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# Comments
Comments: 154
LaMoonstar [2021-01-11 07:38:38 +0000 UTC]
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USA92 In reply to LaMoonstar [2021-01-12 23:48:45 +0000 UTC]
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Hettman [2020-03-11 10:59:07 +0000 UTC]
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Hettman [2019-11-10 05:12:36 +0000 UTC]
Forgive me for the uncensored cursing but I am at a complete loss at what is going on in my so called church at this very moment in time. (Both with what the clergy are doing AND with the complete silence/inaction on the part of the church laity)
I with the rest of the faithful who still take their relationship with the god of this World seriously and honour His ways & His Will are stuck in a full blown crisis of faith at the moment and are livid as hell about this all...
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USA92 In reply to Hettman [2019-11-15 07:04:49 +0000 UTC]
It is okay, Hettman. I forgive you for this sin, just as God forgives me for doing the same thing. Just make sure that this does not happen again. Everything is going to be okay. I understand that a church and its congregation deviating from God's Word (the Bible) and, in the case of the Catholic church, their teachings and their traditions, is causing major damage in physical, mental, and spiritual landscapes respectively. It is important to remain strong in your faith in God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit, even in the middle of dark moments in our lives. Satan does not rest when he is actively luring souls away from the Heavenly Father.
Faith -> Virtue -> Knowledge -> Temperance -> Patience -> Godliness -> Brotherly Kindness -> Love
A person going through a crisis of faith is tempted to turn away from all he or she had believed in. When we feel we are facing a crisis of faith, there are some questions we should ask ourselves:
1. What did I have faith in?
The idea of "faith" has become trendy, and some people use the word as a way to indicate how deep and spiritual they are. But faith is only as good as its object. You can have faith in a bridge, but if that bridge is built of rotting timber and constructed by a class of fourth-graders, it is not wise to cross it. So spiritual faith is only as good as its foundation.
We can have what we call a "crisis of faith" when the thing we believed in lets us down. But many times, what we called "faith" was only a misplaced trust in a god we invented. Was our trust in God—or in the notion that we would never experience the trouble of a certain type? Was the Lord the object of our faith—or a friend or family member who failed us? If we have placed our faith in anything other than the Person and Work of Jesus Christ, we are guaranteed disappointment (John 3:36).
2. What caused this crisis of faith?
Often, a crisis of faith is the result of a tragedy. The death of someone close, a betrayal by a spiritual mentor, a broken relationship, or some other type of devastating loss can cause us to question whether God is even paying attention. Sometimes, at the end of a series of emotional blows, we find ourselves at a crisis point. It is good to identify what got us there, to better understand the nature of our disappointment, and to know where the real wound lies.
3. What do I believe I deserve and did not get?
At the root of most faith crises is this fact: something should have happened one way, and it happened another way. When we live life with a lot of "should's," we are setting ourselves up for disappointment. For example, "I should have received an A on that test.", "He should love me after all I've done for him.", and "God should have healed my child." At the core of those statements is the unspoken assumption that we know more than God does. We determine what "should" happen, and God owes it to us to conform reality to our expectations.
Most Christians who have walked with God for any length of time have experienced at least one crisis of faith. Elijah experienced such a crisis when Queen Jezebel threatened to kill him. On the run for his life, Elijah "went a day's journey into the wilderness, and came and sat down under a juniper tree: and he requested for himself that he might die; and said, It is enough; now, O LORD, take away my life; for I am not better than my fathers" (1 Kings 19:4, KJV). Here was a godly man struggling with depression and beginning to lose the vision of why he was serving God.
A crisis of faith can bring us to the point of such desperation that we are willing to do things God's way, no matter the cost. To overcome a crisis of faith, we must surrender entirely to God's plan for us. To give God instructions about how our lives should go is to eventually suffer a crisis of faith when He does not follow our instructions. We may discover in our "dark night of the soul" that we had not given Him the wholehearted devotion He requires (Mark 12:29–30).
To overcome a crisis of faith, we must repent of any sin in our lives. Repentance is the doorway to freedom, so Satan and our flesh fight it. In our struggles, we will often do everything but repent. We will cry, complain, grovel, and condemn ourselves—but God asks for none of that. Jesus warned the church at Ephesus that, even though they were still keeping up appearances, their hearts had grown cold toward Him: "Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent" (Revelation 2:5, KJV).
In overcoming a crisis of faith, we must lay our hearts bare before the Lord, pour out our souls, and surrender afresh to His will for our lives (Galatians 2:20). We must cast down any idols we have erected in our hearts and abolish any worldly thoughts we have entertained in our minds (2 Corinthians 10:5). Then, by faith, we ask for the fruit that can be ours again: love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Galatians 5:22–23).
The psalmists faced life events that could have resulted in a crisis of faith for them (Psalm 10:1–11; 13:1–4; 22:1–18). They wrote about those times and were not afraid of being honest with God about their emotional struggles. In overcoming a spiritual crisis, we can pray this psalm back to the Lord, whether or not we "feel it" at the moment: "Hear, O LORD, and have mercy upon me: LORD, be thou my helper. Thou hast turned for me my mourning into dancing: thou hast put off my sackcloth, and girded me with gladness; To the end that my glory may sing praise to thee, and not be silent. O LORD my God, I will give thanks unto thee for ever" (Psalm 30:10–12).
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Hettman In reply to USA92 [2019-12-05 14:51:35 +0000 UTC]
I think the biggest problem for me (And for so many) is squarely this....
If we now have an Official Anti-Pope, (Which I FULLY Believe we have one now) And the man is shaping up to be a eerily similar figure mentioned by so many passages of the book of revelations and in other private Revelations/prophecies warning about a false prophet ushering in the grand Anti-christ.
If we have that happening... Are the priests, Cardinals, Arch Bishops, Bishops actually what they say they are?
Do we HAVE ANY REAL PRIESTS OF THE 1 TRUE GOD LEFT IN THIS CHURCH-BODY? Or have almos tall them become corrupt OR worse Cowardly to rock the boat with all this beyond annoying, incessant silence on spiritual matters that matter to one's salvation and as well as silence on all the demonic debaucherous crimes being commited by the clergy on their FELLOW FAITHFUL LAITY?
I absolutely fear for my own personal Salvation in light of these never-ending disasterous revelations AND moreover I tremble for the salvation of OTHERS.
And by what 'prophecies' am I reffering to exactly you may ask?...
I specifically refer to the one's mentioned in the new testament in St. Paul's letters (Don't remember which one it was?...) where he was shown a private revelation by Jesus himself and talks into depth about the coming "Mystery of Iniquity".
I also point to the revelations of the young seers at La Sallete France; Circa 1846 (The 2 worm ridden popes to come, and that Rome will lose the faith claim).
The message (And dire warning) found in Fatima by the 3 young Shepard children Circa 1917; ("Russia will spread her errors throughout the whole world... And will be the hammer of God that will bring a divine chastisement upon the world if mankind does NOT repent AND turn away from their dark ways"), and of Akita (Clarifying/repeating what was mentioned in Fatima) and more.
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Hettman In reply to USA92 [2019-11-21 22:29:32 +0000 UTC]
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Hettman [2019-11-10 01:52:06 +0000 UTC]
Watch this:
This video is the summation of my internal feelings/reaction to this Open Idolatry being promoted and committed by the Catholic Upper clergy (INCLUDING THE POPE OF ALL PEOPLE...): m.youtube.com/watch?v=he2pOrvR…
The Holy Spirit will without a doubt leave Saint Peter's Basilica as result of this undeniable blapshemy...
The Catholic Church (as it regards to its upper clergy in the Vatican) has BEFORE MY VERY CATHOLIC EYES become the seat of Satan and prophesied Whore of Babylon in my very life-time....
All foretold by the secrets entailed in the La Sallete and Fatima prophecies and as well as foretold in biblical Scriptures and the book of Revelations....
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Hettman [2019-10-31 05:21:05 +0000 UTC]
I just found this video just recently...
Do you think the author is completely right in his assessment of the 1st term Trump presidency as being classified as a qualified Failure? (In regards to the trade war with China)
The USA we know and love currently will be doomed to a communist-corporatist nightmare if these problems outlined are NOT dice IMMEDIATELY!
To outline how serious the situation is as it stands; We're almost OUT of Time, FOR REAL HERE...
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USA92 In reply to Hettman [2019-11-03 08:46:56 +0000 UTC]
I think the author, Kraut, is not entirely right or wrong as it pertains to the current American government's handling of trade policy with China. Its approach does need improvement in order for the United States to prosper without sacrificing its own sovereignty. In historical terms, as it relates to America's relationship with China and before then, it seems that President Donald Trump's strength in his policies comes from his perception of strength for better or worse. This meant that him standing up to China in favor of his country, the United States, can be seen as something that will free people, including the Chinese people, from the mainstream political establishment, even if it is at the expense of US gross domestic product (GDP) through such mechanisms as trade tariffs on items including steel and aluminum. The era of globalization ended since 2017. It can be argued that the capital employed and income produced by Wall Street stocks comes from foreign workers in China and elsewhere and not from workers whose home is Main Street America.
Two years into MAGAnomics (Trump economics), the Chinese slave-driven economy started to contract as American and other multinational conglomerates began locating elsewhere. Some returned to the United States, others moved to Vietnam and other low-wage labor markets. Wall Street stocks, which anticipated globalization as the wave of the future, had to go through a period of re-assessment and adjustment. But the American economy - the economy of Main Street America - remained strong and continued gaining in strength as de-regulation (i.e., getting rid of non-essential regulations) and a better tax environment brought manufacturing jobs and opportunities back home.
Contrary to Cold War-era idea that free trade would encourage tyrannical regimes to become democratic - an argument used to sell globalization - experience has now proven that this only serves to strengthen non-democratic human rights violators. China and Iran are two of the most shining examples. The widespread notion that democracy and free trade go hand-in-hand has been discredited by examples of democratic countries adopting protectionist policies.
President Trump has been a lone voice of realism against globalists, who initially pitched the democratizing influence of free trade, and they now are content with the status quo of their failure and the impoverishment of Western nations. Globalists have made the United States a service economy with seventy percent of all employment in service industries. American services are traded for foreign manufactured goods, leaving huge trade deficits and bankrupting the nation. Reversing these trends and President Trump's insistence that NATO partners carry their fair share of the cost burden are the primary reasons why globalists have such intense hatred and opposition to him.
With the trade war between the US and China happening with no agreement in sight (as of now), on the Chinese side, its military will not expand when its economy lacks supply and suppliers keeping it propped up for a potential expansion beyond its territories. The way Trump handled China and United States' trade policies result in the latter country suffering from some economic wounds (e.g., farmers experiencing an agricultural crisis and average households facing increased costs), but it also meant that it prevented the former country from growing its economy and expanding its influence further. It is safe to say that both countries are hurt by tariffs passed by each of them respectively, and they are taking measures to address some of the damage the trade war caused. Protected industries would see an increase in consumer spending and more jobs and income, but unprotected industries would experience less consumer spending and fewer jobs and income. Thus, with tariffs, overall economic productivity experiences more labor in less efficient industries, reduced output per hour, and reduced overall output and income. The trade war also led to market instability.
Trump justified having tariffs implemented on Chinese goods flowing to America because they will help move jobs and money back to the US economy, reducing the trade deficit and promoting domestic manufacturing. The deficits seemed to be mitigated somewhat by surpluses generated in services. Trade seems to be something Trump focuses on without including democracy and human rights as a part of that policy. Part of why Trump had to revise America's agreement with China is to address intellectual property theft. (He and his associates have a connection with China.)
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Hettman [2019-06-11 10:32:08 +0000 UTC]
As a Byzantine rite Catholic, I am beyond appalled by this sudden news.
Who dares change what already is a properly translated and perfect prayer (Gaven BY THEE LORD JESUS CHRIST HIMSELF) into something more "inclusive"....?
And then has the gall to ask others to lead others in like-minded footsteps?
This so called Vicar of Christ is certainly NOT doing the will of Jesus but his own disorienting one.
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USA92 In reply to Hettman [2019-06-12 05:21:37 +0000 UTC]
It is that appalling to this news. As a Christian, even I know that Jesus Christ is higher than every priest in world history. Since Pope Francis holds the title of Vicar of Christ, then he is likely to claim that he has the same power and authority that Christ had over the church. He has dared to lure people away from God and Christ by altering a prayer because of his issue with a certain translation. Inclusive? I bet he does that for deception.
I remember the saying that the path to Hell is paved with good intentions. He may think he is helping out the marginalized in society, but he is doing so outside of Godly boundaries. Francis did not die for all of our sins nor has he been perfect in his life. Jesus Christ, the mediator between God and humankind, as God the Son in the Holy Trinity (the Godhead), is without sin. No man could do what Christ has done, or what Christ is now doing on behalf of humankind. The title of vicar also carries with it another implication: the bearer has the same jurisdictional power of the official he represents. In Matthew 16:18, Jesus Christ is the one who says He will build His church; He never delegates this power. By claiming the title of Vicar of Christ, the reigning pope is, in fact, promising to do what Christ promised. Nobody can replace Jesus Christ, not even the Catholic pope. The only biblical Vicar of Christ is the Holy Spirit. Therefore, ascribing the pope the title of the Vicar of Christ is considered blasphemy.
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Hettman In reply to USA92 [2019-06-16 12:29:42 +0000 UTC]
As I understand things presently...
All the Pope (As the bishop of Rome) is none other then a elected, spiritual successor to Simon [Peter].
(Through an apostolic succession rite)
So whoever is rightful and legitimately brought about Pope in any time-frame and place.
Only has only the size and scope of authority that was given by Jesus to Peter Directly...
What this Francis character has done with this move, along with his Blasphemous doctrines (Amores leticia) and other questionable actions throughout the years; Has effectively over-stepped his boundaries and is effectively doing what is (Jesus' job)...
So to put this in secular, layman's terms...
It would be exactly like: IF The Vice President Mike Pence was to suddenly start claiming to be a [Second President of the United States of America] and to have the audacity to issue executive orders to Congress and the Millitary & top brass of the NSA/CIA/FBI/DIAIRS/Etc to change and rewrite whole laws/codes/formalities and as well as sign off bills and other congressional or non-congressional gimmicks on behalf AND in the name of the Official President (Trump)....
It would be both an unconstitutional/unlawful and illegal act that would constitute a high degree of Treason and sedition.
(Essentially the second highest form of a constitutional crisis)
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USA92 In reply to Hettman [2019-06-18 03:01:25 +0000 UTC]
It is shameful that Pope Francis I would disgrace the Roman Catholic congregation with his garbage. This is what I was talking about: the Pope taking Jesus Christ's place. It is no surprise that Catholics believe that Jesus Christ made Peter the leader of the apostles. They believe that he and the other twelve apostles pass their authority on to their successors, which continues for the rest of history, including today. Peter is believed to be the leader of the apostles, with the greatest authority, and therefore his successors carry on the greatest authority. The Roman Catholic Church combines this belief with the concept that Peter later became the first bishop of Rome, and that the Roman bishops that followed Peter were accepted by the early church as the central authority among all of the churches. Apostolic succession, combined with Peter’s supremacy among the apostles, results in the Roman bishop being the supreme authority of the Catholic Church – the Pope.
However, nowhere in Scripture did Jesus, the apostles, or any other New Testament writer set forth the idea of "apostolic succession." Further, neither is Peter presented as "supreme" over the other apostles. In fact, apostle Paul rebuked Peter when the latter was leading others astray (Galatians 2:11-14). Yes, the apostle Peter had a prominent role. Yes, perhaps the apostle Peter was the leader of the apostles (although the book of Acts records the apostle Paul and Jesus' brother James as also having prominent leadership roles). Whatever the case, Peter was not the "commander" or supreme authority over the other apostles. Even if apostolic succession could be demonstrated from Scripture, which it cannot, it would not result in Peter's successors being absolutely supreme over the other apostles' successors.
Catholics point to Matthias being chosen to replace Judas as the twelfth apostle in Acts chapter 1 as an example of apostolic succession. While Matthias did indeed "succeed" Judas as an apostle, this is in no sense an argument for continuing apostolic succession. Matthias chosen to replace Judas is only an argument for the church replacing ungodly and unfaithful leaders (e.g., Judas) with godly and faithful leaders (e.g., Matthias). Nowhere in the New Testament are any of the twelve apostles recorded as passing on their apostolic authority to successors. Nowhere do any of the apostles predict that they will pass on their apostolic authority. No, Jesus ordained the apostles to build the foundation of the church (Ephesians 2:20). What is the foundation of the church that the apostles built? The New Testament – the record of the deeds and teachings of the apostles. The church does not need apostolic successors. The church needs the teachings of the apostles accurately recorded and preserved, and that is exactly what God has provided in His Word (Ephesians 1:13; Colossians 1:5; 2 Timothy 2:15; 4:2).
Although I am not a Catholic myself, from what I understand about Christianity and Scripture, the Bible does not promote the concept of apostolic succession. However, what is found in it is that the true church will teach what the Scriptures teach and will compare all doctrines and practices to Scripture in order to determine what is true and right. The Roman Catholic Church claims that a lack of ongoing apostolic authority results in doctrinal confusion and chaos. It is an unfortunate truth (that the apostles acknowledged) that false teachers would arise (2 Peter 2:1). Admittedly, the lack of "supreme authority" among non-Catholic churches results in many different interpretations of the Bible. However, these differences in interpretation are not the result of Scripture being unclear. Rather, they are the result of even non-Catholic Christians carrying on the Catholic tradition of interpreting Scripture in accordance with their own traditions. If Scripture is studied in its entirety and in its proper context, the truth can be easily determined. Doctrinal differences and denominational conflicts are a result of some Christians refusing to agree with what Scripture says – not a result of there being no "supreme authority" to interpret Scripture.
Scriptural teaching helps Christians determine the truth, even that about the church. What is mentioned in Scripture is the idea that the Word of God was to be the guide that the church was to follow (Acts 20:32). It is Scripture that was to be the infallible measuring stick for teaching and practice (2 Timothy 3:16-17). It is the Scriptures that teachings are to be compared with (Acts 17:10-12). Apostolic authority was passed on through the writings of the apostles, not through apostolic succession. You and I may have similarities and differences on topics such as the apostolic succession, but at least we can agree that Francis has gone too far with his leadership style and is causing chaos, division, and usurpation of divine authority.
(Also, your example of a constitutional crisis gives clarity as to understanding how Pope Francis I caused a crisis within the Roman Catholic Church through his beliefs, conduct, and behavior. It is a good example.)
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Hettman In reply to USA92 [2019-06-21 06:17:01 +0000 UTC]
The problem with ascribing full blame with Francis is a bit of a incomplete move if you were to ask me.
Or in the case with my older, Grand Parents generation on this matter.
Because the grand disorientation and apostasy we are witnessing across all Catholic Churches in the world, started way Looong before Francis I began to attempt to rewrite/reword the gospel messages/doctrines/dogmas...
In fact you can trace early writings from #Based Pious the 10th talking about "innovators infiltrating the church from within as far back as the mid 1850's...
But he didn't exactly call the Apostate priests/seminary teachers "liberals" but 'Modernists'.
Although I think the more correct term would be to call the liberal teachers of the faith #Progressivists or Rationalists that deny a lot of things about Jesus and the gospel messages.
Dr. Taylor Marshall has a good read on this topic, as I know of no other person as critical of Francis in the papacy to this extent.
And yes it touches on many secret societies involved in a grand conspiracy to bring down all of Christendom; Starting with the Catholic Church (To replace it with the New Era Church of the Anti-Christ) and onward.
Definitely a well researched and mostly well grounded theology if you ask me.
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USA92 In reply to USA92 [2019-06-13 02:06:19 +0000 UTC]
The change to the Lord's Prayer has officially been made since last week.
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Hettman In reply to USA92 [2019-06-27 09:02:14 +0000 UTC]
I am this: (trcthoughts.com/wp-content/upl… ) close to breaking down, [mentally/spiritually speaking] and going the sedevacanté route in life; In the light of that link you managed to find and post to me....
This cannot be, does NO cathlic outside of people like Taylor Marshall, Cardinal Schneider, Arch Bishop Lefevbre, Faith Goldy, etc... NOT have the canines to yell/say HERESY/APOSTASY to all the laiety and the rest of the misguided as hell clergy??!!
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Hettman [2019-05-31 05:56:09 +0000 UTC]
Man.... Hillary is like a bad case of Herpes, these memes are still popping up around twitter about her.
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USA92 In reply to Hettman [2019-06-01 03:22:53 +0000 UTC]
She never really stays out of politics, even though she lost the 2016 presidential election.
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USA92 In reply to HunterBrony101 [2019-01-15 07:39:27 +0000 UTC]
Thank you, HunterBrony101!
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ArterialBlack716 [2018-12-25 15:42:34 +0000 UTC]
thanks for the llama, dude! Merry Christmas!
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USA92 In reply to ArterialBlack716 [2018-12-25 17:23:17 +0000 UTC]
You are welcome! Merry Christmas!
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Hettman [2018-11-07 10:07:54 +0000 UTC]
Just FYI...
Gab miraculously has re-appeared on the net... Though it is having major Host/connection issues.
Cannot believe to hear you got an attempted swatting incident like many others did in the past.
I am also being subjected to a bunch of ridiculous, and rather unsuccessful trolling and other ridiculous stalking raids by cyber vermin on Gab who all happen to be friends or fans Oflameo, or a bunch of 4chan Autists with serious ego issues... (Of whom I personally have no problem tearing down very bluntly)
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USA92 In reply to NicWaterfill [2018-06-27 22:47:52 +0000 UTC]
Doctor Bristle (alternately, Brawny Steed)
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NicWaterfill In reply to USA92 [2018-06-27 22:48:46 +0000 UTC]
Nic Nerdy
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USA92 [2018-01-08 03:25:36 +0000 UTC]
Today, as of 9:00 pm CST, it has been nine years since I have entered into DeviantArt. I have been on static for a few years until getting involved in blogging and MLP convinced me to do more with my account. I then decided to get creative and post pictures and journal entries in it. Despite all the obstacles I came across during this time, at least I come out strong. Also, do not forget that my birthday is on the next Sunday this next week.
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USA92 In reply to Anonnim [2017-08-20 11:40:03 +0000 UTC]
Hello! What do you mean by taking a request, if you do not mind me asking? I can take art requests when I am ready. You can feel free to request ideas for me to create art with, but I will let you know whether or not I can do it. If I cannot do it, then I will give a reason or so for why (except in cases that do not require it). In case I do it, it will not be guaranteed to be finished by a set deadline because of my life's priorities. Rest assured that I am still creating DA art as of now.
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