I think you are doing great and I wouldn't be concerned about having missed out because of school.
Ohh you are a vegan, nice. I'm vegetarian though the older I get the more I'm swaying towards vegan. France is awful for vegetarians though lol, they really don't care about it, none of the shops label their foods with symbols or describe if its suitable for vegetarians. I found it really hard to find food when was there , which is kind of ironic lol. Glad you found something you felt somewhat ok with eating in the end though, and tasty too!
Cheers for letting me know about your trip
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MentalCinephile In reply to Vimes-DA [2016-08-07 20:56:49 +0000 UTC]
Wow, I didn't expect you to actually think about this conversion, although I myself thought about writing you a few times, whenever I had free wifi (on some camp sites e.g.). However, typing messages on dA with my phone is a real pain in the ass, so I waited til I got home.
And where was this terrorist attack happening again? I heard about some shots in Munich but I don't really follow events like this anyways. The Media loves to report on tragedies like that and of course it's sad … but the chance to get hit by a car is still so, so much higher (at least here in Europe) that I don't really get all the … the fuss (I think that's the right expression ) about it.
Haha, I had to look it up indeed! Don't worry though, it's very nice to get to know new expressions as I love languages~
Sadly, I just know my mother tongue German, English and a bit of French so far. And random words in Japanese & Portuguese.
And I agree, that's what I love about creative stuff like drawing or writing or making (or even just listening to) music … some might think it's just "sitting there, doing the same thing for hours" and how "boring" that is but to me it's somehow just another form of traveling and exploring–not foreign countries but inner worlds. I'm someone who is never bored, I could sit in an empty room without any windows and I still had my imagination (even better: having some paper and pens with me to write and/or draw–then there's really nothing to worry about
German is always dark, didn't you know? xD
HTL stands for "Höhere Technische Lehranstalt" which means … umm … Higher Technical Institute. (Thank you, Wikipedia!) Fancy indeed, huh? Students of an HTL have to study general education like in any other school but at the same time they undergo a completed vocational training. Graphic design, in my case. So it's basically a 40-hour work week plus studying at home for tests and stuff. Nothing I would do again, ever!
But I'm very proud that I've mastered it.
And yes, just recently I actually realized how short school time and childhood in general is, looking at the years that are lying ahead of me … and the older I get, the more I understand when people say "You're so young!" (see the irony? ) How old are you? It's okay to not reveal that on the net if you don't want to though^^
I do try not to stress about the things I might have missed so far, however I sometimes feel slightly frustrated when older people tell me how cool their school time was, despite of annoying teachers and tests and stuff … they still get nostalgic about the "good old times" and to me it's now just like "Thank goodness, it's over!" xD
So … thank you for your nice words, it's really encouraging for me.
Yep, I've been a vegan for almost a year now (after more than 2 years as a vegetarian). You don't know how happy it makes me whenever I get to know a fellow vegan or "halfway vegan", I can highly recommend taking that step–it was one of the best decisions I've made in my life. And it's become a very important part of me … but this message is already way too long and I could talk about this topic for hours (classic vegan, I know
), soo I just want to thank you for the positive feedback, I don't receive that very often.
Oh yes, French grocery stores are definitely not vegan- or vegetarian-friendly. My friend and I (she's a vegan too) were eating self-made sandwiches most of the time. Baguettes stuffed with all kinds of vegetables, day after day. Surprisingly enough, it was still delicious after three weeks! Like I said, there were only two times we ate out and unfortunately it was hard enough to get something vegetarian then …
But sooner or later, also France will evolve, I'm sure of it! Actually, my friend and I already found some "végétalien" (vegan) desserts somewhere in the furthest corner of the supermarket!
That was definitely a little highlight on the trip, haha~
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Vimes-DA In reply to MentalCinephile [2016-08-09 00:18:30 +0000 UTC]
Well you said you was travelling in a couple of days then that attack happend around that time so I was like oh, I hope they are ok. Don't have many long conversations like this online so stayed in my mind hehe.
Lol I think you are doing very well with the amount of foreign languages you know. Everyone else in the world seems to speak English as well as their own language fluently, yet we never learn other languages ourselves, kinda embarrassing. I know some very basic french from having learnt it in school, and few Japanese phrases mainly from watching anime .
It doesn't surprise me german phrases are dark lol. Just look at the fairytales. That school sounded very intense! Good to be on the other side of it, and certainly something to be proud of. I used to hate when people said that too about school being the best days of their lives or something. I was like jesus then the rest of my life is gonna be pretty bad. My school experience wasn't horrible or something but it's certainly not something I'd want to relive lol. I get how people can be nostalgic if you had a really good time, and also the case of being with your parents and not having to worry about jobs bills etc. But I think there's many more downsides lol. I don't really like to post my age online lol, but it's not a big deal either. I'm 28 though as you asked, just don't like the idea of people judging my art based on age is all, but it doesn't really matter I guess.
I'll need a lot of swaying to go fully vegan lol, but I do obsess and think about the ethics and morals quite often, so may change my mind one day. Veganism is quite complicated really, It's a big ethical discussion for another time lol. I find it very hard to know where to draw the line with some of my beliefs, like waxed fruit for example, uses insects to add the shine to it, does that mean you are never gonna buy waxed fruit again, or drink orange juice etc etc, you can go so far with these beliefs, but I think sometimes you have to be ok with things being out of your control somewhat, and try your best to change the system without making your life hell.
I think I pretty much lived off bread when I was in france too, Their bread is delicious and i love how they have a "boulangerie" on every corner with so much nice bread everywhere. Those sandwiches sound really tasty, even though eating all that bread for 3 weeks probably isn't that healthy haha. I can imagine finding the one item of vegan food in all those weeks was like a real treasure lol. Its quite stressful trying to find food there!
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MentalCinephile In reply to Vimes-DA [2016-08-09 01:54:03 +0000 UTC]
The funny thing about this is: When my friend and I stayed at a hotel for the first time after a week in France (before that, we only stayed at camp sides), I think it was in Lyon, she turned on the TV and the first thing we saw was that there had been a shooting in Munich. I don't live far from that city (even though I live in Austria but it's still kinda close) and we were like "Oh hey, very 'nice' news from home …"
I have to say, I love to chat with people online, I've already had the most interesting conversations that way. I love the internet for making this possible (cause offline I'm often just too awkward to make new contacts xD). So a conversation like this is not that unusual for me, however I thought about this one sometimes.
Well, English is still this one global language that's understood all over the world and most of the time it's enough to communicate with foreigners. Plus, it's kinda easy to learn (at least in my opinion ), so it's obviously much harder for a native English speaker to learn a foreign language. Being a native German speaker feels a bit like cheating, hehe.
It's not the easiest language, even natives sometimes struggle with it I never had the patience to learn it as a foreigner xD and I feel lucky to be born in Austria.^^ German may not always sound beautiful but I like its complexity and it can be very poetic when used in the right way.
On the other hand I really like English, there are expressions that just doesn't exist in German (of course there are also German words and phrases that just can't be translated into English) and the words itself sound more melodic to me. Recently I've been thinking about studying English, to be honest.
Ahahaha, guilty as charged, animes have taught me all of the random Japanese phrases I know! xD
I used to have a teacher that kept reminding us "This is the best time of your lives, don't waste it!" … and I just thought "Only because your life was 'over' after your time as a student doesn't mean that the same goes for us, idiot." Seriously. I can't stand it when other people act like everyone would think and feel and experience the same.
Sorry for making you post your age btw, it just makes it easier for me to understand your point of view better when talking about school and this whole phase of life–I mean, it already lies a little further in the past in your case. To me, the horror still feels so real, haha. Apart from something like this, age hardly reveals anything about someone, imho. I've met kids and teenagers that were impressively mature for their age and I've met adults that were so narrow-minded I couldn't believe they'd already spent whole decades on this beautiful world.^^ (btw: narrow-minded is one of my favorite English words, there's no exact translation in German which is a shame!) So yeah, I will never judge someone (or their art) by their age.
Oh yes, I couldn't think of a bigger (current) ethical discussion than veganism … but it impresses me how far your thoughts have already gone! It really is always a question about where to draw the line. I personally think the most important thing is to recognize and –if possible– eliminate the biggest "double-standards". Like, when a person loves dogs and saves a puppy that was abused by his owner and later he orders a steak at the restaurant without even thinking about it … everything within me just wants to yell ERROR, haha. It just doesn't make sense. But a few years ago I would've acted the same and that's something that really disturbs me.
And yeah then there are insects and for example, I've killed a bunch of ants and mosquitos and other bugs while traveling (very vegan, haha), just because I didn't want them in my sleeping bag or I did not want them on my food … and I'm not proud of it but I don't feel too bad about it either. I just don't feel connected to most insects in any way, so I can accept the fact that they may be used to make the fruits I buy shiny. Of course it would be better if they wouldn't be killed and the good news is that technically it's absolutely possible to produce fruits and vegetables without harming animals while producing animal products is not. So I'll be sure to avoid animal products whenever I can and I sure will try to encourage other people to do the same.
Yeaah the French bread is one of a kind, haha~ I agree though, not really healthy, especially because it was white bread most of the time. The classic baguette, y'know. Normally I prefer errr *has to look it up* wholeweat bread(?)–or even better my mother's self-made glutenfree bread. Not completely sure about the theory that gluten is that bad but hey, the bread is definitely delicious.
Why is it 4 am now, what the hell?! xD
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Vimes-DA In reply to MentalCinephile [2016-08-10 03:25:15 +0000 UTC]
I always heard that learning English was hard for foreigner because we have so many sentances with stuff like " chop the tree up" or "raise it to the ground". Sure there's lots of others too. Yeah the thing I like about learning different languages the most is the phrases that are unique to that language, it's always really interesting to hear the differences and it shows a lot about a culture too quite often. Yes German isn't exactly the easiest language on the ears unfortunately, but it has its blunt kinda charm lol. There's a German Comdeian called Henning When? I think lol, or vhen I cant remember or be bothered to look up, it's late/early here too. His accent is really funny though, Like hes lived in England a long time and he has a kind of cockney German mixture, look him up some time lol, he's a funny guy regardless of accent.
I've always wondered though how an English accent sounds to a foreigner, like to me french often sounds very nice, or Spanish and Italian, it flows nicely and is just pleasant to hear. But I have no idea how English sounds to someone who doesn't understand it, so its good to hear you say its kinda melodic. Certainly a language worth learning as it is the dominant language like you say.
Haha that made me laugh what you said about your teacher. I totally agree, best time of your lives, just cos you peaked at a young age doesn't mean we all want to perpetually be stuck as teenagers also. Age really is just a number and its not a big deal lol, I'm not ashamed of it or anything, just you see these 16 year olds who art is just ridiculously good and you feel kinda bad in comparison lol, but it really doesn't matter atall. We all learn at differnt ages/rates etc, its not a race. I stopped drawing for a few years at one point so I ended up feeling "behind" because of that at one point, but nowadays I really don't think or care about it much. I just also like being able to talk to people just as people regardless of their age and I think some younger people feel more intimidated talking to older people, well I did atleast kinda. Totally right about age not meaning maturity though, I was fairly mature even as a teenager also but you meet plenty of people my age who still act like they are in school.
It's funny you say that school seems like a long time ago to me because it doesn't lol, Time FLIES when you get past like 24 aha , one day you look up and you're like shit where did my twenties go (Not what you want to hear ). I think school is such a huge part of your developing brain aswell that it stays with you, it feels like a much bigger chunk of time than it was. It feels a while ago, but I still remember loads of things and still have dreams where I'm with old schoolfriends sometimes lol. Narrow minded, I like it too, I didn't realise there was no translation for it, that's interesting.
I've always had trouble with that mindset too, like people who love animals and eat meat, but most people are like that, it's really bizarre. I think because there's such a disconnect with how meat is made and it comes in packets in round non animal looking blobs people seem to be able to block it out and not think about it. I don't know I really don't like it lol. I think a lot has to do with being raised on meat and then not wanting to give it up when you start having moral dilemmas maybe? Well some people don't care about it and see it as "it's nature" , which is true. True for wild animals that is, but as humans we actually have a CHOICE to eat meat, we don't have to. I'm impressed having been like that though you actually completely your eating habits. I've always been vegetarian so maybe that makes it easier for me, I don't know how I would feel if I had been raised eating meat, but I'd like to think I would choose to be vegetarian.
Here's the thing though the more ethically aware you become the harder life is lol. Like I think more than animals it's important to treat humans right too, I don't think sweat shops are ok, so I try and buy all my clothes sweatshop free. Which can be very limiting, then you look at things like fairtrade and paying farmers a proper wage in developing countries.... the list really does go on and on. I think we just have to try our best to raise awareness of these things and as consumers try and change things that way as much as we can. Problem is the corporations need to change from the top down. I'll stop going on though or I'll be here all night lol.
I don't know where I stand on insects really (no pun intended hah) I don't kill them if I can avoid it, but like if you're getting bitten by fleas or something, its just necessary. Things is I base my ethics on intelleginece really, I actually think there should be a diet based on animal intelligence. Like it would be a slightly less unethical way for people to eat meat. Animals like pigs and Octopus are very intelligent creatures, I think eating something with high intelligence is really wrong, but how much intelligence does an oyster have for example? Even cows seem very very low. I think it's a lot less cruel to eat something with low intelligece atleast. Like most insects don't have high levels of intelligence and I'm pretty sure they don't feel paint either becuase they don't live long enough to have evolved the need for a nervous system. So I wouldn't feel to bad about them. Saying that i still avoid using ink made with insects etc.
White french baguettes are so tasty though even if they are unhealthy. I normally eat wholewheat too. I don't think gluten is bad for you, unless you have an intolerance to it. It's a bit of a health "fad". I also spent way too long writing this lol, good luck reading it . I wonder if anyone else is reading this too lol
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MentalCinephile In reply to Vimes-DA [2016-08-10 21:26:15 +0000 UTC]
I see, these are the infamous "idiomatic phrases" I guess. Phrases that you can't translate word by word because in a certain order they have a completely different meaning. That can be very tricky but I too love these expressions, they make a language special and fascinating. And they exist in every language I guess but maybe they're especially common in English? I don't really know.^^ But I think the moment you start using these unique phrases and words that can't be translated into your mother tongue and you still kinda feel what they mean and when they're appropriate, that's the moment a foreign language really becomes part of you. Funny enough, German has the perfect word for that: Sprachgefühl = "feeling for a language".
Oh dear, I just looked him up (His name is Henning Wehn btw) and he's really hilarious! Also because of this mixture you mentioned, even I as a non native speaker am well-aware of his funny German-British accent. However, I can still remember a time when I wasn't even able to tell for sure if someone is American or British, it was all just "English" to me. But after I started to watch a bunch of both American and British Youtubers, the differences became much clearer to me in no time.
Haha, blunt charm, that's a way to put it. The "typical" German language sounds indeed very clear, blunt and almost sharp (I guess), however there are many different accents in German too and especially here in Austria … well, let's say people from the Northern Germany can have a hard time understanding someone from a remote Austrian valley.
Our German is somehow softer, I'd say, and many Austrians can't stand how people from certain parts of Germany talk like.
You're from the UK, right? What do you think about American accents?
I do think English in general sounds quite melodic. It's also perfect for most songs, like 80% of the music I listen to is in English … then there are a few German bands I really like, let's say 10%, and the rest is instrumental stuff and some random Portuguese and French and Japanese songs.
Naaah, that's definitely not what I wanna hear! But unfortunately I can imagine that the "free" years that lie ahead of me will feel much shorter than the ones in the past. Like you say, it's a very important state of life, these few years between "childhood" and "adulthood" … everyone struggles with them in their own way.
My friend (the one that took the journey with me) had the same kind of experience as you btw: waking up one day and thinking … Wait, where did the years go? – She's 28 too, haha. My friends have always tend to be older than me somehow. I was a kinda strange child anyways, I learned reading when I was 3 and from that moment on I'd rather read some books than play with other children. xD
Yes, I've thought a lot about this topic recently and came to similar conclusions as you. I've also talked to many people that eat meat about this issue but at some point it gets so annoying to hear these "arguments"–that it's "natural" for instance, like you said. Or people that say "We've always done it this way" … Yep, and people have always murdered each other … what a wonderful reason that is to do so. *cough*
The concept of carnism sums it all up pretty well. Maybe you've heard about it, it was developed by psychologist Melanie Joy who's spent many years on researching and writing about this belief system that teaches us that it's normal, natural and necessary to eat meat (of certain animals). When we are little kids, we learn from our parents what's right or wrong and even later in life many of the choices we make are based on the things we've learned back then without questioning it. And of course–questioning it is hard. To become aware that something you've done your whole life may be "wrong" is very difficult. But it's necessary.
Lucky you, being raised vegetarian! So your parents don't eat meat? Mine unfortunately still do, and also my brother, but very rarely. And because of my persistence, our household today is like 70% vegan I'd say (so far! ). And my parents both support my lifestyle (especially my mother) so I call myself kinda lucky.
I always find it both funny and sad when people say that vegan parents "force" their kids to be vegan. Come on. Tell a kid "See this lamb? How about killing it so we can eat it" and the child will probably burst into tears. I can't imagine a child that would chose to eat meat while knowing where it comes from.
In some way I agree with you that life gets harder when you become aware of all the ethical issues in our daily lives. On the other hand, going vegan eventually was a relief for me. I only realized it afterwards but it had really been bothering me for a long time because I already knew deep in my mind that it wasn't the right thing to do whenever I sat down for a non-vegan meal but I didn't have the courage to take a closer look. When I did (some deep research on the net), I cried my eyes out for days and after that I knew I couldn't go back. And it did not end with going vegan, I've been becoming more and more aware of issues like the ones you've mentioned: sweat shops, people not being paid properly for their work, child labor, deforestation, the awful littering of our planet, all the plastics in the ocean … the list goes on. *scrolls up* Oh, you already said that. Believe me, I know what you mean.
However, I chose to keep my eyes open. I will not look away anymore and I'll do the best I can to support the alternatives that already exist. And their number is growing! Cause more and more people are actually becoming aware and that's the reward you get when taking a closer look at all these problems: you also find people who are working on them and who are passionate about what they're doing and who try their best everyday to make a difference.
I too try to buy only fairtrade clothing (thus my number of clothes is very limited xD) and organic food and so on whenever possible but of course these options are always more expensive. Fortunately I'm not that kind of girl that always needs new shoes or make-up or whatsoever, in fact I don't like "shopping" at all–buying just in order to buy something, what the hell no. I've a list of fairtrade, vegan online shops and when I really need something I normally buy it there.
Where you stand on insects DID U JUST haha oh god xD
I've also asked myself this one question: "When is it okay to end a life?" At first I also thought that it really matters how smart an animal is. Like, a pig is just as smart as a dog and how could it be okay to kill one and not the other? But meanwhile I'm not so sure about the whole intelligence-thing. Little chicks for example can't be really that intelligent. In order to "produce" hens for the egg industry, the male chicks are killed (shredded or gassed alive) shortly after they'd hatched. If I was forced to "rate" the cruel methods behind animal products, this one would be one of the most disgusting. But why? A baby chicken is certainly not as smart as a dog but it's pure innocence and it can feel pain and it can suffer and that's all he'll get to know in his short life.
So yeah I base my ethics on "Can it feel/suffer?" rather than on intelligence. As for insects, I truly don't know if they can feel pain or not. Certainly not the way we do. Even plants are suspected to being able to "feel" in some kind of way. But I'll rather … hm … don't know the right expression in English – in German I'd say "Ich verlasse mich lieber auf mein Bauchgefühl". dict.cc says that it can be translated with something like "I'll go with my guts", haha
I don't need scientific studies to see that a pig can feel pain and a cow can feel pain and also a hen and a lamb and even a fish (though I can't identify with a fish as much). Therefore I won't support an industry that is based on harming/killing them.
I also thought that "glutenfree" is just another hype and that there are some people who are like allergic but it doesn't do any harm to everyone else, but apparently gluten is (like the name says) like the "glue" in the bread, it makes it elastic and so on, and some say that in high amounts it can be bad for the … the bowel(? Never heard that word before but Google told me so xD)–it gums up the bowler or smth like that so that it can't process the food properly. Don't know, it doesn't really bother me but my mother swears by it.
BAM, beat that! I'm pretty sure that's the longest message so far.
And don't worry, I'm always happy to find a long answer from you among my notifications! It just takes some time to write back, mostly because I'm a little perfectionist and I'm always like "I know there's a better way to say this" and then I google it until I find the expression I was looking for. xD
Haha, I would read it if I stumbled across it somewhere, it's been a fascinating journey so far–from a simple "Hello, just a random deviant" to world's problems and deep ethical questions (and white bread of course ).
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Vimes-DA In reply to MentalCinephile [2016-08-11 14:12:28 +0000 UTC]
It has been fascinating going from a simple to hello to a long discussion involving ethics and world issues lol. A fun one though . Also you are the only other person I've ever met who also buys their clothes fairtrade, that's really cool lol. I used to be strictly only fairtrade clothing, but I found it too expensive and limiting and I thought ultimately y no ones really benefiting if I don't buy any other clothes apart from fairtrade. I'll still buy fairtrade ones where i can but being so strictly principled about it was taking it too far I started to feel. I still make sure they are sweatshop free though, which makes it limiting still. Slowly more ethical clothing companies are coming around though, you'll have to share some with me if you know any good ones. I got a fairtrade t shirt from a german store years ago. ThokkThokk.com I think it was.
Henning wehn thats it yeah . Yeah I think he's very funny, he makes a lot of jokes about English stereotypes of Germans too , he has a very good understanding of both cultures which makes for some good observations.
Its funny that you say you learnt to hear between accents from youtube and not movies or tv, that shows our generations difference lol. Youtubers are the celebrities nowadays ey. Yeah I'd like to be more aware of different German accents, the softer ones are definielty more pleasant, but I'm not familiar enough with them to tell between the areas. My friend in college was from Frankfurt (I think) his accent seemed quite "typical" German to me. I like the Amerian accent overall, my girlfriend is american . Certain american accents aren't as nice ofcourse but all countries have a strong variation of accents, which makes them that more interesting. A lot of Americans seem to be really confident at speaking, I can't tell if its partly the accent that adds to that though.
Thats cool that you have older friends and read from such a young age too. Sounds like you are getting a lot out of life to me . Yeah I think that "carnism" sums it up pretty well. I haven't heard of it but I do agree a lot of it is nurture rather than nature. I think I was lucky to be raised that way too, I completely choose to not eat meat though, it's not just because I was raised that way. Cool that you are getting your household to join in haha, its nice to have some influence even if its small. My girlfriend eats less meat now and she also so buys more cosmetics that aren't animal tested, and get fairtrade coffee and chocolate often too, so I'm glad I managed to have some influence too hehe. My dad eats meat also, but very rarely atleast. I think the thing is though, as much as I'd like people to not eat animals, everyones entitled to their choices in life and I dont feel that vegans/vegetarians have some duty to try and convert people lol. I think just raising the issue and getting people thinking about it is good. Being a militant vegan and trying to convert people is what gives vegans a bad reputation.
Thats good that you made your own mind up after researching veganism, although an emotionally upsetting experience! The cruelty involved in a lot of the farming industry is what upsets me to as I get older and more aware more of the issues too, and especially the egg stuff, I was looking into that recently myself and it certainly makes me question being a vegetarian. Still though for me personally, as horrible as that all is, I don't feel on principle that taking eggs or milk from animals is wrong. If I had a pet chicken I would have no problem taking its eggs, infact that would be the ideal way to get my eggs in the future and I hope I can do it that way one day. The problem is the way its currently done is barbaric, but the way I feel currently is that I want to find ways to make the industry better not destroy it. I try and buy all my eggs/milks etc from farms with high welfare standards. I know though that even those farms are still cruel but I see it as a horrible part of the world we currently live in, the same way I can't buy a lot of technology without it being built in dangerous conditions by humans who don't really have much of a choice. To me its a similar feeling with farming. In the future I might change my mind but currently thats how I feel about it anyway. Would you not take eggs from a pet chicken if you had one? Do you feel its fundamentally wrong to take things from animals or in anyway stop them being " free" somehow? I think intelligence plays a big role in emotions though,that is why I say about an intelligence based system of eating. But all animals feel base emotions and instincts so its always cruel in any aspect. But nature is extremely cruel all on its own lol. Lots of birds eat their own young, everything eats each other alive. I dunno its too complex to talk about in one reply lol.
Maybe your mother is sensitive to gluten . I don't think gluten is great for people but I don't think its really bad either. I think bread in general just isn't very healthy unfortunately. which is a shame because I love sandwiches and pizza and pasta so much haha.
Takes me time to write back too though I'm not as perfectionist about it , so sorry for typos and bad grammar . Sounds like its a good way to learn and practice English though the way you approach it hehe.
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MentalCinephile In reply to Vimes-DA [2016-08-12 01:54:39 +0000 UTC]
Well, you're at least the only male fairtrade-buyer (is this a thing? xD) I know! Okay, my friend doesn't really count because she and I were becoming aware of stuff like this "together" (and still do, it's an ongoing process), I don't really know how it happened but after we both went vegan (also together) we stumbled across all the other ethical issues and slowly reconsidered more and more parts of our daily lives. I'm very lucky to have her, I feel like it's so much easier to adapt to a "green" lifestyle when you've got someone to talk about it, doing the research together and so on.
I don't know if you have a Pinterest, I think you need an account to see it, but I've got plenty of cool shops "pinned" on my profile to remember them. *These for example* and a few more "pinboards" – in case you can't see it, here are some of the shops I can highly recommend:
> Bleed Clothing (These guys really try everything they can, just the best materials, vegan, fair-trade, recycling etc. while it's still a small "family business")
> Avesu (The easiest way I've found to get a vegan pair of shoes that was also produced under fair conditions. I love my vegan boots )
> Roots Of Compassion (One of my favorite shops ever, they don't just sell clothes but a variety of cool stuff~ at least for a vegan xD)
> ThokkThokk (Yep, that's on my list too! I bought my brother one of those shirts for his last birthday.)
> Armed Angels (Haven't bought something there yet but thinking about it)
I also am not that strict (except for always making sure that it's 100% vegan) but I love to support alternatives like these whenever I can. However, when I was buying stuff for my trip for example, it just wasn't possible for me to pay too much attention on how the items had been produced, the "regular" sleeping bags and bike clothing and all these things were expensive enough unfortunately.
Yep, he definitely knows how to play around with stereotypes/prejudices without getting (too) offensive and we all know that there's a little bit of truth in some stereotypes.
Haha yes, Youtube is basically the new TV but I also love a good movie or (even better) a TV show (that I don't watch on TV but online lol). In fact, BBC's Sherlock definitely was part of my "So what does a British accent sound like? observation". xD Afterwards I noticed that Germans are often more familiar with the American English, I guess because of all the Hollywood movies. When you go to the cinema here you'll find them dubbed into German though. However, there is an increasing number of people that prefer to watch movies and shows in English–with the "original voices".^^
Oh and that was also one of my impressions: American English often sound more confident while British English sound more … haha, don't know the right word, "zurückhaltend" I'd say. Like the words are spoken more "carefully". Here we go again, the typical British stereotype: overly polite and modest. Or maybe it's really just the accent itself, I really can't tell.
I also don't know much about (Germany-)German accents to be honest, I'm way more familiar with the Austrian ones and there are plenty–especially here in Tyrol it's literally like you drive an hour or so into the next valley and it's a different accent.
Yep, it's very cool to like inspire people to becoming more aware, I have to say that I'm kind of proud to look around and notice the changes in my family and also among my friends. One of them turned vegetarian and said that it was mostly because I got her thinking about it and another one went vegan overnight (he had been eating meat before his whole life, no "vegetarian-phase" in between) after we've talked a lot about that topic.
So … I get what you're saying that in the end they have to choose themselves and freely but … The problem is that after all I know, the pictures will always stay in my head and if someone eats meat in front of me I'll always see the bloodshed behind it and it's really hard to stay silent then. It's like witnessing animal abuse but doing nothing. That's the most difficult part of being aware.
That someone who eats the meat is not aware and doesn't think of any bloody pictures and of course gets offended when confronted with the fact that by eating meat he/she is supporting an unbelievable cruel industry. It's too easy to forget. I'm very passionate about not only raising the topic but to almost "force" people to think about it. It's just too important too me. I'd never judge anyone because of their opinion or their lifestyle as long as it doesn't harm another creature but animal products could never be produced (industrially) without causing harm to the animals and the environment. So yeah some would consider me as militant, raising the topic again and again, but I do try to keep in mind that it's very hard to actually questioning a seemingly "normal" habit like eating meat, dairy and eggs. I've done it myself long enough, right? What really made me question it btw. was this presentation: *klick me* – if I could, I would force everyone on this planet to sit down and watch it til the end, haha. I don't agree with everything he says but I really admire the way he talks about this topic in this calm, confident way without judging and how he even makes the people laugh one or two times even though the facts are sad and hard to swallow.
Pet chicken, ohh I'd love to have a couple of them one day! Also because unlike meat and dairy, eggs are very healthy. I do miss them from time to time in my diet. As long as the hens live a happy life, I don't think it's wrong to eat their eggs. But in order to be happy, hens need plenty of space, quality food, a nice place to take a sand bath and so on. Sadly it's not possible to provide the whole world with eggs that way, especially if you don't kill the hen as soon as she doesn't "produce" as much eggs anymore (because of that, the hens are killed after about a year, even on farms with higher standards–that's why they have to produce so many new hens and kill the male chicks).
As for cows, there would be nothing wrong with taking the milk that's "too much" from the mother cow after her baby is born, as long as the offspring gets enough milk. But again, there's this problem: What will you do with the male calves? They're "useless" and it's expensive to raise cows, not to mention they need plenty of space too in order to be happy, they also need a "social life" cause believe it or not, cows are known to build complex relationships within their herd (yeah I know, they can seem a little simple minded, compared to other mammals ^^). Furthermore, I've come to find it very strange to drink the breast milk of another species as an adult. That just doesn't make any sense to me anymore. xD And it's certainly not very healthy. I'm so happy with my plant based "milk".
I try to not be "fundamentally" in any way. Well, the only thing I do keep in mind is that I don't want to be involved in practices that harm/kill animals (humans are animals too in this case). Based on that, I try to make logical decisions. It's not like I have a rule that says I don't eat eggs. I don't eat eggs when I certainly know that buying them supports an industry I don't want to support in any way. But yeah, I do plan on owning some hens someday! I'd love to rescue them from some horrible farm haha even if it would mean stealing them. *cough* What? I never said that. It's a typo.
Oh and you mentioned electronics, that's a very frustrating topic indeed. The alternatives in this area are very, very rare. I can recommend you another shop though: Vireo – seems like they don't have an English version yet, it's still a small shop but they offer very cool stuff and (relatively) eco-friendly electronics which are produced under fair conditions. I've purchased my latest earphones there (*click* ) and they're awesome.
Sandwiches, pizza, pasta … yess. Unfortunately I love those too way too much but I think my body can take these little sins now and then. xD After all, it also gets many fruits and vegetables and nuts and rice and–oh, but of course, vegans just eat grass. I forgot about that one second.
Writing/reading these messages is definitely a great way to improve my English skills! So thank you, haha
(Okay … This time I won't re-read this message, I'll just send it and go to bed *stares at the clock* ;_; )
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Vimes-DA In reply to MentalCinephile [2016-08-13 19:00:43 +0000 UTC]
Hah yeah it's really weird to me that fairtrade and ethical clothing is advertised towards women, like men can't care about ethical issues....lol. Yeah I have a hard time finding clothing, but I always notice there's a lot more options for women in fairtrade. Thanks for those links though! I'll check them out and your pintrest too. Have any art supply sources too hehe? Yeah its pretty impossible to be super strict, unless you want to wear a sack for the rest of your life lol. There's also no real point to making sacrifices like that on blind principle, it doesn't do any good to anyone.
Yeah I don't really watch youtube that much, I find most of it annoying lol. Dunno I'm sure there's lots of good stuff but I can't be bothered to sort through it all. Also I just about manage to keep track of the tv shows I watch let alone watching more stuff on youtube aswell. But I think its good though don't get me wrong, just haven't found that much for me yet. Yeah English are a lot quieter lol. All american shows I watch, like talk shows, the host always shouts, the audience like whistle and cheer and stuff. Whereas we just do a little round of applause lol. I'm used to it by now though and enjoy it for the most part. It's funny to see the cultural differences like that though. I didn't know the movies were dubbed, but that makes total sense lol. I'm not surprised people want to watch it with original voices and subtitles though, anime always sounds better to me with original voices and subtitles. The dubs are normally awful and miss a lot of the original emotion and timing.
Lol vegetarian phase. Thats vaguely insulting to vegetarians but I guess you are a hardcore vegan right hehe. I agree with raising awareness, I think people should have the information then make their own decision. But a lot of the behind the scenes stuff is all glossed over, and we paint this happy images of animals frolicking in fields and stuff. Its a real complex issue with no quick solutions, but atleast here there's progress, with quite a few movements and higher demand for produce with higher ethical standards.It's far from a solution but its a step in the right direction atleast. I think the internet is a great help with all that though, people are so much more informed nowdays and that can only be a good thing.
I don't have any issues with the "ick" factor of eggs and milk lol, but I get why people do. Yeah I certainly don't feel good about the current systems of farming and it's something i'm unseasy about and often think about, so I'll have to see how I feel about it how times go on. I think what needs to be done though is alternative systems. Eggs and milk don't need to be an everyday staple they could be more of a seasonal item.
I'd love to own some chickens in future too, or atleast be part of some co operative that raises them maybe. I have a funny image of you running into a farm in the middle of the night with chicken feathers flying everywhere as you release the chickens lol.
That's cool that theres some options for electronics developing, lets hope it catches on!
I also have bread as a treat item. Yeah that's right, just grass and seeds right, and vegetarians eat chicken right? lol
lol I think your message turned out fine so don't worry
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MentalCinephile In reply to Vimes-DA [2016-08-15 16:09:05 +0000 UTC]
Here we go again, damn stereotypes. I also think that society sometimes still tries to tell us that caring about issues like that "unmanly". That's the only explanation I have. Like, boys are taught that it's cool to wear brand name clothes (girls are too but not that much … or more when it comes to bags or makeup or I don't even know lol), and that it's the only thing that matters when buying a shirt or new trousers. Whilst among (some) girls, it has already become some kind of "trend" to buy fair-trade, vegan, organic, locally produced etc. stuff. Well, at first glance that's not a bad thing … I don't really care about other people's reasons to look for alternatives, I'm just glad when they're supported. What annoys me though, are people who insult me because I just follow "some kind of stupid trend" by buying vegan, fair-trade and so on. Yeah, sure. These are also the people who are weirdly "proud" to not follow this "trend". Nah … these are the worst, seriously. xD
About the art supply sources, you mean like shops where you can buy traditional art supplies? I've never bought them in a specific art shop, I gotta admit.
Believe me, you can literally forget 99% of the content YouTube offers. xD I've got a certain number of Youtubers I watch and I don't care about the rest. Sometimes I cringe at the "popular" videos that are suggested to me when I click at the "Home" page of YouTube by accident, otherwise I pretend like they aren't there.
Oh, don't remind me of Anime dubs, another thing I don't want to exist, haha. I always watch them in Japanese with German or English subs. And I agree, there's so much "lost" when not watching it in the original language, however I feel like the difference from Japanese to German/English is much bigger than from English to German. I think it's because of the huge culture differences when comparing an Asian to a "Western" country. A very interesting topic though, Japanese culture is fascinating.
Haha sorry, didn't mean to insult anyone! I was trying to say that most vegans have come to their lifestyle step-by-step. Like from "not thinking about eating meat" to "eating meat once a week" to "going vegetarian" to "cutting out dairy" to "vegan" or something like that. As I said, so far I know only one person who just went from the first (or maybe second) stage I've listed to "vegan" which really surprised me. ^^
Yeah that "ick" factor doesn't bother me either, I mean the unfertilized eggs of hens are somehow like their "period" and I don't care, they are healthy and as far as the hens aren't harmed in the process I'd happily eat them (the eggs not the hens lol).
Absolutely, it was never as easy to get independent information as it is nowadays (not to mention that it's free!) and I'm very thankful for that. The internet really helps to spread important messages and little "alternative" labels now have the chance to establish themselves and through social media they can reach their young, forward-thinking target group very effectively.
Oh great, this picture will now stay forever in my head. Maybe I'll even disguise myself as a hen while releasing them.
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Vimes-DA In reply to MentalCinephile [2016-08-19 12:44:52 +0000 UTC]
Hey, sorry for replying late, just busy lately and want to reply to these when I can sit down and give them a proper response .
Yeah I think you have a point,caring about ethical issues and the environment can somehow be seen as "unmanly" lol. I think those things are changing though, its cool that its becoming fashionable to be buying more ethical clothing foods etc, gives me a lot of hope for the future. Those people do sound like the worst haha, "Yeah I'm so proud of my leather shoes sewn by children in china, Fills me with joy".
I order art supplies online but its a real hassle, so many supplies use animal or insect ingredients and you have to spend ages trying to find up to date lists emailing companies etc. Especially with paints, tricky finding the right ones, and it's annoyingly limiting. That's how it goes though, there's still plenty of good supplies around ,just have to do more research.
AHah I'm glad you feel the same about youtube for the most part, CRINGE is exactly the right word for how I feel about a lot of it. I'm surprised you know that word, it's a great word lol.
Oh yes very much so, there's so many sayings that are unique to japan and lots of things that aren't really that translatable. Something I'd love to learn more about someday, I did actually study it briefly for a little while but stopped, might pick it up again one day though. I find their culture fascinating too .
Hah yeah I get what you mean by the stages. I would say I'm at the vegetarian with strong vegan leanings stage lol. That may end up with me choosing to go vegan at some point, but I don't feel that way currently. I do try and buy as many vegan things as i can in general, and avoid products made using animal ingredients where I have no idea of the standards they were produced in. Drink plenty of almond and soya milk too .Yes don't get the chicken and egg mixed up, classic beginner mistake.... lol
Yeah I love the internet for that, I think there's a lot of older people who are jaded and like "the world will never change" but it's never been easier than now to make changes on a global scale. News spreads instantly everywhere, its a very powerful thing.
Hah nice emoji. now I have the picture of you trying to hide from a farmer by pretending to be one of the chickens. "one of these is not like the others...."
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MentalCinephile In reply to Vimes-DA [2016-08-23 16:58:07 +0000 UTC]
Don't worry, I've been quite busy these days too, so no hurry Practicing for my driving test ( ) and searching for a job …
Yes, they're definitely changing, fortunately! Damn gender roles … I'm so glad to live in the 21st century (even though some people still haven't recognized that, judging from their behaviors). Makes me sick to think about all the things that were "inappropriate" for women (and also for men of course but since I'm dealing with the woman role my whole life … ) just some decades ago. On the other hand, I love to see how quickly old standards can change these days.
Oh yes, how I *love* those people. "Nah, fair trade and veganism and such is just some new hype and I don't want to join because I'm so freakin independent."
I find it very impressive how far your consideration goes, I have never really thought about the struggles of getting art supplies without animals ingredients in them. The last time I bought art supplies was years ago because my school made us order so much art stuff and roughly 70% of it wasn't even used in the end (which is kind of sad). So if I want to draw something traditionally (which happens far too rarely, I have to admit), I'll just use these these tools. But I'll keep my eyes open, I'm pretty sure there'll be officially vegan options for art supplies soon. For example, it's already quite common in tattoo studios to work with vegan ink if desired. I don't have any tattoos but sometimes I think about getting one.
Not sure.
Cringe is an excellent word indeed! And guess what, there's no exact translation in German. Thank you YouTube for teaching me such important expressions. To be more specific, I think I've learned it from Dan Howell who actually is one of the more popular YouTubers but I find most of his videos hilarious
probably one of my favorite things on the internet, the struggle is real~
My relationship to the Japanese culture is actually pretty weird; on the one hand I'm fascinated by the complexity of their social norms and on the other hand I'm someone who dislikes unnecessary rules that make interacting with other people even more complicated and somehow force people to be overly polite. So … it's a bit confusing xD
Yeah I don't judge you for that. Maybe there are even some ethical issues you pay more attention to than I do, at the end of the day we both just try our best to make a little difference. People living that way really give me hope – have I even thanked you for that? Thank you very much~
Exactly! Every day, every moment, like-minded people connect with each other all over the world and have the power to create change on a whole different level than as recently as 20 years ago.
Oh my god, someday I'll have to draw this scene!! With the farmer's dog sniffing suspiciously at that weird "chicken" … hehe xD
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Vimes-DA In reply to MentalCinephile [2016-08-25 14:27:37 +0000 UTC]
Oh good luck with driving test, and job searching. Job searching is so shitty lol, maybe your elite school credentials will help you out there though . Yeah I agree with your thoughts on gender roles, I only found out a few years ago that women were payed less for doing the same job as men. I find that so unbelievable, crazy that's still happening in this day and age. I think its getting better now though, but still so ridiculous. I'm also encouraged how quickly things have changes compared to just a few decades ago also. It's like those people who say " things will never change its just human nature". I'm like nooooo, things are far from perfect but we are certainly progressing, that's just a crappy excuse to give up.
Thanks hehe, It's just because I've lived long enough to slowly become aware of those things lol. Like I never used to think about it, but slowly you learn things like, oh this watercolour paper is treated with gelatine, then this ink containts shellac, I wonder what shellac is..... oh it's crushed insects. Then it leads down a path of finding out all the other materials used in things. I think overall they are using more and more synthetic ingredients nowadays which is good, but it's really hard to find concrete information about most products. I just do the best I can to try and get supplies without animal/insect ingredients. I'm sure some of the pens I own probably aren't though, but companies often don't get back to you about things or just give vague answers.
I think I grew up just around the right time to take advantage of digital and traditional, like as a kid I always drew with pencil and paper, and then I got a crappy tablet and started drawing on that from a young age too, but I've always had the traditional side also. I still do both now because they are both fun, I probably lean towards digital more because it's so much faster and less expensive and messy etc. But I love just sitting down with some paper and a pencil and drawing or sketching. I think learning to paint traditionally is really helpful too, teaches a lot of patience and you really have to think and work methodically because there's no undo. Though I sometimes find myself going to press ctrl z even traditionally lol.
Yeah when I look for vegan ink for pens I often find vegan tattoo ink instead. Hmm I have no interest in tatoos lol, I thnk 90% of them look crap and just look worse and worse the older people get. Though I think something like what the LOTR actors did is really cool. They had this amazing 5 year experiecne together filming everything and they all got a very small tattoo in elvish or something to commemorate that time together. I think that's pretty cool, its a memento of a great experience and its just a small thing. Those people who do it for fashion though I think are so crazy lol, like the tribal tattoo phase and the phase of people tattoing little stars on their hands or whatever. It's just a trend thats going to go out of fashion and you're stuck with this meaningless image on you permanently. Just my feelings towards tatoos , I don't hate them or anything though.
Lol I'll check out that video if I remember. I'm pretty sure cringe is an English word, because I'm sure a few years ago Americans never used that word and were confused when we used it, but I've heard it so much in podcasts and stuff i've been listening to lately, it seems to be catching on .
I totally agree about Japan, It's like i'm fascinated by it but I also think there's a lot of negatives to their culture, there's a kind of falsness to it. They do a lot of stuff because they feel socially obliged to. Like i think they would be very polite to your face and then bitch about you behind your back lol. Also the salaryman thing, of people working stupidly long hours and all this over focus on honour leading people to commit suicide.
ahh thanks that's sweet hehe. Well you are doing great too so we can all thank each other lol. Yeah it's like you say, it's just trying our best (Within reason) to contribute to making the world a better place. I certainly believe the world will change slowly this way, need to play the long game lol.
Haha that would be great, you'll have to show me if you do
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MentalCinephile In reply to Vimes-DA [2016-08-27 18:17:28 +0000 UTC]
I do hope the 5 years that I spent studying at that school will pay off! Graphic designer is not really my dream job but for now I just want something to make enough money for my journey through Portugal in 3 weeks … The driving test scares me way more lol, I definitely fulfill that one cliché that women just can't drive, haha.
Oh yeah, that excuse. "It's always been that way!" & "It's human nature!" – what even IS "human nature"? We're such strange animals. Tell me which animal's nature it is to travel by car, by train, by plane and to carry little things around that give us access to a more or less endless amount of information (and we use it to watch cat videos most of the time, obviously ). We're destroying our planet without thinking about the consequences, at the same time we can empathise with a fictional character in a book and love our pets more than 99% of the humans we meet. That all is "mankind" and we've got so much potential to evolve in every possible direction. The only thing that stands in our way are these pessimistic thoughts like "We can't change." – no shit, Sherlock. If you don't believe in change, sure, then change won't happen. It's a self-fulfilling prophecy, congratulations. But I'm sure this also works the other way round, so I chose to believe in change.
Asking questions is the key indeed. That's not what industries working with animal products want, of course. So they'll keep on giving vague answers as long as it's possible but if the questions don't stop, they'll have to think about some good alternatives eventually. The thing is, many people start to ask question but when they realize that they don't like the answers – they just stop. And a part of me can understand this behavior because it's hard to question a lifestyle you've lived for a very long time. At some point, I looked at my leather boots and was so disgusted by the thought that I didn't think a single moment about that material when buying them … (Sure, that's something completely different than with pens ) I got rid of them (they were already pretty worn out and some stores take them back to make new shoes of it) and felt very relieved to buy some vegan boots. That was my way to deal with it, to kinda make it up. It's incredible how something you've just learned can change your behavior and mindset overnight.
Haha I felt so understood reading through your experiences with traditional/digital media. Can someone just finally invent the real life ctrl+z please? I've also drawn traditionally since I was a little child and it was always one of my greatest passions – until I started this graphic school which sounded very nice beforehand. And it was highly recommended to have some drawing skills but … in the end, I had no time for drawing anymore because of school. Sure, it's quite useful for some graphic projects to be able to scribble my ideas traditionally as a first step but the final result is always digital – which is not necessarily a bad thing of course, but graphic design in general is way too much "playing by the rules" for my liking. It's not as creative as drawing and illustrating, visualizing what I see in my head … Before starting the school, I thought I would get some lessons in Digital Painting. Nope, didn't happen. So I'm teaching it myself now and I'm eager to learn more~ Maybe I'll come back to traditional drawing one day because of the reason you mentioned but for now I'm too much into dabbling with Digital Painting.
If I ever get a tattoo, it'll be definitely something that really means a lot to me, something I'm sure of that it always will be important in my life. (Plus I'll be sure to make it small and subtle.) Following some fashion trends when getting a tattoo is imho almost as embarrassing as getting the name of your boyfriend/girlfriend tattooed. You can never know if a person will stay in your life … well, the only exception I can think of is one's children. If I ever have kids, they'll be important to me my whole life (but I still won't get a tattoo with their names or their dates of birth; I can understand when people do so though, I feel like it's something different than the partner's name).
Btw. I found the actual video that officially introduced me to CRINGE .
Yeah right, these terrible suicides in Japan … Even students kill themselves because many of them are basically told since childhood that their grades are incredibly important for their career and when they're not good enough you're worth nothing. That really disturbs me, just thinking about it. I mean, our school system sucks too but at least my parents have always told me that my grades do not define me or my intelligence.
Yep, we all gotta be a little patient with mankind. It's not always easy but meeting people like you helps a lot!
I sure will, haha~
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Vimes-DA In reply to MentalCinephile [2016-08-29 13:19:10 +0000 UTC]
arghhhh I clicked your link for youtube as I had 90% of my reply typed out and now I lost it all . So I'm gonna answer this briefer than i intended. the way he describes those moments in that video is exactly right lol.
Yeah I'm sure your school will pay off somewhere down the line . Portugal already ey, don't stay still long do you haha. Good luck with your next adventure, Portugal seems like a lovely place to go
. Totally agree with your comments about human nature there, very well put! I had more to say but i don't want to retype it all lol.
Thankfully there are lots of smaller companies popping up with more ethical policies and they are doing quite well so give me a lot of hope for the future. I do understand people not wanting to give things up though, its really shouldn't have to be our responsibility, the people running these companies should be taking responsibility and making more ethical decisions, but unfortunately all they care about is profit most of the time. I think people are much more savvy nowdays though and things are starting to change.
I enjoyed doing graphic design in school too, and happened to have a bit of natural talent for it . Never found it as satisfying as art either though and what I really wanted to learn was drawing and painting also. Keep up the digital painting, Its the best way to learn i think, I only started traditionally painting in last couple of years, but all the skills I learnt traditionally are transferable to whatever medium, and the cost and ease of use is so much better digitally. There's something very satisfying about having something tangible though, like wow I have this painting that I made and I can hold it in my hands and see all the little details. It's very hard to get that feeling digitally.
Yeah that's the way to get a tatoo I think. Completely agree about names haha, nothing is more cringe worthy. Childs names is pretty cringy too though if you ask me. Bit too gushy for my liking, you know their child will be called "angel" too..... but yeah i can see the appeal somewhat but seems so unnecessary lol. My girlfriend has a kind of sweet tattoo I think, her and her mum both have very small tattoos of a wing, and they both have a seperate half each, so they are carrying a symbol that links them together around even when they are apart. Kind nice I think. Things like that I can understand more.
Yeah its crazy some of the pressure that asian parents put on their kids, that one is a stereotype for a reason. Whilst education is important in the grand sceme of things, grades aren't THAT important, and certainly dont define your self worth, very tragic the pressure that can create. That's really great of your parents to say that, they seem like great people. The number of successful people who were rubbish in school is too many to count . That doesn't mean people shouldn't try ofcourse, but its not the end of the world if they do badly.
likewise, vive la revolution! haha
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MentalCinephile In reply to Vimes-DA [2016-09-02 19:54:23 +0000 UTC]
Oh no, this has happened to me way too often xD That's why I try to remind myself to copy the whole text from time to time whenever I type a longer message. Don't worry though, not every message hast to have the length of a book's chapter, right?
I've waited far too long to break out and go on some adventure, now I need a little overdose, haha! I've already visited Portugal a few years ago and it was very nice indeed, beautiful landscapes and lovely people all around~ And this time, my friend and I will actually have a tent (wow)! xD In France, we slept in sleeping bags underneath the stars (protected by a mosquito net).
The only problem with this were the rainy nights of course, we just had a 3x3m tarp to cover us then.
You mentioned this already weeks ago but I think you wrote something like you're envious because of this little adventure I'd taken – where would you go if you were free to do so? Just curious^^
Totally agree with you, no company should be allowed to take advantage from unethical methods but it's no longer a secret these days that they do. In fact, everyone knows (or should know) it's that common that you have to assume it whenever it's not labeled otherwise. And even if there is a label you can never know how far these promises go in reality. That just sucks. We really need strikter standards (that are controlled by independent organisations) and I do hope that with enough pressure from us, as the consumers, the standards will rise eventually.
Digital painting is indeed so much quicker and easier to use which also makes it – to me – more authentic in some way. Which is weird because from another point of view, painting traditionally of course has a more authentic/"real" feeling to it, working with "real" colors, mixing them on a real palette or working with real pencils instead of a digital brush … But it takes time and you always have to think it through beforehand. When painting digitally one can act more spontaneously bc no matter what you do, if you fail you can always delete it and start again (without having to buy a new canvas ).
Nice, I like the idea of the two wings It's a lovely symbol with some deeper thoughts put into it. I've been thinking about getting a "strong word" on both of my wrists cause I've always loved words (sounds strange, I know) which doesn't mean that I'm a chatterbox (quite the opposite actually) but I'm fascinated by how words are capable of transferring meaning and emotions and whole stories. I mean, what are words? Just arranged sounds put into strange symbols. Yet I can tell you about my life and my feelings just by using "words" and you can tell me about you and ahhh I love it xD And – what are books? They consist of nothing but words but they can paint pictures of other worlds in our heads and make us root for our favorite characters that don't even exist.
Back to topic, one of the most powerful words for me is awareness, in fact I couldn't think of any stronger word. Well, maybe love but of course that's way too cliché and overall an overused expression. For me, everything starts with awareness. It's the most valuable gift and the mightiest ability one can have. But it's also a burden of course, ignorance is bliss they say. For me that's not true though, I want to live a life with both overwhelming joy and bitter grief, I'd never trade it for wearing blinders (is it called like that in English?) my whole life.
Not sure about the second word though … I've got some in mind but none of them has the same meaning to me as awareness.
I consider myself very lucky to have two awesome parents, yep. And I agree, education is very important but the way it's taught in most schools horrifies me. It's very sad when something beautiful like learning is turned into a sheer torture. But of course, the school system has to prepare the students to be a … small cog in the machine? Is that a proper saying? Don't trust everything on the net, haha
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Vimes-DA In reply to MentalCinephile [2016-09-07 11:12:40 +0000 UTC]
yeah sometimes I do that that too, this time I wrote the reply in a word file instead. I've had that clicking a link, or internet cutting out as I hit reply thing happen way too often lol. Indeed short and sweet is fine too .
Hah well you're certainly going to have a lot of fun experiences and create good memories by the sounds of it. Portugal sounds lovely, I'll add that to my list of places to eventually visit lol. Oh I thought you were in a tent and sleeping bag in France, that's really braving the elements just a sleeping bag and a tarp haha . Bet some lovely views of the stars though, until the tarp covered it up of course. I take it you aren't very squeamish about insects crawling over you?
Hmm if I could go anywhere I'd probably go to Italy first, always wanted to go there, such beautiful countryside and architecture and my kinda food . Would love to visit Japan too, the cities and the countryside/sea. Plenty of places in England I'd still like to go also to be honest though.
Yeah I agree, I think that's how things will change, through public pressure and outside companies putting pressure on companies to change. You get a lot of ethical companies that put their mark on a product to show it reaches their standards and the more I see things like that happening the more faith I have that things are moving the right direction.
That's an interesting way of looking at it, I agree also. I think the digital medium allows you to get the purest form of an idea and creativity out, because you can be much more spontaneous like you say and also undo and change and modify all you want. This can kind of be a disadvantage sometimes though, with too much choice and it's harder to think about what you are doing when you can undo. When you do it traditionally your mind focuses on things a lot easier because you can't afford to muck it up.
Words are fascinating, it is a funny concept how we have put meaning to these symbols and that has allowed us to do so much and advance as a species incredibly. I totally understand how that alone can inspire a tattoo based on a " strong word" as you say hehe. Just Don't tattoo love on one and hate on the other lol. Awareness that is the most valuable gift, you are right I think! It allows us to appreciate the life we have and not just react on instincts,as well as the ability to have empathy, which like you say is also a burden as it brings a lot of paint also. Totally agree though, Pain is a part of life and can't live a life " putting the blinders on" (which is basically the same saying yeah) .
Yeah I think the education system definitely needs a lot of work, I think its also hard for us at that age to concentrate on school though as there's so much other crap going on. It's a weird one, because its the age we learn fastest but it's also the age we are least interested in learning in some ways lol. Like my interest in history and so many subjects has increased so much as i've got older and now I love learning about that stuff, but in school so much of it was very boring to me. Oh well, just one of the ironies of life.
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MentalCinephile In reply to Vimes-DA [2016-09-12 00:06:08 +0000 UTC]
Sorry for the late reply, kind of busy with preparing for the trip and stuff … and somehow I managed to destroy my debit card, it just won't work anymore. Waiting for the bank company to send me a new one, I hope it'll arrive in time. Paying via debit card (still don't have a credit card, meh–fortunately debit cards are accepted almost everywhere nowadays) is just so much more convenient and safer than carrying lots of cash around, especially in a foreign country.
Whenever we settled down on a campsite in France, people would joke about our "creative" construction: we used the bikes and tent pegs to somehow stretch the mosquito net over our sleeping bags and it always looked a bit awkward but it did keep most of the mosquitos out. However, some bugs and spiders managed to find a way in of course, and that actually was a challenge for me … I can be very squeamish when noticing a spider in my hair or something like that but on this journey I gritted my teeth and just lived with the bugs and ants … oh yes, the ants were especially annoying
Luckily I have the superpower of sleeping. No matter where I am, I never have troubles falling asleep. I just close my eyes, relax and the next thing I know is normally my alarm clock or someone who wakes me up cause otherwise I just oversleep xD
Oh and the stars were indeed very lovely! I adore starry skies and I especially remember one night at a very remote campsite when the sky seemed so close and overwhelming and I wanted to stare at it til the morning light.
Italy really is beautiful, I've been there many times. I live pretty close to the border, it's just a … huh, in German we say "nur ein Katzensprung" which translates to "just a cat's leap", seems like in English it's only "a stone's throw" away? ^^ Anyways, when I was little I spent many holidays at the seaside in Italy, I'd love to visit Rome someday though, that's still on my list.
Japan seems to have a beautiful countryside and amazing temples, shrines and such, I'm just not so sure about the big cities there … eww, people! So many people! xD Like … they run around with breathing masks cause illnesses are spread so easily in these crowded streets (or for example in the underground trains that always look like they couldn't take one single person more), I just have these scary pictures in my head :'D Maybe I'm wrong haha, don't know~
Nevertheless, there are big cities I like–London for example, I found myself enjoying it way more than expected when I went there last year. I also went down to Dover to see the White Cliffs but it was just a short trip and I do want to see more of England someday too. And Ireland too~ and … Scotland and all of these islands you know (I always mix up these countries, I'm so bad at geography xD)
Yes I mean, as far as I know only 10 or maybe 20 years ago, labels that show that a product is produced following some ethical/eco-friendly standards weren't a thing yet–at all. The target group was just so much smaller back then but since our markets aren't controlled by the government (fortunately), they will react to any change in the customers' buying behaviors. That's such a great power we have, actually!
Oooh I know that feeling of … Wait, there's a comic about it … (Be careful when clicking on the link! )
This is so painfully accurate hahah … especially when it comes to digital painting! You can draw anything … and you can change and modify anything … again and again, no end in sight x)
Haha, yeah sure! What a horrible picture in my head, "love" on the one wrist and "hate" on the other, makes me cringe
BUT you just gave me an idea for the second word, in this very moment … awareness & appreciation, bam! Whoa, I really, really like that. I admit, appreciation is a long word, even longer than awareness … but the meaning behind it is almost–maybe even as–important to me as awareness (plus they both start with an A which is cool lol). I'll definitely keep that in mind. Thank you!!
I couldn't agree with you more, these specific years are so important for someone's personal growth, they can be confusing and frustrating and a big challenge even without dealing with school stuff … And so many of these things pupils have to learn are just plain useless for their later life and everyone knows it. And it's sad that the kids' brains often have to focus on the things they are not interested in more than in potentially interesting stuff cause otherwise they'll fail the class. The irony strikes again.
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Vimes-DA In reply to MentalCinephile [2016-09-21 09:55:52 +0000 UTC]
No problem, I'm super busy too lately so also late reply. That sucks, bad timing ey, normally they are quite quick with that stuff so should get it through in time. Yeah debit cards are pretty universally accepted, def safer than carrying a ton of cash around!
Ahah nice creative measures , I hate bugs crawling on me too so that's pretty brave to just grin and bear it, nice one hehe . Getting to sleep that quick is a superpower lol! Takes me ages to get to sleep, especially in new places, wish I could just lay down and fall to sleep instantly. Teach me your zen ways.
Wow that sounds really cool, I've always wanted to see a super clear night where you can actually see the nebulas and stuff, think might have to go to America to do that though, but I've seen something close in England once. Really need to be in the middle of nowhere to get that level of darkness.
Oh nice, I'm envious . Hah a cats a leap, I like that more, yeah a stones throw away is what we say. I guess it's pretty similar to England and France then, where we can just hop on a boat and be there in 40 mins or so. Kind of makes you undervalue it in someways when it's so easy to get to, like how everyone wants to go on holiday to other countries when there's probably a lot of parts of own country to explore that is just as nice.
Lol I know, I hate massive crowds of people. I'd probably like to go there for a day trip to experience the craziness of it, but one day would probably be enough haha. i'd like to see the comic stores and crazy fashions in shinjuku district (think it was there). Countryside does look really beautiful though and the beaches, which is not something I associated with Japan until seeing documentaries and shows about it. You mainly think of the technology and Tokyo. It's pretty cool they wear those masks as a way to not spread disease though, I used to think it was the opposite, people trying to keep germs out. The trains are super packed you're right methinks lol.
Ah I don't remember you saying you'd been to England before, I'm glad you liked it! Yeah London is pretty cool, a nice mix of old and new, it's got some really cool places to visit and they've really cleaned it up since I was a kid. It used to be quite dirty and grubby everywhere, Trafalgar square was just a mass of pigeons and pigeon shit lol. Really did a good job of cleaning it up though, looks very nice now. Ohhhh Dover, I live quite near to Dover, have been there many times. Dover itself is a dump lol, but the cliffs are really nice, there's a nice walk along the tops of them, maybe you did it. I'd like to visit Ireland and Scotland one day too, I'm actually quarter Irish hehe, not that it really means anything haha.
Yeah thats very true, a few years ago these things were all seen as "hippy trendy fad" type things, like it was seen as weird or pretentious. Theres still a bit of that feeling around, but a lot less so. Even cadbury make fairtrade chocolate bars now ( though i have trouble trusting any huge company isn't cheating it somehow ).
Haha that comic is very accurate. I love those little 3 panel jokey comic type things
Hah that's cool, I'm glad I Could inspire your tattoo dreams. That's pretty cool too, they do go hand in hand. You're either gonna need a very small font or very fat arms though hehe.
Yeah totally. I think one great thing nowadays though is the ability to educate ourselves online, You can learn SO much there that even if you didn't get much from school atleast you can still get access to a wealth of information online and still pursue your dreams once you find something you are interested in.
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MentalCinephile In reply to Vimes-DA [2016-10-20 19:49:15 +0000 UTC]
Came back from Portugal just a few days ago … man, it feels so strange to be back. A part of me misses the sea, the sun, the wind, the friendly people and the town of Lagos (my friend and I stayed there for over a week, the rest of the time we were traveling around – which is great, of course, but I think you need to stay for a while at one particular place to really get a feeling for it, you know?).
Anyways, it's also great to be back home, with a fridge and a stove instead of a camping cooker, proper Internet access and a comfortable bed. After 4 weeks spent on campsites (mostly) I really appreciate this in a completely new way!
However, my superpower was very helpful again, my friend is not so lucky – like you, she has troubles with falling asleep and without her earplugs it would be almost impossible for her to get a good night's rest. The downside of my sleeping skills is that in the morning I'm always extremely tired, even if I've slept 10 hours straight.
Haha I really wish I could teach others how to fall asleep within minutes (you're not the first one asking) but I don't have any clue how I'm doing it. I used to have sleeping troubles too but two or three years ago they suddenly disappeared. Now I just lay down, close my eyes and empty my mind, like a little meditation. Bam, sleeping.
Starry skies are just breathtaking, hope you got to see one. Do you know this map that shows the light pollution on earth? > www.lightpollutionmap.info < I could spend hours searching for interesting "dark spots" and there are more than I though.
But of course not near any city or village.
True, I don't know much of Austria to be honest, even though I'm sure there are nice places all over that little country here. Traveling to a country that can't be reached that easily is just more exciting I suppose.
A day trip to Tokyo wouldn't hurt I guess, just to see that craziness with my own eyes. I've definitely become more relaxed in terms of experiencing city life, the biggest town here in Tyrol is Innsbruck and I used to hate going there, always caused headaches and stuff (even though it's really not a big city, only 130,000 people or something like that), it's not as bad anymore nowadays. However, I'm still more into peaceful rural areas Country girl at heart, haha.
Japan has nice beaches? Didn't think of that before either But sure, it can be quite hot there and it's an island, so yeah, I can imagine that there gotta be beaches
And Portugal just recently reminded me of how much I love the sea … <3
Yep, I went to England almost exactly one year ago! And I really enjoyed it, not only London of course, that trip to the White Cliffs was awesome – even though the weather was not that nice, kinda rainy and windy, but it got better as we walked along the coast.
Originally we also wanted to visit Dover Castle but there wasn't enough time. I remember asking someone for the way to Dover Castle, pronouncing the "a" it like an American would do … can't describe it, but I'm sure you know what I mean xD The British gentleman we asked raised an eyebrow and said something like "Oh, you're searching for the way do Dover Caaastle?", emphasising how it's pronounced correctly in British English. It's one of the funny little anecdotes from that trip
And that's awesome, I'm sure it's a nice location to live, near the ocean and kinda remote (yes, I'm a fan of that, how did you know? ) – you're right though, Dover itself was, well, not as nice as expected, a little dirty and the rain surely didn't improve that impression.
However, I had a very nice chat with a saleswoman there (my friend and I bought a bunch of souvenirs, also because we had to get rid off the British pounds we couldn't use in Austria/Germany xD).
Yeah, that's a downside: there's never a 100% guarantee that a product really deserves that "fair trade" label, especially when it's produced by a large company with a lot of money … cause with the right amount of money you can buy almost anything in this world. :/ (except for what really matters, hah.)
When having a bad day, I just spend an hour browsing comics like that on Pinterest, makes everything better xD
Haha, I'll have to go with a small font then at least if there really comes the day I'm totally sure to get it tattooed
Praise the Internet! No but seriously, I'm also very glad that this source of endless information exists nowadays. I can't imagine how it must've been back then, your more or less only two sources of information were a) your parents and b) school. It was very hard to question these two authorities, you couldn't ask Google to verify the information you received, you just had to live with it (or search a book that knows something about that particular topic, good luck with that ).
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Vimes-DA In reply to MentalCinephile [2016-10-23 08:51:42 +0000 UTC]
Sounds like Portugal was great . Yeah it always feels strange to have an intense experience in a foreign culture then be back to the everyday. Agree too that I think you need a little while in one place to really get a feel for it. Its like if you move to a new area it feels quite different a few months later than the first week you arrived.
Yeah coming back home to a warm bed and clean toilet and all the home comforts feels so nice. I went on a boating trip a while ago and getting back to a proper home was really nice lol. I can certainly see how after hiking around and camping for a few weeks, home must feel so luxurious.
Haha I still envy your superpower even if it leaves you tired in the morning. I have empathy for your friend hehe. Noise doesn't really affect me that much though thankfully. Just constant anxiety
See that's the part I can't do. Emptying my mind is damn near impossible. When I was a kid I used to sleep like that too ,but now my mind just doesn't switch off. I'm getting a bit better at clearing my mind though. I just force my mind to not focus on any one thought too much, keep changing the subject. Kinda like counting sheep I guess lol.
Ohh that's interesting I hadn't seen that before. I found a dark spot nearby where I live, its in the middle of a road though.... So perfectly safe to go walk there in the dead of night and lay down and look at the stars right ?
Grass is always greener on other side perhaps. Maybe when you're older youll be super nostalgic about it and end up visiting everywhere lol. Or maybe there's not much there haha.
Yeah I've always preferred the country and rural areas too. Its a cool experience to go to big cities and it does get a bit easier the more I go, but I also most of the time find it too busy and although I don't get headaches it almost feels that way because there's just too much going on and it's hard to relax. I went to London recently though and it was really nice to walk through the parks, think without those spaces the day would of been a lot more stressful. I much prefer being here by the sea though hehe.
Yeah Japan has those super tropical looking beaches, in Okinawa? I think but I may be getting that totally wrong. I always forget that Japan and Australia are so close, so it makes sense. Yesss I love the sea too.
Hah rainy and windy is pretty common here, that or a completley grey overcast sky lol. Glad you enjoyed your trip here . Haha yes the passive aggressive correction. How English. Yeah we pronounce our as like CARstle more than CASSle. The white cliffs are pretty cool, I think I went round the castle too, I certainly went round a tour of an old stone building atleast lol. But there was like war bunkers and stuff so im not sure if it was a castle. Anyway it was pretty cool, worth a visit.
Dover is more of a port , doesn't give the best impression for people just arriving there for first time off the boat lol. But drive past there and you'll be into nicer areas hehe. Should of kept those pounds, The Pound is losing its value at the moment since we left the eu. You'd get a great exchange rate haha.
Yeah totally, I think everyone is much more informed and for that reason our society is better for it. We don't just trust authority figures like we used to. Because we know they don't know what they are talking about half the time. And that's a very powerful thing really. It means for them to gain respect they need to know their shit and hopefully that will lead to better people gaining positions of authority because they are being held to higher standards than the past.
Also in the past it was very true that history was written by the victors, there was no proof or evidence to say otherwise. But nowadays everything is recorded day by day from all sorts of sources and its all uploaded on the internet as a permanent record pretty much, Hopefully that will help us learn from our mistakes though it doesn't seem to stop people much at the moment lol.
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MentalCinephile In reply to Vimes-DA [2016-10-24 23:55:02 +0000 UTC]
It really was! Even more enjoyable than France, mostly because we had more time to explore some places we really liked–on our tour through France we pretty much changed campsites everyday or at least every other day. Portugal was much more relaxed, whenever we found a nice place we stayed there a few days before traveling further south.
At the moment I'm editing all the photos I brought home from that trip, intending to put them into a photobook (one of these you design online, then get a physical copy)
I think traveling without the comfort we're used to makes us appreciate the luxery at home much more, it's a gentle reminder that we shouldn't take it for granted.
To be honest, I still experience nights like this from time to time but very, very rarely. Still, I can empathize with you–sometimes my mind also just doesn't want to shut up. It can happen when there's a specific problem I'm worrying about and I have to force myself into that little meditation to get some sleep.
Haha, please don't do that, not matter how tempting that dark spot might be! What's beside that road? Maybe you could drive there and then just leave the road for a little hike in the darkness, laying down in the middle of nowhere & gazing at the stars there.
Here in Austria you pretty much “just“ have to climb a mountain to get away from the lights. Somedaynight I'll do that~ *-*
Agreed, these green spaces are incredibly helpful, experienced this in Lisbon too (even though I imagined that city much bigger, according to my research afterwards it has a population of “only“ 500,000 people or so ).
Right, Australia is really not that far away … strange to think about it that way. Normally I'd say I'm not a fan of hot places but, well, the weather in Portugal was pretty hot most of the time (we experienced a little heat wave) and I still enjoyed it somehow
Yeah, exactly, Dover Caaarstle English likes to mess around with my brain. The American/British English differences are no problem when I'm typing (at least most of the time, sometimes I find myself wondering 'Is it practice or practise?' and so on xD) but when I'm speaking I can get so confused when it comes to words like e.g. 'matter' … should I, you know, stress the Ts like in British English or should I go with the American pronunciation which sounds more like 'madder' to me … it can be quite confusing xD
Someday I'll come back to the south coast and to England in general, pretty sure about that! I also want to visit Sherwood Forest since I'm sort of a Robin Hood fan haha.
Lol, should've thought about that but it wasn't that much money anyways and I also kept a few pounds as a souvenir.
Knowledge is power. It always surprises me how older generations, for example my grandmother, seems to still believe in literally everything that's said in newspapers or on television. The younger generation instead will rather do some Internet research after reading an article that somehow seemed questionable. Of course, not everyone. But we've got the necessary tools, the only thing we have to do is using them and that's a great opportunity.
Good point, today everyone can write history, hehe. Well, at least everyone with Internet access can upload a part of his view at the world nowadays and there are endless options to enter into a dialogue with other open-minded people. Well, technically. We all know that there are also endless options to just waste hours and hours on the Internet without being productive at all.
Oh well. I still have hope in this great potential and I'm thankful for it. ^_^
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Vimes-DA In reply to MentalCinephile [2016-10-27 10:36:45 +0000 UTC]
Yeah that sounds like a much more enjoyable way to experience a country.Travelling constantly can get pretty draining and stressful so I can see how having a few days in each place would be a more relaxing time. Nice that you got to sample lots of different areas too, get a real feel for the place.
Hehe I remember getting pictures developed as a kid ( I think you're old enough to have had that too?) and having actual physical copies, now you have to find a special service online hehe. I think thats a cool idea though. With so much digital stuff now, it really feels nice to have a physical object you can actually hold and look at. You should buy a polaroid camera for your next trip. Pretty expensive though I think for the film, but they are really cool for making scrapbook type things.
Yes very true, we take lots of things for granted really, its definitely true that "millennials" do feel a sense of entitlement about things lol. Me included
Well I have an anxiety disorder so that's why it's so common for me haha.
lol, don't worry I'm not crazy, like one of those people who just drives their car into a river because their sat nav tells them too haha. Yeah I may have to go there sometime though and see if theres a good spot to settle down. Would be a cool experience.
Ohh that must be pretty beautiful living so close to mountains though, I'm pretty sure from what I've seen of austira it's very scenic isn't it? Pretty sure I watched a cooking show about cheese makers there.... lol. But I guess there's not much to do for the youuuuuuuuth especially. Sounds great for walking though and holidays hhehe
Thats nice, I feel the same way about heat also. Sometimes though it is really nice. Like being at a nice beach or travelling around in the open air, and i guess at the campsites, heat was less of an issue thank being in a house.
Well as a brit I'll tell you to pronounce it the English way as that was where the language originated in the first place haha . Unless you are American it sounds very weird to just say the odd word in an American accent. It's like you say, Americans say their t's as d's and they say things like "you Toob" instead of "you tchube". But They say that accents are disappearing with everyone learning Americanized English, because of all the movies and tv shows, a lot of countries and even English people are slowly adopting more and more Americanized sayings. I do it too a bit, but not the accent hehe.
I actually end up writing American spellings a lot now, because i can't be bothered to keep changing the auto correct settings in programs lol. They always set on American English as default. conspiracy i tell you! They are subliminally influencing everyone to write their way ahah.
lol hey that's cool that you like robin hood. I've always liked the story of robin hood too, its a cool English legend. I cant remember if it was based on a real person or complete fiction though. Yeah visit sherwood forest for sure. One great thing about england is there's a lot of history so you can visit many places that have interesting pasts or are used a lot in films and books and stories.
yeah that's totally true! There's still that mindset among a lot of older people, like if its in the newspapers it must be true, they wouldn't print it its not true. But I google a story or some topic and I find like 100 different views in 10 seconds lol. But that leads to finidg some very informed views sometimes and really understanding things much better. I do think it's great that our generation our breaking that. Overall we are definitely more informed. That's certainly a powerful thing .
Yeah i mean a lot of its used for cats and vines and goofy shit lol, but like a lot of stories get posted around on social media and wherever, so even if you don't really look for that stuff a lot of it is hard to miss anyway. But it's like you say, it has a lot of potential and even if only a small percentage of people use it to inform themselves that's all that's needed really. The fact we have that tool now is just so great .
Let me know where your next adventure will be hehe
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MentalCinephile In reply to Vimes-DA [2016-10-29 21:34:19 +0000 UTC]
Indeed, I do feel like I know Portugal on a different level than France, even though the trip itself wasn't that much longer (just one week). And I also feel like I've learned very much about how to really enjoy a journey and make the most of it. That's an art in itself I guess^^
Yep, I remember really well how it felt having my pictures developed! As a kid it was very exciting to see the actual photos for the first time. True true, today everything is digital and it's something special to be able to touch a photograph xD However I'm quiet fond of this change, I know that there are still thousands of photos lying around in some boxes in the cellar and nobody in my family finds some time to look through them or even put them in a photo album. I think it's a very cool development to have a bunch of photos digitally and very few of them – the best ones of course – you can eventually print. Not to mention that it's very resource saving that way. Nevertheless, I've thought of buying a polaroid camera many times! Just for the sake of the good old retro charme
Ah, wasn't aware of the term "millennials", it's mostly called "Generation Y" (funnily enough, the Y is pronounced as the English Y/Why ) in German.
Meh, I can imagine that dealing with something like that sucks. Keep your head up! (There's nothing you can say in these situations that doesn't sound awkward, right? )
If you get the chance, do it and be sure to tell me afterwards!
It depends on which parts of Austria you refer to but here in Tyrol it's pretty mountainous and you can find quiet wonderful sceneries indeed. Haha, no cheese for me please
I honestly don't know if I talk more "American" or "British" English (what about Australian English btw?! They must feel kinda left out xD), probably it doesn't matter anyways because of my German accent which is the most noticeable thing about my English speaking skills, I assume
I also noticed that! My browser's spelling check is also set on AE, so I got used to write practice instead of practise, even though in school they taught me the British way of spelling these words. Their clearly brainwashing us!
As far as I know, people still try to figure out if there ever was a "real" Robin Hood or if it's all made up, the story is awesome anyways. I got into it by watching the BBC show from 2006 – amazing series but the (in my opinion) awful ending ripped my heart into pieces. v.v
Yeah I love Europe for that, fascinating history everywhere! England is indeed especially interesting in that regard.
I hope and believe that the number of people who discovers the Internet as a tool for changing the world bit by bit is constantly growing. Even if they just use it to connect with like-minded people, that's already a big accomplishment! I don't know where I would be without two people I met online (one of them never "offline" but he's been influencing my personal development in a way I could never put into proper words).
I will!
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Vimes-DA In reply to MentalCinephile [2016-11-01 18:00:38 +0000 UTC]
Sounds good that you are learning and growing from these experiences ! Hopefully i'll get to do some traveling in the future.
I'm glad you remember lol, didn't think I was THAT old yet haha. Yeah it was fun seeing them as a kid and it is nice to hold them. Totally aggree that its much more convienent now though, we also never look at our old photos lol ,digitally or physical.But I like knowing they are there though. Yeah Polaroids are still really fun to use lol, I always wanted one as a kid, and they are still just as cool now hehe.
That's interesting, maybe because its a noun ? Yeah its a confusing term though because It applies to people born in 80s and 90s more than people born in 2000. Atleast i think it does.....
Yeah Just gotta keep fighting it and learning to deal with it but thanks!
I will tell you , I'll have to make a note of that website so I don't forget.
haha oh yes ofcourse, Would you consider eating cheese from a cow that was only used for cheese making and was free to roam the hills? Just out of interest.
Yeah you probably sound german English mostly I would think. Australian English you just go up at the end of all your sentences like you are asking a question
I remember seeing bits of that robin hood series but don't think I watched the whole thing, wasn't lilly allans dad in it.... I think lol. Yeah the bbc makes a lot of those good dramas though so I can see how that would get an international audience involved. Dr Who is certainly popular now.I like to hear that other countries are watching our tv shows though . Even if they can be kinda cheesy sometimes.
Wow thats great, yeah people I've met online have been a huge help to my personal growth too, even just videos and stuff I've watched too. Met my girldfriend online too and we've managed a long distance relationship for a few years now thanks to skype (actually visiting here now for a few months, trying to get a job here ). So Internet is a wonderful tool indeed!
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MentalCinephile In reply to Vimes-DA [2016-11-08 21:31:46 +0000 UTC]
I keep my fingers crossed for you – traveling can create exactly this sort of memories that can last a lifetime, I suppose. Several things I once regarded as awfully important have fade into the distance … it's not the bad mark in maths that counts at the end of the day and it's not that lost argument with someone who called you an unworldly freak; it's that hike you take with your friend, along a beautiful coast, stumbling across an unexpectedly breathtaking view.
Aah I want to go back xD
Agreed, being able to hold a memory is a nice feeling^^ Sometimes I do find the time to go through some photos on my laptop, although very rarely. My photobooks (one about France, one about Portugal) arrived just recently btw. ^-^ It was lovely to share these memories with my mother by looking through these pages together.
It's just something magical to see the picture appear immediately after taking it with a Polaroid, isn't it?
Apparently, there are no exact dates when this "generation" starts & ends … meh, let's be happy individuals then.
That's the spirit ^_^
Well, you'll have to give me more information to answer that question xD The number 1 reason for me to never consume dairy again is that there is no use for the male calves that are slaughtered as a worthless by-product. And I can only imagine how exhausting it is for a cow to give birth over and over again so that we can feed on her milk or make cheese out of it … If the cow was free to roam the hills, could decide on her own if & when to have sex (while almost all cows nowadays are artificially inseminated in an awful procedure) and could keep her baby and we just took away what's left of her milk after the calf is satisfied … yeah, maybe I would eat that cheese. But I don't think you'll find that magical farm anywhere on earth
Never thought of it like that, to me Australian accents mostly sound like British ones but a little more … mumbled? I guess xD If it's a really strong accent I can have troubles understanding it ^^"
I did not know that Lilly Allen's dad is secretly the evil Sheriff of Nottingham! Now that's funny
A little cheesiness does no harm^^ Never seen Dr Who though, I have to admit xD But it's indeed quite popular not only in the UK!
Yeah thanks to Skype I can be in contact with my friend from Germany everyday ^_^ Praise the Internet haha Congratulations to that kind of relationship, it's impressive to keep one up for years even when living in different countries!
Oh so you're in the US right now? Good luck with finding a job!
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Vimes-DA In reply to MentalCinephile [2016-11-12 18:23:10 +0000 UTC]
Aww thats sweet. And I bet it will be nice for your mum too to have that physical book laying around the house when you are away traveling. Like she's more likely to look at it, and will probably comfort her if she's missing you.
It is, photos in general are still magical to me haha. How does it capture what it sees!? Magic
Yeah I never really got all that generation x and y stuff anyway. Or particularity cared about it.
That answers me well enough hehe. I see your points though! Was just something I'd been thinking about so wanted to ask. It'd be nice if one day some rich people made some "ethical farms" as it were. Where it wasn't about mass produce and profits and just the wellfare of the animals. They could just produce stuff seasonally and local. Maybe one day ey.
Haha well they kinda do I guess. It's funny because 90% of the time when an American tries to imitate and english accent they end up sounding australian, but to my ears they sound so different , interesting to hear it's not just americans that find it confusing.
Yeah haha, its surprising how many famous people often have other family members that are also famous in totally different areas.
Yeah a little cheesiness is good indeed, so much "gritty" stuff nowadays, sometimes you just want something a little lighthearted.
Thank you , yeah it's not easy but we managed to make it work so it really is an amazing tool to have nowadays, people from anywhere in the world can meet. Must have worded that weirdly. I'm not in America, she's here hehe. Really tough to get a visa here though but we are trying. Even more motivation to stay here now with trump lol -__-
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MentalCinephile In reply to Vimes-DA [2016-11-23 00:11:39 +0000 UTC]
Hahah aww don't make me feel nostalgic in advance, thinking about the long journeys I'll take in the future. But I agree, these books are great not only for reliving these memories and making me look forward to more traveling; they definitely have comforting potential. Fortunately, it's quite easy to stay in contact with your loved ones at home via Whatsapp nowadays when exploring another country
True, it's one of these things that get more and more mysterious, the longer you think about it
Sure thing, you can always ask me things like that. ^^ You know, vegans looove to talk about vegan-related stuff Haha but seriously, it's kinda rare that someone who isn't exactly vegan is openminded enough to talk about these topics in a civilised, respectful manner^^
Yeah maybe one day, we'll see ^-^ There are already "rescue farms" that save farm animals whenever possible, so they can live a happy life there until they die of natural causes. Would love to visit one but most of them are located in America.
Accents tend to confuse the hell out of me in fact xD And then suddenly a wild Canadian appears and I'm just standing there, trying to figure out what kind of accent he's speaking (that actually happened in Portugal, we met this very nice Canadian guy at a hostel who told us about the journey through Europe he was currently on ) until he solves the mystery about his home country^^ Well, at first he definitely sounded to me like he was from the US but I just knew there was something else xD
I learned a new word recently: twee = "cute in a way that is silly or sentimental"; I love that Sometimes you need something a little twee in your life while dealing with all that gritty stuff, in my opinion^^
Ah my bad, hope she has a pleasant stay in the UK I keep my fingers crossed concerning the visa thing! Stumbled across a quite hilarious video about the elections (it aired before it was decided but I only found it a few days ago): *click me but be careful, so you won't lose your own text xD*
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Vimes-DA In reply to MentalCinephile [2016-12-02 18:32:40 +0000 UTC]
Can you be nostalgic for something that happens in the future haha? I wonder if there's a word for that. Yeah so many ways to stay in contact with people now, pretty crazy to think that people would just go for years without seeing people in the past, with only the occasional letter inbetween. It's so nice that you can live almost anywhere in the world and still video call someone and watch a tv show together lol.
Yeah too many people are very dismissive of vegans, pisses me off. I understand though there's a lot of extreme vegans who attack people and send threats and all that crap so they kind of give it a bad name. But the core of Veganism is a very understandable concept that just gets dismissed to easily unfortunately. Labeling things vegan friendly seems pretty trendy now at least though, so thats kind of a positive as long as it's not some kind of fad.
Yeah that sounds like a good start. Just need some rich billionaire who cares about these issues to start some kind of business up. I'm sure it would do well.
Oh yeah Canadian accents throw me too, you described it just right, American but somethings slightly different lol. They tend to make strange O sound, thats normally a giveaway. But its def a harder accent to spot! A wild Canadian appears, haha nice one. Seems that Canadians really do live up to their friendly reputation. From everything I hear about canada it reminds me a lot of England culturally, they even have heinz baked beans I think.
Yeah twee is a nice word hehe. I'm not sure if its originally scottish or irish maybe but its almost onomatopoeic. Like I hear the word twee and it sounds small and cute, it even looks it.
Haha thanks for that, hadn't seen it before, very funny . I actually haven't seen any of James Corden's show even though I liked quite a lot of stuff he was in, when he was in UK still. I think he got kinda over saturated here though and people started getting a bit fed up cos he was on everything lol. You should watch Gavin and stacey if you haven't seen it before, he was very good in that.
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MentalCinephile In reply to Vimes-DA [2017-02-13 01:02:11 +0000 UTC]
Sorry for the reea~aally late reply! There's been quite a lot going on during the last three months – I rarely visited dA in general, let alone answered longer messages. I'll be taking my driving test in three days ( ) and will start to work in March (). Nothing graphic design related for now; I'll work as a fundraiser for Greenpeace
Very excited to try that~
Hope you've been well too! ^_^
That's an interesting question – nostalgia normally refers to something in the past, you're right xD Maybe the feeling is the result of knowing/fearing I'll feel somewhat nostalgic, or maybe homesick in this case^^ I can't think of a real proper word though.
These opportunities to stay in contact with people from far away can almost make you forget the fact that they are, well, far away :'D And then BAM, the distance hits you right in the face. Which is happening to me right now with someone I've been in contact with for some months now. Will meet that person in 8 days though, for the first time Wonder how that'll go~
It's true, there are those "extreme" vegans that give the whole concept a negative connotation. Part of me can understand their anger but threats and violence won't make anything better.
Haha, I'm glad I'm not the only one confused by Canadians They're said to be very nice and polite indeed, just a cliché but there's always a little bit of truth in those said tendencies I think
Would love to visit Canada someday, has been on my list forever^^
Heinz Baked Beans is a good thing to have in common, beans in general actually xD *is a bean lover*
Yes, those words that actually mean what they look/sound like :3 Another example that comes to my word is awkward, I mean just look at it, it does look really awkward! xD
I don't think I know him from anywhere else but I'll look into that, thanks!
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Vimes-DA In reply to MentalCinephile [2017-02-19 10:37:39 +0000 UTC]
No problem hehe, I see all these replies as open ended lol, reply whenever you feel like or have the time.
Ohhh nice, I hope you passed, judging from how good you were at school i find it hard to believe you wouldn't . Wow Greenpece, living the began dream right haha. Seriously though that sounds like it could be a very rewarding and interesting experience , be cool to hear your experiences with them some time.
Been good thanks, just keeping my head down and studying art.
Oh good luck with the meeting, Well I met my girfriend online and we spoke for a year maybe 2 before we ever met face to face. It was a little weird on the very first initial meeting, but within an hour it was just like normal lol, it really is great how the Internet makes distance much easier. I think your meeting will go well if you have known them a long time before hand. Especially if you video chat too.
Beans are the best! lol. Specially as a vegan right , so many delicious types of beans everywhere, like one of the only easy ways to get protien outside of soya too.
Haha I never looked at awkward that way but you are totally right, what a weird mixture of letters.
Good luck with everything anyway, hope you'll let me know how your greenpeace adventures go someday
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Vimes-DA In reply to SamsonLeandro [2016-04-20 12:28:00 +0000 UTC]
Thank you very much! I really appreciate that.
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