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| Ungeregelt
# Statistics
Favourites: 24; Deviations: 16; Watchers: 7
Watching: 11; Pageviews: 2784; Comments Made: 127; Friends: 11
# Comments
Comments: 15
peskie [2006-07-04 02:05:34 +0000 UTC]
not *trying* to, but it ends up happening...by the way, you need to post more of your photography on your DA. it's annoying to have to go allll the way to your site
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bozkavam [2006-06-26 04:44:54 +0000 UTC]
love the photos. yer a punker ey ?
"who copulated ecstatic and insatiate witha bottle if beer sweetheart anda package of cigarettes a candle fell off the bed."
π: 0 β©: 1
Ungeregelt In reply to bozkavam [2006-06-26 14:39:51 +0000 UTC]
*g* but I take no drugs or alcohol or cigarettes
punk is a bit too much sitting around doing nothing and getting drunk, too boring i think
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stupidcore [2006-03-25 20:11:26 +0000 UTC]
eh...we celebrate birthdays, but there's no way in hell that they'd have enough money to actually get me a camera. we're pretty poor. but i am saving up what i can. *sigh*
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dirtysocks [2005-12-28 02:09:02 +0000 UTC]
my camera is an HP (ew) and about seven years old. does that help any? -.-;;;
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Scadee [2005-12-25 08:25:36 +0000 UTC]
Thank you for fav
Really interesting photography you have here!
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