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| Uchiha00006
# Statistics
Favourites: 463; Deviations: 647; Watchers: 232
Watching: 397; Pageviews: 72826; Comments Made: 13298; Friends: 397
# Comments
Comments: 2709
Uchiha00006 In reply to SilentUmbreon [2014-12-22 02:11:04 +0000 UTC]
I've gotten quite bad about coming on here as well, so no worries! o3o And I've been doing good, you?
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SilentUmbreon In reply to Uchiha00006 [2015-01-12 06:27:34 +0000 UTC]
Iv been doing great since I have been on break. Majority of it was consumed by everything else I had to organize, clean, and getting for my next convention, but it was relaxing nonetheless. I have been working on an armor set for the Denver Comic Con in May. Its basically a nice vacation for me pretty much lol.
How has your break been?
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HITsuYUzu [2013-08-10 04:34:54 +0000 UTC]
Happy belated birthday and goodluck with the contest!
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Uchiha00006 In reply to SilentUmbreon [2013-01-31 00:17:37 +0000 UTC]
Hey! Long time no talk! How are you ne?
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SilentUmbreon In reply to Uchiha00006 [2013-01-31 00:21:27 +0000 UTC]
I have been great! Went through alot of soul searching and changes and after looking at old journals and notes...I am definetly not that person back then o.O haha. How are you? i remember your pictures you drew for me, still look awesome :biggrin:
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Uchiha00006 In reply to SilentUmbreon [2013-01-31 03:49:38 +0000 UTC]
I'm doing fine, getting ready for college, helping my mom with her divorce, etc..
I know that feeling. People can really change in such a short time and not even notice it!
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SilentUmbreon In reply to Uchiha00006 [2013-01-31 05:22:42 +0000 UTC]
ah thats cool for the college part. The divorce Im sorry about, are you doing alright?
Oh yeah no kidding, Im happy about it haha.
Still do requests?
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Uchiha00006 In reply to SilentUmbreon [2013-01-31 05:40:31 +0000 UTC]
Yeah I'm doing alright. If anything goes wrong we'll just move down south to Palm Springs with my Grandmother.
Yeah I do. What'd ya have in mind?
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SilentUmbreon In reply to Uchiha00006 [2013-01-31 05:44:21 +0000 UTC]
Thats good, as long as you are good, thigns will look up at least. And you have a plan if anythign so it sounds like you guys are good.
Hey I dont know if you still watch me but I actually have some cosplays up from a recent anime convention I went to. Hmm I was thinking a scene that signifies the return of the umbreon, lol you know like I came back from such a long time of inactivity.
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Uchiha00006 In reply to SilentUmbreon [2013-01-31 05:51:36 +0000 UTC]
Hm...like say some people are talking in a room, then BAM! The door swings open and there you are, looking like you went through hell and back, and you're holding something. The people gasp and say "Y-you! You're back!" To which you'd reply "Yes..and I have something to show you that might shake the very boundaries of the world."
Something like that?
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SilentUmbreon In reply to Uchiha00006 [2013-01-31 05:54:11 +0000 UTC]
thats perfect haha, I love it. Thank you if you could
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Uchiha00006 In reply to SilentUmbreon [2013-01-31 05:56:43 +0000 UTC]
I'm on it! And welcome back.
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ruledbyping [2012-04-17 14:28:36 +0000 UTC]
hiiiiiiiiiiiii idkk wut to doD: i used to go to ur old chatroom..narutorpxd but over the years i hav not logged in....however i miss eveybody i used to tlk to so i thought id try to get back in;D but it didnt work
but it said something about a new room so i thought id ask u
thxxx and all tht gud stuff:3
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Uchiha00006 In reply to ruledbyping [2012-04-17 16:12:54 +0000 UTC]
I think it might be best to try to find a different chatroom. No one has been in the new room for quite someime, even I don't go in anymore. Anyone who used to go in the room has either been inactive on DA, or simply stopped joining the room altogether. Forgive me for giving you this sorrowful news.
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ruledbyping In reply to Uchiha00006 [2012-04-24 15:27:39 +0000 UTC]
NOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!! mann tht realy is sad news thx for replying:/ lol it was a fun chatroom
gl with wut ever u do and i hope u have fun
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princesshyuuga01 [2012-04-10 13:18:43 +0000 UTC]
If you're a Sasuke/Tenten fan, please consider visiting my gallery! I've got loads of SasuTen stuff!
Add me to your +Watch & +Favourite
my work, if you like it!
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summermacpherson [2012-02-19 13:29:30 +0000 UTC]
i heard you don't like cats.
neither do i. xD
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Uchiha00006 In reply to summermacpherson [2012-02-20 00:05:44 +0000 UTC]
Eh? I like cats. I have three of them.
I don't like Nekos. (Or basically cat people)
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summermacpherson In reply to Uchiha00006 [2012-02-20 11:15:18 +0000 UTC]
oh. ._.
i don't like cats. xD I'm actually felinophobic.
but i also don't really have a thing for nekos, either. My OCs for ECE are probably two of the very very few nekos i have.
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Uchiha00006 In reply to summermacpherson [2012-02-20 12:20:17 +0000 UTC]
Same here. My twin OCs for ECE are the only Nekos I have.
Aw, but cats are so cute! XD
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summermacpherson In reply to Uchiha00006 [2012-02-20 22:13:38 +0000 UTC]
I'm terrified of cats. xD It's all because when I was little i was terrified of the Cheshire Cat in Disney's Alice in Wonderland. And I still am. and now i just fear cats.
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Uchiha00006 In reply to summermacpherson [2012-02-21 03:00:54 +0000 UTC]
I don't think you'd like it at my house then. A lot of strays hang around in the back yard.
The Chesire Cat, he was a bit trippy. (The enitre movie was lol)
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summermacpherson In reply to Uchiha00006 [2012-02-21 11:47:18 +0000 UTC]
o_o; cats...
yeah xD he terrified me, though, and he still does, idk why.
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Uchiha00006 In reply to NanakoNyan [2011-11-26 08:51:47 +0000 UTC]
deviantART muro drawing
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Sunny-Kisses [2011-11-08 00:22:26 +0000 UTC]
Do you draw people's OCs for yaoi? I need my OCs drawn, and you are a good artist.
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Uchiha00006 In reply to Sunny-Kisses [2011-11-08 03:59:31 +0000 UTC]
However be warned I tend to forget any kind of request if i have other projects in the work. Just a heads up.
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Sunny-Kisses In reply to Uchiha00006 [2011-11-08 11:02:47 +0000 UTC]
That's alright, I trust you to get any request done when you feel comfortable doing them. The references are in my gallery. Michael wears what you see in the pictures, and Jack always wears a pink sundress that goes to his thighs, babydoll shoes, and his trademark ribbon. Thank you so much for considering me for your art!
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Uchiha00006 In reply to Sunny-Kisses [2011-11-08 02:20:28 +0000 UTC]
Sure, gimme a referance and I'll get started.
I'll post it on my Request/Art trade account,
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Sasuke4Tenten [2011-10-30 20:08:10 +0000 UTC]
Thanks so much for adding me to your watch! But all my new art is submitted here ~TentenRikku
So please add this account to your watch!
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x3Soap3x [2011-10-27 19:15:07 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for the watch! (Oh and I love your art, its so cute! <3)
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