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| ViXeNeXiV
# Statistics
Favourites: 2734; Deviations: 333; Watchers: 120
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# Comments
Comments: 900
birthdays [2014-08-23 14:18:47 +0000 UTC]
I apologize for the late birthday greeting!
It's August 22nd which means it's that time of the year again and your special day is here! We hope you have an awesome day with lots of birthday fun, gifts, happiness and most definitely, lots of cake! Here's to another year!Β
Many well wishes and love from your friendly birthdays team Β
Birthdays TeamΒ
This birthday greeting was brought to you by: HillsOfSilence
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SluggerX [2014-08-23 08:09:39 +0000 UTC]
A happy and most metal annual ageing day to you! Β Watch out for those sharp corners.
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JadeOwl [2014-08-22 23:04:48 +0000 UTC]
Happy birthday!
And congratulations to you both on the addition to the family!
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EVBrock [2014-08-22 18:28:39 +0000 UTC]
Happy Birthday ^ ^ Congratulations on the babeh!
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artofadamalonzo [2014-08-22 09:17:04 +0000 UTC]
I'm a friend/fellow artist of vexed.. just wanted to tell you happy birthday, and congrats on you guys. I hope y'all have a great future!
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ViXeNeXiV In reply to artofadamalonzo [2014-08-22 09:42:00 +0000 UTC]
It was so sweet of him to post a journal up about it hehe.
Thank you very much for the wishes too ^-^
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rensen46 [2014-08-22 07:00:58 +0000 UTC]
By the Will of someone close to you, Happy Birthday and many wishes for many more. And also, congratulations, and hopes for a safe delivery!
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ViXeNeXiV In reply to rensen46 [2014-08-22 09:43:31 +0000 UTC]
his will was done from the looks haha.
Thank you so much.
I hope it's a safe & quick delivery too.
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fxboxing-fan [2014-08-22 06:46:37 +0000 UTC]
Happy bday from the futuristic place everyone lovingly refers to as 'Murica! And best wishes for you and the little one that is on the way.
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ViXeNeXiV In reply to fxboxing-fan [2014-08-22 09:39:58 +0000 UTC]
hahah murica.
Well us aussies are the ones communicating from the future.
Unusual IDL lol
& thank you so much!!!
We are so excited for the arrival of our bub.
I'm sure vexed will post plenty of pics after he is here hehe
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fxboxing-fan In reply to ViXeNeXiV [2014-08-22 18:29:28 +0000 UTC]
I'll blame your guy for the confusion on time lol. And you have a great palindrome. He will very likely be the most metal kid on the block.
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ViXeNeXiV In reply to mrsCarterx3 [2014-06-15 12:33:54 +0000 UTC]
You are most welcome.
you have done a lovely job on the coloring of miss hana's picture ^.^
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Drimr [2014-04-30 23:21:42 +0000 UTC]
Thank you for faving myΒ Kenpachi vs. Gremmy painting ~
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ViXeNeXiV In reply to Drimr [2014-05-01 12:45:46 +0000 UTC]
you are most welcome.
It's an amazing peice! You should be proud of it
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BlizzardTheArticuno [2013-09-10 21:30:04 +0000 UTC]
3 things
2. are you doing art trades *crosses fingers*
3. your pretty
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ViXeNeXiV In reply to BlizzardTheArticuno [2013-09-12 09:56:52 +0000 UTC]
Well thank you very much ^^
Umm, depends on the trade really.
I've been really busy lately, so if you don't mind waiting for my half to be done,
you can always send me a note if you like
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BlizzardTheArticuno In reply to ViXeNeXiV [2013-09-12 17:03:40 +0000 UTC]
Ok can do *salutes* ^w^Β
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birthdays [2013-08-22 21:38:46 +0000 UTC]
Β It's August 22nd which means it's that time of the year again and your special day is here! We hope you have an awesome day with lots of birthday fun, gifts, happiness and most definitely, lots of cake! Here's to another year! Many well wishes and love from your friendly birthdays team
Β --- Birthdays Team This birthday greeting was brought to you by: =SailorSun18
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alpha2nd2006 [2013-04-11 23:54:17 +0000 UTC]
Much thanks for the fave back in January! Sorry for the tardy reply!
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ViXeNeXiV In reply to alpha2nd2006 [2013-04-15 08:38:55 +0000 UTC]
No worries.
Thanks for replying back to me hehe ^^
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Renissh [2013-03-11 16:40:12 +0000 UTC]
Hey, girl!
How are you? It's been a while since we last talked.
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ViXeNeXiV In reply to Renissh [2013-03-11 19:53:33 +0000 UTC]
HEY!. ah it really has.
I'm going alright, still working.
Actually saving for a trip over to America.
How have you been? still studying? Writting?
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Renissh In reply to ViXeNeXiV [2013-03-12 01:04:15 +0000 UTC]
Whaaaaaaaat?! To America? That is so awesome! I envy you so much right now that I don't even want to reply anymore.
Just kidding, of course.
I'm doing good as well. Studying, working and writing at the same time.
It's kinda tiring but sadly the situation over here requires working beside school.
Actually my writing is on hiatus at the moment coz I'm still in some kind of artist's block and can't finish a damned story for the life of me. It saddens me greatly but can't do anything about it just wait it out.
Guess what! I've got engaged! It's still pretty weird to think about my boyfriend as my fiancΓ© but, oh well. It happened and I'm happy.
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ViXeNeXiV In reply to Renissh [2013-03-12 19:58:38 +0000 UTC]
Hahah sames ahy.
like ive written a little more & im going through re writing my
original story, & i also know what i want to happen.... but its
just the filler stuff haha. i want to stretch it out so its a good story.
But we share the same problem lol.
Yeah, thats kinda the case over here... if you want to move out of home
& live in a place of your own *NOT a share house....shudders* lol
OMGOMGOMGOMG!!!!! Congratulations!!!
how long ago?
thats sooo awesome. have you started planning yet?
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Renissh In reply to ViXeNeXiV [2013-03-13 18:15:00 +0000 UTC]
Yeah, me too. I'm re-writing stuff and planning other stuff. Gaaahhh! xD
Thank you!!! ^^ He proposed in Venice last month. It was sooo romantic. It should be known about me that I'm crazy about Venice and one of my biggest dreams was to spend a few days there. So we decided that we'll go and visit at Carnevale's time and this wonderful man bought a ring and popped the question at the top of Campanile.
We're not exactly that ahead of ourselves, we're planning but we have a lot of time till wedding and such. We're just happy that we were willing and brave enough to take our relationship to the next level.
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ViXeNeXiV In reply to Renissh [2013-03-13 22:22:19 +0000 UTC]
Thats sounds sooo romantic!!!
awwww im soooo happy for you.
it sounds like something right out of a movie!
you will have to send me a picture of the ring ^^
me & my Fiancee had always talked about getting married,
So when it came time to him getting the ring, i knew he was
getting it. He bought me a promise ring first *which was white gold
With a small cut Ruby in the center with 2 small diamonds on either side.
Then he bought me the actual when he could afford it, which was just a simple
band of white gold with a row of about 16 diamonds in it.
I love it so much, cause its pretty & i cant get it caught on anything hahah
But when he gave it to me, it was in the car ride home from the shops XD
I was just driving along & he put the box infront of me when we had stopped
at the traffic lights LOL!!!
I did get him to do the one knee thing when we got home *just cause i wanted to see it*
he did, but he grumbled about it haha.
Did you know about it? like... had you guys talked about it?
Or did he just pop the question out of the blue?
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Renissh In reply to ViXeNeXiV [2013-03-14 16:57:21 +0000 UTC]
My story is romatic but yours...lol, it's hilarious. xD I would've been happy to be asked lik that. haha
We'd talked about it a lot, actually. We're always planning, like when we see a pretty house we're lik "okay, this is what we want" or when we see a cute baby, we just awe and start to talk about baby names and such.
So we really wanted to do this for a long time now but thought it would be a bit early.
But then we passed two years and he asked me what would my reaction be to the question. I said I'm ready so we decided to save some money.
I had no idea when we went off to Venice that he's going to ask me there and then. So it was kind of a surprise but not really. ^^
My ring is a white gold one with a pretty gem in it too. :3
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ViXeNeXiV In reply to Renissh [2013-03-14 19:17:15 +0000 UTC]
thats so sweet.
me & my guy will have been together..... 9 years this September hah
still havent set a date for the wedding, but we are in no rush.
Like.. it would be nice, but they are so expensive.
& i cant asked my parents or his parents to help.
we want to be able to afford it ourselves.
but if we don't end up getting married & just have kids, thats
fine too. we can get married whenever we want lol.
Atleast then we would have a flower girl & ring barer boy haha.
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Renissh In reply to ViXeNeXiV [2013-03-15 10:38:18 +0000 UTC]
That's right! A flower girl...d'aaaaaawww. ^^ haha.
We don't want to rush things either. It would be fun to be married and all but if we can't afford it in two years time or something we're just gonna make babies and enjoy life that way. lol. It's really just a paper nothing that special. I know it's a beautiful custom but still...the most important thing is that we're together and happy.
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ViXeNeXiV In reply to Renissh [2013-03-16 23:15:41 +0000 UTC]
Naaawwww its soo pretty!!!!
love it. That boy has taste lol.
Like the wedding is all fun, all the planning & stuff.
But in the end, its just a legal document.
Being happy is what really counts
BABIES!! yes... i want to have some kiddies very soon.
Just holding off from my trip to america.... then after that..
BAM kids lol
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kay-sama [2012-12-15 16:43:22 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for the fav on "Red Hood: I'm Calling You Out"
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ViXeNeXiV In reply to kay-sama [2012-12-16 00:34:10 +0000 UTC]
No worries. Looooove red hood. He is awesome
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ViXeNeXiV In reply to Muryoken [2012-09-16 21:05:17 +0000 UTC]
Thanks ^^
Sorry for the SUUUUPER late reply, haven't been on DA much in regards to checking messages & such haha
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