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| Ulreika
# Statistics
Favourites: 960; Deviations: 218; Watchers: 692
Watching: 331; Pageviews: 36600; Comments Made: 968; Friends: 331
# Comments
Comments: 250
Ulreika In reply to dinqus [2018-11-25 07:13:03 +0000 UTC]
ayy! i update more on twitter now. didnt we have like a really awesome drawpile sesh one time?
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dinqus In reply to Ulreika [2018-12-02 20:15:52 +0000 UTC]
I follow you there now. I think it was actually like Niko's pchat or something. You use Drawpile though?
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Ulreika In reply to avirextin [2017-08-28 23:20:48 +0000 UTC]
Thankyou so much! That means a lot \(^_^)/
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ALicede [2016-07-26 18:23:02 +0000 UTC]
lots of lovely babes here <3 and a cool style too :'D
do keep it up <3
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Ulreika In reply to ALicede [2016-07-27 00:55:18 +0000 UTC]
Thankyou so much!~ Β u w u <3
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Ulreika In reply to Cosmic-Grain [2016-06-10 05:53:07 +0000 UTC]
Thankyouuu so much @ w@
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HEARTZMD [2016-04-30 04:53:17 +0000 UTC]
Hi Ulreika, thanks for watching. Β I was just thinking about contacting you. I will have anotherΒ commission for you soon.
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Ulreika In reply to HEARTZMD [2016-05-10 16:35:58 +0000 UTC]
No problem! Love everything submitted to your gallery! n_n thanks for considering me again~ I have no more problem with computer sharing anymore btw so there's no hassle for when you'd like something streamed! Just drop me a note or msg in skype Β
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hazard100 [2015-12-23 13:54:34 +0000 UTC]
Hey, ever thought of joining Deviant Universe?
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Ulreika In reply to hazard100 [2015-12-27 07:31:18 +0000 UTC]
No I haven't what's that?
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hazard100 In reply to Ulreika [2015-12-27 12:48:05 +0000 UTC]
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Ivilith [2014-07-28 20:44:16 +0000 UTC]
Hello! I thought you could be interested to participate in this
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Ulreika In reply to TheEggMan03 [2013-01-22 06:49:00 +0000 UTC]
Yeahdude, its ulreika.tumblr.com for my regular rebloggy blog BS, and hailstrom.tumblr.com for my art stuff !! I'll follow you back, lemme know who ya are on there!
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TheEggMan03 In reply to Ulreika [2013-01-23 04:00:06 +0000 UTC]
Ight mang. I'm at [link] . My main blog doesn't get much use but you can follow it if you want. You're stuff's lookin siiiiiiiick btw.
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Ulreika In reply to TheEggMan03 [2013-02-03 12:46:03 +0000 UTC]
Hehehe so is yours oh my gosh!! Man it's been awhile! Mr.Eggman you are my favorite ABR dude. I love your comics. I love your gallery!! I can keep track of you on tumblr now!! I hardly ever use deviantart and it's so easy to just get submerged in pictures you have to check that, you just asking me out of the blue brings all this good stuff I haven't seen up and I'm sooo happy to see it!! (And kinda jealous too because your scenery is awesomeee. I love how you conceptualize stuff. * O * That comic page for your friends book I want to read a whole weird book like that drawn by you!! Also remember that world that was stuck between that monsters teeth? Whyyy have you not done anything more with that idea!! I'm chiding you on this!!
It's also really interesting to see how far we've come since then, eh? : > Hehehe keep it real Zach
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TheEggMan03 In reply to Ulreika [2013-02-22 22:15:19 +0000 UTC]
Yer such a sweetheart!
Yeah we've come a long way indeed. I'm glad you like my stuff. You commenting on Choo made me go back and read it. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, being such a long time ago. If I ever revisited Choo I'd completely revamp it. The premise would be the same, but I'd make the story something less generic, I think. Maybe some day!
Thanks for all the kind words, man. Keep it real yourself.
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wezenbeesje [2012-10-01 09:17:14 +0000 UTC]
Interesting style you got here. And an oekaki artist too I see! Yay.
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taeMoonie [2012-05-16 00:31:25 +0000 UTC]
wasap! I featured your art in my journal [link]
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trexr [2012-04-06 22:24:59 +0000 UTC]
Just looking through your gallery. Other than Oekaki, what programs do you use?
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Ulreika In reply to trexr [2012-04-07 10:15:53 +0000 UTC]
Close to nothing else. Then some of my art is from places like iscribble.net & niko's paintchat.
Basically I have a terrible habit of drawing everything online.
I have a few photoshop pics kicking around here, but it crapped out on me completely so I cant use that anymore.
BUT!! HOWEVA!! I just got Sai tonight, and its too fucking awesome to ignore, so I'll be usin' it for sure.
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penguinguy [2012-01-19 07:14:31 +0000 UTC]
love your recent uploads and i missed your artand character design a lot!@_@ you are one of my favorites
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Ulreika In reply to penguinguy [2012-01-20 02:43:24 +0000 UTC]
olias you're a sweetheart muwah muwah thankyou for all your awesome comments!! u wu ~
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penguinguy In reply to Ulreika [2012-01-22 22:48:03 +0000 UTC]
bobbert scaulderoy crimby <3 ;o;
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Choomoon [2011-12-22 16:51:55 +0000 UTC]
Pretty good stuff . I'm subscribing! Keep it up!
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skarzynscy [2011-10-21 15:04:59 +0000 UTC]
Hot thanks for "Hot Legs - Little Street - Pag" in Your fav.
In my gallery i have many others photos from interesting places (my Cracow, Praha, Wien, Mallorca, Mellorca, Moroccco, Rodos, Florida) and beautiful flowers, trees, animals etc.
Maybe You find something...
Greetings from Poland!
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Ulreika In reply to pdox [2011-09-30 10:29:19 +0000 UTC]
Thanks! I'll try hahaha, its a bit tough these days..Can't seem to really commit to anything
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BizzareContrivance [2011-08-13 02:40:58 +0000 UTC]
ahhhhhhhh thanks for the faves, i love your work <:
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Ulreika In reply to BizzareContrivance [2011-08-14 00:20:16 +0000 UTC]
np you have some cool stuff.
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